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15745359 No.15745359 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15745423

check your calendar

>> No.15745541

>Wishful thinking THE POST
how much cope was she on?

>> No.15745553

Bitcoin was at $3k when this post was made bro
For one smug anime post, it's been impressively accurate so far.

>> No.15745633

Hits the nail right on the head

>> No.15745704

This is bullshit and you know it.

>> No.15745707

Bitcoin will never touch 16k again

>> No.15745722

I'm really bullish on October. In fact I can't wait. Everything is showing a really green month next month. I don't know if bitcoin is going to 18k but it's definitely going to make some crazy gains. I've never seen clearer accumalation since dare I say 2017.

>> No.15745726
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>> No.15745746


>> No.15745764

This was final capitulation right at the end of the quarter. Now it will will rally for the 4Q fulfilling Asukas' prophecy. Ignore quarterly timing at your own peril.

>> No.15745920

A broken clock is right twice a day, I fail to see how this is any different.

>> No.15746004


bit coin will be above 100k in the next 5 years

>> No.15746020


Four and a half weeks to go. Only a fool would think that BTC can't do a 2x in a month.

>> No.15746076

Wow, somebody on /biz/ was bullish on BTC, unreal.

Then they made a random animepost about it (that didn't even claim to be a "prophecy"), but for some reason it got saved then reposted after the April 1st boom began, and then people kept mentioning this one, dumb post because others kept mentioning it, and it became popular because it was popular, then it was sort of right-ish by coincidence a second time (yeah, $9,200 was part of the July range, but not a high or a low or anything else significant), and then every retard started "believing" it because it was right twice, only now it's about to be extremely wrong and die forever and I can't wait.

You're all such fucking obnoxious people.

>> No.15746084

only if the dollar collapses, otherwise its literally impossible.

If the dollar collapses or hyperinflates, youll have way more to worry about than what bitcoin is worth by the way

>> No.15746095

A broken clock sits there and the time of day moves so as to make the clock right.

That would be like anon saying "3k in January and 3k again in August", when the price had been sitting at 3k for months already. Holy shit anon was right

In actuality anon has predicted exact times of the year when a wildly fluctuating price will meet certain months on the calendar. That's how it's very very different.

I'll believe 16k when I see it - the charts I follow suggest we descend to 6k around end of year - but this isn't the broken clock analogy you think it is

>> No.15746104

>its literally impossible

Literally speaking no it isn't.

>> No.15746110

If you aren't all in on BTC for this then I don't know what to tell you. These are the same people who said that we wouldn't fall back down to $9.2k in July

>> No.15746128

>otherwise its literally impossible
how are cunts like this even on this board?

>> No.15746148

fuck off, you're the same retards that say coins like harmony with 15 billion in circulation will be worth 1000 dollars each. theres no fucking way

>> No.15746168

Everyone is just waiting for October. If it legitimately hits 16K then you get all the non believers in

>> No.15746170

Nope. I haven't even heard of whatever that coin is, but I'm presuming it's the blue H I've see in the catalog

You're just not grasping the use of the word literally.

Did I say it's going to happen by EOY or whatever? No, just that it's not literally impossible - which it isn't. Taking the lower estimate of the total gold market cap and applying it to BTC gives a price of about 120k per coin. Again you can argue whether that's probable or not, but it isn't impossible.

>> No.15746210

Nigger, a lot of people were calling the bottom. I literally put in 100k eur at 4k

>> No.15746234

bitcoin will do 123k by Dec 2023 and you still doubt anon? You need to start acting like a man

>> No.15746299

LOOK BUDDY I do analytics for a fucking career the person in question hasn't stated whether the figures are high's low's or average's for the month, AND it's important to note the TREND is going up not neccesarily bitcoin it's self, what I mean by that is we could have another insane pump one day in october to 16 K and then plummet back down to 5K, does that mean they were right? are they a whale? an oilprince? a bored billionaire? when the person making the predictions is this vague though only retards believe it with little to no evidence, but ask yourself this when's the last time bitcoin increased it's price by 7K inside a month?

that's right, almost fucking never, the last time that happened it was followed by a flash crash days later and people were panic selling, so let me ask you this, what has fundamentally changed in the past 2 years for that to never happen again?

