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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15764114 No.15764114 [Reply] [Original]

Not so fast fren

>> No.15764389

>Not just lane filtering past on a motorbike

>> No.15764406

>bicycle rider deaths climb to new all-time highs

>> No.15764416


wagie wagie

>> No.15764428

Fuck this hits too close, always some fag biker in the street blocking my path to work, get on the sidewalk for fake sake

>> No.15764432
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>> No.15764436


>Literal slavedrone thinks anyone gives a shit about his wagecage commute in his cuckmobile

>> No.15764439

Why do you need to drive a car to work, anon?

>> No.15764448

Its always the same NEET everyday too, you can tell he isnt working because the fag is wearing shorts and fucking sandals

>> No.15764460

Fuck you degenerate NEET
Because job is too far away

>> No.15764461

Enjoy your wagie cagie, wagie.

>> No.15764477

Remember when i NEET’d for about a year, felt like shit, once you run out of drugs for fake dopamine being a NEET is pure suicide inducing

>> No.15764482

Why not ride a motorbike?
>Fuel efficient
>Lane filter to get there sooner
>Park anywhere you want, for free

>> No.15764511

Being a neet doesn't mean you won't self improve. I work for MY future brother. MY future.

>> No.15764513

I did already, rode for 3 years, broke wrist, elbow, shoulder, both legs. Truck didnt see me knocked me off my bike.
Never again.
Its not if you crash, its when. Biking is guaranteed injury

>> No.15764519

To each their own. If you can prosper doing that then thats good, most NEETs are just degenerate drug and video game addicts that do nothing but waste away.

>> No.15764544

Bro start your own business and stay clean and healthy. No need to feed the system of a jew.

>> No.15764549

Sorry to hear that anon, but you probably shouldn't have been riding in that truck's blindspot.

>> No.15764557
File: 23 KB, 474x341, FCEA4BE5-F329-4A4E-99AB-B66B1E19DA1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn’t be so bad if the law was equally applied to two-wheeled vermin

>> No.15764586

why every fucking one who had or has motorbike says the same thing?
the other day I was talking to a guy who had one he said "the problem isnt you, but the cars around you".

>> No.15764599


>> No.15764613

If you cant ride in a blindspot you can’t pass anyone, having a bike is pointless then
Because its true, most unsafe vehicle ever, no matter how good you are you cant react fast enough to a car moving in your lane

>> No.15764626

Because most people don't know how to drive. Seriously, people don't signal, check lanes and even fucking checking lanes when they nearly merge into you. Don't forget retards and women who think they can text and drive, but it's not their fault when they crash... These morons don't understand that you can lose control of the vehicle in under 0.5 seconds. Fucking noobs.

>> No.15764818

Lane positioning, preempting cars' movement and general awareness. You obviously can't prevent crashes, but you can do a lot to make them less likely.

>> No.15764986
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bep bep!

>> No.15765226


>> No.15765238

I wonder if there's a model with an organic latte dispenser! [heart emoji]

>> No.15765295

Why the shit is the handle on the front of the door.

>> No.15765443

because look at where the hinges are you moron
you can put a pair of stronk hinges in cars in the front part but you cant design a fucking car grade door into this contraption

>> No.15765724

It doesn't work that way nigger. An 18 wheeler has a MASSIVE blind spot, and a bike is so fucking tiny. If he doesn't see you as you're passing him, and randomly decides to change lanes, you're fucked.

You telling him "just don't get hit bro" is the dumbest shit I've ever read. That's like telling someone it's their fault for getting T-boned by a drunk driver at a green light. You can do everything there is to prevent an accident and it still may happen. That's the risk with motorcycles.

And no I don't ride. I just know too many fuckers who think they're cool until they end up paralyzed or with lifelong seizures. Shit is mad dangerous for no other reason than to impress bitches and feel adrenaline.

>> No.15765760

I am a wagecuck and i ride my bicycle to work 15km every morning and 15km every evening. I don't spend money on car stuff, i get excercise for free and i actually arrive to my destination 10 to 15 minutes faster than with a car let alone public transport.
If you don't cycle you are just wasting your money, time, energy from ragequiting at every red light etc.

>> No.15765776

Just because it's faster for (You) to bike to work doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. Not everyone lives in an urban center with hellish traffic and not everyone lives close enough to their. If you live 25-30 miles from your job biking is out of the question.

>> No.15765780

Why would you live so far away lol

>> No.15765839

25 miles is like a half hour drive on the highway you stupid fuck. Again not everyone lives in an urban shithole with hellish traffic. Go to the DC/Baltimore Metro Area and see how many people actually LIVE within the city in which they work in. It's almost none.

Cheap housing and high paying jobs don't mix often hence why people commute. I know people that drive 100 miles to and from work for a six figure salary. That shit is normal where I live. You must not even be American if 25 miles is far to you.

>> No.15765867

Oh dear too much cope

>> No.15765872

You could have just not responded instead of looking like a retard

>> No.15765906

Shut up nigger

>> No.15766023
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>mfw retards tell me bicycles should be registered and insured to use the road
>already pay registration, insurance and Govt. charges on 2 x Motorcycles & 1 x Car

>> No.15766094

A true hero.

>> No.15766601

/n/ vs /o/ on /biz/?
The fuck?

>> No.15766929

I am trying to bike to work more myself. Good way to keep in shape, and with how traffic works in my city, only takes an extra few minutes

>> No.15767148

Why else do you think they call it "suicide" doors.