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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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157127 No.157127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any richfags willing to front a youtube business?

I'll make videos akin to pewdiepie

I'm asking for 1000 dollars

>> No.157132

sure, whats your paypal

>> No.157137


thats my pitchin page, you want to know details email me


>> No.157159

Ain't doing it. Anyways, you need a Marzia like GF to be PewDiePie and successful.

>> No.157158

the pitchin redirects to my paypal btw

>> No.157179

fuck your idea, that's already been done.

How about my idea. It's a youtube channel called The Hotel or Party Lobby. And it's 5 dipshits who get on a mumble server and play games together and talk about dumb shit. You get to watch people play games and be fucking retarded. You get to watch 5 idiots, and it has slight potential.

>> No.157181
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I'm pretty attractive so that's more than doable

>> No.157199


sent :)

>> No.157197

seananners is already doing that

>> No.157214

do you have any examples of your work?

>> No.157227

see this is the problem, the only video I've uploaded was this test video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwAvv5YPz8o shortly after my cpu fried.

this isnt indicative of the type of vids I would upload, but its all I've got unfortunately

>> No.157231

one thing to maybe note would be the upload date

>> No.157248


>> No.157269

Da Rape face.

>> No.157267


>> No.157270

its pretty bad lol

>> No.157284
File: 10 KB, 110x98, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most definitely

>> No.157298

obviously you dont have to front the entire thousand bucks, you can donate however much you feel like, but be sure to leave your name so I can credit you in a video (you dont have to if you want to remain anon)

>> No.157307

I can't tell if you're being serious

>> No.157315

I am being serious

>> No.157330

cmon /biz/ I really think I can have a good go at this, I've been passively picking up notes on this sector of youtube for going on 4 years now

>> No.157327

then make a video that doesn't suck, and I'm sure someone will take you seriously

>> No.157353

I can't, my laptop is powerful enough

>> No.157361


>> No.157377
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isnt *
what are you laughing at? I know the pic is a bit weird but it isnt that funny

>> No.157400

You're a huge fucking faggot, that's what I'm laughing at.

>gimme 1000 dollars, I wanna do something almost everybody on youtube does
>here, here's a sample video! It's a piece of shit, but trust me!
>here I'm attractive, just look at this!

You're not attractive, you appear to have no talent, and are entering a market that is probably the most saturated thing on the internet.

>> No.157408

I would also like free money.

My idea is a transexual fight club set in thailand.

I want $1000, if you donate I'll name a tranny after you.

>> No.157414


>gimme 1000 dollars, I wanna do something almost everybody on youtube does
>here, here's a sample video! It's a piece of shit, but trust me!
read the post again, it was a test upload to see if my rig could handle fraps while running mc
>You're not attractive
it's a bad pic mate

>> No.157422

nice hyperbole

>> No.157427

What do you need the money for? What do I get in return for my risk? I actually could be interested , probably at a lesser dollar amount. Maybe we could work on the idea together.

>> No.157439

the money would be for
1. the complete pc setup
2. a microphone
3. a webcam

>Maybe we could work on the idea together
I'm interested, email the email in the OP and we can discuss it

>> No.157442

My idea is better than yours.

I'll make tranny fight league a success.

>> No.157451

I would actually watch that not gonna lie

>> No.157459

Well, you can get used equipment that would be good enough for your needs for much less than that. This is why we would need to work together, You would be on camera doing whatever you want, IDGAF, and I could run the business side. BUT, there currently is no business for me to invest in.

>> No.157463

First, how old are you OP? I have some general stipulations on who I give money to for this sort of thing, especially youtubers. They have to hit that young demographic.

I've done this a few times, and we actually ended up netting some serious cash.

>> No.157465

>What do I get in return for my risk?

if you have your own youtube channel I'll give you a shoutout, I'll add you on steam and when the channel gets off the ground you'll get your investment back

>> No.157475

thats because for the business to even start I need to buy the equipment
>used equipment
I'll have a scout about

>> No.157486

Rule number 1 man...

>> No.157485

>I'll give you the honor of a shoutout and you MIGHT get your money back

There's absolutely no reason for somebody to invest. You need to work out a cut of profits deal or something.

>> No.157483

I'm 22
>I've done this a few times, and we actually ended up netting some serious cash.
I know, my main strength would be my experience, I've watched a ton of videos in this particular field so I've picked up what works and what doesn't work

>> No.157491

Any richfags willing to front my Penis Fertilizer?

I'll grow penises akin to Alan Titchmarsh.

I'm asking for $6 trillion dollars.

>> No.157489

Kidding. I can put money on this not getting off the ground. If you succeed, I will eat my jizz.

>> No.157494

>I'll give you the honor of a shoutout and you MIGHT get your money back

I didnt say that

>> No.157503

>if you have your own youtube channel I'll give you a shoutout, I'll add you on steam and when the channel gets off the ground you'll get your investment back

You're assuming the channel even gets off the ground to make a profit. Therefore, it's a maybe.

>> No.157506

> I can put money on this not getting off the ground
you have no idea who I am do you

>> No.157514

I'm aware of that, I'm also aware of the fact that there are retards out there who think they know what they're doing but don't

here's some incentive, if I get the money I'll stay the night in a haunted place

>> No.157522

Let me guess. Your dad works at nintendo. You ain't SHIT if you have to ask for a capital investment of 1000 dollars to buy a fucking laptop.

>> No.157535

Well OP I have to be out after learning that the only thing I would get for my investment is a 'shout out' on Youtube, and maybe my money back. You almost had me with adding me on Steam but at this time I am going to explore other ventures.

>> No.157533

>You ain't SHIT
no, it means I'm poor.

>> No.157540

And by extension, means you ain't shit.
>hue hue you have no idea who I am do you

Let me guess, "I'm a motivated individual!"

>> No.157543
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dont expect me to cry

>> No.157548

no, let's just say I am youtube material