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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 416 KB, 603x579, EC9DD60F-8EA1-4410-B216-1DBF5549DBD7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15776967 No.15776967 [Reply] [Original]

You’ve already made it

>> No.15776981
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, 1_SVOv0qdOC-skgPmjTD2Uow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is too stupid to realize how big this is

>> No.15777025
File: 9 KB, 456x210, Vidred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misread that for VID...you make the same points though.

>> No.15777102

Name me a crypto service you can literally re-sell right now to normies

>> No.15777443


>> No.15777661


>> No.15777760

it's funny seeing all the newfags fall for all the same traps as everyone did last time. stop buying coins on the promise of adoption. crypto isn't real. adoption is a meme. you aren't going to get rich holding a token that's designed to verify documents. jesus christ fucking wake up, only think that matters at this point is what BTC is doing.

>> No.15778313

ChainDocument has even more of a pedo logo than V-ID. Impressive.

>> No.15778619

It is already adopted you fucking nigger.

>> No.15778642

yeah, and it made you so rich didn't it? kek.
>muh adoption is going to drive this to the moon

>> No.15778724
File: 50 KB, 433x700, bizarrevintagephoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill on vidt

>> No.15778730

>The only crypto business with corporate clients is a bad investment
Literal retard

>> No.15778770
File: 74 KB, 960x540, bloodborne-doll-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just verify with your eyes, bro.

>> No.15778802

Research these companies. This is CHX 2.0 tier adoption. LMAO. These are all no-name companies that decided to use VIDT services to make money. Check the pic, it says "Develop your own business around data integrity by applying for the VIDT Platform Reseller Program".

Here's what Caltrix is doing:
>Caltrix enables digital innovation. We facilitate innovation with the latest technology.
>We are producing too much greenhouse emissions and are running out of natural resources at the same time. By linking excess materials from production processes to other businesses through a smart logistics network we can close the loop. Are you in?
>Fairtrade. Imagine a world where the complete ecosystem is fully transparent and visible. Consumers can rest assured a fair price was paid and a sustainable production method was used, gauranteeing fairtrade. Did you start yet?
>KYC regulation requires financial institutions to improve their operating procedures to ensure compliance while minimizing costs and retain profitability. Our solution can help you, let technology do the work.
What the fuck does greenhouse emissions have anything to do with KYC?

Now look at their website. They were too lazy to even change VIDT's template: https://www.caltrixconsultancy.com/kyc2
These companies are essentially third-party resllers that partnered with V-ID to make extra money and not because their businesses needed the validation technology.

>> No.15778894
File: 9 KB, 227x160, Chain-Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the "offices" of ChainDocument. They have three likes on Facebook. And their partners are WIOIOI (or whatever the fuck) and V-ID.

>> No.15778931

WIDIDI is the only decent one on the list, except they share the same address as V-ID. Research done for newfags. You're welcome.

>> No.15778936


>> No.15778958

Bullish af.. Looks like where Amazon started

>> No.15778970

Amazon had air conditioning.

>> No.15779000
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>> No.15779084
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Lekker bezig Pim!!!!

>> No.15779485

(You)fag is already here, too.
Thanks for all of your help in pumping this token, (You)fag.

>> No.15779582

Where's the pump? The price is still -77% since ATH.

>> No.15779637

After we have this thread every single hour of every single day for the next few weeks, no one will listen to your FUD. They will only see a project that has accumulated revenue when others have failed, and you'll look like a sad little boy holding a bare ice cream cone, sobbing that you didn't get to have fun like the rest of the kids.
Sorry things didn't go the way you wanted them to.

>> No.15779712
File: 541 KB, 729x961, triangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone who hasn't heard of VIDT has somehow seen my previous FUD
Sad little boy? Have fun like the rest of the kids? I don't want that kind of fun. Pedo association confirmed.

>> No.15779754

It's sad that you anchor disgust to this project, taking advantage of the hard work other people have done in places like this to uncover atrocities that occur across the world.
It's almost like you truly want this token to have something to do with pedophilia.
Please, explain to us how this project aids pedophilia in any way. We're all familiar with the databse the FBI has and the association certain symbols can indicate, but there's no grounds for this cryptocurrency to have anything to do with pedophilia.
It's quite clear who you are and what you're doing at this point.

>> No.15779755

yeah, because speculation (the only thing that pumps crypto) dies when you can actually look at the companies numbers. it's not going to pump to an insane mc you fucking retard. it's basically a free (free as in dirt cheap) service. I've been in crypto a long time, you really should listen to what I'm trying to tell you. ignore these kinds of shitcoins and just pay attention to what BTC is doing until we break new ATHs.

>> No.15779796

>dude like....this project is partnered with a multibillion dollar company....thats like.....better than anything else in crypto. if EOS can get a 9B mc before mainnet release..... that means something with real user should be able to get a trillion dollar market cap easily. it's like free money dude.

