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15745817 No.15745817 [Reply] [Original]

As you probably know the world economy is based around fiat currency (monopoly money). At any moment your savings could become worthless with the next economic holocaust. Explain to me why you don't have at least $1000 dollars of your assets saved in gold?
>But I'm too poor
No such thing, buy silver then if your that broke
>Gold is just shiny metal stupid boomer
You will be singing a different toon when the economy crashes and your starving wishing you had bought gold so you could have sold it afterwards.
TLDR: stop being retarded and buy gold.

>> No.15745829


>> No.15745832

infinite gold is available in minecraft, retard

>> No.15745839

I work in the gold mining industry. It is boring as fuck to me. All day long gold gold fucking gold. That is why I have not bought any fucking gold. I do however have shares in various gold mining companies.

>> No.15745846

You should have some privately owned gold though just in case still. Safer than owning shares, but you already better off than half the cryptofags on this board.

>> No.15745850

Hell, I living in a region called the 'Goldfields'. gold gold gold gold gold.

>> No.15745853

Not on Xbox 360 edition

>> No.15745854

Why would I buy some shiny, useless metal?

>At any moment your savings could become worthless with the next economic holocaust.
And if/when seafloor mining becomes widely practiced, gold will lose 90% of it's value.

>> No.15745859

because crypto will outperform gold

>> No.15745862

>24% tax
cant buy it taxless because its not acknowledged as a currency.

>> No.15745863

Because if money becomes irrevelant and gold holds its value, the government will demand you return your gold to them, and your peashooters that are supposed to protect you from the government can not do anything to their literal armies and armed drones. It has already happened multiple times in multiple countries.

>> No.15745880

He's not talking about investment for profit. OP is talking about using gold as a safety net for the increasingly frequent and harsh economic downturns. You're retarded if you think virtual shit is safer than hard metal in that regard.

>> No.15745883

>implying that anything matters if crypto fails
if crypto/internet fails, we are done as a species and I will kms the moment it happens.

>> No.15745893

>Muh peashooters
There are more guns then people in the us. Vietnam and our current shit show in the middle east prove that asymmetrical warfare is an entirely viable deterrent to conventional force, especially on homesoil where troops will more directly suffer the consequences. You're giving the government too much credit, plus imagine not hiding your gold.

>> No.15745914

'I lost my gold in a boating accident . . along with my guns'

>> No.15745916

the power of gold is that it allows you to measure value over time, you don't need to own it to do this. Gold is money not an investment

>> No.15745921

>OP is talking about using gold as a safety net for the increasingly frequent and harsh economic downturns
Better options would be:

1) Paying off debt
2) Buying land
3) Stocking up necessities like food, water, ammunition

>> No.15745934

>You're retarded if you think virtual shit is safer than hard metal in that regard.
said the boomer retard

>> No.15745952

That's what you'll be doing after you realize how fucked you are cryptofag

>> No.15745961

>also, that gay micronesian tranny porn on my laptop isn't mine...I swear...

>> No.15745962

when fiat dies and the company who is holding your gold for you disappears you will have nothing.

>> No.15745973

>Paying off debt
Yes, this is always good, debt is slavery and never stops until you kill it completely like cancer.
>Buying land
You should have a decent lot for yourself, but don't but land for profit, 2008 already showed how property is not an asset.
>Stocking up on necessities
This is just good survival advice for everyone. I am supporting gold in an economic sense so you can have a livelihood after the next great depression.

>> No.15745980

Bro obviously store your own gold, fucking brainlet.

>> No.15746021

if you like gold and not crypto it just means you don't understand gold.
You have the peter schiff survivorship bias. Gold is money.
BitCoin is the first currency that is not centrally issued and has the potential to unlock a whole new level of economic reality with trade occurring on the scales of the information age. Other cryptos like xrp or chainlink are what the tyrannical socialists (BIS, central banks, google etc) want to be adopted.
In any case we will have a digital cash in the next 20 years and you will make more money (gold) by investing some your net worth in crypto than being 100% in money.

additionally the preppers wet dream never happens, if the economy collapses we will get ww3 with china not the walking dead live action roleplay. Wealth does not matter in war because you cannot buy your way out of the chinese destroying your property rights. Instead of running to the hills thinking you can be independent of such a war you should throw everything you have into fighting against socialism.

>> No.15746038

>I am supporting gold in an economic sense so you can have a livelihood after the next great depression.
Why gold, as opposed to the other 30ish metals?

Or as opposed to various other commodities, like gas/oil, pork bellies, wheat, et cetera?

>inb4 it was used as money 100 years ago
So was copper. Are you stocking that?

>> No.15746068

It packs more value per gram. It's just most efficient to store. Plus, gold is relatively stable it's always rare. And I never said anything against other metals, silver is a good alternative if your broke. Copper is too common to be efficient.

>> No.15746163
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>value per gram
bitcoin paper wallet
>efficient to store
bitcoin paper wallet
>relatively stable
relative to what?
>always rare
not as rare as bitcoin

the use of gold is that it is the measuring stick of value over time because all things' value change relative to golds over time

>> No.15746273

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value though

>> No.15746290

bitcoin is a commodity that allows you to change the worlds first immutable ledger.
It would hard to overstate the value of an immutable ledger. Particularly if you were a goldbug given the last 100 years of monetary policy

>> No.15746790

how do you know that gold is on the seafloor?

>> No.15746837

They've tested the sea floor for chemicals.

It's only a matter of time, before the technology is there to mine the deep parts of the ocean. We'll probably see it in our lifetime. One mine is already up and running, and several more are planned.


>> No.15746848

if gold ever becomes valuable I can just steal it. there is plenty around here. can't say the same for bitcoin.

>> No.15746871

is this truly the level of cope bagholders have reached? holy shit, you cant be this delusional

>> No.15746881

If there's an economic holocaust gold won't be worth shit, ammo and tinned food will be king

>> No.15747171

this is actually interesting. are there other companys than nautilus minerals on the market, since well, nautilus minerals is basically bankrupt.

>> No.15747233

This is as funny as asteroid mining.
Sea floor mining would be just as costly, if not more so.
Not viable until gold is over 8k

>> No.15747248

It won't happen like that, it could happen like that, but it won't, coz internet n stuff.
Boolits n arms are good investments tho, as easy to sell as gold.

>> No.15747324

You sound like such a fucking boomer.

>> No.15747340
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Imagine thinking that gold has value over the US dollar. Might aswell just go buy a shit ton of wood, then light it on fire you fucking retard.

>> No.15747449

id have to pay a $50ish cc fee for 1 oz cause no cash. should i do it anyways?

>> No.15747458

oh and i do have 1/10 oz

>> No.15747498

BTC is easier to store and buy, BTC is cheaper in fees to buy, BTC is new and growing, BTC inflation is getting closer to fiat and gold and I'm holding long term for years.
These are the main reasons I buy BTC over gold, I also don't trust gold brokers that don't have third party audit. Crypto is more transparent and the blockchain harder to fake or hide on

>> No.15747506

>I cant comprehend the difference between a store of value and a utility

>> No.15747803

Most people don’t hoard physical gold because its so easy to steal. If you have a gold bank account or trade contracts I don’t see the point in using solely gold. Why not use lithium or something with more useful material properties? Or have a whole portfolio of hedged commodities and equity? If its all just pieces of paper that a centralized authority can take away from you I see no reason to bet it all on gold. With bitcoin you get both the “you can hold it in your hand” and the convenience of instantaneous digital transfer. Gold seems almost useless compared to any other commodity. I’d buy corn futures before I bought gold.