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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15738778 No.15738778 [Reply] [Original]

I know how this board is. It's hatey and racist and such. I am not trying to clean it up for anyone else. I just want to go back to when we actually tried to help each other. Idgaf about how you feel about race or whatever but there's really only about 100 of us here. Let's try to make it together. Anyone agree?

>> No.15738791 [DELETED] 

Nigger nigger nigger poopy anus nigger asspussy nigga faggot nigga dick and nuts on the frying pan melon chicken nigga

>> No.15738792

Agree we are a close family here.

>> No.15738795
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Buy LIT.

>> No.15738798

>Going back to when
>helped each other

what is next are you going to tell us that /b/ was ever good?

>> No.15738804

fuck off larper, this is wolves den.

>> No.15738810

Ya 100 pajeets all shilling scams and fud’ing BSV.

>> No.15738816

this is a frenly board anon.

>> No.15738830

You sound like a larper or a women, let me see those titties!

>> No.15738832


you have 2 wolves inside of you:
one of them is gay
the other one is gay
you are gay.

>> No.15738851

thats the gayest shit ive read both literally and metaphorically

>> No.15738850

/b/ was pretty good in 2005.

>> No.15738862

This is what I have been considering getting into to be honest. I hold qnt and rsr right now. My wallet is small and posted in another thread rn if you want to look.

>> No.15738875
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Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.15738886

I expected the hate but if anyone had been here before crypto took over people were actually trying to help each other. The board is in a sad state.

>> No.15738904

>t. Pajeet

>> No.15738905

I'm not even talking about b in talking about biz.

>> No.15738927

See I don't mind this kind of blatant dumb shit. I just don't like the bad advice going around when there's only like 100 of us here.

>> No.15738931

are you sure they were helping or shilling a different kind of ponzi scheme like dropshipping?

>> No.15738957
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Lies pajeets were scamming newfags with multi-level ponzi schemes. Things never change.

>> No.15738996

Sadly you guys are probably right.

>> No.15739025

b was good you fucking normie zoomer

>> No.15739030

Nice green id's BTW. So is there any point in coming to this board? Or is it just because people in real life don't talk about investments with us so it's the best we can find to talk about it?

>> No.15739047

Yeah being in the internet these days makes me feel old af.

>> No.15739064


"hey guys. Reddit here. I know you say to buy Chainlink in 20+ threads on the front page at any given moment, but I just want to come down to earth here and confirm that I skipped every single one and I want a pajeet to shill me something that sucks so I can feel unique. After this loses me money, I will then caution people about how crypto "can go either way" and it is "very high risk", despite the fact I was spoonfed the only investment in the space that mattered and was instrumental in the 4th industrial revolution. Anyyways, i'm a faggot haha"

>> No.15739069

Chinks that bought Udoo are rich AF.
They 2x in 2 weeks. I know a chink senpai that pooled 200K to buy in. They sold 50% and are free rolling now. They say it's going to 1$ by EOY. I didn't believe them initially, but this has be thinking

>> No.15739079

it is a safe space in comparison to the ponzi scheme of what bankster pulls. You are meant to educate yourself here not listen to anon advice. Only thing i enjoy here is shitposting and sometime u get those quality discussion that make you think.

>> No.15739081

Just trying to start an honest discussion is impossible it seems. People just want to be proud of being white or rich because their parents. They did nothing for themselves. Also that's not everyone. There's good zoomers out there.

>> No.15739098

Hey your not wrong. I'm nice anon. I don't like your wording but at least you are honest.

>> No.15739104
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at least you didn't call it /b

>> No.15739106

True. Have to be able to filter out the bs and see the bits of truth here.

>> No.15739109

Based and redpilled.

>> No.15739128
File: 297 KB, 512x288, alkjadd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking jewish chinky currynigger should invest into something better. Dont invest into races or diversity. You need to invest into Bitcloud Pro. It will help you to get white if you are a nigger.

