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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15750685 No.15750685 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else get trolled by /biz/ and /r9k/ into being a NEET?

>Thought I'd be able to use the freetime to meet women and cuck wagies while they're a worklike those funny memes always showed
>Realized saying "I just leech off of my parents" doesn't really sound good and i have no money anyway from not working so I can't even take them on a date or look like a non-homeless loser

>Parents literally disappointed and harass me everyday about finding a job
>They already pretty much decided to write me out of the will and give their multiple million dollar homes/investment portfolios to my brother and sister who actually went to university and got jobs

>I did invest my birthday money into shitcoins but due to not having consistent cashflow from work I could only put $1500 into LINK and DOGEcoin so I missed out on tons of buying opportunities for things like bitconnect, digibytes, pandacoins, etc

>Too depressed and tired after sleeping for ~12 hours a day and posting on 4chan for the remainder that I can't exercise or read books or anything else like the memes depict NEET master race as doing

>> No.15750697

another link shill
at least they try

>> No.15750698
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Because being a NEET is more than just being unemployed. It's a mindset. You have a wagecuck soul so you need someone to boss you around to do anything productive.

Like plato said, some people are natural born slaves (you).

>> No.15750704

But does any neet actually exercise and study mathematics and physics like they say? I highly doubt it

>> No.15750721

Some do. And why does it matter? I enjoy my time reading and playing video games. I don't need to justify my existence by learning math or physics unless I can genuinely enjoy it. Nobody needs to force me to do something. I don't feel like I'm wasting my time.

But wagecucks need a bossman to direct their effort or they feel lost. Chattel basically

>> No.15750729

Being NEET was the best time of my life. Unironically you are too goyim to enjoy it.

There is no better drug than to roam around soothing forest walks during the wagie hours, especially in the more remote locations where you do not meet people. That kind of exclusivity cannot be enjoyed by the wagie-animal. You are god.

The total isolation, quiet nature and silence is a drug better than heroin or cocaine all the while you know that there is no one to boss you around or tell you what to do.

I've done lots of drugs in my lifetime, even fucked women, but nothing beats NEETdom, you literally feel like a god (Granted, that you can disregard all the societal expectations and other conscience matters of not working or contributing to society)

God I miss those times

>> No.15750736

if you have rich parents and wanna be a useless fuck, you dont drop out of life. you go parttime to uni and get a degree in history or a dead language and work parttime for fuckin around dough

>> No.15750739

I retired at 33, with $3mil sitting in the bank getting me about ~6% a year.

I do the PHUL routine in my home gym, spend most of my time reading Philosophy and professional textbooks (Law, Business, Construction, etc).

I also spend a few months working Project Management jobs for short-term construction projects, keeps me busy.

>> No.15750740

I just mean on /r9k/ I always see those memes that show NEETs as studying 18th century French philosophers, learning about world religions, making discoveries in physics and electromagnetism, banging 10/10 blonde housewives while wageslaves suck their bosses' dick but everytime I actually talk to a fellow NEET their life seems like it really sucks and they're depressed.

Why aren't you still a NEET? What changed, why did you go from a God to a so-called cuckold?

>> No.15750743

How did you earn that much money?

I've invested in a few things like pandacoins, dogecoins, digibytes, darkcoins, etc but i haven't really made much money. hopefully link makes me rich and i can be a millionaire too.

>> No.15750752

>Why aren't you still a NEET? What changed, why did you go from a God to a so-called cuckold?

I'm not even joking when I say this: I was put into my government's NEET program which had aim to activate NEETs and it lasted for a year. I got around 1200€ for being in that program for only talking to some nice old lady 20 minutes per week.

After that I rolled in to study computer science. I should be graduating in the next 4 years, I hope Chainlink has delivered by then.

>> No.15750754

>I just mean on /r9k/ I always see those memes that show NEETs as studying 18th century French philosophers

Are you stupid?

>> No.15751039

Personally I went to a Civil Engineering program at 17, was a 2-year program in a college. I got a great co-op working for a construction sub-contracting company.

At 20, I moved to British Columbia and prepared bids/proposals for mining companies needing construction work. Basically read their Scope of work, and calculate what resources (labor, equipment, materials) they need, then bid for the tender, win the contract, then procure those resources at a markup. By 22 I made it to ~$140k/year, gained a great resume and contacts which allowed me to take side-work. I started investing at around 23, in really high risk stocks.

