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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15745175 No.15745175 [Reply] [Original]

Whose perception of work has been ruined by this board and the wagie/comfy NEET memes?

My job is actually pretty decent and something most grads would die for but the corporate culture, buzzwords, watercooler social chit chat small talk and tax memes make me view work as an insanely negative thing.

This has reduced my quality of life as I now have such a negative mindset and cant wait for the working week to be over and done with, im so sick of talking about the weather and what movie we watched on the weekend. Despite me having to do this for the next 40 years (Just like that stupid coomer wojak edit always reminds me)

>> No.15745189

Why is the top guy thinking about naked children?

>> No.15745194

If you unironically watched Games of thrones you need to kill yourself

>> No.15745205

well I already had a negative view before coming here. The mini store owner near me is more successful than employees working for some big company just due to how chill it is and the lack of political correctness pressure

>> No.15745208

I don't think "ruined" is the right word for it. I feel more enlightened. I quit my job, became an entrepreneur and not my life is stress free, true freedom, and control my own life. I never have to wake up early, answer to a boss, etc.

>> No.15745217
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>Whose perception of work has been ruined by this board and the wagie/comfy NEET memes?
Me. I'm in my 30's. I never want to contribute to society again, it's all so false.

>> No.15745225

You don't have to talk about banal things, OP. Just don't say anything obviously offensive.

Give a shit about your fellow wagies.

>> No.15745226


>> No.15745232


Just off yourself. Society is the only reason a stronger member of our species hasn't murdered you and raped everyone you care about as you helplessly bleed out.

>> No.15745240

I don't talk as much. Just go to work and leave. Most people just do the, "Hi", but after the 4th time in a day, I don't even say anything... Just smile or nod.

>> No.15745316

The chad cold shower vs the sσylent hot shower

>> No.15745330


Modern Western man, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme.

It is natural to find the "corporate culture" extremely loathsome, it is a new phenomenon, perhaps not even 100 years old.

Under the feudal mode of production - an agrarian-based economy, small producers and artisans, the guild system, etc - a relatively rigid and unequal social hierarchy could be justified, at least in principle. It gave order and coherence to a very heterogeneous society, and helped to centralised a society with strong tendencies towards decentralisation and fragmentation. However, under the industrial capitalist mode of production - the economic ruin of the small producer, the urbanisation and proletarianisation of the peasantry, the socialisation of production in large factories - that social hierarchy and inequality became oppressive and outmoded. It no longer served to cohere society, but to divide it.

Of course, you can believe the lies that "Things are better now! We were oppressed". While in truth, especially when we compare the bourgeois revolutions in America and in France in the late 18th century were prompted by the desire for equality, and had the equality of all citizens as one of their principal aims: true artisanship in various crafts and professions was killed and essentially all true skill passed on from father to son was destroyed and thus the professions fit for one's true nature were deconstructed with the modern education system: "Everybody can be a president/doctor/spaceman!"

This is the most dehumanizing factor of modernity, the loss and meaning of life.

>> No.15745341
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>In our time it is fashionable to exalt work of whatever sort and no matter how it is accomplished, as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order. Contrary to what the moderns think, any work that is done indiscriminately by anyone solely for the pleasure of acting or because of the need to ‘earn one’s living’ hardly merits being exalted, and indeed it can only be regarded as something abnormal, opposed to the order that ought to regulate human institutions, to such a point that, in the conditions of our age, it only too often acquires a character that without any exaggeration qualifies as ‘infra-human’. What our contemporaries seem to ignore completely is that work is not truly valid unless it conforms to the very nature of the being that accomplishes it and results therefrom in a spontaneous and necessary way, as it were, so that it is no more than the means for that nature to realize itself as perfectly as possible.
- "Glorification Of Work" - René Guénon

Guénon is right, the modern man with his corporate environment is living infra-human existence even when compared to men few hundred years ago. He cannot be even properly called human, but something mechanical and abstract part of some machine. He is no longer human, but infra-human. Something less than a man.

>> No.15745406


Work without meaningful purpose is pointless, I agree.

