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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15783829 No.15783829 [Reply] [Original]

Every day, it's "fat Russian" or "Russian scammer" from you guys. As if the "Russian" part was a bad thing.

Did you perchance vote for Clinton?

>> No.15783916

russians were the defacto example of commies for most of the last century so they're the archetypal bad guys in the minds of most people in the west.

most normies are about 10 years behind on this but the bad guys are the chinks now.

>> No.15783926

I have no problem with my vodka-american friends and more than I have with my pasta-american friends or my basketball-american friends.

>> No.15783941

They bought Trump!!! We need to nuke them!!

JK I'd like to learn the language to meet some thick skin eastern white girls. Lot of them still carry heavy traditional values that are crucial for having a nice family in our lifetime

>> No.15784285

Because they used to be the arch-enemy of people that belong culturally to the West. Also, those that were part of the Soviet experiment hate them because it was a forced union, not a natural one, and a pretty bad experiencr in general. Chinks don't actually post here it's just a meme, and Indians don't give a single shit about culture, people, or anything in general that doesn't make them able to show-off or profit from in some way.

>> No.15784394

>Why does this board hate Russians so much?
This board doesn't hate russians, it likes fud

>> No.15784573

This. We believe in you Russia. We want you to be free. i hope you have true democracy n no off the scale corruption by the next world war so we can be allies.

>> No.15784602
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 1558125161446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me, sergey is just as american as you, bigot

>> No.15784603

Fuck off Putin im not fallin for your psyop

>> No.15784762

>sergey is just as american as you

cause he's FAT lel

>> No.15785017

Wtf anon I actually love Sergey

>> No.15785133

Stop wishing the cancer of democracy upon the russians, it's a chaos engine shitshow and totally laughable that you would equate it with freedom when different segments of the population are constantly brainstorming and implementing excuses to expand government power in all aspects of society and to coerce one another.

>> No.15785182


Russians are bad, the wilyness of kikes plus the trashiness of niggers all in one package.

>> No.15786058

Fuck you piece of shit, enjoy being dumped on by this obese russian owning 2/3 of the supply hahahsha

>> No.15786073

shut up you fat russian scammer

>> No.15786515

You voted for Clinton, huh?

>> No.15786517

imagine owning this shit coin literally useless

>> No.15786541

I never forgot that a russian killed apollo creed.

>> No.15786545
File: 41 KB, 945x745, 1568392013450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I can’t belive anyone would dislike my 2 year long shitcoin spam campaign laden with newfuck 2016 migrant rebbit memes and overload mannerisms on their only outlet from normie social media
>>I am convinced that 10 people posting jokes is enough to suppress the price of a 1 billion dollar marketcap shitcoin, yes, this is how either important to my shitcoin
>>I find this place or how worthless my shitcoin is due to the fact it can be swayed by 10 nobodies
>>Alright boys! The Fud died down a bit, let's post the same 15 threads again!
>>Pajeet, get your men on it! Keep shilling, keep posting. Form a false groupthink that everyone loves our shittoken, damn the easiest money I've ever made.
>>The irony that paid pajeets shilling some imaginary sirgay skydaddy token with esoteric garbage have the balls to call true-blooded europeans posting here pajeet
>>shit streets shitting up this board

>> No.15786561

Russians have never won anything legitimately. They're cheaters through and through.

>> No.15786564
File: 153 KB, 504x732, 1567840455165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hear that fellow freedom fighters?

It's the linkers quaking in their boots. I see the freedom we can enjoy. A board free of linkers.

The tyranny imposed by sirgay and his cult will not go on. Boomer threads. Job threads. Gold/silver/oil threads.

General advice. Stock market. Real estate. Other forms of business and advice will go on.

WE will rid this board of these parasites and paid indian posters of the chainlink team.

And we will see this board cleansed and sirgay arrested.

Never surrender. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.15786739 [DELETED] 

reminder that LINK is NOTHING like ETH.

1. ETH had a testnet with thousands of users and finished mainnet 1 year after ICO, and only raised 16mil. Chainlink had a testnet and mainnet with ZERO users after 2 years and 32mil. It has gained ZERO adoption (the partnerships aren't using it). The level of developer adoption and excitement for ETH vs LINK is absolutely incomparable, LINK has none.

2. The Ethereum tech was actually innovative. It was the first successful attempt at a smart contract platform. It was decentralized and working one year after ICO. Chainlink only has centralized oracles (Sergey is lying about decentralization) which are not new or innovative. Their "innovative" solution to sybil resistant consensus is KYC.

3. The Ethereum foundation only had 1% of the Ethereum supply after ICO. The Chainlink team has 65%. Also when Ethereum was $1, it had a market cap of less than $100,000,000. It was actually a low market cap gem. Chainlink's real marketcap (if you count the 650,000,000 tokens in Sergey's wallet, ready to sell) is currently $2,000,000,000, which makes it an incredibly overpriced top 10 coin, not a low market cap gem like Ethereum was at the time.

4. Chainlink has already had mainstream exposure. It's made the front page of crypto subreddits countless times, was covered in forbes and every news outlet imaginable. Yet, even after all this attention, it has failed to get any developer adoption. It is fair to say that every single dev in the space knows about Chainlink, and decides not to use it. There are many projects running oracles in production, none of them choose to use Chainlink.

>> No.15786748

LINK is made obsolete by RLC. Microsoft chose RLC. google blogpost is just blogpost, fat faggot from oracle will get fires for pumping his own bags.

>> No.15787163

Because here we hate money

>> No.15787164

>one post by OP
>retarded off topic question
>several pasta bot replies
>23 idiots ITT
Never change new fags. Falling for literally every bot thread