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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 157x43, quant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15780594 No.15780594 [Reply] [Original]

You deserve to be poor if you don't hold at minimum a suicide stack.

>> No.15780610

Got about 1300, enough for suicide bag?

>> No.15780621

That's more than enough

>> No.15780948

Realistic price prediction for eoy?
I’ve got 1k quant is that enough to hold for years to come?

>> No.15780966

Pajeet scams are all just stealing link memes these days :/ (suicide stack)

>> No.15780970

>qnt, ftm, jibrel, sent, holo
You name it, it’s all fucking trash. Don’t get played biz

>> No.15781039

I can really see $100 EOY. Especially if BTC does well.

>> No.15781051

Lol seething LINK holder.

>> No.15781246
File: 76 KB, 1080x989, Screenshot_20191001-073747_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stack is pitiful but at least I have some.

>> No.15781267

quant isnt a scam, you trash. Look it up. It even did 100x after only 1 year. Read predictions. Only good things are said about quant
this is one of the few actually good shills (unlike say rsr)

>> No.15781284

oh yeah forgot to add link to that.

>> No.15781329

100$ very possible. QNT is ridiculously undervalued right now. This will see ETH like returns the coming years.

>> No.15781387

quant is shit at networking. Their team fucked up the sibos exposure. Will go down in shit and be replaced by chainlink partnerships. You played, you lost, good luck next time quantjeets

>> No.15781410
File: 669 KB, 1440x1168, stinkystinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crawl back into your hole stinker!

>> No.15781806

Blockchain Brad's Quant video coming today or tomorrow, he interviewed Gilbert for an hour.

>> No.15781909
File: 58 KB, 356x381, Bosch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny spotted

>> No.15781962

Every QNT thread within 5 posts a l*nktard shows up lile clockwork. Getting a bit antsy there huh? QNT replaced l*nk as the hot new blockchain thing at Sibos, and is on trajectory to overtake its marketcap. Imagine not selling your meme coin for a coin that's actually making strides in the real world not just on biz.

>> No.15781980

More like people point out how qnt is just another PnD, and you pajeets try to deflect to attacking linkies, in a pathetic attempt to distract from the clear fact that qnt is a scam originating in India

>> No.15781990

Couldn't help bringing up l*nk in an unrelated thread tho huh...

>> No.15782044


By "replacing Link" at Sibos, you mean they were sponsors with a small exhibit booth...? I wouldn't exactly call that replacing. (I hold Link and Quant)

>> No.15782872

for the last fucking time, they didnt pay for sibos. if anyone interested in buying is reading this, i highly suggest you to do some of your own research. biz has become a cult for link. link will never hit $1000. meanwhile quant is dirt cheap. the network of networks.

quant is being implemented at layer 0 of the infrastructure of todays world. do you have any idea what the scope of this is?

look how far ripple came by implementing at banks one by one. quant is literally doing central banks

>> No.15782984

>do you have any idea what the scope of this is?
You absolutely don't. Stop parroting buzzwords from telegram, faggot.

>> No.15782998

whats the suicide stack?

>> No.15782999

>VIDT holder
You will make it.

>RSR holder
Wtf are you doing nigger

>> No.15783016

whats vidt suicide stack?

>> No.15783062

Have you looked at the code?

>> No.15783130

someone redpill me on qnt without the shill bullshit please

>> No.15783210

TCP/IP of blockchains.
every blockchain is isolated. with quant you can communicate with others in a trustless, infinite scalable way.

i suggest you watch blockchain brads interviews

>> No.15783230

Has anybody else not bought this because the name and ticker are fucking stupid? Or am I the only OCD retard here.

>> No.15783243

I sold 10k am I gonna make it?

>> No.15783256

you are an absolute moron.
do you think people didnt invest in apple because its a stupid name

>> No.15783257


>> No.15783267

Apple is a sweet name tho

>> No.15783274

how many dollars is that?

>> No.15783277

im not paying those overinflated puffed up prices. its worth 0.50 and saying its worth that price its current is hilarious and pajeet thinking.

>> No.15783792

dream on

>> No.15783997

about 7 grand
personally I think 250 Quant is a suicide stack but who knows

>> No.15784013

LOL can't believe this is actual FUD. Have you seen Google's code anon? Fucking retard.

>> No.15784382
File: 1.90 MB, 3307x2339, Data61-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not knowing the depth of Quant's connections. Time to drop a breadcrumb? Who is Data61? Only the spearhead for science/research division of Australia. Building the Australian National Blockchain and helped research Red Belly. They are also the lead on the Consumer Data Rights (Open Banking) initiative in Australia. Time to drop some autism.

>> No.15784643

they pumped it to .04ETH today only to pump ocean in return. its a big ass circle jerk of manipulating admins. its so evident what they're doing.

>> No.15784674
File: 130 KB, 946x658, ban2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: e8dDFiXD) 10/01/19(Tue)20:13:52 No.15784596▶
> >>15783398 (OP)
> 70% LINK
> 20% BTC
> 10% ETH
>Anonymous (ID: XkoABkb0) 10/01/19(Tue)20:20:47 No.15784637▶
> >>15784294
> That’s wrongthink here on /biz/; you can’t give good advice.

What does Quant even do?
And why does 4chan auto-fill so much bullshit when I hit "reply?" I didn't type a damn thing of above, and my clipboard is an image from discord.

>> No.15784702 [DELETED] 


Heres a good starter.


>> No.15784718


Heres a good starter article.


>> No.15784759
File: 36 KB, 711x267, scam01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like 4-5 paragraphs down, they say that quant isn't just unnecessary, but actually counterproductive.

As a software dev who's built countless blockchains (not like... businesses, just in the classroom showing people how to build blockchains...) I can't see any possible use for a "blockchain operating system" other than "extract money from goys with buzzwords."

What am I missing?

Literally sounds like buzzword soup scam to me.

>> No.15784780

Because you clearly didn't finish the article hahaha.

That paragraph refers to adding intermediary chains (Aion, Wan, ICX, Oneledger etc.)

Overledger isn't a blockchain and doesnt add extra complexity/consensus.

>> No.15784837

Of course I finished the article - it was a list of all the things that anyone with half a brain does with blockchains in their heads. Mental math level.


Yea... we don't need middleware for that... what the fuck is it even on about? How did this project become a thing? Who isn't shitting in the CEO's mouth?