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15764810 No.15764810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when will they learn

>> No.15764949

When you think about it the woman knows she has genes that lead to short progeny.
Assuming that taller is considered superior, the shortest women should vie for the taller men the most because they most need to increase their odds of having taller children.
Taller women should actually be the most lax about height.

>> No.15765003

Why should taller men go for shorter girls?

>> No.15765030

men will fuck as many different women as possible, short or tall

>> No.15765109

I would imagine for reasons that just aren't related to height desu.
Men are probably paying more attention to waist/hip ratio, big ol' tiddies and ass.
They need a woman who is gonna birth a lot of babbies.
I know I for one once fucked a really short girl just because my friend and I started pondering how tiny her butthole must be.
Then we chanted "tiny butthole" and I made it my mission to rail her so... Ya know the Lord works in mysterious ways.

>> No.15765130

>I know I for one once fucked a really short girl just because my friend and I started pondering how tiny her butthole must be.
>Then we chanted "tiny butthole" and I made it my mission to rail her so... Ya know the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Now this is based

>> No.15765160

Petite/short girls usually have more feminine features...also they are easier to manhandle in bed.

>> No.15765178

Lol, biz is really improving content-wise last few days

>> No.15765192

tiny butthole
tiny butthole
tiny butthole

>> No.15765200

so was the butthole tiny?

>> No.15765228
File: 28 KB, 220x325, 220px-Coneheads_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She ended up having weird cone tits :c

>> No.15765251
File: 180 KB, 1200x1177, 1565433784298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are retards here defending women going for Height as Height is ultimate indicator of survival or something?

Height is one of million variables accounted for survival and in todays day and age is not even important.

As women are smart enough to know whats good for them. They are too dumb for decisions.
Yet you all idiots alight yourself to what women wants.
Women would literally want to eat shit if it was advertised by Jews on TV

>> No.15765307

It was.
But conies are my least favourite kind of tit

>> No.15765506

never even look at womanlets
only mate with amazons

>> No.15765685

manlet cope, men also lust for physical traits that no longer help in survival. Are you saying you're having sex with disfigured fatties because "muh survival"?

>> No.15765694

Fatties can keep you warm during the cold winters.

>> No.15765728

I have sex with disfigured fatties because my mate bet $50 I wouldn't.

>> No.15765786
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Personally, Anon, I don't lust for anything. I like sensual sex with a personality and body I perceive to be beautiful, cute and gorgeous much more than I perceive for there to be lust of any kind. Even if I do still enjoy fantasizing about my dick being grabbed by, and penetrating, the 2-dimensional vaginal lips of a person worth loving. It's mostly an erotic sentiment inherently based on platonic appreciation. But then maybe it's because I don't watch enough porn, and limit myself to eroticism and caressing fantasies instead.

>> No.15765807

>Then we chanted "tiny butthole" and I made it my mission to rail her

>> No.15765852

I don't lust -- I primarily appreciate the beauty of us two (although primarily her) being there. The erotic part comes secondarily, which might contain slight hints of lust, but is still mostly about beauty.

>> No.15765870

At war, the taller die first. Muh superior

>> No.15765884

estrogen makes girls smaller you fucking retard

>> No.15765890

it's the other way around, for obvious reasons>>15765030

>> No.15765900
File: 118 KB, 598x383, 20190614_044701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good physical features in women. Slender body etc mean a healthier offspring. Larger male partner literally means nothing in terms of survival. For thousands of years average male height was around 5'0. Smaller men find it easier to survive in extreme environments. Average human height has only recently last 200 years or so been skyrocketing thanks to civilization making it easy for all to survive. Shorter men live statistically longer lives. Japanese men with an average height of 5'7.7 have the longest average lifespans. Taller men have joint aches and heart and circulatory problems at higher rates. All types of cancer at higher rates. Taller men bald at higher rates as they age. Testosterone and estrogen fuse growth plates so tall men literally have less testosterone and as a result have a harder time putting on muscles. Best height is 5'7-5'8. Prove me wrong faggot. Also, pic related shows women in developed countries are choosing to mate with lower IQ males. Are ypu trying to argue that being lower iq makes you more fit for survival kek? Fucking retard.

>> No.15765933

cherry picking statistics, a classic manlet cope.

I could also comb the internet looking for statistics that show how tall men dominate in most aspects of life. But why would I? I'm not a manlet so I don't need to cope.

>> No.15765944

Families with shorter women also have shorter men. Families with taller women have taller men. If shorter men have worse genetica than so do shorter women.

>> No.15765959

Its lanklet cope is shown by your lack of statistics to prove your point. All you can do is attack my charcter and throw insults because you have nothing substsntial.

>> No.15765975

>lanklet cope
kek there is no such thing as lanklet cope since literally 99.99999% of the population agrees being taller is better.

