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File: 869 KB, 874x1014, nostradamus on biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15738657 No.15738657 [Reply] [Original]

If this maymay is correct one more time it just may CAUSE the next bull market in crypto and this place may get ass blasted with new visitors/investors.

>> No.15738679

This meme is just that; a meme
If you were to spend 24hours a day lurking this board, you'd come up with hundreds of posts predicting the value of BTC. This guy got april right and thats it

>> No.15738689

Or you could just accept that it’s over and go back to trying to suck your own dick after school while your mom is still gone at her job sucking black dicks behind the car wash.

>> No.15738694

& July.
& he called the bottom when this board was still full of Wojack’s and doomers.

>> No.15738712

You guys need a 2x in the next three days. lol

>> No.15738727

>October is only 1 day

>> No.15738819

So BTC 29K in february, which is just 5 months away? Considering the highest ever was slightly less than 20K and that it immediately collapsed? Yeah sure buddy, of course 29K in 5 months makes perfect sense. Hell 8k to 16k next month is sure to happen as well. Screencap this faggot and here's a reality check; we need dumb normie money to break ATH. But they all.got fucked during the 2017 bullrun. They're not coming back and the gig is up; cryptos are useless and everyone invested is simply looking forward to sell their bags at a higher price to some idiot

>> No.15738858

they're going to fomo back in and drive it to new ATHs

>> No.15738873

Have you seem a chart in life?

>> No.15738909

think you know more than akusa, anon?
think you know more than macafee, anon?
think you know more than anon, anon?


>> No.15738918

kekked audibly

>> No.15738921

You need either high demand or low supply such as the havening.

>> No.15738932

No they won't. They fomo'd in between 5k and 20k, thinking this shit could go up to 30k, 50k, 100k
But again it COLLAPSED once it reached 20k and here we are at 8k, and we were at 4-5 for MONTHS last year
Normie are dumb but not dumb enough to throw in more money because they are now aware they can't X10 or X100 their BTC investment

>> No.15738939

There is zero chance this meme prediction can be valid anymore. We are not going to pump 8k in a month.

>> No.15738942
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nigger 3 of these have been right so far, sure that could've been coincidence, and we'll see what happens in october

but he so far he did call that BTC won't be lower than 3200 and lo and behold, we're about to enter Q4 in 2019 and we're at 8k, april he called the start of the rise, july he called the bottom with literally 10$ difference, if BTC actually goes to 16k come End of October, this board is going to go full r/pajeetscam and any fags who are actually still here since pre-2017 bullrun are going to have to fuck off to somewhere else lmfao

>> No.15738982
File: 8 KB, 263x192, 1518580248812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you
one day I'm going to reach it.

>> No.15739010


so mote it be.

>> No.15739068

also if the miners decide to stop selling the price *will* increase from scarcity

i'm dumb enough to buy the dip so normies will definitely fomo back in for a second chance and the younger zoomies(goomies?) have money to spend this time, they were too young for the last bull run but they remember how it mooned

>> No.15739102

So what is it?

>Junior analyst at crypto hedge fund who saw their internally circulated state of the markets and posted their 2019 BTC projections here? This would explain why it has been though for fellow anons to come up with a charting technique that reproduces his predictions

>Member of BTC whale group that makes decisions on price manipulation / pump and dumps? This would explain the accuracy

>Govt worker in a 3-letter regulator or investigative agency who was tasked to research BTC?

Your thoughts fellow anons

>> No.15739164

>Bitcoin Price Range in April 2019 – High: $5539.10 / Low: $4112.69
Asuka said 5300. Good pick
>>Bitcoin Price Range in July 2019 – High: $13200 / Low: $9049
Asuka said 9200. Barely made it with a whooping 4k margin
>Bitcoin Price Range in October 2019
Asuka said 16k and we're at 8k right now. The highest we reached within a year was 13k. Not a fucking chance that BTC will be 16k in october and 29k in february is downright hilarious. Screencap this, not gonna happen

>> No.15739168

if all predictions turn out to be true, it's definitely a member of a massive whale group, possibly even the original dev group who has access to one of the god wallets

there is no way any analyst, no matter how good he is to predict a bullrun that insane

>> No.15739192

>the younger zoomies(goomies?) have money to spend this time, they were too young for the last bull run but they remember how it mooned

You underestimate normies' intelligence. A normie zoomer will still do his own research at price history for several hours over a few days before purchasing his first $100 of btc

>> No.15739214
File: 62 KB, 1199x589, gold futures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the charts never lie

>> No.15739226

of course they will, and this is a good thing because they're growing up into the beginnings of mass adoption

>> No.15739253

its creepy how similar they are

>> No.15739280

yeah. uncanny. but its not magic- asuka anon. observed that btc matches the gold futures chart.

>> No.15739292
File: 158 KB, 851x932, 20190927_193121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another bearfag posting
>9049$ was the low in july
any charts to back that up? on what exchange did BTC go down to 9049 in july?

>you underestimate
*overestimate, lmfao

>> No.15739299

If you truly think that, you have understood nothing.

>> No.15739306

stock markets usually crash in october
bitcoin usually takes off in october

do the math

>> No.15739325


brexit 31 oct

>> No.15739349

>lowest was 9190 and not 9049
Wow what a night and day difference, boy was I wrong!
>mass adoption
There will never be a mass adoption, it's way too fucking volatile. In fact online stores such as Steam STOPPED accepting crypto as payment for that very reason

>> No.15739367

i care not for the mass adoption meme. i hitch my wagon the mathematical scarcity star.