>> No.15779808

>That pic
You're proving his point you retard, your lack of self awareness is astounding.

>> No.15779809

you mean link?

>> No.15779829
File: 9 KB, 500x350, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost like you truly want this token to have something to do with pedophilia.
Paranoid schizo. It's called a joke. And not doing your research. I'm starting a new clothing company and decided to use pic related as the symbol. Should be fine, right?

>> No.15779833

I think he meant VeChain. we all know what happened to that after it finally went live with it's corporate clients....

>> No.15779902

You're hardly trying, (You)fag.
The normies will see this and they'll see how stupid you're being.
They'll research for themselves, not depending on you. They'll see the project has sizeable competition and that it's still maintaining consistent profits.
All you're doing is solidifying positions people have on this project.
Please keep bumping the thread. You're doing great. Thanks for all of your help!

>> No.15779940

Viddies are the Reqlets and VenFags of 2019. you cunts are going to hold this shit way longer than you should and post about it every god damn day until it's brutally clear that you fucked up badly. we finally got VenFags to admit to themselves how stupid they were....it only took a year and a half of bleeding. pay attention and learn from the mistakes of others.

>> No.15779974

Post portfolio with timestamp.

>> No.15779986

I bought a while back and have lost hundreds lmfao

>> No.15779999

I'm not here to shill anything. I don't care what you do or don't buy.
I don't, however, enjoy people using manipulative tactics to skew reality so that other morons are frozen with fear over which projects they should even research, let alone actually invest in.
We're all making a mistake in avoiding correcting the (You)fag.

>> No.15780012

It seems kek agrees with me.

>> No.15780025

>The normies will see this and they'll see how stupid you're being.
The normies will see that the partnerships are all fake. ChainDocument? Three likes on Facebook and their whole website is shilling V-ID. And no, AmSpec and Airbus are not partners, they're clients.

Interestingly WIDIDI has "also" partnered with Airbus. So let's wonder whether WIDIDI got them as a partner and brought V-ID on-board or the other way around. Or let's wonder if V-ID is actually a subsidiary of WIDIDI. Oh wait, they are. Indeed, WIDIDI owns V-ID, which is why they have the same address. Great partnership you got there, faggot. You are buying penny stocks in the side-project of some no-name developer.

>> No.15780033

Why are you trying so hard?

>> No.15780040

Just bought 100K

>> No.15780048
File: 52 KB, 605x328, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that an awfully fun question to ask?
Literally who goes through this much trouble to do something they aren't rewarded for.
Have you ever put in this much effort to something you don't intend to be rewarded for doing?

>> No.15780063

A week or two ago would have been the best time but now is still pretty good. People complaining that they lost money bought the top of an obvious pump because they don't know how market cycles work or that biz is full of shitskins. DYOR but factoring in buybacks, new liquidity and awareness raised by these 5 days of announcements I'd say we can expect at a solid 100k vit floor at least by the end of the month, regardless if it pumps massively or not.

>> No.15780102

>Literally who goes through this much trouble to do something they aren't rewarded for.
People who enjoy reading and researching. Why do people read history books? Maybe if you did your research, you would learn patterns and could connect the dots and not fall for shill tactics.

WIDIDI owns V-ID. Which is probably why they even share the same name. You all bought into a side-project. VIDT will convert into VIDS, or shares of V-ID. Not WIDIDI, the main company bringing in the revenue. LMAO.

>> No.15780184
File: 927 KB, 480x270, shark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15780189

WIDIDI owns V-ID. Which is probably why they even share the same name. You all bought into a side-project. VIDT will convert into VIDS, or shares of V-ID. Not WIDIDI, the main company bringing in the revenue. LMAO.

>> No.15780213

Literally no one ever spends their entire day on a website like this trying to ensure other people don't lose money.
It's always funny to see people attempt to explain their endeavor to help other people so selflessly. That's pretty much always the mark of someone hiding their true intention.

Everyone, please ask yourselves: Cui bono?

>> No.15780220
File: 388 KB, 607x609, pie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so clueless as to not even see how that is bad.

>> No.15780248
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, lol-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15780270

>13 posts by this ID
everyone looks past your comments when they see you f5 the page constantly you sperg AKA nobody believes you

>> No.15780288

People should be more concerned about their investment and where their money is going than how many times some random dude posted in a thread on 4chan. Fail.

>> No.15780300
File: 276 KB, 1024x512, 39c12092694ece7e5e7e97bdb0ffdfd20beb4b28c8e3e5c3f96615fed60e5be3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please... just one last (you)
>running low
>...on dopamine

>> No.15780319

>please... just buy
>running low
>...on money
Hope you sold the top, smartie pants.

>> No.15780423

I literally have a couple hundred dollars in this project. I'm not even that confident in it.
I halved my stack at like .4 after I bought in some where around .2
I don't care about this project going off any time soon. Even if it does, there's maybe a couple of hundred dollars in it for me, which is literally nothing to me.
You had a chance to promote another token/coin. You offered us some shit that dipped almost twice as hard as VIDT has, yet you return to each one of these threads and pour your brain on the floor in front of us, thinking that won't make us suspicious of you.
You're literally just here for the (You)s.

