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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15742250 No.15742250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]





>> No.15742274

if you don't realize it's the boomers that have got us into this situation, then you don't belong on /biz/.
any reason to hate the boomers is a good reason.

>> No.15742403


>> No.15742411 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 312x342, 1393546238768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right blame your parents

>> No.15742469

She inspired me to trade cattle futures and buy coal stocks. I honestly can't wait to get in early on this carbon trading scam. It'll be like Enron x 10000 on the way up.

>> No.15742481

Why don’t /pol/ fags care about the environment? I thought eco-fascism was the new meme.

>> No.15742491



>> No.15742501

imagine being so triggered by a 16 year old girl that you have to make daily REEEEEEEEE threads about it. Talk about rent free.

>> No.15742538

Carbon trading has been in the EU for long time. It only works when production is healthy and high. You should be getting in early on the 'offsets' and similar 'carbon farming' scams anon. They will be the next big thing.

>> No.15742557

The jew book says to honor your father and mother.

>> No.15742593

Oldfag boomer here. Wisdom teaches that anon. By seeking to honor your father and mother(even if not good parents) you will find that your quality of life is better since you avoid many pitfalls that dishonoring children do.

>> No.15742608
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>> No.15742618

Heh... Yeah it was pretty obvious when you look at George Soros portfolio.

I mean why would he hold so much oil stocks?


>> No.15742654

She's helping the environment? Tariffs help the environment. She's a tool of global corporations that want open markets so it's cheaper for you to have everything shipped to you by plane than supporting local sustainable and non polluting businesses. Trump has done more for the environment than any politician for decades while all she did was spread globalist propaganda that will negatively impact the environment.

>> No.15742673

What the fuck? Is this one of those thispersondoesnotexist ai fakes?

>> No.15742705

No, she doesn’t really give a fuck. She’s just a puppet, as you say. I’m mostly scoffing at the people on here that think global warming isn’t something to be concerned about.

>> No.15742761
File: 53 KB, 750x750, ur retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, it's amazing how a single girl talking about a scientific reality brought you faggots out of the woodwork. Go back to screaming at feminists pleas, at least then your autism is inconsequential.

>> No.15742945

They're puppets too. The issue has been politicized so that any concession gives globalists power. There are still tens of thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at major population centers. Global warming probably belongs somewhere around fiftieth place on the list of priority dangers, somewhere way below globalist propagandists like Greta.

>> No.15742947
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>> No.15742971
File: 826 KB, 1537x787, muh-global-warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya the problem is non-whites and eco-fascists are rare, like 1 in 200 white nationalists maybe

>> No.15742981

Why is everyone ignoring the alien parasite on her forehead? It's clearly visible, but no one is talking about it. Am I the only person who sees this shit?

>> No.15743598

>making money from coal
lmao coal has been a dead industry for decades. only shitholes countries like India still have a coal industry

>> No.15743617
File: 53 KB, 1024x683, 1559841339680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>stale af meme
>sCiEnTiFiC rEaLiTy

>> No.15743930

But what about those who grow up without proper wisdom? Lack of a proper home etc..........???? Is it not only time that makes one different from another? This is not about pointing finger but let's try to find answer? Or is it really this :

> As long as he or she comes to realizing their mistakes and repenting regardless of time ?

One cannot find excuses but to help fellow man one must also seek truth thx for sharing angel anon

>> No.15744554

Us, not her. Her handlers want to finish the job the boomers started.

>> No.15744675

Why do people act like the right having legitimate concerns is similar to the mentally ill meltdowns of the left? Are liberals just disingenuous all the time?

>> No.15744709

>this disconnected
Coal is the main source of annual energy usage on Earth.

>> No.15744718


>> No.15744937

I hope it's true. The imperative to adapt will force us to cut off the loose parts of the planet

>> No.15744949

Is that pic shopped?

>> No.15744964

>the right having legitimate concerns

>> No.15745027

>MUH puppets

Jesus not everything is le big guy conspiracy u fucking idiots, I am getting sick of how every fucking discussion on 4chan gets reducted to either
>its the jEEEEWS
>fucking puppppets, le birderberg and elites are eating babies am I right


>> No.15745030

A 16 year old girl completely triggered low iq trumptards. God bless her soul