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15730606 No.15730606 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Bernie or Warren win the presidential election in 2020

>> No.15730621

Trump is gonna win retard

>> No.15730625

this, he literally can't lose

>> No.15730630
File: 40 KB, 497x403, 1564704198115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking 401k is going to get decimated because of that orange retard. I can already see it now.
>Impeachment proceedings begin
>Market dumps 10%
>Dummy gets removed from office
>Market dumps 15%
>Pence gets removed
>Market dumps 10%
>Pelosi is the new president until Warren or Warren win
>Market dumps an additional 70% and doesn't recover for 15 years

>> No.15730691

Reminder that Bernie was one of the few in support for auditing the fed

>> No.15730696

time to go full trump or get bogged by the globalists.

>> No.15730700
File: 96 KB, 1024x677, trumpvillain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep have a recurrent thought he wont be alive to get to the election :(

>> No.15730708


Bernie wants to add a fucking tax to every security transaction. This will KILL anyone’s investment returns. Enjoy working until 80 bro

>> No.15730727

He's definitely not going to be the president of the USA during the next biggest recession after 2008.

He's too smart to do it.

>> No.15730732
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 1566419986255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this, he literally can't lose
If (they) want him to win, he'll win. Just like last time. Learn what reverse psychology is and realize you arent enlightened but an actual retard.

>> No.15730743

> Be billionaire
> Spend a billion on Bernie's campaign
> 10x Short market with your remaining 10 billion
> Gain immense profit and political power

Holy shit, it's brilliant

>> No.15730752

Bernie would crush him easily, come on now.

However Warren will win, and Trump could crush her

>> No.15730764

Bernie or Pocahontas winning would pump Bitcoin like no tomorrow though. It’s a wonderful vehicle for capital flight.

>> No.15730769

that's literally the way its done too, in one shape or another

>> No.15730796

The importance if that pales in comparison to auditing the fed.

>> No.15730811

HODL bro, no transaction fees that way.

>> No.15730925

By who, except Soros?

>> No.15731034

Pretty much all the smart-money will be shorting the market if Trump loses in 2020

>> No.15731073

>Market dumps
>Market dumps
>Market dumps
So the Trump economy in action? About time you finally realized it.

>> No.15731151

trump is blowing bibi and swallowing like no tomorrow, he literally can't lose

>> No.15731173

Fuck off pol

>> No.15731211

>OMG why isn't trump literally throwing roman salutes and gassing kikes, WHAT A JEW OMG
There should be some sort of age verification for this website.

>> No.15731272

lulz, he has to suck up to jews and he knows it, moderates aren't going to vote for literally hitler yet
imo his last term he is getting involved with palestine/israel after they help his re-election

>> No.15731292
File: 138 KB, 1024x977, 1568060842035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheldon Adelson... Trump's big donor and also Soros's buddy. When will you retards realize Soros was just a boogeyman and actually helped Trump win, as did the media? They have a mutual relationship where they talk about him all day and he gets talked about all day. He is the epitome of a globalist. Why would he bring down the very thing that has been able to make him billions and bail him out? Why does he need another term to lock up Clinton and Obama? Why dont you have a spine? Why is this posted on biz?

>> No.15731383

>When will you retards realize Soros was just a boogeyman and actually helped Trump win, as did the media?

HIllary told media to give support to people like trump at primaries.

Her idea is that if media did that, someone would say unorthodox, from their point of view, stuff and it would work and others would follow him. An "crazy" would win the gop primary, but would be considered too crazy for general.
PS: Gop shills candidates like geb bush would allow it to happen and quit instead of making sure polls say he and the other shills are the only oen with chance to win the primaries.

The point of all this was to make easier to hillary win, than if she was runing against another shill candidate.
So they increased hillary odds to win, in exchange of the shill side having more than exact 0% chance to lose.

>> No.15731389

Of course Soros and the media. Media worldwide (I know, as I own a major news company i Norway) have profited billions from Trump.

>> No.15731418


PS: They tried fix this mess by making the guy try to stab trump and also the hillary 99%, trump 1% to win thing.

the hillary 99% and trump 1% to win is a stupid as fuck tactic, it doenst work with just one shill candidate.
I mean if you hate hillary who you are going to vote? Vote trump and have just 1% chance of wining or voting hillary and decreasing your chance to win to less than 1%?

>> No.15731419

EXACTLY FELLOW MAGAPEDE! Israel is our greatest ally anyway

>> No.15731461

PS:At brazil bolsonaro won because he was already famous before election and they couldn't rigg the polls telling only 3 shills had chance to go to second round (we have 2 rounds here, top 2 goes to second round, unless someone has more than 50% of valid votes at the case he wins automatically).

They tried to stop him by sending somone to stabbing him ]
and also saying (candidate X, Y, Z and W, all wins to bolsonaro at second round; PS: X, Y, Z and W are shills) this didnt worked because people believed all those are shills, so someone that hates X and likes bolsonaro wouldnt vote for Y, Z or W as some example to make sure X lost.

>> No.15731557

Bro, you are 100% wrong about everything you said. Everyone knew Hillary wouldnt win, the media made you think that was what they wanted her too (reverse psychology "dont believe everything you see on tv" ). Idk how old you are, but since I've been alive she has been the most hated politician I have ever known. People both sides of the aisle have said for years she would run and would lose. She never had a chance against Trump or any GOP candidate. Republicans were obviously going to vote in whoever after Obama. What do you think Dems will do about Trump? What do you think has happened to the demographics in the past few years? The only way Trump will win, is if (they) want him too. (They) probably do.