>> No.15780521

Lel. The critique is actually valid. The partnerships and clients are overblown. But still this is an easy 50M marketcap. Especially because the team itself seems to put effort in under the radar shilling. Comfy x15 from here.

>> No.15780534

>I literally have a couple hundred dollars in this project. I'm not even that confident in it.
Then why are you defending it and have a problem with me researching it for shits and giggles and me steering anons away from holding this for the long term?

>You had a chance to promote another token/coin. You offered us some shit that dipped almost twice as hard as VIDT has,
You mean the coin that I bought for 0.00018 to 0.00023 ETH and now is at 0.00032 ETH? EDGE has been in the uptrend for the past three months. VIDT has lost 50% of its value in the past three months.

>> No.15780656

Because you stand out. No one puts this much effort in to other people not losing money. This place isn't for people who have compassion for brainlets. That behavior is always suspicious and it should always be suspicious.
The veracity of your arguments aren't all that important to me. For all I know, there's hefty amounts of truth in what you say, but I don't care enough to disprove it. What stands out to me is your incessant desperation in getting other people to NOT BUY SOMETHING. Who in the fuck does that? Literally just you...
Also, I'm going off the total life and the dip between right now and each project's height.
It's not like you haven't been able to simply choose another project to shill this entire time. My angle was getting you to reveal whether or not you've put in more time researching another project and to see if you were capable of conveying information about another project in the capacity which you've conveyed information about this one.
You clearly didn't pass the test. You very obviously spend more of your time FUDing this project than you do positively researching other projects.
This is a binary game and you've lost it already. Do you ever sleep or shower? Do you ever eat? Do you exercise at all?
You poor guy. You truly are just here for the (You)s, aren't you?

>> No.15780674

He is a paid shill by Acronis, its confirmed at this point

>> No.15780768

likewise I hate shills that try to hype up shit projects with no liquidity.
>buy my bags... join my group
obviously this was pnd flavor of the month a while back. most people know when it's time to get out, but some of you honestly believe you're sitting on a gold mine and want to shill this shit every single day here. your not. this isn't it anon.
the only thing that matters for the foreseeable future is what BTC is doing and how that influences other major coins. we're no where near time when it would be wise to accumulate low liquidity shitcoins. if that's your game, have fun bleeding and being stuck in your shitcoins, but stop trying to drag everyone else into it too.

>> No.15780813

>Because you stand out. No one puts this much effort in to other people not losing money. This place isn't for people who have compassion for brainlets. That behavior is always suspicious and it should always be suspicious.
There is one other anon who I have seen do the same thing, but in UOS threads. But true, it's rare. I am a /biz/ treasure and you should all cherish me, before I buy a VPN and join SatsGang and use the same "tactics" to shill a shitcoin. Then I will get paid for posting. Sarcasm.

>It's not like you haven't been able to simply choose another project to shill this entire time. My angle was getting you to reveal whether or not you've put in more time researching another project and to see if you were capable of conveying information about another project in the capacity which you've conveyed information about this one. You clearly didn't pass the test. You very obviously spend more of your time FUDing this project than you do positively researching other projects.
Throw out FUD about EDGE and I will counter it. I don't need to shill it and I don't care whether you buy it or not. Pump and dump groups not needed. I don't see why I would spend time positively researching a project day after day. I will dig deeper if my scam alert goes off or I see shills making up things that I can tell are unrealistic or have a hint of bullshit to them.

>Do you ever sleep or shower? Do you ever eat? Do you exercise at all?
I had an organic arugula salad for lunch with supergreens burger and an apple. Why do you ask?

>> No.15780912

How much is considered a "suicide stack"???

>> No.15781437


>> No.15781761

We've updated that, it's 100k now

>> No.15782261

Nah, it's still 30K, as it always was.
Should be worth about $1,500,000 by 2021-2022

>> No.15782394

I wonder if anyone actually sold due to fud. My hands are tempered steel so I don't know what that's like anymore.

>> No.15782487

Imagine how pathetic of a subhuman kike one has to be in order to monitor biz 24/7 and shit up every vidt thread.

>> No.15782570

Never selling

>> No.15782620

V-ID didn't acquire AirBus and AmSpec as a client, but rather WIDIDI has them as a client and their projects use the validation technology that their own subsidiary V-ID created. You bought Chuck E. Cheese tokens and the only speculative value it has is through what those no-name pop up resellers can bring to the table. Which means that the coins most absolutely fail SEC's Howey Test as the value of the coin depends on the efforts of third-party. Did I say LMAO yet? Because LMAO.

>> No.15782734

>something something Chuck e cheese something something LMAO
Nobody cares

>> No.15782782

You will. The second the Kucoin promotion is over.