However all organisms exist merely to successfully reproduce. There is no sacred natural order. Thus, a manner of living is only better or worse based on oir desired outcomes.

There are legitimate criticisms to our corporate culture, but exalting the old way of doing things out of a love of tradition is also worthy of criticism.

>> No.15745422

>Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme.
Nah. A lot of this degeneracy was first pioneered and normalized in Western Europe. America only recently became infected by the same disease and now revisionists are attempting to make it seem as if America was the cause of it all along.
>This is the most dehumanizing factor of modernity, the loss and meaning of life.
Agreed, to a point. Man is only free if he can build and shape his own fate. Not all too many are forced to or starve to death the way they used to be. This has made for an ever-growing number of complacent men, but there will always be a deviation among us who are unhappy with what we see as backwards and strive to progress. No matter how backwards society is, many are happy being complacent with it in exchange for comforts. The more complacency there is among men, the higher the odds are of societal collapse.
The man who shapes his own fate or starves will be best off in either circumstance.

>> No.15745430

whatever you say, infra-man

>> No.15745462


Make your own arguments rather than quoting an antiquated source verbatim.

What's the meaningful takeaway from your posts? How does it influence your own life?

Teach me, senpai.

>> No.15745473

My only post was me calling you infra-man because that's all I have to say to you, infra-man.

>> No.15745491


Alright, good talk.

>> No.15745504


>> No.15745538

do you wanna know how I know you're part of the bottom group this meme represents and not part of the top? You don't understand that the naked child is not the focal point of that image, instead it is the needless suffering and exploitation of poor nations around the world, in this case during the vietnam war.

>> No.15745573


Given it has galactic images I think it's supposed to represent thinking about large scale problems versus pop culture.

>> No.15745604

Working is easy when you contribute something to the progress of humanity. Unfortunately, so much of our economy is just superfluous crud destined for the landfill. It's like the inventor of funko pops, what the fuck exactly did that contribute to humanity?

Fuck every part of the economy producing vapid consumerist bullshit. Don't buy it, don't work for it.

>> No.15745661
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>greed, to a point. Man is only free if he can build and shape his own fate. Not all too many are forced to or starve to death the way they used to be. This has made for an ever-growing number of complacent men, but there will always be a deviation among us who are unhappy with what we see as backwards and strive to progress. No matter how backwards society is, many are happy being complacent with it in exchange for comforts. The more complacency there is among men, the higher the odds are of societal collapse.

The reality is that the current ‘modern order’ is the best thing to ever happen for most people, they don’t have to hunt, they don’t even have to think about raw survival, they can just be robots and psychologically masturbate to adult cartoons and funny cat videos, human coasters riding the systems waves until they die in the afterglow of the screens radiation.

It truly is the easy life (unless you’re a HIV+ drug addicted prostitute or a mentally ill homeless person, or a senator that won’t play ball)

Moreover, all the people who think otherwise would change their tune if society ever did fall into sheer barbarism, or some other degenerate human system based on greed and decrepitude, dog eat dog or worse...

The current unity of society you currently believe in and strive towards, is the same unity that ants experience being crushed under a boot. Conditioned incrementally to remain in the dim twilight of perception, barely aware that 1984 was in 1948, and this current situation is a ‘Mr. Softee’ version, very palatable, like strawberry yogurt ice cream, minus the barbed wire and machine guns (when compared to world war 2) but just as or even more fatal.

A soft enslavement for a soft society, mentally neutered human emoticons. All of your children will be implanted with the systems technologies, and they will demand it because they will be manipulated into believing it is a vital necessity.

>> No.15745705

Spoken like a man of culture. Do you plan to escape sir? If not, why? And if so, how?

>> No.15745731

wow ur so deep

>> No.15745737


We can discuss this subject from our well-educated, electronically implanted, fully comprehensive ‘world view’ that we received through transmissions from the TV, radio and technologies used in our education system, or we can discuss sports statistics that we learned and memorized through transmissions from those same technologies.

