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15742198 No.15742198 [Reply] [Original]

>7 days in to nofap
>Instead of being productive and building something I just want to look at tits and ass all day (hentai included)

You all told me this would help

>> No.15742255


> Great Anime

But yeah my experience is like the first 2 days of nofap sucks, followed by like 3-6 days of increased attention and productivity and then like days 7-14 being horny as hell, and then once you break that you become like a monk and lose interest in sex unless triggered.

>> No.15743455

You cannot do NoFap without also doing NoPorn

>> No.15743525

That's because you're literally brain damaged and going through withdrawal. Just keep going you fucking heroin addict.

>> No.15743549

Jerk off if you need to be stay away from porn cause that is what fried your dopamine receptors.

>> No.15744181

no fap is good if you're actively going out to try to get laid.

if you're trying to focus on work, you need to fap once a day. Make it quick, then get back to work.

I myself work 14h a day 7 days a week on my biz and have for many years. I jerk off daily, I try to get it done in 10-20min

If I did no-fap there's no way I'd get anything done

>> No.15744206

Try having sex

>> No.15744213


>> No.15744233

It's better to get nothing done than fap

>> No.15744256

ITT newfags who fell for one of the oldest 4chan memes

>> No.15744265

You are doing it wrong
If you constantly think about sex and getting horny during the whole thing you are doing it wrong

>> No.15744268
File: 302 KB, 647x847, 1540625954359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucking doesn't help my guy. You see this?

>> No.15744281

if you cant tell thats shopped you are a brainlet

>> No.15744308
File: 26 KB, 108x131, dercoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semen retention leads to lack of productivity. Let the coom flow anon.

>> No.15744321



>> No.15744357

Either you rule it or it will rule you, those are your choices.

>> No.15744358

lmao you really don't believe shit like that exist? fuck you are retarded

>> No.15744628

the key is not to fight it. fighting it only makes it stronger. think of the mind has only having a gas pedal. you cant forcibly remove thoughts or urges. just let it fall away as you become absorbed in some productive activity.

>> No.15744808

The entire point is to lower testosterone and make you more desperate for women. If you want to be productive and focus you need to bust one before starting. I always have a whack before starting any big project or assignment where I need a few solid hours of productivivity. Combined with a cup of coffee and it's a cinch.

>> No.15744899

crap advice
mass dopamine release and prolactin will make you less productive

>> No.15744954

Cool fun fact but has little to do with what we are talking about. It can be safely assumed that doing the opposite of what you suggest will give best results.

>> No.15745106

It will not help. You need to fap and relax. Looking at digits all day, tick tick you need to feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. When you get really good you'll be thinking of money while stroking it.

>> No.15745153
File: 589 KB, 1012x838, 1551266806445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you need to stop being anti-semitic and start touching yourself and cumming all over the place.

>> No.15745171

>muh prolactin
Go fuck yourself with your pop science garbage no better then retarded bill nye fuckheads

>> No.15745838
File: 119 KB, 566x800, jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked it until he thought it was such a good idea to try and scam the mafia boss with a lottery. it felt rushed and forced.

didnt watch the second season

>> No.15746212

This. Think of the 6million sperms you kill each day by retaining them

>> No.15746241

Since this thread is mostly newfags and trolls, let's have an installment of behind the meme. Back in the early 10s /nofap/ was forced onto /fit/ backed by "academic" sources for lulz. We got some epic green text stories out of it and may have given some anons prostate cancer (but they deserve it for being such gullible fags). There's nothing wrong with masturbation as long as you don't overdo it.

>> No.15746295

I personally wank 2-3 times a week when needed to keep me focused on my projects

>> No.15746341

you know wolf of the wall street said it well, you need to pump those numbers up boyo, fap more

>> No.15746403

>think of the 6million sperms you kill each day by throwing them in a paper tissue that goes straight to the bin.

>> No.15746441

get a hold of yourself (no pun intended) you fucking incel

>> No.15746454

thats because nofap will make you either gay or impotent. You are supposed to go noporn or at least just fap to naked women pics. Its watching the stranger's dick cum into a random pussy that makes you a degenerate.

>> No.15746474
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, endless ejaculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season 2 is literally pic related. Stop jerking off and watch it instead.

>> No.15746479


>> No.15746596

>he didn't realize the Bog is literally in anime
not gonna make it