I await your answer eagerly, troll.

>> No.15746325
File: 8 KB, 248x233, A564E290-41C5-4B2B-A6C1-EF95F54B8EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The charts never lie

>> No.15746332

that's it, THAT'S YOUR ANSWER, hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAAHA oh dear god I was actually pretty sad before I read this, thanks anon.

>> No.15746354

how do I filter zoomers, people arrived after 2016 and computer illiterate retards here?

>> No.15746381
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if you want to know where bitcoin is going.
Very fucking simple and comfy times ahead lads.

>> No.15746380
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>> No.15746446

that post isn't a clock, buddy

>> No.15746453

the board is, the post is the hands pointing at a particular time

>> No.15746456

cope and seethe

>> No.15746462


>> No.15746467

I can't wait to post this in November 2019 at $5,000

>> No.15746488

>we could have another insane pump one day in october to 16 K and then plummet back down to 5K, does that mean they were right?

Unironically yes lol

>ask yourself this when's the last time bitcoin increased it's price by 7K inside a month?

Stop thinking in dollar terms and start thinking in percentages my man

>> No.15746656


>> No.15746779
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your ignorance shall be punished

>> No.15746950
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Actually 9252.00 was the absolute lowest price BTC touched in July 2019.

Not bad of a guess I would say.

Pic related

>> No.15748158

can you just go back to r*ddit jesus fuck

>> No.15748183
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I said this 2 months ago: screw your prophecy, it is utter bullshit.

And I was right, as always.

>> No.15748197

I'm sorry, but was Asuka wrong? Oh, that's right. October isn't even over yet. In fact, we are still in September. Does not having reached $16k in September count as being wrong? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the golden bullrun has just started? Bitcoin is still discovering it's price right now and has been the best performing asset in the world for how many years now? It's competing against one of the worst fiat currencies in the market which just happens to have a lead because it's feeding off the energy of the Federal Reserve. But you know what? USD still fucking sucks. Bitcoin is one of the best fucking assets in the world, it went up 400% this year and outperformed all traditional asset classes. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Bitcoin reaches $16k and someone bumps this thread. Oh look at that, BTC just painted a green candle forming another bull flag, just like it did in 2017. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Bitcoin topics because you're a nocoiner who doesn't like the tech because it's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking investors on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.15748215




see you when btc is 2k

>> No.15748218

sounds like you have a long position about to get liquidated

>> No.15748316


>> No.15748323

Why you all assume November prediction is a typo but October isn't?

>> No.15748345
File: 12 KB, 258x245, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOOK BUDDY I do analytics for a fucking career

>> No.15748388

Why won't I be able to transfer someone .00000001 btc for a loaf of bread?

>> No.15749401

copypasta candidate...

>> No.15749443

See you at halving, poorfag. When you see 20%+ dips that should be a screaming signal to accumulate more.

>> No.15749447

>send 1 loaf of bread
>transaction fee is 10 years of average income

>> No.15749453
File: 168 KB, 359x373, asuka10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 28th
Not October yet.

>> No.15749495

I remember people sayung BTC at 1K is absurd and it will crash down to zero.

>> No.15749589

Once central banks start printing more money and negative rates become standard, fiat will exponentially lose more of its value. When this happens only gold/silver/crypto will remain as a safe heaven for money to hide into.

>> No.15749697

Look at 2017.
It's already happened once and that time it crashed violently enough in the summer that people either hadn't heard of it, gave zero fucks, or were too scared to increase their positions.
It's unlikely to replay 2017 but the existence of that history shows that trajectory is not impossible. This time around just remember to take profits before year end.