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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15745363 No.15745363 [Reply] [Original]

>there are "people" over the age of 30 browsing this board right at this very moment
How do i not end up like this lads? Absolute state of horror

>> No.15745368

kys now because you are here forever

>> No.15745370

47 year old Gen Xer checking in. Nice to be here.

>> No.15745375

You will never leave

I feel like jelly

>> No.15745379

I have a right-tier gf.
Is it worth investing into a left-tier one?

>> No.15745385
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>Mature people bad.
>How do I prevent myself from growing up?

>> No.15745413

>"people" older than my dad browse this board
Abstract kind of feel

>> No.15745526

Sometimes I wonder how big my tits would've been if I was a chick

>> No.15745527


>> No.15745535
File: 78 KB, 728x671, 1566739048755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34 here. It's funny because unlike all of you I actually have money, sex with my wife and a career.

>> No.15745599

Just became a boomer, 100k+ link. Suck it zoomers.

>> No.15745622

Money cant buy time grandpa

>> No.15745628
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>tfw also have money, sex with your wife, and a career

>> No.15745637

42 here, house and cars paid for, got a crypto portfolio, Vanguards, Bonds, Silver, easy job...pretty happy. Through meditation and exercise I feel healthier and more together than I ever have. I feel sorry for the younger generation today, also a lot of them are pussies just following the flow of monotony, or think they're entitled to something and wallow in self pity.

>> No.15745651

>coping this bad
Dont forget your anti blood pressure meds today grandpa

>> No.15745655


>tfw i realized i would be pretty thick and with a nice ass
>then i realized the fucking trap it is to indulge in such thoughts

you motherfucker almost got me, im not going to fap to tranny porn you fuck

>> No.15745672

I'm not on any meds. Most of you young burgers are on anti-anxiety meds or opioids. Whilst in the UK they're chugging ketamine and stabbing each other. I vape CBD now and again, that's it for me. Blood pressure is fine, Mediterranean diet, red wine and organic meat works wonders.

>> No.15745689


>> No.15745718

>before making it
come on biz for cathartic DUDE JUST WAGESLAVE FOR 50 YEARS LMAO posts
>after making it
no longer give a fuck, come on biz if I want to

>> No.15745732

How's your Ma's rack? Now place it on yourself plus or minus 20%

>> No.15745762

'making it' is a meme, the only place you need to 'make it' is in your head. If material possessions were the be all and all why would millionaires anhero? Money does bring security and allows you to be more 'whatever, fuck you all' but it should not be your North Star.

>> No.15745778
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why is the left chick not jumping as much as the right? the image could have been so much better

>> No.15745808
File: 51 KB, 633x640, 0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and I think its more pathetic to be here as a zoomer than as a a boomer. 22 is literally your physical and mental prime. Your body and mind will never be more capable of greatness than they are at 22. Boomers are already past their prime and they aren't wasting anything by shitposting here all day. I am wasting priceless youth. I should be shot.

>> No.15745845

"making it" is not needing to work to survive.

>> No.15745865

>thinking 30 is old
You are in for one fucking ride my retarded friend

untrue. Brain doesn't fully develop until 25

>> No.15745871

Be 35 married 3 kids own a house no debt on it own 2 other houses that I rent out.
Got into Bitcoin in 2012, own several other cryptocurrencies plus stocks and precious metals.
Spend my day mostly ready the news, checking up on my investments, in the gym, lurking biz/twitter/bitcointalk and spending time with the kids.
In the weekends when friends and family are free because they have to work for their money I invite them over for a nice BBQ and we hang out in my outdoor kitchen.

>Yes, your are right OP you definitely don't want to end up like me

>> No.15745891

What if you don't have to work but are really unhappy, or ill...making it?

>> No.15745910

32 here.
You will never be able to leave this place.

>> No.15745927

do what i should have done, kill yourself before you turn 30

>> No.15746042

correct. why dont you do something?

I personally always have been proactive. Since around age 18 I've spent 100% of my time either hustling money or trying to get laid. No hobbies or procrastination.

I'm now 31 and I've fucked 100+ women, lived in 10+ countries and earned 400k+ from businesses.

It's not amazing. I'm still broke. I still haven't made it. I still need to work my ass off to survive (on my own biz, not wagecucking), but what is the alternative? If I didn't work my ass off for 10 years, I would probably be wagecucking some shitty job, have never left my hometown and have only fucked a few 3/10 roasties. I might have even killed myself.

Also who knows, if I get lucky, I very well could make it from one of my current biz. I have a few entrepreneur friends who have retired. They're not any smarter than me, just got luckier.

I still come on /biz/ cause while I do work 14 hours a day, I enjoy taking 5min breaks here and there. It's one of the few enjoyable thing you can do that only takes 5min.

>> No.15746048

nice larp, no one read that shithole anymore, it's all pajeet spam

>> No.15746158

the fuck else am i supposed to be doing?
it's too dark to be mowing the lawns.

>> No.15746207

You are right it is definitely not what it used to be.
I go there to have fun just check out my profile
Piston Honda.
But it feels so good to rub salt in the wounds of the people who lost money investing in shitcoins thinking they would become rich.
You got to do something with your time when got so much money that you don't have to work.
Sometimes when my wife is fed up with me she tells me to go online and harass the internet money people lol.

>> No.15746243

not needing to work does not mean you can't work (if you need to work to be happy)
unrelated. But would you rather be ill and need to work to survive or not?

I have no sympathy for people who kys although financially independent, what could be more evidence of a useless human than having no real boundaries to self actualization other than yourself and failing to create a satisfactory life that is a net benefit to your family and wider society

>> No.15746362

Singers wanna be gangsters, gangsters wanna be rappers

>> No.15746382

shut the fuck up

>> No.15746391

Grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.15746401
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Dropped out of university at 20.