You may believe you ‘know’ that there never was 'sacred natural order', but the only honest thing you can say is that you don’t truly know anything that ever happened. So what if you own the DVD box set that says that people were oppressed by the aristocracy? It is all legally ‘hearsay’ coupled with disinformation, or flat out manufactured lies. (published in professionally bound books no less.) and even if there might be a crumb or two of truth mixed into it, it’s not enough to result in any form of actual understanding of an event, but it’s enough to make you open wide and swallow it all down with the brisk and tidy, high-pressure little *flush* a good little sanitary systems whore and make opinion: "tradition never existed"

The corporate elite have masters degrees in macro-economics and geopolitics, what do you have? a subscription to Netflix? the latest i-pad? seen every movie? watched every season? It's not like people have the wherewithal or intelligence to organize an actual sanctioning against the corporations, they can’t even grow their own food, they need the system. End of story. the people oppress themselves. We all are accountable for all this shit. We enable it all.. all of it. they sell children. they rape children on Eppstein pedophile islands while you fuck around on Facebook. Professionally trained serial killers murder children while you play pathological video games that turn you into a subconscious serial killer by-proxy. They have terminator technologies, they have invisible anti-gravity technologies, mind control technologies.. who knows what the true state of technology even is?

>> No.15745749

negative nancy

>> No.15745783

>Do you plan to escape sir? If not, why? And if so, how?

Where? There will be more laws passed, increased surveillance and police, and they’ll likely just ‘up the dose’ of chemicals in the water supply to further neutralize everyone: and just wait until the security robots become integrated.. but the people will demand that anyway.

And when DARPA rolls out their 25+ year old prototypes to pretend it’s the “state of the art” on YouTube, imagine that 25+ years down the road, at the level of advancements made by the hour these days... You would have to leave the planet Earth to escape.

Our place is just to be just another robot in their beehive, or to go die in some overseas invasive strategic land grab for nations like Israel, other than that, enjoy your outdoor internment facility, it has every movie and possible distraction. But that is all we wanted anyway, so what are we even complaining about?

The people are willfully ignorant to the machinations of the genius level strategists that shape this planet. Truly educated (but corrupted) people like Kissinger that are masterminds and visionaries, compared to the average citizen who is just a junk-food processor and a parrot of comedy shows made for dullards, a minor component in the infrastructure of the system, more concerned about it’s biological sex needs than the advancement of the species, ultimately null and void. Interchangeable and replaceable like the parts of a toilet.

>> No.15745901

Other than where you insinuate that I strive towards the domestication of man, I agree with your post 100%. You're very much enslaved by a sense of defeatism, though. So much so, that it's ironic that you would even consider pointing out where you think other people's viewpoints are flawed. If everything truly is fucked, why does it matter if my perception or yours is right or not? It'd all mean nothing.
>All of your children will be implanted with the systems technologies, and they will demand it because they will be manipulated into believing it is a vital necessity.
So long as man can break free of the planned mental conditioning and soft propaganda, there is hope. It gets worse with every generation, as does trust in society at large. With the right upbringing, future generations will still be able to see through it. Good parenting is not an easy task by any means, but it pays off in so many ways that continue to reveal themselves in time.
Whoever trusts society to raise their kids is a fool. It only becomes truer and truer into the future. Tragically, many of them are permanently lost before they even had a chance.
Perhaps my approach to fight the inevitable mass-domestication of man to machines and creature comforts is no different to the one that the last samurai used as they ran downhill towards their deaths fighting for the way of Old Japan. Maybe not. There could still be a chance to right the destiny of mankind. Either way, it's better to fight to the death than lie down and embrace whatever emotions tell you to.

>> No.15745982

The saddest thing about this post is that you minimize what that other anon said not on the substance of his post, but on the alleged substance of corporate elite and masters degrees from the very places that contribute to the mass-brainwashing of society you're so blackpilled about in the first place.
It screams "nothing you say is important because it doesn't come from some authority figure or large institution that I subconsciously vest my best trust in".

