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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15737437 No.15737437 [Reply] [Original]

I am posting this once more as I believe many on this board will find it very expanding. It may also provide some very potent hopium. People believe crypto to be anti-government and anti-banking when the opposite is true. The first 45 minutes of this video go very in depth on the elites plans with cryptocurrency and how it will become the worlds reserve currency. I think you will find it very interesting.


>> No.15737881

Bump. Do give it a watch /biz/, I think you will be suprised at the depth.

>> No.15738046

hit random spot
You are being divided, thank sia labouf for telling you this long ago.
It's like /pol/, You either left or you either right. And people point every conversation to only these two statues.
There is no exact time frame where man was born and he is boomer and he is blamed for everything younger generation doesn't like. There is no dividing point, you are being programmed to hate certain groups.
Look at /biz/, some many threads, it's a dusk of programming to hate certain age groups. Boomer is no longer a buzz word. It's defining word for certain age groups and is used in a same manner as alt-right or alt-left.
Look at brexit, younger generations blamed old people for voting opposite of younger generation.
The farther you go, the more you see walls, dividing and defining who to hate.
When minds are programmed it's really easy to silence people or to smear them for life.
Nowadays it's so easy to tag alt-right to any persons name and that mans carrier ruined for life, because it's already programmed in peoples minds -"right - bad, bad for my company", nobody cares if tag used really necessary, but in public eyes man is ruined.
Why people no longer choose better words for their dialogues, but kneel for easier one - boomer.
You are being divided without even you, yourself not noticing you are already using those words.
Sorry for broken second language word rant, I hope you can see what I wanted to say to you.

>> No.15738159

I do appreciate it anon, You actually took the time to type out a well thought out reply to my video, I appreciate it. And I do agree with you actually, I agree they are trying to divide us, if you feel you cannot trust your grandparents to give you lasting life advice who can you trust?

If I had to guess however the portion of the video you heard that at was the portion referring to energy economics, where I refered to the boomers simply as a generation in a time period where energy had more profit then it does now. I am ambivilent towards the boomers and generally stay away from that age baiting you mentioned, so I believe you misjudge me anon.

>> No.15738189

You are a good guy!
Keep a good work.

>> No.15739531

Bump one more time

>> No.15739601

thanks fl anon, i've slowly dug since your first threads a few months ago but it's very time consuming and low reward. appreciate your dedication and continued posts though

>> No.15739692

That is useful to me anon, thank you. I intended to create a deep analysis of these articles to give people a good understanding of what i see in FL, but i think you are correct, there is really nobody that is showing you why FL is important, it does take a lot of work for very little reward it seems. So I will continue with these deep analysis, but i think you are correct, my next video will probably be a shorter one that just explains potently what FL can provide you, and why its worthwhile to look into it in a way that my introduction to FL video did not really address to the full extent.

I'm glad you have been researching though, knowing somebody has noticed and seen at least some value in my work is very fulfilling, I will keep it going if just for you anon!

>> No.15739821

You understand really nothing, the whole point of every text is not to give you info, but to provide an effect that current science does not even not it could exist.

>> No.15739823 [DELETED] 

Greetings friend and thank you for your analysis.

>> No.15739830


>> No.15739842
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>> No.15739970

No I do understand that, I don't believe you watched the entire video. If you notice I point out when I think something is impossible specifically because of that. I also talk for length about your idea, in a wider sense then just pointing out science hasn't noticed, for about 15 minutes near 1:40-1:50. The wider sense being FL is entirely about being unique, about presenting logical yet unique ideas, which ties into a lot with the ideas behind time travel in some way, what if you could narrow down monkeys on type writers to only those that produce logical conclusions about the future, would it work? I do however approach every article from an information standpoint you are right, because I believe that is the correct way to assess the articles. What good does it do to assess an idea in an existing framework if you also speculate the entire reasoning behind your argument could exist in a flawed paradigm?

That is not even to get into the most religious parts of FL, the site at its core is a religious site really which i will be talking in depth about later. Not pointing out things science hasnt noticed to say, rather building the architecture to show that things grander then us still logically exist in this paradigm without reverting to a god of the gaps who sits in the sky and buries dinosaur bones, or a nihilist and sopolist religion that pervades the internet today.

I think its unfair to suggest i know nothing when you refrence only a small subsect of the articles in general, and seem to be viewing them through a lens the articles themselves have gone to great lengths to dissect and prove problematic.

>> No.15739972

How can it provide any effect of you can't understand any of it?

>> No.15740105

Just be from the future bro.

>> No.15740124

You do not even know about XVIS.

>> No.15740133

Are you from the future?

>> No.15740170

I am more from the deep past, when the past is your future.

>> No.15740177

What about it? I have read literally every fucking article post 2012 on the site. Try me. You seem to misunderstand that this video is specifically about chantilly, and building that connection to the real world chantilly brings so we can continue going deeper into the thought process behind topics such as XViS yes.

If you think you know so much, care to tell me the name of the facility where proto-XViS research is being carried out.

>> No.15740203

Forgive the question but do you guys just read the parts in English or do you actually translate the rest as well? Help me out here.

>> No.15740227

I just look at the letters mostly, no need to actually read.