>> No.15739161

Theres fucking ton of people here dude. Well over a hundred. Look at the royalties posting selfies whenever a bull run hits. And the only reason you care about "racism" is because you're a mutt.

>> No.15739172

kek, I mean roasties

>> No.15739193

Why talk that way? Just because others here do? I bet you don't talk that way irl. Being racist on the internet isn't bold or cool. You are just following the crowd you chose.
More to the point tho why is that a better investment? I'd like to hear some good points. I'm willing to listen and not just call you some slur because you hold a different internet money than me.

>> No.15739223
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>attempting to guilt trip and shame on an anonymous imageboard
where the hell ae you from? What fucking protected upper middle class socialized you sad little fucker. You better go for the rope in all honesty

>> No.15739242

Wrong. It's always been terrible, the only difference is that now it isn't as funny.

>> No.15739266

I'm not trying to shame you I'm trying to get you to be honest. I'm not rich but I am a nice person and I'm honest. I'm not depressed and didn't put more money in that I can lose. Even if these go to zero I'm not necking myself. I count myselfucky to not have depression or anxiety issues.

>> No.15739276

Probably true. We can change that tho. There's really only like 100 of us.

>> No.15739323

You are not nice, you are not honest you are not helpful, (you) are a victim that got tricked into believing that humans are cows, and like the retard you are, you try to act like a cow, while everybody with a bit of connection to reality, human reality, is aware that humans are tribal predators that kill, rob, steal and lie when they can amass through those means more resources, and hunt people like you, enslave them, and fucking eat them alive.

Wake up hippy, you are the idiot, the only way humans can be domesticated is through violence and on here, there is no centralized violence that would be able to coerce anybody into acting according to anybodys rules. This is the place where human nature in its most natural form shows, and you better adapt or run away to a place that protects slaves like you

>> No.15739334

Based and overman pilled

>> No.15739338

There's probably only around 100 of "us". But then there's the shill farms, and the Twitter mongs, and the Reddit cross-posters who together just blast this board with interminable pablum. It stopped a lot of oldfags from posting and as a result the quality of this board fell of a cliff. It's just boring now and if anything, spewing racist and horribly offensive content might actually help /biz/. I don't know.

>> No.15739376

You're not a nice person. You're bluepilled on racial issues and trying to grab a moral high ground.

>> No.15739412

Well I'm out, gotta go to work. I hate work just like all of you. You can call me cucked or hate me if you want but nice anon is just tying to be nice. I'm probably wrong about a lot of things. I hope we all make it. Peace.

>> No.15739471

if you were around in 17 yes people did at times try to help others more on here instead of constant fud and shill and me me me mindset. you 'd know that if you werent an underage that showed up in 18 with your gimmedatmonies mindset. fuck off cancer

>> No.15739480

Have an honest hint on how to redpill yourself from home
binge watch live leak videos, inform yourself about the Herero - Nama conflict, watch "sometimes in April" and ask yourself one question when browse again kikebook, plebbit or other save spaces, go to work, slave for your boss and pay taxes; cui bono? And when you realize it isn't you, you have made the first step

>> No.15739499

you problem, anon, is thinking that crypto wasn't the reason we all stopped being able to help each other.
crypto is bad for tptb. decentralized currency is the next step. it destroys huge portions of their power to tax us and control production of value.
there's a reason what we're allowed to have has always slowly declined in value. it's because what they use never declines and only ever increases in value.
money (fiat) has no value. it's based on debt and debt is no store of value. once this system is uprooted, as crypto offers us, their power over us diminishes considerably.
should we see a bimetal (unless it's just gold) standard, many MANY things will change overnight.
a whole new world is on the horizon, anon. places like this are high value targets. they're going to stave off this transition for as long as possible, hence this place being essentially unusable now unless you're very seasoned in dealing with shills and FUD in general.