>> No.15745989

he is jewish

>> No.15746054

It is not as if I was attacking against the effiency of such (education) system. First of all, every assumption or observation I make must have the character of what are called "working hypotheses" in scientific research—as when something is admitted provisionally, rathern than just allowing the gathering and arranging of a group of apparently isolated facts, only to confer on them a character not of hypothesis, but of simple subjective opinions.

After considering the state of society and modern civilization, one should ask if this is not a specific case that requires the application of this method; in other words, one should ask whether some situations of real crisis and radical subversion (or even brainwashing) in the modern world can be satisfactorily explained through "natural" and spontaneous processes, or whether we need to refer to something that has been concerted, a still unfolding plan devised by forces or unknown intelligence that definitely have a more throughout understanding of the general plan in question through their knowledge of the current geopolitical, technological and all-encompassing psychological state of the current societal structure.

Benjamin Disraeli once wrote:
>"The world is governed by people entirely different from the ones imagined by those who are unable to see behind the scenes."

Where it is scientifically acknowledged that every disease of the individual organism is caused by bacteria, people pretended that the diseases of the social body—revolutions and disorders—are spontaneous, self-generated phenomena and "natural progress of societal history": rather than the effect of invisible agents, carefully planned actions that act in society the way bacteria and pathogenic germs act in the organism of the individual.

>> No.15746060
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Last quote by Benjamin Disraeli:
>The public does not realize that in all the conflicts within nations and in the conflicts between nations there are, besides the people apparently responsible for them, hidden agitators who with their selfish plans make these conflicts unavoidable. . . . Everything that happens in the confused evolution of peoples is secretly prepared in order to ensure the dominion of certain people: it is these people, known and unknown, that we must find behind every public event.

>> No.15746213

One minute you're throwing out rather open-ended posts because you think their authors use Netflix or Facebook, the next you're "airing the observations of your working hypotheses built upon the scientific method".
You're alright man, but you gotta chill out a little bit. That bitterness within you almost has it's own sense of manifest destiny. Plenty of other people are bitter and think that the future is completely fucked. You're not exactly an outsider for having that sentiment. In fact, it's the perfect plot for a Netflix original.
If you own your own head, rejoice. If you don't, at least be glad that you're asking yourself such a question.
This century is but a page in an encyclopedia and we'll all likely be dead by the time the page turns. Spare the venom. Take a walk in the forest. Seek God if you haven't.
It's a wonderful thing to be free. Use that liberty to it's fullest extent, that you might open the eyes of others around you.

>> No.15746224
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>I never want to contribute to society again, it's all so false
>contribute to society

You fucking moron, why would you mention that on fucking 4Chan?

>> No.15746228
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having trouble going to sleep again

>> No.15746301

>Plenty of other people are bitter and think that the future is completely fucked. You're not exactly an outsider for having that sentiment.

I am not being elitist here, but for me the downfall of West has started long before we were even born: something shady happened during the French Revolution, as pointed by many others, and these can only be attributed so as to different 'secret influences' that even Disraeli talked about.

>Seek God if you haven't.
Well I certainly do believe we are in the End Times. Not biblical end times, but rather all-encompassing Kali Yuga, the age of total dissolution of the Hindu mythology or the "Age of Iron" of Hesod: even Islamic end-times.

The modern subversion cannot be stopped currently, it has it's roots in the French Revolution, perhaps even earlier: this is just the natural outcome of it. This applies democratic and liberal ideas; the so-called Third Estate had purposely been mobilized to destroy the previous feudal and aristocratic society in the revolution, while in a second phase the workers were mobilized to undermine the bourgeois what happened here in Europe and Russia.

The last stage is the collectivist civilization of the Fourth Estate that probably ties with the total automated society of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", perhaps some sort of Universal Basic Income will be implemented: the human form itself will be destroyed as even the current state is some sort of infra-human limbo kind of state. Man is already a machine, perhaps trans-humanism achieves this also in the physical plane, but mentally and spiritually modern man is no more a human, or what the ancients understood as constituting a human.

Modern psychoanalysis does not believe in spirit, there is only the body and psyche. While in reality the ancients conceived man in every possible tradition as a triune being: body, mind and spirit: the 20th century was able to destroy such considerations for there is no room for Spirit (or God).