With contacts in the mining field I could take more calculated risk as to which company (junior miner) is likely to find resources in the land they own, capitalize/raise funds, build the mill, and start producing. I also got really lucky as Brexit made PM's skyrocket in 2016, which took me from ~450k to almost 2.5m in a few months.

I then kept putting cash into investments and living below my means, also did my research on Canadian tax law and went to a CPA to retain as much as possible. Eventually in 2018 I had about 3m so I put it all into a mixture of rental properties, stable dividend companies, and bonds.

I take 3-4 month projects just because it gives me something to do, and I can still make a decent amount of money without breaking my back like some wagie labourer or office worker, lol

>> No.15751070

You have no idea how much pleasure I get from reading about trusties being booted from what they thought was a guaranteed lottery win.

>> No.15751125
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>some NEETs do trust me bro
>I don't though, I just play video games all day
>You're the slave here
Let me guess, the "reading" is anime light novels

At least when I NEETed for 4 years I didn't pretend it was anything more than simple laziness.

>> No.15751158

OP, OMG. go to fucking college, you loser. You have life on easy mode and you're royally fucking it up.

HAHA. Me too. Like this fucking loser. OP, is this you??

>> No.15751163

>tfw my parents are NEETs living off government money due to disability and im the one who works and helps support the house past their poverty level incomes

when i was a NEET there was nothing in the fridge, i pretty much have to work lmao.

>> No.15751778

unironically learn to code and get a cushy job where you can work remotr

>> No.15751789

this is b8.

my girlfriend is currently fucking a NEET while i work it sucks

>> No.15751796


You are still a wagecuck but you don't realize it, you are basically a wagecuck without a job lmao imagine something lower than that

>> No.15751805
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>NEETs as studying 18th century French philosophers

Holy shit you know NOTHING about anything LMAO

I think NEETs are right, some people are just born to be slaves

>> No.15751836


>> No.15752020

Why do wagecucks idolize working so much? it's like you have some kind of insecurity toward your own worth so you think you have to constantly move around doing things to validate yourself. It's quite sad

>> No.15752042

>I just mean on /r9k/ I always see those memes that show NEETs as studying 18th century French philosophers, learning about world religions, making discoveries in physics and electromagnetism, banging 10/10 blonde housewives while wageslaves suck their bosses' dick but everytime I actually talk to a fellow NEET their life seems like it really sucks and they're depressed.
this, lol

cope more, pathetic neet

>> No.15752048


>>I did invest my birthday money into shitcoins but due to not having consistent cashflow from work I could only put $1500 into LINK and DOGEcoin so I missed out on tons of buying opportunities for things like bitconnect, digibytes, pandacoins, etc

Only someone retarded would say this.

>> No.15752067

To be a peak NEET you need to be enrolled in university so you have access to party holes and parental respect but also ditching class so you meet your ET requirements and have enough time to sleep all day, watch shows and do hella gaming marathons in your jimjams while everyone thinks you are gud boy studying.

>> No.15752077


yeah, the very fact that the only thing they need to get utterly depressed and kill themselves is someone telling them:
>Yeah you are very useful but i don't care about you at all

it's like those workaholics who would only need their wives telling them
>I only like because of your money
and you know they would instantly fall apart, really pathetic desu, you just know they live with that anxiety in the back of their heads

>> No.15752152

I think I'm peak NEET, the problem with that is that I'm still anxious about my exams because I have no motivation at all to study (Computer Science)

>> No.15752326

Get a job
Move out

>> No.15752676

Desu desu desu desu

>> No.15752680

im not. i tell her not to but she still does

>> No.15752697

neet was best time of my life

>> No.15753078

What did you spend it doing?

>> No.15753150

Inability to communicate and cooperate properly with other humans is probably the #1 reason NEETs project their insecurity onto "wagecucks". Sorry boys, most people who make it started out as wagecucks, learn the ropes and pick up contracts on the side.

>> No.15753238



>> No.15753320

>True to the core /biz/ answer
>0 replies
like clockwork

>> No.15753365



>> No.15753370
