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15758488 No.15758488 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I started a 9 to 5 job a few weeks ago with a prestigious employer, in an office, with a really good level of responsibility.

Why do I have barely any free time after work, commuting back home, gym, and eating?

Why do I feel so mentally tired after work when my job is brain-dead?

Why do I still feel like a loser when I see the Staceys on the underground?

Why do chores wreck my evenings?

Why is a good job, minus London rent for a tiny studio flat, leaving me with only £200 to save each month... and that's if I don't binge on junk food?

Why is it do excruciating to be around normies at work? Why is office work a socialising contest first and foremost?

>> No.15758505

Because your a cuck

>> No.15758517

Because London is an overpriced shithole for everyone except the top 1% of wagies and the wealthy. I live in this city too and lived a similar life to yourself and I’m leaving tomorrow for greener pastures because fuck this shithole and everything that it represents.

Get out before the city consumes you, before you know it 10 years will have passed.

>> No.15758536

Jus watch some ((foootball)) recordings after you get home and the circle will be complete

>> No.15758701


>> No.15758731

I work B4 and feel your pain. Beyond football and how much so and so embarrassed themselves by getting drunk at the last overboozed social I struggle to find anything in common with any of them.

Desperate to try something different but worried the next place will be just as bad.

>> No.15758733

That's the price you pay to stay in the Islamic Caliphate of London

>> No.15758842


How much hours do you work? I really wonder how people who work 50 hours plus cope

>> No.15758868


50 hours is nothing. This thread is 10/10 troll material. I used to work 110 hours a week. My average is probably 70 hours. Luckily I have a job now where I work less than 50 and it's nothing.

>> No.15758878

Honestly, realistically only 50-55+ consistently out of busy season and maybe 60-70 within. That's assuming I'm not working weekends to catch up which can add another 5-10 hours. Not horrific compared to IB or similar but the work is soul crushingly dull and unfulfilling for one half the pay.

t. audit

>> No.15759018


But what about your out of work activities?

>> No.15759087


I worked in accountancy. It is fucking shit, and you're right, it is filled with guys that 150 years ago would be toiling the fields but have bought a cheap Marks & Spencer's suit and LARP as actual worthwhile human beings and as if what they do is important when it is just bullshit makework.

"Do much on the weekend?"
"See the footy last night?"

Pretty much the only topics of conversation these cunts could muster. It is a mass of fresh graduate wageslaves precided over by a layer of managers who are bluepilled NPCs that bought into the company culture shit and pledged fealty to the partners who just skim value off everyone below them whilst going on golf trips with their boomer CEO friends. The good thing is 99% of what they do will be automated within 10 years.

I used to always get COPE responses like, "You can't automate business advisory". Yes you can nigga. Dole queue for you ugly cunts soon! Learn2code.

>> No.15759096


>> No.15759110


Absolute state of this wageslave scab thinking making profit for someone else by prostituting himself out and letting himself be exploited is something to be proud of. Let me guess, you were salaried?

>> No.15759140


The worst thing in these organisations is the women aged 30-50 that are so fucking stupid they seamlessly eat up and shit out corporate bollocks.

>> No.15759144

What do you do for work fren? Just curious.

>> No.15759153


Quit acc and went into software dev

Accounting is for 105 IQ normies to LARP as STONKS tier businessmen.

>> No.15759163


But isn't the pay potential much worse in software? It looks like to me that it could be rewarding but it seems like a job in the UK with a tiny career ceiling, apart from creating your own company

>> No.15759173

same but I work 7:30-3:30 and live with my parents and so save all my money,my expenses are zero. I dont feel bad about it because i lived the past 8 years by myself(4 of college 4 of neet) living off of scams and gibmedats. Also my parents are foreign so they dont have the bizarre american hatred for grown up children

>> No.15759179


How long have you been in accounting for? If it is less than 3 years, talk to me when you hit 3 years and your soul is on the verge of being snuffed out entirely. There may still be time then so save you from a life of mediocrity and pure wagecage hell.

>> No.15759188

Did you finish your CPA/ACA in the end? The thing I miss most is exams.

>> No.15759190


I'm not in accounting, just a guy who has graduated and is still applying for graduate jobs willy nilly, with no idea what I want to do with my life.

>> No.15759207

You can make good money if you manage to stick around, like 200-300k at 32 going up to 750k at 40. It's just the sheer willpower for bullshit it takes to survive til then.

>> No.15759242

Get a better job or a raise. Cut costs further, I bet you could find a tinier or less local apartment for cheaper. Stop renting period. Grind it harder faggot, once you have enough capital you reach a critical mass of financial delta V that let’s you escape the immense gravity well that is the lower class.

Buy stock.

>> No.15759269

oh gee why do I feel like a loser when I work for somebody else and crave female validation

>> No.15759475

What kind of accounting did you do? For what firm(s) did you work for? This may help shed some light on your oddly reactive responses.

>> No.15760555

>and I’m leaving tomorrow
Godspeed anon

>> No.15760730

Yout don't make 300k in audit at 32. If you think this you are believing the lies fed to you.