>> No.15746399


Waging definitely has been ruined by this board, but is that a bad thing? As a wagie you are the epitome of exploitation. Companies and Shekelbergs rely on your blissful ignorant subservience in order to skim off your surplus value for themselves. You are expected to mould into the bullshit culture which is reinforced with company initiatives. If you show signs of being rebellious you will be pushed out fast.

To climb the ladder of a corporation does not merely involve actually carrying out your work to a high standard. It involves pledging fealty to the company and to the one on the rung of the ladder higher than yourself. It is the ultimate form of cuckery. These people for the most part are Godless soulless freaks playing out a fantasy Machiavellian drama in their minds. They have replaced God with the notion that that work is not a means to an end but an end in itself. People literally define their own sense of being with their job. To anyone who sees this charade for what it is, then attempting to immerse oneself into this structure will prompt suicidal thoughts and nausea at your own existence since in your heart you know it to be false and unauthentic.

>> No.15746406

>Whose perception of work has been ruined by this board
If you didn't hate working for someone else after a month or two, you deserve your position. You are a good boy.

>> No.15746618
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>instead it is the needless suffering and exploitation of poor nations around the world, in this case during the vietnam war.

Absolutely true Vietnam was exploited by the filthy communists of North Vietnam. Just ask the girl in the picture and the millions of south Vietnamese who hated the vc and the nva

>> No.15746632


>> No.15746680

Why does this topic keep appearing ? Is this what you fap to, the thing that makes you sleep calm at night ? That you are redpilled and you are better than wagies ?
It is way better when you faggots larp as retards, that's at least funny.

>> No.15746692

that's why you try hard to be financially free so that you can do what you like in life

>> No.15746709


>> No.15746775
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hmm it's almost like the word Robot comes from the word Rabota(different variations in slav languages) meaning work.

Robotnik more like Rabotnik(meaning worker)

>> No.15746867
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i make 80 an hour. Working a field i like. My parents were minimum wage with 4 kids. im 26. And i dont feel like a man because i dont have a wife.

I am going to buy a 200 unit apartment with my 2 rich chinese friends. And than im going to buy another on my own. But again, Money means nothing to me. I dont have a pretty wife, or 10 kids.

I know i can just get a young one when i turn 32 and retire. But fuck man, i dont want her to want me because of the $$. I just want a genuine wife. The bible said a Good wife is worth ALL the $$ in the world. And i see why, because she is so fucking rare and hard to find.
More rare than a fucking diamond or whatever rare material you can imagine. In the past it was rare Just as it is today.

>> No.15746872

oh and i have no debt in my life. ANd no college degree.

>> No.15746970

what do you work as

>> No.15746973

If you let this board have any influence over you in any way you are destined fair failure.

>> No.15747036

Too much doom fren. Try and stay positive. You'll attract that nightmare if you're not careful

>> No.15747150

It's all coming together my friend, there is no stopping this machine

>The phrase Fourth Industrial Revolution was first introduced by Klaus Schwab, On October 10, 2016, the Forum announced the opening of its Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco.[11] This was also subject and title of Schwab's 2016 book.[12] Schwab includes in this fourth era technologies that combine hardware, software, and biology (cyber-physical systems),[13] and emphasizes advances in communication and connectivity. Schwab expects this era to be marked by breakthroughs in emerging technologies in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the internet of things, the industrial internet of things (IIoT), decentralized consensus, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), 3D printing and fully autonomous vehicles.

All citizens were well adjusted to this coming 4th industrial automation revolution over a hundred years ago, they love it and believe in it. they support it with all their being, as they have been taught. They adore the projects, they fawn over them and help enable them.. they will defend the programs with their lives if someone would try to stop them.

There are no breaks on this thing. They are already talking about it, the big boys in the shadows are building the foundations for it. The money is disappearing, it already is bunch illuminati 1s and 0s, but cash will disappear entirely.