>> No.15739506

They don't even know how to greentext.
Alright for real tho for real gotta go.tqlk to you all later.

>> No.15739517

once that mindset is disrupted, many things will change very quickly.
a man does work to benefit himself. so long as a man isn't working to benefit himself, he is free. once his work is done for someone else, he MUST ask in what way he benefits.

>> No.15739542

>>15739517 me
should say "isn't free."

>> No.15739543

>Hurdur I'm old fag 2017
>I'm right
>you new fag
>I say you 2018
You fucking tranny fuck, I'm on this godforsaken website since 2006, and what you call "help each other" was actually just tricking cattle like you into buying already pumped shitcoins and get you fags sign up for 50ETH to a signal discord with multiple levels where the founders accumulated, made limited sell orders, gave you fags buy signals and dumped on those idiots that were in the lower brackets.

Now fuck off you stupid piece of reddit cancer

>> No.15739599

Hatred of others springs from a feeling of being disenfranchised and needing someone to blame for your shitty life. Most of /biz/ has seen all their money get flushed down the toilet in the past 18 months, they're angry and looking for scapegoats. So they blame jews, NWO, women, niggers, or whatever for their failures.

Probably 70% of biz right now is just sad pol and x tier paranoid schizoposting. The other 30% is linkmarines who have no reason to stoop to that level of cope because they've actually made money in the past year.

>> No.15739656

stfu you projecting queer. people did help and your history revised version wont change that. now stop calling everyone a tranny cuz they say things you dont like you mentally weak queer. in fact since anything you dont like is tranny fuck take it to when your kind belongs >>>/lgbt/ and cry moar there about straight peepol and rage about trannies there you so far in the closetyou're finding presents faggot

>> No.15739671

That is the second step, first you must realize that being a cattle consumer buying your food from somebody, wasting your time at somebody business, listening to somebody else thoughts is not benefiting yourself, in a next step, sure you must ask yourself how does me being a cattle benefits that somebody I pay in my resources and time; and I guess the last natural occurring step is realizing that you get nothing substantial back being a cattle, that even the promise of security is just a lie to get you to give up your freedom.

But I realize that anybody that got brought up and told the lies about the enlighted society from early age and getting little cookies for being a good slave has a hard time to accept this, because, humans are not all just predators, unfortunately the Rousseauen natural state is also partly true; as long as basic needs are fulfilled there will always be a certain group of humans that will just chose to be lazy apes; the slave people.

>> No.15739704

You can't change human nature through nurture and with narratives, this isn't CNN or Boomer media new fag; anybody who does his research, even the newest new fag who puts in resources browsing the archive will realize what this place is.

But good luck in trying to convince idiots and apes into buying your bags, because all it looks like is that nobody is buying your bags, and everybody is just waiting to cannibalize your kind

>> No.15739727

>Hatred of others springs from a feeling of being disenfranchised and needing someone to blame for your shitty life.
I disagree. Plenty of people deserve to be hated for reasons completely detached from you. Are you saying that anyone who hates Hitler or Stalin or the local arsonist must have personal problems? No. They're just cunts.

>> No.15739738
File: 148 KB, 1300x1500, 29EFC87F-29B1-44F9-A4BA-E347D16FD8C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur. But only Linkies are welcoom

>> No.15739749

show me on the doll where society hurt you.

Also, anonymous imageboard culture allows man to act unnaturally because there are zero reputational consequences for actions here. Like it or not, humans are social animals that modulate their behavior IRL to encourage tribal cohesion. Yes humans are petty, violent, and rapacious too. But if you think true humanity is just raping and pillaging without regard to optics or consequence, then you are leaving a massive part of what differentiates humans from other animals, which is our hypersociality and deep need to get along with our tribal unit - which requires modulation of behavior towards norms.

>> No.15739760

>humans are not all just predators, unfortunately the Rousseauen natural state is also partly true; as long as basic needs are fulfilled there will always be a certain group of humans that will just chose to be lazy apes; the slave people.
there is a simple answer to that, we grew a brain.