>> No.15765982

Lol how about the fact that 10% of men in the netherlands receive a test shot at some point in their adolescence to fuse growth plates bexause being too tall is bad for you.

>> No.15766007

kek the cope literally drives manlets to insanity.

>> No.15766015

. >>15765975
Where are yoir statistics to back that point? Most people are total retards so i discount popular opinion as a basis for argument. Most women choosing tall men and low iq men to reprodice with doesn't make those genetics superior for the same reason that popular opinion is often wrong

>> No.15766031

You literally have nothing. Just insults.

>> No.15766032

short girls tend to have tighter pussies

>> No.15766053 [DELETED] 

Taller men have smaller dicks so i guess it works out.

>> No.15766072

I have noticed a trend among men where taller men have average or below average dick size and average height men have the largest dicks. I'm 5'8.75 and my dick is 8.1 inches long and 6.1 inches around. Taller men usually have 4.5 inch or 5 inch dicks In my experience.

>> No.15766086

But short women are gross

>> No.15766225

Have you noticed men in porn are always around average height. That's because average height men have the largest dicks.

>> No.15766473

Reading about these deranged vaginal penetration fantasies and you sugarcoating your act of RAPING these little girls with your "love" and "platonic caressing" euphemisms makes me sick. There's something seriously wrong with your head and you should seek help RIGHT NOW. It's society's duty to make sure for sickos like you AND the "artists" drawing this kind of pedocartoon to be locked up. Either in prison or the mental asylum. I don't feel safe with people sexualizing little cartoon girls like you out there.

>> No.15766525

it's because you're supposed to self-insert, you dummy. same reason they pick mongs with tattoos and make them dress like adolescents, this is what the porn-addicted demo looks like

>> No.15766564

False. Most men are not muscular but in porn you need to be. Men in porn must have giant dicks. They must pick men of average height becsuse tall men with large dicks are few and far between and tall men have a harder time building muscle.

>> No.15766573

actually tall men are so successful in business and get so much pussy thrown at them they would never consider doing degrading, low paid work like shooting porn movies
>t. 6 ft 4 chad

>> No.15766602

Why have there been so many R9k/pol threads on biz lately?

>> No.15766614

Most successful male actors are short. The study that shows the average difference in salery between s short male and a 6'2 male is only a few grand per year. Not a significant amount of money at all. If anything the study shows that height has no affect on earnings potential. Studies have already shown there to be zero correlation between height and IQ. There is a much bigger correlation between high iq and earnings potential than height.

>> No.15767099

Based manlet king constantly BTFOs faggot lanklets

>> No.15767177

Holy shit all this manlet cope is fucking hilarious lmao

>> No.15767199

>I'm 5'8.75
AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAA didn't read the rest tiny subhuman

>> No.15767212

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.15767216

I like short tiny girls because they appear underaged

>> No.15767222

Ah I love manlets coping in the morning

>> No.15767237

manlet here, 5'7
I make a lot of money for my age (70k at 21) and can talk to anyone, women will not have sex with me any more. It's been 2 years and It's not like anything has really changed. I'd honestly give anything to be 3 inches taller.
I'm /fit/, but I think my facial structure doesn't help. What I do know is that if I were 3 inches taller my game would be 10x better.
Not like I really care though, women have the worst returns in any market

>> No.15767264

Just kill yourself now then

>> No.15767267

You're the vidt fudder, I can tell by your typing style and blatantly dishonest cope.

>> No.15767269

simply epic, you win 4chan!

>> No.15767271

Based, and redpilled

>> No.15767279

Sorry to hear that anon. I'd recommend you focus on getting decently rich then move to south east asia. They love money and don't care as much if you're a manlet over there. Have 1-2 mil in the bank and retire there, you won't have any problem getting laid.

>> No.15767314

Nah as If I'd go live with a bunch of sea niggers for some strange. Just need to up my game a bit and keep out of my head.
Never fucked a chick shorter than me, last GF was 5'11 and 8/10

>> No.15767345

>Japanese men with an average height of 5'7.7 have the longest average lifespans.
none of them fuck just like your manlet ass posting this shit

>> No.15767430
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I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.15767484

But don't be lazy, because they also turn into whales really fucking fast if you let them. All women do to some extent, but those shorter girls man... fat just seems to compound on them.

>> No.15767488
File: 86 KB, 451x640, FF8AD382-63DB-45C7-A2BB-A02502222528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in the middle

>> No.15767491

5'8 men arent men, yea when will they learn.

>> No.15767500

>Most successful male actors are short
of course they are. overcompensating manlets. tall men get enough approval from early on that they dont need to get into something as debasing as acting - literally pretending to be somebody else for a living. lmao manlets coping so hard ITT

>> No.15767705

Better Titty:Tummy ratio with less sag.

>> No.15768105

Petite = better