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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 197x243, 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15751828 No.15751828 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. It's me.

I'd like to thank all of you for participating in my experiment, first and foremost. I never expected it to reach this big of an audience, and I figured it would be a small internet obscurity lost to history. With a multi-trillion dollar market cap approaching within my estimates, I will have no problem securing a happy life in solace for me and my close family members. I was once one of you, a businessman who made a living trading stocks on the TYO. I was inspired by imageboards like this one to create the foundation for blockchain technologies to emerge. I was inspired to preserve anonymity as a part of internet culture. I was inspired to share with you my vision of a greater future, and so I did. But now, it is up to you to maintain that vision in your own image, and in the image of your community. Go forth, and preserve your futures. Make great things of yourself. Become what you have always aspired to be. I am an old man now, and I'm not as smart or as visionary as I once was. But you are young, and a young mind is a terrible thing to waste.

さとし なかもと

>> No.15751852

LARP? Bottom text says "Goodbye, Nakamoto" in proper Japanese.

>> No.15751854

Satoj is Szabo not some chink

fuck off

>> No.15751897

Hey! Thanks man. I am building the next bitcoin now. :) just a few years ago all I did was browsing this site. Now everything has changed. The ideas I have gotten from the discussions on /biz/ have been invaluable for my project. If I can do it, the rest of the neets on this

>> No.15752455

Prove it

>> No.15752473

this doesn't seem a larp

>> No.15752486


>> No.15752528

fuck crimsont -qigozie

>> No.15752607

Thanks, Nak. Now pump Zuckbucks to $5.

>> No.15752666
File: 65 KB, 229x173, 1542495666504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing the name in hiragana
EOP here but im pretty sure they don't do this, low effort larp anyways