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15782605 No.15782605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I long dysgenics in America?

>> No.15782612

Ask india

>> No.15782615

Just keep making pointless fucking threads that should change your financial future

>> No.15782622

kill them all

>> No.15782626


seething butthurt buttmad lmao

>> No.15782633


>> No.15782644


Double Nigger

>> No.15782654

OP rekt

>> No.15782685

Took my son to a monster truck show this past Saturday, fucking depressing. So many scummy, fat and/or sickly looking people, it was unreal.

The bottom isn't going to be around much longer.

>> No.15782717

So he fucked her?
How does she even have room in their for her heart and lungs.

This is evil

>> No.15782762
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how the hell can that work?
if the baby kicks she'll probably roll off the couch

>> No.15782936
File: 413 KB, 1000x1332, Eukaryota_diversity_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, if people want to have kids, let them.

Propagating your genes is literally THE ENTIRE POINT of life. If you don't believe me then you haven't even taken a cursory glance at nature.

Why do animals fight each other to the near-death for the chance of procreating with the best females? Why do bacteria and other microorganisms multiply massively when given a food source? Because life is just a self-propagating set of chemicals, that's why. And that set of chemicals (RNA, DNA) have found more and more complex ways to ensure their survival.

Life consists of living things competing for dominance and continued survival on Earth. We're all competing to spread our genes down through the generations. So if people want to have kids, let them. They're fulfilling their biological purpose.

>> No.15782952


>> No.15783057
File: 174 KB, 257x312, fire3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought the point of life was to wait out heat death circling around a black hole with simulated consciousness where 1 sec IRL is a trillion sec in the simulation utopia

>> No.15783278


>> No.15783296

I think burning people at the stake will make a comeback

>> No.15783310

those are tump voters you were looking at

>> No.15783335

people with shit genes will just breed degenerate kids that will suffer. It is selfish.

>> No.15783343

That's not an argument.

No. Also heat death of the universe is just a theory. We don't know for sure whether it will happen. Maybe we can prevent it.

The point of life is to propagate one's genes like I said. Simple as.

Glad you agree m8.

>> No.15783395

how do you know that´s the point of life anon?

and if it was, doesn't that provide an argument against degenerates and mutants in that the resources they use could be better spent on individuals more fit to expand the possibilities of life?

>> No.15783481

>how do you know that´s the point of life anon?
Like I said, look at nature. The lengths that all organisms will go to just to try and procreate is insane. Because it really is the most important thing in the life of any organism.

>doesn't that provide an argument against degenerates and mutants in that the resources they use could be better spent on individuals more fit to expand the possibilities of life?
I guess that's an ethical question and I'll leave that up to the people of society to answer.

>> No.15783531

Cause does not equal purpose. Simply because the reason you exist was because others passed down their genes does not mean it will in any way impact your life whether you do or not. It will have no bearing on your death, to think that passing on your genes will fulfill you is a fallacy. Furthermore as a society we are not island's, the actions of one ripple through society. We are a collective organism as well and allowing people with crippling illness to have kids only further burdens our social infrastructure and wastes resources.

>> No.15784028

The purpose of living things with shitty genes is to die
Only humans are stupid enough to think there is value in people who don't function or have self-awareness
How many billions of dollars a year go toward coddling people already one foot in the grave?
It isn't a coincidence that that number has gone up as the number of revolutionary scientific discoveries per decade has gone down

>> No.15784224

>does not mean it will in any way impact your life whether you do or not
You think having kids doesn't impact someone's life? What?
>It will have no bearing on your death
When you die, you will have either passed on your genes (evolutionary success) or not (evolutionary failure).

No, all organisms are trying to propagate their genes, obviously.

If you want to change society's rules about what it gives money to, that's up to you. That's a moral question. I'm not making a moral point, so your point is irrelevant to mine. I'm simply stating what appears to be a fact about nature.

If you want to have your moral attitude about where society's funding should go, okay. That's up to you.

>> No.15784244

read >>15783335

>> No.15784259

Most of America is ugly fat boomers with heart disease, just ask any doctor. Not much time now until they start dropping like flies from various diseases caused by lack of movement/nutrition

>> No.15784273
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Why would you circle a black hole, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being in an upclocked simulation? If every second of your simulation is a trillion subjective years and also a trillion years for the rest of the universe, why bother?

>> No.15784291

You’ve made the common fatal error of assuming there’s some teleology to evelotion. There isn’t. Things with “shitty” genes tend to die, things with genes fit for their environment tend to live. That doesn’t mean either one OUGHT to live or die, it’s just how it happens to be.
>only humans think shitty genes have value
Yeah, because only humans think, retard. Humans are value providers, without humans there is no value.

>> No.15784316
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i'm just jesting. and i know heat death is a theory, i don't want to believe in it myself

what type of person uses that word?

>> No.15784324

>We're all competing to spread our genes down through the generations. So if people want to have kids, let them.

>We're all competing to spread our genes down through the generations
>You should let other people win that competition
>You should let other people with very clearly inferior genes win that competition

>> No.15784344
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you circle the black hole because that's the only way to still get power in the otherwise dead universe and the point of the simulation is to drag out the time remaining until the black hole can't provide power any longer. if we can think a trillion times faster than IRL we might figure out a solution before time runs out.

>> No.15784368
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Checked. How do we pump power from a black hole does this have to do with Hawking radiation, how can that be harnessed OP please deliver, and hurry.

>> No.15784370

she looks like fucking kirby

>> No.15784396
File: 6 KB, 378x378, george50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civilizations at the End of Time: Black Hole Farming

if you're into this kind of stuff that youtube channel is top tier. you just have to overcome his dialect.

>> No.15784407

We won't. It's impossible

>> No.15784428
File: 21 KB, 480x257, japanese porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also forgive me for not answering your question directly, been several years since i watched that video so instead of answering poorly i just linked it

maybe with today's understanding. a lot can happen in a zillion years. maybe there's a particle out there somewhere that just gives off infinite energy for no reason, what do we know. we don't even know why there's gravity, "it's just a law".