World wide blockchain is coming or something similar, it's a fucking interconnected system of neurobiological and electronical devices and in 200 years they start to install fucking operating systems on the goyim and Linux won't save you, not even TempleOS.

>> No.15747228


lmao your head is so fucked with spiritual nonsense

>> No.15747258

The unforeseen part is the decentralization of power. Anyone can make a killer drone. It's now more about the software than the hardware which is an area in which motivated individuals can and do routinely surpass government programs. Maintaining a strong propaganda narrative is also becoming harder as information flow increases. Human sovereignty is back on the offensive. You're undermining the systems of control right now with little resistance. Ideas spread more easily than people think, everything you say and do has an impact.

>> No.15747295

I know you're conformist piece of shit thinking within context pyramids within pyramids, upside-down fucking triangles fucking shadow pyramid loving cock sucker. You're a fucking pawn, fucking conformist rapist murderer.

You're the one who worships the obsidian castle in middle of Saturn, fucking cube fetishist. It's not like I go to church on sundays or bow down to Mecca cube at high noon. I removed the stimoceiver myself, I can do what I want: they don't influence me with their agenda. Neither I am drinking bottled water full of leeched estrogen: I buy exclusively kosher.

You should go to the bathroom mirror right now, and slowly mouth the words, “i..love the..new…world..order..” and go tell that to all fucking grandchildren of Big Daddy Rockefeller that there's a foreskin in the underground database.

What are you even doing here? Why won't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries?

>> No.15747322
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This comment reeks of s o y
Thanks for the post though you pseudo-intellectual faggot

>> No.15747327

do normals unironically daydream about marvel / mario / game of thrones etc. during their day? no meme answer please, normal input welcome

>> No.15747447
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We are literally in the dark ages despite the information overload, it is about to enter an even darker age. Most of you younger folk people probably missed the ‘UFOs are aliens’ mega-bombardment of the entire 1990s with X-Files and all sorts of ridiculous Pedowood productions... there is no way it could possibly be terrestrial technology, now could it? if that were true.. then no need oil.. no oil? no blood for Horus/Moloch? but that is ridiculous right? The most logical explanation is UFOs are aliens. They have been aggressively running agenda since the end of WW2 to convince the masses that UFOs are extraterrestrial, when in fact it is man-made anti-gravitational technologies. They might appear like magic to us, but it’s merely a hidden advancement.

It has also mind control and psychological domain to it too: UFOs have nothing to do with intelligent space travelers. They are from the "subtle realm" and their entire contact with humans revolve around deception.

In the past every religious person would agree they are mere demons, Djinn etcc. but due to the influence of the post-religious sci-fi and modern psychoanalysts views we tend to think of UFOs as if they were something related to sentient beings from other planets. All of this is bullshit. UFOs = demons and abductions are real. Some people have tried to investigate these things on purely objective grounds and gathered important data such as Jacques Vellee. Vellee speaks openly about the deceptive nature of UFOs and says only 10% of the cases reported are real. John E. Mack studied 200 patients who suffered abduction and concluded it is real, but he doesn't go any further into linking them to demons. He agrees it can run in families and that are people who are more vulnerable to it. It's all fake and disinformation to confuse public even further.

This is perfect example of it: https://www.livescience.com/navy-ufo-videos-authentic-classified.html

Read pic related. Educate yourself.

>> No.15747500

Yeah, all those peasants shoveling cow shit from 10 to 60 were really self actualizing. True go-getters able to contemplate the mysteries of the universe.

If you want unconditional love, get a dog.

If you want a community, get a hobby.

If you want to be with your family, arrange a reunion. Bonus over the peasants, when Aunt Gladys starts to get on your nerves after a few days you can just leave the reunion rather than having to start a witch hunt to get her burned at the stake.

And if you want to live like Isaac Newton or some indolent aristocrat, you'd better earn that laziness for yourself or your children by starting a successful business that fulfills the needs of thousands or millions of people.

>> No.15747517

I had to come back to read this bullshit wall of text a few times but finally got through it.