>> No.15739799

>if you think true humanity is just raping and pillaging without regard to optics or consequence
It would if there wouldn't be a bunch of cattles that are giving resources to the biggest badest most violent motherfuckers to suppress others with centralized violence
>we grew a brain
able to trick apes and slaves in ways that nobody could think before, like derivatives; and build weapons to basically eradicate the whole species if somebody says the wrong thing

Humans are still predators, and you are obvioulösy feeling threatened by somebody seeing through it, speaking it out and refusing to play your games, because it gives him an evolutionary advantage

>> No.15739895

You regard the give and take of social convention as 'being cattle' but it is our social nature that catalyzed the processes by which we managed to ascend from angry monkey mobs to modern humanity. Group hunting, encephalization thanks to a meat rich diet enabled by group hunting, development of language and recorded history, specialization of tasks and knowledge. All these happened because people engaged with each other socially, which involved behavioral modulation and self-compromise. The payoff was enhanced group survival rates, and by extension enhanced individual survival rates. That's 'cattle' in action, as you's put it.

Fetishizing radical individualism is nice you're 14 and living in your mom's basement and living in online echo chambers with no social repercussions for saying whatever. Eventually you figure out that to engage with the world more broadly, you have to crawl out of your hole and start saying please and thank you to people. Fetishizing your inner ubermensch is an infinite regress of self-isolation that will never have a satisfying payoff.

>> No.15740175

>come on anon just give your resources to us
>invest in our way of life
>take the torch anon
>you don't want institutions benefiting us to die
>you will be unhappy
>stop being asocial you stupid go..guy
Kek what a tool you are, investing in institutional paradigms in decline, social myths that in their inception were destined to fail do to the fallacy of thinking human nature can be changed through nurture and incentive. Enjoy your loses, nobody is going to buy your poisoned apples.

>> No.15740209

definitely agree. I'd much rather have us be a close group of people. we need flags though. all of us together. maybe we can weed out the scammers and pajeeters. I might only want us all to work together because im a big pussy though.

>> No.15740233

>come on gibs flags
>(((we))) need more information to sell oir scams
Just piss off to plebbit if you cant deal with a semi anon board. You are not a lose

>> No.15740571

You have very good points and are knowledgeable in all of the right areas to discuss something like this.
I too like social sciences. However, you must realize, and sooner rather than later, that you are being taken advantage of in a great many ways.
We intend to teach people around us, once we're able, about the things we've learned here. Isolation is great. It's extremely healthy and right now, in the wake of decades of refinement of Mockingbird techniques, young men must isolate themselves, or they'll look back in a decade or less and realize what's been done to them, leaving them with that much less time to reconfigure themselves.
You must understand, anon, before it's too late, why we gather anonymously. It's not to avoid reputational repercussion; rather, it's to avoid ego getting in the way of learning.
You, too, must abandon your ego. We need your wit. Join us.

>> No.15740780

If you didn't have Chinese money injecting into crypto none of you would even be investing or on /biz/. Might want to walk back your racist sentiments. China>USA just a white intellectual who sees where the world is headed.

>> No.15740804

fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.15740876

You cant teach a well fed cattle to drink. It must learn itself. And the cow you are talking to got too many good goy cookies and the promise of more cookies if it keeps being a cattle. Wasted time.

>> No.15740977

At what point did this board ever try to help anyone?

Maybe you were not here when bitcoin crashed from it's all time high and how many people were in the pits and like now, there were plenty of people to laugh at them?

>> No.15740989

This, dropshipping was the goto scam at the time before cryptocurrency took over this board. It is like with chainlink now. So many fucking posts about that scam here.

Jannies do your fucking job

>> No.15741058

Can we stop pretending like we ever tried to stop helping each other? It is just that there is more pajeet spam which makes it looks like it happens less.