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15732906 No.15732906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The elite are truly master manipulators. We're all getting played

>> No.15732954

>man lands on moon
>water is wet
Ty op. Never knew.

>> No.15732963

I didnt know :(

>> No.15733040

what else is new

>> No.15733067
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I admire their ability to get everyone to believe they're the good guys

>> No.15733070

Watched part of the Vidya and did some looking.

When even ProPublica says carbon credits aren't working, they probably aren't.


>> No.15733106


Sweetie, I hate to tell you but everyone has something to gain from pushing their perspective. You act like there's no money on the line for big petro in pushing whatever narrative they need to push to keep their interests safe. Exact same as the greenies.

If having money on the line illegitimizes your position, then literally all positions are compromised. Guess we'd better just believe nothing then, huh?

>> No.15733153

though, let me add, carbon credits specifically are definitely retarded. The reality of externalized costs of pollution/climate damage doesn't get resolved, it just gets commoditized and moved around.

My point still stands though, just because some proposed solution or change enriches certain actors doesn't illegitimize it. The status quo right now clearly enriches certain actors like saudis and coal magnates to great effect.

>> No.15733182

Is global warming real?

>> No.15733251

CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases do fairly predictable things in the atmosphere, and countervailing / negative feedback effects like enhanced plant growth or cloud cover either move on too slow a time frame or are too insubstantial to fully absorb the effect. Meanwhile the slowing of ocean currents, melting of high-albedo glaciers and releasing of methane klathrate are all contributory positive feedback mechanisms that will only accelerate the warming that we have already committed ourselves to based on the amount of carbon we have puked into the atmosphere.

The left's big circlejerk mistake is to address the issue from a standpoint of sanctimony and self-righteousness, e.g. "how DARE we kill of the polar bears" and etc. This has been ineffective in the extreme, and of course things like extinction events and changing climates are, from a natural perspective, completely neutral. Species die, new species evolve to fill their niche. Unfortunately if we effect too many changes on the environment in too short of time, we won't kill nature but we MIGHT end up killing ourselves. This, our reaction to our carbon problem should be a reasoned and utilitarian one, rather than obsessed with sanctimony, guilt, transgression, blame, etc.

I absolutely hate the current climate movement. They self-sabotage themselves and just give their opponents fuel to oppose them with. Every time someone gets teary-eyed on screen or shows a clip of a starving polar bear, it puts us that much further away from a rational response to what's happening to us. Especially since 2 degrees celsius of warming are more or less baked in by now. We should be focusing on rational ways to adapt to a changing climate rather than wringing our hands over our perceived wrongdoings and trying to absolve ourselves of imagined guilt.

>> No.15733286
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>67 KB PNGI admire their ability to get everyone to believe they're the good guys
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.”

What the graph shows is the departure from the average for the 30 years from 1981 to 2010. The last data point is February 2019 with a result of -0.03 degrees C. So we have had 40 years of global warming and the temperature has remained flat. In fact it is slightly cooler than the long term average. Is it possible to believe in global warming when the atmosphere has cooled? No, not rationally. Is it possible for global warming to be real if the atmosphere has cooled? Again no.

>> No.15733299

Do you really believe any of what you just said? Conservatards, everyone.

>> No.15733311


>> No.15733329

>Do you really believe any of what you just said? Conservatards, everyone.

Yes and furthermore I had a relative who was a professor in climatology who did not either, not that anyone listened to him either. You are in a cult. Please don't pretend that science has anything to do with your crazy doomer ideology

>> No.15733371

>taking literally one data point from 100s and observing it's below the mean
>hurr warming's not real

Even a potato brain can glance at that chart and clearly observe higher lows and higher highs as the decades progress.

>> No.15733376

Are you appealing to science? Please don't try and tell me that the utter garbage produced by computer modelling is science. You have no idea what science even is if you think we have pertinent statistical relevance on any of the man made climate change theory, here's the real shock for you, there is no empirical evidence whatsoever that C02 is raising the temperature of the atmosphere because there has been no raise in the temperature of the antnosphere FOR 40 YEARs and yes every academic who spoke the boring truth was let go and replaced with much inferior people who were quite prepared to lie through their teeth for the funding they were getting from the apocalyptic environmentalist lobby which because the home to statist Marxists after the collapse of Marxist Leninists. Truth you see, especially actual scientific truth does not matter to them AT ALL.