>> No.15740264

The facility where XVIS "research" is carried out is... Earth (from our perspective). There is no research really, it has been operating for a long time.

You still do not understand, for example the concept of narrative vectors and the interrelation (inter-relation) between words and real world happening inside the 5D dreamspace context of the "world".

>> No.15740311

Sounds like a lot of bullshit to be honest

>inb4 praise Xenu

>> No.15740350

>Hurr durr the sekrit oberlords accidentally leaked their sinister plans in conveniently spreadable
.jpg image format again!

>> No.15740354

That is a fair assesment. From "our" perspective, care to share who I am speaking with?

The answer I was looking for was ANDRL, but as i said i believe your point to be a fair assesment.
Care to enlighten me what I am missing in this relation? Narrative vectors sounds like what we expect, changing reality through ideas alone using advanced linguistic analysis I assume?

I am open to new ideas, my apologies for attacking you, but considering the basis of the content nothing can really be considered factual including whatever you tell me.
The translations cannot be considered accurate, I analyze the english and merely read the translations

>> No.15740602


When you google ANDRL, the totally unrelated first result is ANDRL. American Nostalgia Drag Racing League --> 386 likes.

When you look into my Bitmex account, you see currently 0.0386 BTC. The current BTC price on Bitmex is 8060 USD.

Our reality is very 86xy if you have not realized yet. Every day has 86400 seconds, the elemental number of Radon (Rad On) is 86, etc etc.

At the same time our reality is being corrupted by some kind of negative influence, in a fundamental manner.

So that is why the whole reality hologram gets re-sliced/re-merged aka the whole Mandela Effect thing and so on, so that we can leave the negative influence (particularly strongly manifested in Germany for some reason) behind us.

>> No.15740644


A dream is bounded by time and "narrative vectors", same for "reality" when reality is a shared holographic dream.

That is why for example Chantilly Poems argues for abolishment of money - is money not a vector that places boundaries on the story of your life ?

>> No.15740656

Of course it would be useful to buy into Constellation/DAG or other useful projects (instead of Bitcoin) so you have more money in the meanwhile until abolishment of money as a concept happens.

>> No.15740684

Of course I am thankfully already outside of Germany, so soon we will completely leave behind the German reality and merge into Paradise.

>> No.15740833

Ah but see, your supposed to ignore if we live in a shared reality to survive, was that not the argument behind automated biology? Furthermore Ayndryl has said before mandela is not real and just a side effect of how memory works, it has nothing to do with a holographic nature of reality.
The chantilly point is interesting however, it specifically states if we dont destroy money our civilization will die so I would agree it is a vector, is that cause or effect however of us using money or is that the language that created money however? I would argue for the latter considering the basis of the site.

>> No.15740957
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Good thread. We need more eyes on this stuff.

>> No.15741046

Hm, perhaps ME could be broadly interpreted as a side effect of memory when they want to troll you, because memory is a side effect of your DNA and DNA (or its specific BDO function) interacts (inter-acts) with the reality hologram.

>> No.15741177

i'm 1hr34min into your video where you're talking about skycoin. here's a hint for you, it has deep (((connections))).

>> No.15741204

I will give you that. They have claimed your consciousness acts through biological means however, a break in those mechanisms could reveal information, that would not make it true information however. Either way I feel far underqualified to continue speculating on the mechanisms of the ME, it is not something i focus on as I like to build macro perspectives of the situation using microscale information provided by FL.

>> No.15741216

Interesting, I could believe it. Do you have a hint to push me in the correct direction?

>> No.15741302

what projects would you suggest or do you feel as if everything going to be centralized (libra) eventually and the current project son the market are a waste of consideration

>> No.15741327


Start with looking into where the CEO fled to after getting shook down for money in China; and who he hired to protect him.

>> No.15741492

BTC for starters, they seem to imply it will not be going away even though they willingly admit there is tech that is far better, leading me to think it is largely intangible conditions that will keep it around, possibly the network is fully captured by them if I had to guess. It is interesting to note that china controls the majority of mining yet this is presumably a plan that incorporates the US economy as it must topple the dollar to succede. An interesting scenario for sure.

My next bet would be Link, my reasoning being entirely based around the social conditions they outline that I talked about in depth concerning why I believe 4chan has an unproportionate influence across the web. To keep it short, I believe they want you to be rich, I believe there is a push to create social conditions to rise a new group of rich elites who are war prone and racially motivated, yet socially and technologically integrated, all of those things I see 4chan really being the only counter culture to have integrated with. Add that with the steep history of both bitcoin and 4chans influence with certain 3 letter agencies and I do believe Link might possibly be the first stepping stone for them to bring this influential class of racist war makers into the elite. If this does happen to be the case we will see wether that is for a complete ideological takeover or simply a visible undercrust to the true elite, either and both seem likely.

Lastly as they mentioned in the article i would look for tokenized resources, water, gold, Real estate, possibly even equity, if they start tokenizing it and its a solid project I would buy it up.

>> No.15741785


I don't know why I made this post pseudo-cryptic, what an insult to intelligence. (if it wasn't obvious anyway) the answer is Israel and Mossad.

>> No.15742058

Good thread guys, I have to leave for the day.

>> No.15742509

Bump and appreciated.