I'm so tired of these depressing distopian posts I can't even suffer through reading them. Society isn't that bad, objectively. You're just a depressed neet who didn't go to college and needs to blame other people or things (I.e. Society) for your depression and hopelessness.

Seek help.

>> No.15747531

For me it was the other way around. I have had these views all my life. I could see behind the veil before I even knew it was there, and nobody else understood why I hate society. I found good company here. You guys are literally, sincerely my favorite people.

>> No.15747536

marx predicted this a long time ago with his theory of alienation and the wagie/neet memes are just a modern way of expressing the idea

>> No.15747574

The 90s UFO thing is entering popular consciousness as the prototypical example of a psyop. Smoke and mirrors to distract The late 2000s were probably the high point for materialism in all history.

>> No.15747715
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>> No.15748075

Same for me, but this place made me focus more on improving my life. But the more I try to learn and improve myself, the more isolated I become. I fear that the day I become a millionaire and stop wage slaving, I will be completely isolated and only have this board left.

>> No.15748129

Information Security Consultant.

>> No.15748447
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I think most people who complain about not being able to make ends meet or find a job are lazy. Perhaps not in 2008, but definitely in the US in 2019.

But 4chan, and some life experiences have changed my view on work. Business and start up culture is a religion. It's filled with so much absurdity. Companies use crazy tactics to make people spend their life away. (pic related.)

You always need to remember its an adversarial model. You show up to work and get them what they want, you get what you want. Don't give them extra. Your job is not your identity.

>> No.15748481

I used to be a NEET but now I got a job. Waging is a million times better than NEETing. Making money and being productive vs jacking off making no money

>> No.15748494

Youre not thinking about history, politics and space when youre freezing youre ass off

>> No.15748716

>Easy life=good
>Difficult life=bad
The absolute state of the Last Man.

>> No.15748733

its not this board. the idea of working for the man has always been like a sour shot in the mouth from the big dick of capitalism.

you feel that way because you want to be an entrepreneur

>> No.15748806

based thread, love you guys.

>> No.15748985


>> No.15748997

>thinking governments are this organized

>> No.15749006

Back to r*ddit retard

>> No.15749236

I work for myself. don't make much but it's enough and I'm working on bringing more in. fuck bosses and most importantly FUCK waggies

>> No.15749323

people make less now than they did in 1999 adjusted for inflation

>> No.15749378

t. sells daikimakuras on an anime forum

>> No.15749500
File: 228 KB, 1200x1807, rich-dad-poor-dad-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the dadpill

>> No.15749525

more like the scamartist pill

>> No.15749544

>t. Dumbass coom-obzezzed Zoomer

>> No.15749702

What is that red beam the arrow is pointing at?

>> No.15749743

That guy didn't have any money until he sold the book, and he admitted he didn't actually know a rich dad he just assumed that's what they would be like.

>> No.15749747


>> No.15749788

damn straight

>> No.15749791

That pic is fucking really dead on. Lived in Maine on the border with canadia and saw so many French roasts like dis.

>> No.15749836

all the wagie memes and the shitposting about wagecucking is a thinly veiled psyop to demoralize white men and stop them from going after high paid careers.

>> No.15749849

>highly paid careers

waging is about working for someone else. youll never get rich working for someone else.

>> No.15750051


>> No.15750516

The french are always misanthropic whores wherever they go. great parties tho

>> No.15750807

I remember when this board was just created all the threads were about jobs and resumes and now it's 99% crypto shit.

>> No.15751245

Awesome thread, thank you based schizos the truth is illuminated by the mad

>> No.15751496

how do guys end up with women like this. Do they not see the obvious flags

>> No.15751681

>i dont want her to want me because of the $$. I just want a genuine wife.

The redpill is there is no such thing as a genuine wife. They are all conditional. Even if you fell in love with a girl in high school and were each other’s first living in what seems like some romantic fairy tale of true love the moment she had a man that was better looking and higher social status then yourself she’d cheat.

The redpill is women are meant to be property. You are to keep them on a very tight lease. Love is a meme, the only reality is using the women to breed children and making her perform her duties as a house wife. If she doesn’t do this then she is useless and should be executed.

