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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15746499 No.15746499 [Reply] [Original]

Is Econ a meme degree? Is it worth going back to school for?

>> No.15746514

Yes No

>> No.15746516

Why? There seems to be a decent amount of things you can do with it.

>> No.15746519

just buy an economics textbook, will save you $50k +

>> No.15746527

don't know

>> No.15746533

you can learn it online for free

>> No.15746537

You're better off going for Finance/Business instead and taking Econ classes that look interesting to you.

>> No.15746550
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econ is a good stepping stone degree for something like law or an mba, by itself its kinda useless....and your connections you make in school are a better predictor of future success than simply your grades or even what school you choose

>> No.15746557
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somehwat meme degree. Better off doing something more applied like econometrics or finance.

source: econ degree. Should have done econometrics.

>> No.15746574

I did it and yes its a meme, its like philosophy, only useful things are statistics, econometrics and macro.

Micro is garbage kek

>> No.15746639

How did you get an econ degree without doing econometrics?

>> No.15746723

Econ major here.
Economics is all BULLSHIT!
Seriously, I ended up taking a tonne of classes in data science and programming; best decision of my life!!
If you're thinking of doing economics, think about why you want to do it first. If you want to get rich and be 'muh corporate ceo' (eternal wagecuck) take finance or business and get an MBA.
If you just like numbers and have little to no work ethic and just want a lot of money so that you never have to work again, do comp-science or engineering.

>> No.15746740

probably from a shitty uni

>> No.15746749
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Bitch, I took that accounting class instead of meme degree.

>> No.15746758

Econ minor here. It’s a meme. No real jobs. Go back for accounting or finance. Preferably accounting. Get your masters In accounting then sit for the CPA then make money.

>> No.15746805

That's what I am going to study, thank you anon you are great

>> No.15746955

Does this only apply to the US or are any of you from the EU I feel like in Europe no 'muh prestige' unis really offer finance/business only econ that then includes finance and business courses