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15745638 No.15745638 [Reply] [Original]

I got one hundred thousand dollars. What coin do I go all in right now? I don't diversify. Give me the direct moon mission to kill it and win at life forever.

>> No.15745653


>> No.15745657

This thing is gonna revolutionise crypto markets i reckon

>> No.15745662

i should say, this or TRUMPcoin, which is even more of a sure thing with the election coming

>> No.15745666

you will trigger mass fomo and thus spike the price higher faster

>> No.15745708


>> No.15745717

KMD because it'll x500. or XSN x200, XMR x 20 or BCN x 2000.

>> No.15745719

FTM is creating two mainnets for South African Banks at the behest of their Central Bank next month

Easy x4-5 EOY

>> No.15745725

400x by 2021

>> No.15745751

What about the whole tranny coin thing? Arent they all communist anarchists?

Its already 20x'd

What is its significance?

that is extremely unappealing

What does this do?

>> No.15745775

>What about the whole tranny coin thing? Arent they all communist anarchists?
pleddit and tumblr will fomo in

>> No.15745816

>What is its significance?
KMD you mean? it's mainly the dev which made me buy. there's a lot of respect for the dude and one of his former creations was the highly successful BTCD. which i think topped at something like 2.5mil satos a piece.
plus there are five times fewer coins than LINK and with a price of around a third that of LINK. all sirgay money should be headed there imo.
the tech is pretty awesome too. it's less important than the dev's reputation at this point i think. but there's allsorts, including a DEX. it's a Zcash fork with security improved over even that, and... here.

plus due to a disastrous wallet release recently which contained malware thanks to a rogue third party, the price is painfully low. the value will climb gradually while people regain trust, then explode into the hundreds of dollars per coin, when trust is restored and new updates are released.

>> No.15745836

just fucking go all in RSR and stop being a pussy about it. seriously. ill FUD rsr in other threads for people with less capital, but for real.. you can Reserve over 40M rights with that capital right now. dont sleep. hold until next bubble 2021-2022.

>> No.15746066

It is XSN. Do the Math and Dyor.

>> No.15746075

>I don't diversify.

>> No.15746082 [DELETED] 

XRP is going to moon

>> No.15746091 [DELETED] 

Buying the literal bottom

If Litecoin drops to $25 buy into that instead

Hope you make it OP

>> No.15746227

Diversity is a jewish trick

>> No.15746268
File: 1.04 MB, 2084x1604, Screen Shot 2019-09-28 at 11.08.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matrix AI Network. Currently painting a higher low, mining machines coming, I reckon 1-10$ within the year, currently 6c each which is 20% ICO price. DYOR obviously.

>> No.15746297
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Quant (QNT)
They just connected Oracle Blockchain to their blockchain OS, and showed it at SIBOS this year together with Oracle themselves.

A proper announcement is due and it's going to moon like fucking crazy once the FOMO hits.
Still sub 5k wallets and only 100m Mcap with all signs pointing to 10B+ mCap soon, which would mean 1000$ QNT.

It's now sitting at around 6$.

Buy it on IDEX or Bittrex.

>> No.15746307
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I don't diversify either and I am 100% all in on QNT. It's the one.

>> No.15746357

Quant is unironically the safest 100xer out there at the moment.

>> No.15746361

nice, a paid booth. why haven't the number of holders increased? It's been sub 5k wallets since it was $0.60 before the whale group manipulated the price up to $15, where it was still only really being bought and sold by bots for the most part.

>> No.15746412

Here comes the low level FUD again.
You can't pay for Oracle to bring you to SIBOS with them.

If you could, every shitcoin in the world would do it and market the shit out of it (Tron for example). But they don't. Because they can't.

Quant markets itself to the enterprises,networks and governments that are going to use their product, not basement NEETs on 4chan like yourself, which is why the only marketing that you get to see is posts like this from engaged and dedicated individuals like myself, who has done a lot of research on it and wants to spread the word on it.

The tokenomics are amazing, no dev dump is in sight and it literally ticks all the boxes.

You can choose to get in early now, or buy it on Coinbase for 100$ in a few months time. It's up to you.

>> No.15746416


>> No.15746428


Nigger. Its going 10000x still

>> No.15746429

Chainlink, unironically.

>> No.15746435

nothing to say about the wallet count not increasing for months or the (bot) market manipulation by the whale group?

>> No.15746461 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin when it reaches the bottom before the next ATH.


>> No.15746469
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join the community telegram, next week is full of news + new exchange listings etc

>> No.15746492

>wallet count not increasing

That's bullish, since it shows we're still early and haven't reached critical mass yet.

The market manipulation happens with literally every project out there, so there's no difference in that aspect. It's not going to go on forever though, as QNT gets listed on more liquid exchanges.

TLDR; You're still early.

>> No.15746494

You diversify to stay rich, not to get rich.
To get rich you go all in on a low risk high reward investment like QNT.

>> No.15746500

Vanguard Lifestrategy 60:40

>> No.15746525

$250K BTC / $250K ETH / $100K LTC

...then help Zuckbucks get into the top 100 before Libra launch.


>> No.15746586


Alright, what are some good places to get it?

>> No.15746594

Bittrex and IDEX.

>> No.15746913


Cool, thanks! If you're interested, in november there will be a public sale of the upcoming orion protocol's tokens which connects exchanges like waves, idex, binance etc together via 1 shared order splitting engine. It will bring good profits I think.

>> No.15746919

Not interested. QNT is all you need to make it.
After QNT pumps I'm out of crypto. Fuck this miserable website and hopping betweens shitcoins.

>> No.15746930


>> No.15746938
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>> No.15747024
File: 1.26 MB, 673x900, Illuminating wisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go 100% in on V-ID VIDT sir.
One of very few projects with actual clients and real revenue. Many big news will be released starting monday. Enjoy, screenshot this and thank me later!

>> No.15747093

aftershock token