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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15764204 No.15764204 [Reply] [Original]

Wagie doesn't want to go to work.

Wagie just wants to stay at home and play classic WoW...

What race, class, level and realm are you on anons?

>> No.15764229

>paying to play a MMO in 2019
>paying to play one of the worst versions of WoW
>paying to play a MMO with a bunch of nostalgia boomers
You will never make it, Anon. Stop clinging to nostalgia.

>> No.15764242
File: 22 KB, 400x400, vidTw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you bought ENJ? You should.

Another suggestion is to buy VID, create some wonderful memories through your phone and then monetize them through the VID app.
Great side-hustle.

>> No.15764250

hi OP, thats why you are depressed, because you are living in the past.. I know just how you feel, you are right to not working in this day and age, the system was designed to keep your wage become worthless, increase people's spending, increase good's price, etc. Just enjoy the present! Work so you can eat. Good luck.

>> No.15764641

36 elf druid on thalnos hbu anon?

>> No.15764680

Orc Rogue on Herod

>> No.15764688

Undead hunter on Shazzrah

>> No.15764732

I'd rather gain money when they finally listed on Binance, not via monetizing memories

>> No.15764884

You've surely killed Ragnaros and Onyxia at least twice have you?

>> No.15764887
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>one of the worst versions of WoW

>> No.15764905

EQ2 was better desu

>> No.15765031

Yeah, WoW Classic is great. I love having 1/2 viable specs per class and having 2/3 of the classes being mediocre or bad in PvP. The best version of WoW right here boys.