Let's say you start with 50k gbp in audit, you make 80k gbp after 4 years. 140k after 8. 200k+ gbp at Partner level. MAX

t. Former KPMG guy (tho not UK, but I converted our salaries to the UK market)

>> No.15761012

Your numbers are all wrong, I can tell you what the salary figures are as I'm currently working B4 UK.

Starting: £30k
Qualified (Y3): £40k
Manager (Y4-Y5): £55k
SM (Y6-Y8): £65-70k
Director (Y9-11): £120k
Partner: £250k non equity starting
Equity Partner after +10 years £600-800k

There's a partner in our office who made it at 32. Another at 34.

Not that that's going to keep me around.

>> No.15761464


Ugh, someone who was 21 and started then would be making over £100k at 30. That's a large amount compared to my current company, where I will be making £50k at age 30 or just before, if all goes well.

When you lay it out like that then fuck, I wish I had picked boring audit.

>> No.15761491

Trust me you don't. It's soul destroying, not worth the money. Slave away in IB or something instead.

What do you work in anon?

>> No.15761550


Public sector

>> No.15762300

ive seen this way too much at my jobs

>> No.15762371

always creating highschool tier meetings, drama and rules

>> No.15762409
File: 79 KB, 386x661, 1531020294598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey congrats on the job, and remember, you're here forever

>> No.15762425

>work back office finance
>boring and repetitive groundhog day esque work
>70k+ including bonus
>work 10 hr/day
>commute 3 total

thinking about quitting and getting a graduate/professional degree, thoughts?

>> No.15762460
File: 1.74 MB, 1432x1740, 3 level 4 bedroom home 6 months average salary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relativism is the lie of the corrupt.

>> No.15762487

damn that's intense redpill material

>> No.15762561

Isn't that what every normie does?

>> No.15762600
File: 15 KB, 590x351, USD-1787-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all problems are caused by currency debasement

money is the root of all evil but it doesn't have to be

>> No.15762629

I've got dirt on my boots. How many hours does it take you to lick it off?

>> No.15762700

>money is the root of all evil but it doesn't have to be
Everyone who has ever tried to free themselves from the jew banks has ended up dead, or their nation destroyed and their legacy slandered for eternity.

>> No.15763317

you work to buy more link. now stfu.

>> No.15763325

many, you moron. "hours" is a countable noun

>> No.15763356

It says the love for money. Not money itself.

>> No.15763387

I don't know how taxes work in the UK but if you only have 200 left over after everything your job can't be paying you that much can it? That or London is just that expensive.

I do know a thing or two about living in an expensive city though. You need to get out of there ASAP. You have no idea how bad it is living in a city until you live outside of it.

>> No.15763402

it's nothing to do with jews, it's the cycle of civilization.

bitcoin is different. It takes a massive amount of work to make people remember why gold is money but it takes a massive amount of effort to make people forget bitcoin is cash

>> No.15763464


>> No.15764068

How many partners are there compared to directors? How many directors to senior managers and so on... It is a pyramid structure, dude

>> No.15764083

absolutely degenerate. Disgusting life. I pity you.

>> No.15764086

Stop living in shithole london and get a job in a nice smaller town where you live 10-15 mins away from work and dont give 90% of your paycheque to rent

Also, dont get an office job then complain about said office job being shit. You knew it would be shit from the start

>> No.15764491

>it is filled with guys that 150 years ago would be toiling the fields but have bought a cheap Marks & Spencer's suit and LARP as actual worthwhile human beings and as if what they do is important when it is just bullshit makework.

lmaoooo saved

>> No.15764529

Average =/= median. Median was closer to $2000 a year in the 20s. That being said, being able to buy a large family home with a single year's income and only 3% tax is obviously excellent compared to what we have today.

>> No.15764615

Such defeatist shit
Even for the long swathes of my adult life that I had no friends or even people to talk to, I still just kept living
Just fuckin play Minecraft for God's fuckin sake
The only way is to be thankful for the things that you do have
Even if you can indeed assume that you are so /actively/ terrible that no one will like you, if you live in the western world you can still have a good house and eat plentiful food and watch endless stupid entertainment and play videogames until you die
That isn't the worst life, humans have undergone far worse

Most of these such posts I suspect are from people who are just highly socially anxious (like me)
The problem is, humans overall are lonely enough and isolated from eachother enough that they WILL associate with anyone who is not ACTIVELY terrible or mean or aggressive or hypocritical toward others
If you are one of this group (and you realize it yourself) then there is no real reason to pity you since you are causing woe to other people by your own will and won't do what's needed to get what you want which is friends

>> No.15764635
File: 112 KB, 726x602, 1925income disbution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. median was $3000-$5000 in 1925

>> No.15764640

You are absolutely lying about a 110 week

>> No.15764662

>tfw small farmer
>work ~4 hours / day, ~3 days / week
>make enough to stay afloat, upgrade equipment and have fun


>> No.15764668

This guy nose

>> No.15764735

Investment banking will get pretty close to that, but he is still larping.

>> No.15765108

>bullshit makework
fucking kek, never knew such accurate word existed

>> No.15765882

Kill you are self