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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15748912 No.15748912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Met a trap recently you wouldn’t ever know it used to be a dude. She didn’t tell me until a few days after I got a really amazing bj from her. She says she doesn’t care about dates just wants to hangout and play around. Are traps more budget friendly? Why even put up with a girl who’s demanding and annoying as shit in return for sex while paying 10x what she’s worth when I can have a QT 9.9 trap who’s tighter and willing to do more for less?
Pic looks like the one that I met

>> No.15748924
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>Can be traced to definitional word of female

>> No.15748926

>used to be a dude

>> No.15748929

very budget friendly. They have such low self esteem that you can give such a small compliment and it'd brighten their life

Easiest sex ever, and feels pretty satisfying, as long as you stick with bj's so you don't have to see their dick

>> No.15748937

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.15748940


Anon I..

>> No.15748942

Back to /Pol/ incel

>> No.15748945

When I am really angry I fuck ladyboys and traps.
Pay them extra to hogtie them to the bed an fucking pound the living shit out of their asshole.
For some reason I don't get that domination feeling when fucking a girl in the pussy or ass.
For the record I am not gay.

>> No.15748950

I can attest to this. But she did ask me to 69 and she’s hot so if I do it how gay am I?

>> No.15748953

Faggot. This whole world has turned gay

>> No.15748957

Men are better at being women.Cute penis makes it better.

>> No.15748962

>she’s hot so if I do it how gay am I?
Very gay OP, very gay

>> No.15748964

not 100% gay

you like her for the fact she looks like a girl, the dick is just in the way but if you suck the dick then you're gay

>> No.15748965

we've been doing it since we were monkeys, get over it

>> No.15748967

did she fuck you yet? thats the best part about traps

>> No.15748974

Back to rreddit kike

>> No.15748977

Not as gay and your two dads faggot

>> No.15748978

its only gay if her penis is bigger than yours

>> No.15748984

No it’s very feminine maybe 3inch

>> No.15748989

Wtf are you on about, I'm not apart of "we". You fuck dudes in the ass. That's some mental backwards shit. And this clown world accepts this fucked up shit.

>> No.15749030

he fucks dudes that look like chicks, it's not gay unless hes getting rammed

>> No.15749058

He's not fucking pussy. He's fucking a man's asshole. That's pretty gay

>> No.15749090

OP is a faggot literally

>> No.15749099

If you can't tell the difference does it matter?

>> No.15749120

This.. OP is a faggot but traps still arent gay

>> No.15749832

>used to be a dude

>> No.15749847

Where do I find trap gf?

>> No.15749866

Yep. they are much more budget friendly. I dated 3 girls before dating one trap(my current)... Trap is way better, real human, friend, companion, etc.

>> No.15749880

They are more gay friendly than regular women.

>> No.15749887

Even men are better than women at being women now. You'll rarely get turned down for sex, traps are usually low key and aren't going to attract or dish out drama for you. Have fun OP.

>> No.15749899

Just make them wear a chastity cage. 99% chance they'll be into it.

>> No.15749919
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That's 100% gay, but it ain't gay to get your dick sucked. She(he)'s the fag, and it disgusts me just thinking about it.

>> No.15749930

>regularly fucks men
>not gay

You can only pick one Anon.

>> No.15749947

A penis, by definition, is not "feminine"

>> No.15749951


>> No.15750069

if balls arent touching its not gay

>> No.15750105

>this guy comes to 4chan and clicks on trap threads to post angry stuff in them
rly makes you think

>> No.15750127

Get punched

>> No.15750138

If you got a blowjob from a dude pretending to be a woman then you got raped, lmfao dumbass

>> No.15750150

He's a pol incel

>> No.15750166

If youre fucking MEN in the ass then you're not just a faggot but you're still a faggot incel who couldnt get with a real woman so you fell for the trap meme

>> No.15750168

Literally kys scumbag

>> No.15750213

Business and finance faggot. Your mental retardation has yall loving men's assholes and has you posting on the wrong board
Don't browse Pol. I'm no incel either. I fuck women not men dressed like them, loser faggot

>> No.15750366

Try to find the women in this thread

>> No.15750624

Living 7 years with a Trap. Traps cost the same, but spend it on Laser Surgery instead of stupid stuff. Sex is the same like with a Girl.

The biggest benefit you can bond much easier and find a soulmate. They are also much more rational. I will never go back. Never have been happier in my life, Im almost happy every day. Kinda crazy.

>> No.15750641

>yfw their asshole wears out

>> No.15750667

Totally agree. Can confirm this comment.

Traps will be, by far, the best relationship and experience you ever had.

>> No.15750706


>> No.15750733

Troll thread.

>> No.15750756

I'm not mad. I can get girls, you get... men. The (mental) state of you literal butt fuckers.

>> No.15750759

faggot kill yourself asap

>> No.15750787

>Sex is the same like with a Girl
No. Anal feels a lot different than vaginal sex and some people won't enjoy it.

>> No.15750828
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>The (mental) state of you literal butt fuckers.

