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15779222 No.15779222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

U mad?

>> No.15779237

Who is this girl and what is she protesting?

>> No.15779238

No, the people who non stop post her picture have some kind of obsession with her though. Why are you so obsessed OP?

>> No.15779242

checked and good girl *pats*

>> No.15779252

Maternal alcohol abuse

>> No.15779254

Who is funding her trip? Genuinely curious.

>> No.15779257

How is not obvious to everyone that this little goblin is being paid for and supported by jews?

>16 year old fetal alcohol syndrome troll has the money to travel all over the world protesting

when i was 16 I didn't have the money to play Half-life 2 on high settings.

>> No.15779293

She's probably going to get merced in South America.

Calling it now.

>> No.15779309

Why would jews want to stop climate change when they profit from it?

>> No.15779323

DO you even have to ask?

>> No.15779326

Lmao the peak hypocrisy of leftists in one picture
>waaaaah carbon emission must stop!
>let's travel around the planet for entertainment

Why isn't this cunt doing some hiking around Sweden instead?

>> No.15779333

I donate to her and many other environmentally conscious people do.

>> No.15779334

>jews dont play both sides
:^)B good goy

>> No.15779359

i need to bang her tight creamy pussy and sniff her butthole

>> No.15779362


Good bait, climate fag.

>> No.15779386
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>> No.15779418

You should watch the Daniel pena dude. He’s old idk if that’s his name but he’s rich and btfo of climate posters. He’s based. Phone postin while poopin so not linkin u

>> No.15779423

Raped and dismembered for sure

>> No.15779426

there's absolutely no way this ugly kike is 16 y/o

>> No.15779445

>In Canada, the minimum age for consenting to a sexual activity is 16


>> No.15779449

I don't care about him, he's clearly full of shit.

>> No.15779453



>> No.15779466


Political power by globalist centralization through the UN, and EU.

>> No.15779467

There is no climate change and there is no one stopping it. It’s about creating the carbon emissions market and monetizing the nature itself

>> No.15779497

There is no such thing as a peaceful protest

>> No.15779519
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>blocks your path to the designated shitting street peacefully

>> No.15779528

>he didn't play Deus Ex
>he doesn't understand how vague concepts like "terrorism", "war on drug" and "climate change" allow the elites to apply their vicious agenda on the people

>> No.15779553

They don't want to stop it, they want to give governments more power and stopping it is the excuse.

>> No.15779570
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>> No.15779628

She simply found an excuse to ditch school everyday.

>> No.15779659

that's what most 16 year olds look like. They're children after all

>> No.15779725

Funny how I've actually seen this being pushed around here lately. Subliminally, but still. Like the expression "prepubescent teens". Or "16 is a bit too young to have children". Or other shit. In reality, 14 years (who are mostly postpubescent) are more than ready to be married off to wealthy men who will treat them well and give them many children.

>> No.15779728

when is her trip to china?

>> No.15779730

Perpetuating the climate change hoax is good money. Big businesses are able to push out smaller competitors who can't afford to comply with all the regulations. Carbon credits, taxes, money spent researching and investing in "renewable" "green" energy, etc, etc, etc

>> No.15779740

she protest cows farts in her face

>> No.15779742

they play both sides
just like banking, they create a problem only to try to fix it themselves and sell the fix
they have not contributed anything to the world for millenias now

>> No.15779756

literally soros

>> No.15779785
File: 34 KB, 427x490, greta-muh-climate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15779790

>privileged white girl gets to travel under the guise of saving the world

>> No.15779810

>planet is heating
>the Jews are doing it
There's no hope for any of you.

>> No.15779851

>the Jews are doing it
it's a little more complicated than that sweetheart

>> No.15779890
File: 826 KB, 1537x787, muh-global-warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are creating the global political climate where Indians and Chinese, Sub Saharan Africans and Mexicans are destroying the environment, yes.

>> No.15779906

Oh, and South Asians. You can nuke them too if youre an honest opponent of global warming and environmental protection.

>> No.15779952

She has publicity on her side. No one is going to waste their time going after her.

>> No.15779969

i thought climate change was a meme

>> No.15779980

Go on then, explain. This should be good.

>> No.15780030

>looking at microscale
>applying it to macroscale


>> No.15780057

Trips for Gaia

>> No.15780058

What's important is how it relates to human CO2 emissions. We started burning fossil fuel in the 1880s.

>> No.15780071

no wonder most of you have terrible lives, you're somehow dumb enough to believe the world isn't getting warmer lol

>> No.15780167

I hope she gets fuckin rekt travelling in LAM

>> No.15780178
File: 353 KB, 627x500, 20190922_002108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is this girl and what is she protesting
You know exactly who she is, tard

>> No.15780231
File: 768 KB, 434x360, china bus slap swerve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for her China trip.

>> No.15780242

By stop you mean imposing taxes which will generate more money
Its pretty simple anon

>> No.15780254
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>> No.15780259

who is this troglodyte?

>> No.15780264
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My fucking sides

>> No.15780282
File: 109 KB, 1088x577, 1F7F6BAC-10FC-4F16-9AFE-C128A5813908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Mad boomers and gen x sheep
Remember drumpfies impeachment is coming! And when it happens AOC will take care of the Green new deal! Down with oil!

>> No.15780291
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It is a meme.

>> No.15780316
File: 115 KB, 680x649, EFKncC3U0AsaVg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 year old Swedish girl with fetal alcohol syndrome skips school to protest climate. "We are all gonna die, and nobody is doing anything"
>Climate lobby groups and NGOs in unison with leftist/globalist media pick up the story and plaster her face everywhere - becomes a (((viral phenomenon))) overnight.
>Artificially boosted in European Media - nonstop coverage
>US and international media pick her up
>Now a 16 year old retard has become international spokesperson for climate change agenda
>Climate cultists on the left elevate her as a Messiah
>Conservatives scared to call her bullshit because she has intersectional shields (girl + retard + kid + leftist = untouchable)
>Travels to US congress, UN climate summit and yells at world leaders to stop capitalism
>Gets to meet the pope, al gore, obama and all the usual glownigger suspects
>Turns out her mom is literally NWO masonic family connected to Antifa, her handlers are Soros/Gates funded
>She is the David Hogg crisis actor puppet of Climate Change
>A 16 year old retarded kid is now setting international policy agendas
>Are you enjoying Clown world yet? honk honk

>> No.15780328

All according to the great plan for our permanent enslavement

>> No.15780333

She's literally just repeating what science has been saying for decades.
Now you've taken notice of it and are clearly triggered.

>> No.15780340

>protest no matter where i am

Is this basically what the liberal religion boils down to?