The only love in a relationship that is mutual is that if raising your kids. If you are a strong man and make sure your wife does what nature demands of her and you end up having lots of children who grow up to be strong and succesful then she may grow a love for you in old age.

>> No.15751710
File: 654 KB, 1500x1000, foursquare-sears-castleton-227-four-corner-house-plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than one kind of society, fren
perhaps he's thinking of the kind of society we had a century ago
(average income in the us during the time of pic related was just over $5000)

>> No.15751741

the way to win is not to spend the money barely, the piles of money are tokens of your lifetime spent. And eventually and unironically you need to be 'making the money work for you'

>> No.15751763

Yes, they are obsessed with the Avengers movie. I have one guy in my office who has watched it every weekend since release and spends at least $100 a week on comics. He is 35.

>> No.15751767


"He assumed thats how theyd be like"
Why is this so fucking Based...

>> No.15751783

That is better than being in the dark since you'd figure it out eventually, it just takes you longer than the hivemind. If you started seeing it in your 50s you'd probably rope but if you see it now you have lots of years to make it while knowing the truth, and can rope anyways if you want. Start having positive thoughts like these and you'll make it

>> No.15751855


life isn't a fucking rpg, a difficult life fucks up your health, makes you get cancer, makes you get heart disease from stress, makes you ruthless, etc

a physical difficult life makes you get cervical and spine surgeries at 35 yo that makes you get crippling pain down the road

nobody talks about that shit because people think a difficult life should be like in the movies where the hero has a camera pointed at him at all times showing how badass it is, a difficult life is lonely and you will have nobody to talk to, imagine all the pows from wars who are literally nameless and died in isolation without even their families knowing what the fuck happened to them, at that point only god knows what the fuck happened, there are no spectators, its no theatre

>> No.15751882


>inb4 people didn't thought like that in ancient times

even the shittiest read of the illiad or some shit like ecclesiastes shows up that the sentiment of a difficult life being not rewarding is timeless

>> No.15752121
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26 is young. Money is important but only one part of becoming successful.

Take care of your finances, take care of your health, seek wisdom through studying culture and socializing. You'll find a woman eventually.

>> No.15752690

A man who has glimpsed freedom can never live as a slave again.

>> No.15752740

based and shariapilled.

>> No.15752764
File: 156 KB, 440x623, momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have only 1 life and they take your time.

>> No.15752839

I think this is based

>> No.15752867

why is this so true aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.15752940

There's no use arguing, it's clear from your basic bitch examples that you were irreversibly domesticated by the system long ago.

>> No.15753020

>My job is actually pretty decent and something most grads would die for but the corporate culture, buzzwords, watercooler social chit chat small talk and tax memes make me view work as an insanely negative thing.

That's because it is, duh. College grads are naive morons still thinking they didn't just get scammed, walking into more scams. Get out while you can.

>> No.15753028

BASED If you’re making more than 50k profit a year

>> No.15753091


have sex, your life isn't difficult, your just need to get out your room, even fucking latinos are getting prime white american pussy meanwhile you shitpost

>> No.15753126

Not true, no stress I call b.s

>> No.15753587

absolutely based

>> No.15753645

It’s not about physical difficulty it’s about the mental difficulty

You are a little faggot with no discipline and guaranfuckingteed to be under the age of 25 and probably a fucking Mexican if you aren’t white

>> No.15753671
File: 606 KB, 648x670, rapier wit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do YOU think that is?

>> No.15753851


mental difficulty is an oxymoron, if you are preoccupied by the mental difficulty of your life then you probably have an easy life and you are trying to cope with the guilt of being a pussy

>> No.15753859


>my life is so hard because i have anxiety day in day out
>overcoming this anxiety makes me stronger faster harder better

top kek

>> No.15753930

What if I want to fuck over everyone who thinks they're entitled to my labor just because I need to eat?

>> No.15754077

Many consider steppe raiders to be the freest type of human.

For modern equivalents, your main downside risks are either white collar prison or a drone strike.