And if they let the traps fuck them? Would they be Fuck Butters? Futt Buckers?

>> No.15750844

They're all crazy so no.

>> No.15750873

I would never seriously date a trap, but it's true they are way easier to get with than normal girls, even the hot passable ones. Plus they give amazing blowjobs.

>> No.15750905

They would be faggots, anon. Faggots.

>> No.15750949 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15751007

How 2 git trap gf?

>> No.15751028

People who got fucked in the ass. Faggots or unfortunate men raped in prison.

>> No.15751036

I get S class trap pucci

>> No.15751040
File: 90 KB, 1866x1206, whattf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get punched
What kind of retarded leftoid cuckboy grammar is this?

>> No.15751045

The very, very gay kind?

>> No.15751059

Don't you have a micro penis to suck while sticking your finger in the guy's ass. Don't You me anymore.

>> No.15751114

>fuding family
Israel has no right to exist

>> No.15751147

>da joos!!!
polcels need to go back

>> No.15751164

>why are all these men on an anime-bitcoin website into girls (male)?

>> No.15751175

It's strange to see degenerate tranny posters working overtime to LARP in favor of taking care of damaged goods.

>> No.15751179

Saying the same thing that I said but in a different voice isn’t an argument against the thing I said.

Execute Jews
Execute zoomers
God bless niggers
God bless jannies

>> No.15751262

They are addicted to porn.

>> No.15751431

We are still monkey's idjut.

>> No.15751671

Honestly this. Where do I find one?

>> No.15751761


>> No.15751946
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>I am not gay

>> No.15752007

i like the dude that says he fucks dudes then says hes not gay. if a dog identifies as human having sex with it still makes you a practitioner of beastiality. why the fucks this under business and finance?

>> No.15752039

Because being a faggot is a mental illness. They don't know where to post
Hilarious, you can see they want a girl with how they identify these dudes. Much cope

>> No.15752118

Dude, this bitch is hot af
Op you are gay if you don't fuck

>> No.15752145

A man with a female body is the ideal. The science isn't yet there, but if you are turned out by a trap go for it anon

>> No.15752198
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Nice catch anon.

>> No.15752338

Oy vey

>> No.15752340

this is the biggest oximoron i have ever seen

>> No.15752379


i used to "date" a tranny.

she was my sex slave. kept her in my room, naked at all times. provided food, shelter, clothes (of course 'she' could leave the house, but not with me).

did everything i wanted. cooked, cleaned, and of course any nasty sexual fantasy one could possibly think of. we had "gf/bf" moments.

i was never attached to her, but she was a super cool person (most trannies i've met actually are less of a bitch ass nigger than some dudes i know). she moved on to modeling and what not. she hits me up every now and then to see how im doing and if she could crash and get fucked for a few nights. doesn't ask for much. loves cum and spreading her ass.

i kinda wish i had the balls to full on come out and date a shemale. no other better fuck than trannies if you can get past the whole having a dick thing.

>> No.15752412

>you wouldn’t ever know it used to be a dude.
maybe YOU wouldn't know, because you're desperate and daft and clearly trying to avoid noticing the tells.

>> No.15752420

Get punched

>> No.15752450

how the fuck do you meet one that actually looks decent though

>> No.15752472


>> No.15752495



>mfw pol incels count as women because of their low test

>> No.15752514

All the good ones on the internet are taken.

>> No.15752524

This + based

>> No.15752549
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>> No.15752572
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It always sounds like a massive amount of COPE for having sex with a man

>> No.15752766

You can eat out her butt hole or suck her dick.

>> No.15753032

>well, that's one thing they have in common with women
hormones are real anon
ironically for most of 4chan this would hold true. ever see a decent looking girl who is totally into videogames and isn't completely terrible at them?
>she has a dick
honestly the thing that freaks me out the most about them is how they coom like geysers, i thought hormone replacement was supposed to have the opposite effect

>> No.15753063

Have to agree with this anon.
If you like traps you are gay - that's all there is to it.
Also calling them "she" "her" etc is ridiculous. They're gay men.
I don't give a fuck if gay people have sex, but call it what it is

>> No.15753101

That's not what it is tho, or else the terms trans or trap wouldn't exist

>> No.15753219

dominating sex is the ultimate control.

You seek this becuase being stressed out and angry means you're not in control.

This is what people in prison do. Power and control; the act is gay, but they're not gay.

>> No.15753232

Well, this seems to be the solution to the incel problem.

Carry on.

>> No.15753260

Cope. He still has a Y chromosome.

>> No.15753347


>> No.15753402

Thank god, when did /biz/ get so many faggots?

>> No.15753974

/lgbt/ has been infesting other boards for years now. Just take a look at what /r9k/ has become simply in the last couple years.

>> No.15753999


>> No.15754062
File: 234 KB, 1242x2208, 1569707183068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id sodomize her. If you wouldnt u gay as fuck faggots

>> No.15754065


>> No.15754097

>t. faggot

>> No.15754272


>> No.15754568

Real answer: Anime and gaming conventions.