>> No.15733387

You don't even understand how to average a chart, you don't have even the most primitive basic grasp of data points and statistics yet you believe in man made climate change. God help us all from your idiocy and that of your cult

>> No.15733502

>Is global warming real?

Man made global warming. Abolutely not. At the very best is a completely unsubstantiated theory, you could take the same data and make a case for new ice age (similarly apocalyptic climate scientists did in the early 1970s). The fact is the day samples re so small as to be useless and the only valid scientific theory is that relating to milankovitch cycles. If anything the upholding of man made climate change theory s 'science' is evidence that university access for the middle and lower classes over the last three decades has been a complete waste of money as they are s gullible as illiterate tribes people, complete now with their apocalyptic retarded child leader of a ;'children's crusade' leading to slavery just like the last one

Its beyond disgusting a fabricated lie to justify massive increases in taxation and hardship just to further concentrate power and wealth in the hands of incompetent governments and deprive their increasingly serf like 'subjects' of even basic property rights

>> No.15733504
File: 400 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190926-230133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The dataset for the lower 48 shows on overall decrease in temp, but a rise in everything else measured.


The blog that generated that lower 48 graph is here: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/27/climate-in-case-you-were-wondering/

>> No.15733512

>their apocalyptic retarded child leader of a ;'children's crusade' leading to slavery just like the last one


>> No.15733516

The world need Adold

>> No.15733519

>on overall decrease in temp
>Is it possible to believe in global warming when the atmosphere has cooled? No, not rationally. Is it possible for global warming to be real if the atmosphere has cooled? Again no.

>> No.15733536

The traditional narrative is likely conflated from some factual and mythical events which include the visions by a French boy and a German boy, an intention to peacefully convert Muslims in the Holy Land to Christianity, bands of children marching to Italy, and children being sold into slavery. Many children were tricked by merchants and sailed over to what they thought were the holy lands but, in reality, were slave markets.

>> No.15733551


>> No.15733552

Who is this 10 year old QTPi?

>> No.15733560

It's pretty funny, but also sad, how they can get away with so much bullshit while still convincing everyone they're the good guys.

Just put the word "science" in front of it, pay some experts to say some shit, then have some actors get emotional on camera to appeal to peoples' emotions. The average normalfag is gullible as fuck and will eat that shit up.

>> No.15733562

>dr shiva
i fucking hate non-whites hoyl fuck. I also hate how these faggots have no idea how to use Greta the way she should be used as propaganda tool but nope they all work together to fuck everyone over fuck them.

>> No.15733570

I should clarify, overall decreasing temp in the lower 48, but overall rise in temp globally.

>> No.15733597

>Hurr durr theres more polar bears now than ever
>Hurr durr the polar ice caps are growing
>Hurr durr 46% of islands are growing, 40% remain stable in size.
Im tired of climate change nonsense. We used to mock people holding signs that said the world was going to end. I wish it was more popular to shame these religious nuts.

>> No.15733602

Should have added that my point is the guy who created the graph cherry picked the only data set out of 27 data sets that agreed with his data with the data he cited. One indicated no change, the 25 others indicated a rise in temperature.

tl;dr - Only 1 out of 26 data sets agreed with the graph.

>> No.15733611

Fuck, 27, not 26. Tired as hell. Probably should focus on finishing up some charts I'm working on for a personal project.

>> No.15733753

They generate taxes now so it's ok

>> No.15733924

This pajeet is trying so god damn hard to use his academic credentials to validate all of his claims. Sounds half believable until you look through his other tweets and realize he's anti-vaccine. Typical street shitter scam artist.

>> No.15733941

>trusting vaccines in all sincerity in the year of our lord 2k19

you gotta go back faggot

>> No.15734028

I know you're an autistic faggot, but a measles shot didn't cause it

>> No.15734050

Says the literal retard who wants to prove that warming isn't real by citing the latest single data point of a trend chard.

>> No.15734079

High iq post
a rarity around these parts

>> No.15734088

And a high iq counterpoint? What a treat this is, looks like all the smart people have bailed on crypto threads

>> No.15734151

I did not watch OP video, but it is easy to understand why climate change is NWO agenda just by reasoning

1) It views the world as ONE. "Goy, we have just one Globe and we share it!".
2) It appeals and calls for some sort of World Authority, some sort of Big Brother that will force the rest of the world to play by the rules. The creation of such entity that would have 100% control even over nations such as North Korea of course is the ultimate globalist and NWO agenda.