Refused manager position in respectable firm at 22.

Graduated with low tier degree at 25.

Inherited a modest sum but blew it on hot young girlfriend at 30.

Been working dead-end job in retail ever since.

>> No.15746410

Fuck, I read it as "how do i end up like this"

>> No.15746437

kek, why the fuck would you spend money on a girlfriend

>> No.15746450
File: 12 KB, 258x245, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 year old on a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.15746465

Already thinking like a passive pathetic woman. As a man you wouldn't be wondering what size you would be, you'd be deciding. If i was born a woman with a pathetic flat chest I'd get fat transfers to become a 10/10 chesty instathot.

>> No.15746466

Spend every paycheck you get, don't invest in anything, don't start a business, don't read books, don't get a hobby. If you follow these tips then with a little you should be able to avoid it.
P.S tell your mom I'll be over to fuck that ass again tonight. Make sure she actually shaves this time. Random scraggly ass pubes here and there is worse than a wild untamed bush. Disgusting.

>> No.15746473

That's what I tell your Mum when I'm shagging her.

>> No.15746482
File: 826 KB, 868x754, BA4D32F4-0343-4C88-9CA3-4356D63392E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 next week
Hot right wing goth gf
Tons of money from crypto
Own multiple properties for passive income
50,000 LINK and an entire LP share
About to eat some kfc trendies
Feelin comfy guise

>> No.15746485

>sex with my wife
Enjoy the cucking, lmao

>> No.15746486

I seriously don't understand thinking like this. If posting on image boards is not something you want to be doing in the future, why are you even doing it right now?

>> No.15746529
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Lawyer, 3 houses, nice cars, fammily, good life and had some fun on way to here to.

I memeber when I was like 16-19y and this was first free speech/shitpsting/memes palce on internet.

Comed back after I was 31y and its last free speech/shitpsting/memes place on net.

Full circle.

Also kys zoomer

>> No.15746531

>Brain doesn't fully develop until 25
You iq starts dropping after 20

>> No.15746539

Lawyer? Struggle to believe that with your grammar and spelling.

>> No.15746546


East eu.

Whatever must be larp move on lol

>> No.15746555

>I personally always have been proactive. Since around age 18 I've spent 100% of my time either hustling money or trying to get laid. No hobbies or procrastination.
It's temperament. You were born with it.

>> No.15746558

Fair enough, didn't say larp

>> No.15746576

and then everyone clapped

>> No.15746581

wow, what a waste of bitcoin

imagine being told by your wife to go make fun of kids on the internet because you're bothering her. coming from someone with the same lifestyle: not based.

>> No.15746593


Its fine.

Anyway what i find best meme on biz 2017-2019 is zoomers thinking 1mil is making it for life so i get 35+ is minority on this board because thats something only brokeass teens can come up with lol

>> No.15746608

I'm not gonna suddenly so making money after I make it.
0.6mm is the sun I need to clear my head and not care if I make any money the next 10 years.
Also Eastern Europe

>> No.15746612

Idk, when you have a big boobie gf people constantly look at her and during sex they can hang in an unattractive way you know

>> No.15746614

Suddenly stop making money*
Pretty sure I'll make even more bank after I make it and stop caring

>> No.15746635

where do you expect to go instead, the crochet and quilting forums?

>> No.15746707

I also have actually money, sex with your wife and a career.

>> No.15746920

Not imagine, I am living it and it feels so good!
>The feels mane

>> No.15746982
File: 22 KB, 322x256, 41f220_7608f6b3f6b44d57b4b4045f2387cc5d_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 41 and I come here to relax and wind down after work and at weekends. I'm self employed and married. I only started using 4chan about 5 years ago when I started to take things a bit easier. I would never have been near this site in my 20's because I wasn't an incel loser.

>> No.15746998

43, decent house, no mortgage, great kid, own company, good life, stack of Link I don't have to worry about, great sex with different women. Would I want to be a teen again now days? No fucking way.

>> No.15747002

>I would never have been near this site in my 20's because I wasn't an incel loser.
This so much.

>> No.15747006

>children younger than 30 browse this board
Why are you here? Shouldn't you be playing Fortnite or some shit?

>> No.15747023

>37 now
>posting at age 16

Nice larp. 4chin is only 15.

>> No.15747030

Coping grandpa. Just die already its time

>> No.15747202

Hahaha what sad cope. Afraid to have an attractive partner because of other people.

>> No.15747203

Perhaps he has this sickness where he ages faster.

>> No.15747221

>started going on biz when I was a 22 y.o law student
>now a 27 y.o NEET
this place is mind poison.

>> No.15747261

> browsing the board as a vincent and starting life filled of turning down shit, no college and incel memes
You will end up very worse than those 30yrs old retards

>> No.15747264

37 year old here, same thing. I love being able to work hard while my wifey stays fit and tskes care of the kids and gets pounded by me when i get home. Lifes good

>> No.15747302

Dude the life that you lived was entitled, regardless of your hardships.
Wake the fuck up

>> No.15747917

Married guys here.
Did you marry the girl you loved or some random thot who was in need?

>> No.15748308

bothers me that i cant tell whether or not that webm is fake

>> No.15748848


>> No.15748854

Leave now and never come back.

>> No.15748871
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 7A366583-DD9B-4742-A1DE-FDCA8BCFCC41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Hi five bros.

>> No.15748883



>> No.15748895

i'm 38 and have been on 4chan since 2005. not going anywhere.

>> No.15748897

it would only be funny if the holocaust was in fact real.

>> No.15749050

where do people read for bitcoin/altcoin talks besides here and bitcointalk ?

>> No.15749140

nice larp