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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.15764650

Good eye anon
Something is coming, not an insider but I feel it in my bones, and it won’t be as simple as btc up or btc down.

>> No.15764658

That's because it's sunday night/monday morning

>> No.15764671

This. I hate these fucks.

>> No.15764676

(((They))) don’t like it when people perform honest, fulfilling work.
It goes against their plan to undermine Western society with degeneracy, fake Hollywood dreams of riches, and mass third-world immigration.
A hard-working white family man is their worst nightmare.

>> No.15764694

>You are a slave Neo
Nothing like heading off in the morning to make some other fuck head rich heh?

>> No.15764707

daily reminder: all anti wagie threads are a concerted psyop to demoralize young white males. just like BLACKED posting, incel posting and all the other crap you see here. life is good go out and get some sunshine, dont fall for the anti white memes.

>> No.15764708

I've actually been doing some work to try and track down who is doing this week after week (yes, it's mostly one person).

Pretty sure it's an Australian masquerading as an American.

>> No.15764722

>capitalism sucks!

>> No.15764734
File: 76 KB, 215x219, 1467718077470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sending in bogus resume's that have no chance for a callback just to get my neetbux

>> No.15764744
File: 84 KB, 900x900, 1525784810984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw whiteys have to put on cum cream so they don't go red as a tomato in the sunshine

>> No.15764763

Ohhhhhh, it's an IMMIGRANT FROM infinity-chan /ausNEETS/ !!!

>> No.15764765


>> No.15764793

Nice try goldberg

>> No.15764851

Hard-working men build and maintain civilization, and actually have something at stake.
Thus they will resist any attempt to undermine Western civilization.

(((They))) want as many people as possible on welfare, because people on welfare have worked for nothing and thus have nothing to lose, making them much less likely to resist the mass immigration hordes.
Your scheme is up, Steinbergblatt.

>> No.15764871

Agree on 95% of what you said, but the neet spam comes from a few mentally ill outcasts, rather than a psyops.

>> No.15764902

good. wagies are cucks.

>> No.15764913

What do you think of the federal reserve?

>> No.15764923

Seing a lot of this.
99% of this anti wagecuck "movement" comes from neet, complete losers with no future, that are BELOW wagies on the social ladder.

>> No.15764937

Central banks are an affront to humankind and the dear memory of Andrew "God" Jackson.
I think it's hilarious that Trump is basically gutting them by pressuring them into abandoning the very idea of usury.

>> No.15765453
File: 546 KB, 1200x950, comment_L2ZFia2rjty1WnC8zzqLlMJWB7V7bTvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate these fucks.
Why we love you...
Mush Wagie Mush!

>> No.15765468

bunch of people laid off
recession about to start
the trigger will be which democrat starts to lead the polls

>> No.15765497

>honest, fulfilling work.
waging for Cohen Inc. is not fulfilling work

>> No.15765513
File: 103 KB, 1024x731, 1568702667074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waging for Cohen Inc. is not fulfilling work
You sure???
He looks pretty fulfilled to me

>> No.15765518


for me its not having any qualifications and not willing to do labour or min wage jobs

>> No.15765533

Sounds reasonable, if we didn't work we'd have to be useless neets, and they are hardly going to make things better. They've already given up completely.

>> No.15765835

at least i'm not a nigger

>> No.15765880

This. it is everything they cant have cause they are pathetic low iq parasites that are unhirable

>> No.15765894

jumping through hoops to get your peanuts. another 30 more years of being a neet. might as well neck yourself now.