That's everything there's to it. No need for 15 minute videos explaining it in detail.

>> No.15734156

So you’re saying we should bomb Africa and Asia?

>> No.15734200
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Stop being delusional idiot and read a fuckig book for few. Humans are unable to change earths climate, especially CO2 can not accumulate in earths atmosphere, IT CAN FUCKING NOT FOR FUCK SAKE. You are on the right track, we should not use fossil fuels because it pollutes our own environment and is harmful to breathe for children.
You might talk fancy with those made up pseudo arguments put into your brain by msm brainwashing, you sound like a fucking german dumbfuck if you keep doing this, mate.
I repeat, a human can not change earths climate, even if you multiply our output by factor of 1000.
This is normal earths climate cycle for hundreds of thousands of years and we are now colder than we should be, EARTH IS COLDER, because of deforestation.

>> No.15734218

>from a natural perspective, completely neutral. Species die, new species evolve to fill their niche
from this naturalistic perspective: why does it matter if we kill ourselves? you say it should be approached in that “level headed” way, when it logically ends in not caring about the survival of humanity

>> No.15734231

Whenever I'm consuming some media, the first thing I ask is what are the social classes it's addressed to and which ones will end up taking it seriously. Find it helpful, personally

>> No.15734242

so why did hansen change the temperature readings?

>> No.15734247

They got ur favorite and last resort scape, by hijacking BTC through slockstream that is axxa who belongs to Bilderberg so yeah, we are fucked

>> No.15734307

>carbon credits specifically are definitely retarded.
it's actually pretty smart.
a pretty smart jewish racket worldwide where all the (((green taxes))) get funneled to tel aviv. Dictatorship in occident will be promoted to boomers disguised as urgent saving of the climate (((protocols))). It alrdy started since a while actually
>it's for the planet goyim, think of the dolphins goyim.
*proceed on destroy the planet even further*
>economy is vital too goyim, we can't let the growth go down

These schizos juden are in full satanic delirium, they unironically think it will fasten the coming of their messhiah if they destroy the world and put in place a new talmudo-satanic order.

>> No.15734962

>guess we should believe in nothing
Well you can believe everything is a lie

>> No.15734970

embrace death

>> No.15735032

Writes all that, than posts gif of gay jewish actor.

>> No.15735069

Fuck off with your psy ops bullshit threads about this shit. We won’t buy into it here, we’re too smart for you

>> No.15735140
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>"hurr durr counterpoint, no I'm right, actually"
>"hurr durr argument that actually rekt my belief"
>"hurr durr... arguing with measurable phenomena. NO. but the religitards believe in a sky daddy. haha"

>> No.15735171

just another pawn paraded around and bankrolled by kikes yawn

>> No.15735184

this tbqh

>> No.15735202

You mean this manequin's public performances are just the public performances of a manequin?

>> No.15735207
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Fuck off faggot

>> No.15735305


> CO2 can not accumulate in earths atmosphere

Please explain why CO2 cannot accumulate in earths atmosphere brainlet? I did a masters in chem and it absolutely can

>This is normal earths climate cycle for hundreds of thousands of years

Where did you learn that earth goes through cycles? o thats right the same fucking scientists who are now telling you climate change is real, this almost makes me think you idiots are trolling when you mention earths cycles in the same sentence as denying climate change.

It's not, look at any of the historic data from a credible site, like fucking NASA

>Its all the jews

You've clearly never worked in senior management or actually been involved with politics, there's just large amounts of apathy and greed, no conspiracy.

>> No.15735346

Look up solar cycles
Also, co2 has a thermogenicly cooling effect when hit with solar radiation... That directly from nasa.
Check out climategate hope that destroys your religion of science.

>> No.15735438

haha your grasp on english is as pathetic as your argument.

> thermogenicly

this isn't a fucking word

>Look up solar cycles

read my comment again slowly brainlet, I'm not disputing cycles

>co2 has a thermogenicly cooling effect when hit with solar radiation... That directly from nasa.

Link me, all I could find was an article citing the information was from NASA but didn't provide a link that worked, and a study where the dude cited himself 6 times topkek you fucking tards are hilarious

Science isn't a religion, it's observation, measurement and repeatable phenomena