>> No.15739404

>There will never be a mass adoption
countries are using crypto because their money is shit, fucking burger king just started accepting btc for online orders
mass adoption is in fact coming and bitcoin will become a medium of exchange once the volatility calms down

>> No.15739419

This board is barely active so let's be frank with eachother for once.
There will never ever be "mass adoption." Everyone here who isn't completely deluded knows that and I can't believe you expect the same lies to work on people in this next pump. Crypto really needs to come up with some new taglines and selling points to pull in potential marks if we are ever going to make it otherwise we will be stuck with these bags forever. The ONLY way to make it is to sell high to a bigger fool, that's the simple mechanic of the market. The real money still lies with the boomers. One actual boomer is worth 500 zoomers. You think boomers are ever going to fall for ""mass adoption"" ? No. BTC needs to position itself as more exclusive and luxury. Something to be horded (like the HODL meme suggests) and not something to be adopted by the filthy masses. That's basically the only way we are ever going to be able to get at these retirement funds on the next pump.

On the off chance that you are actually dumb enough to believe shit like that, just remember, I'm probably spreading FUD to get your coins cheap before the entire global economy collapses and your higher number on this decentralized spreadsheet makes you into some sort of post-apocalyptic emperor.

>> No.15739482

>The ONLY way to make it is to sell high to a bigger fool

it's the future of money you twit by the time we'd want to cash out we WON'T EVEN HAVE TO because by then the only 2 social classes will be the coiners and the nocoiners
i'm a fucking brainlet and even i can see that somehow, some magic internet ghost tokens are outperforming the dollar in value

>> No.15739495
File: 213 KB, 956x662, 1565357632280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really should read entire posts before replying

>> No.15739568

Buy more BTC anon. The future will truly be bright for you if you just buy a little more.

>> No.15739855

so the margin of error actually was 10$ and the callout 9200$?

thanks for proving me right bearfag

>> No.15740010

No, the margin of error was $4000 because "the prophecy doesnt say which day of the month :^) lmao"

>> No.15740011
File: 68 KB, 684x553, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to believe Asuka-anon, but...
the chart already went from your pic to a descending triangle that broke down, making it look different now...

>> No.15740031
File: 38 KB, 779x285, crypto-vs-uranium-futures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making it look like pic related?

>> No.15740069
File: 198 KB, 500x500, 1558561944752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people need email when the fax machine does the same exact thing?

>> No.15740884

july's been over for months, maybe it's time to get checked for alzheimers boomer

>> No.15741231

Ive never been this justed before. Not retarded i swear. You got me good anon. Im sorry.
You: 1
Me: 0

>> No.15741241
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>> No.15741274

It doesn't. People need email. That's why they used it.

Clearly, you were not around for the early internet. People LOVED email and the whole world signed up for it right away.

Bitcoin can't do anything. It has zero function as money. Anon was right, it's too volatile. Lemme guess, you own bitcoin. That's why you make dumb arguments in support of it. Wake up. You're trying to get rich.

>> No.15741298

>early internet.
the early internet was the not the early 2000s you retard. no one was using email in the late 80s/early 90s. that's where crypto is today.

cope and retardpilled.

>> No.15741315

No country is using crypto. Use your brain. If a country like Venezuela's currency is spiralling out of control, how are people going to buy Bitcoin, also a very volatile asset? They can't even buy poatoes because the price of money is shooting around. So how are they going to buy Bitcoin? I've talked to Venezuelans, they're not using it. Please use your brain.

>> No.15741328

work at what you love and you never have to work a day in your life

>> No.15741346

I was around for the early internet. It went mainstream in 1995, pretty much as soon as most people heard about it.

Even when it SUCKED, and there was zero search engines, just weird geocities sites and dialup beepboop noises, we still had email.

Bitcoin is a bubble. Its been around 10 years and the whole world is not interested. You need to cope about it, son. Go draft a cover letter.

>> No.15741362

Why aren't they using it? They are stupid not to considering the value of their fiat.

>> No.15741372

Were you around when the roman empire fell too?

>> No.15741431
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>They fell for it

>> No.15741440

Reverse Bart followed by face melting pump inbound.

>> No.15741448

thats what the poster was hoping for. they will manipulate the price for the first 3, then dump their bags on people trying to buy in for the fourth

>> No.15741455

Anycunt up ITT after a right good crack in the knackers?

>> No.15741532

Let's be ultra realistic.
Btc is going to be accepted as real money when people stop trusting governments that only know how to make economic disasters.

>> No.15741560

Probably because it’s volatile as shit

>> No.15741584
File: 457 KB, 500x476, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie are dumb but not dumb enough to throw in more money.
Yeah um, sweetie pants, they are.

>> No.15741683


>> No.15742225
File: 2.85 MB, 2848x752, time traveler files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743295

lmao you jinxed it
I'm capping your post

>> No.15743350

better be a little volatile than flatline losing 99% of its purchasing power, lmao
fiat is a fucking SCAM
and you are the retard that uses it to store your money

>> No.15743360

you dont know what a bubble is lmfao

>> No.15743599

wow saw this thread this morning and it's up now

>> No.15743651

Bitcoin is divisible to 8 decimal places.... Your argument is shockingly poor

>> No.15743740

Are some of you that dumb? There is SO much happening in the space I can’t even begin to start, if you don’t know, you deserve to miss out. Retirement accounts are buying up btc, Wall Street/hedge funds, governments, retail (you, me, athletes, celebs, etc), you really think this is not going to succeed?

>don’t want to tell you but it already has and it’s just the 1st inning.

I don’t know why I wasted my precious time posting the obvious (for the anons who have high IQ this is obvious) but it’s going to be hilarious when btc is unreachable to everyone and people are excited about 10,000 sats