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File: 48 KB, 992x558, the gloves are off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15725807 No.15725807 [Reply] [Original]

Answer my fucking question edition: is this a proper definition of “underlying” in terms of options?

Underlying are the values at which a derivative’s price is ascertained.

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Last bread:>>15720306

>> No.15725850

Shit ends up at the bottom.

>> No.15725881

was a 200-300k shares market sell or something

>> No.15725903

I'm up over 200% on an option. How's everyone else doing today?

>> No.15725909

Bout to get finna margin called on RH I guess it doesn’t matter because I’m betting the rest of it on the next earnings.

>> No.15725927

Based gambler

>> No.15725957

Fuck. It just dropped 40c like nothing

>> No.15725983

guy just cleared the book market selling.. lets see if 10.5 holds, it should be a decent support

>> No.15725987

Where's the bread? I was promised bread.

>> No.15725999
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I had to sell it to reduce my LCI losses

>> No.15726027

>not buying in at 6
Still up 50%. LCI to $60

>> No.15726028
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Sold my YOLO for a loss
my headmistress is going to beat the shit out me

>> No.15726042

Looks like SO won't save me today.

>> No.15726046

Every. Fucking. Quarter.
>what do you mean it was just a short squeeze, and it’s slowing down as they finish covering?

>> No.15726050

Nobody answer his question

>> No.15726077

>finish covering
>going from 82% to 57% of the float is finished covering
>Company isn't better than it was 1 year ago when bankruptcy fears were abound

>> No.15726080

>pls do my cfa homework
>the absolute state

>> No.15726131

LCI reversal coming back up! PENTHOUSE SUITE!

>> No.15726143

Your mom is underlying my thrusting cockmissle

>> No.15726145
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I wasn’t trading a when it was 6
No bulli pls Im tryin my best

>> No.15726186
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Bitcoin crashing, 90% of /biz/ are probably shitting themselves now

>> No.15726215


>> No.15726234
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I think we can do better

>> No.15726241
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>tfw the covered calls you sold moon 16% over the strike price and then fall back below the strike in a matter of hours
>tfw they expire tomorrow

Based RAD

>> No.15726256

I don't necessarily disagree, but want to be clear that I might have been joking a little about Peter Lynch's postive comments about the stock, given that he wrote his book about 30 years ago.

>> No.15726273

Meant to respond to >>15725588
Also, nice double doubles.

>> No.15726296

Selling crm to buy another UNH.

You better pray we never cross paths in real life, EtsyShill.

>> No.15726305
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dudeweed is a long term play
be strong

>> No.15726323
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an underlying is a mathematical abstraction
sometimes, it is a real thing (ex. a share of a stock)
you little whore

>> No.15726329
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...is she hot?

>> No.15726344
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no she's disgusting

>> No.15726389

Thoughts on Cloudflare? I mean this website is protected by it and I really like this website. Thinking of buying some options.

>> No.15726395
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also the ETS poster is in like 4x on that position with no income
he's got a loan taken out to buy ETSY on margin
he'll probably lose it all and go negative and have to sell his boyhole, but at least he's putting his scant money where his boyhole is!! he's really betting it all, living the dream of no risk consideration...

>> No.15726397
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Gross, why did you post a dead tranny in my stock thread?

>> No.15726406
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>> No.15726414

you asked
"shes's" our resident spy-order book trading LARPer and we all love her for who "she" is unironically
/smg/ is about love

>> No.15726424

seems overvalued but that doesn't matter anymore so go for it

>> No.15726441

Underlying is what the option gives you the right to excercise on. Mostly it's stocks

>> No.15726458

And the sell walls are as thin as cigarette paper. There's no support in sight.

>> No.15726466

ber that Cloudflare are the goons that pulled the plug on 8ch

>> No.15726514

What ever happened to DISTOTMTSMSCUMM?

>> No.15726520

>beyond meat TESTING with mcdonalds in CANAKEK

Next week
>Beyond meat CEO had a nice day golfing
Stock up 600%

>> No.15726525

Imagine buy 100 puts at 0.30 and selling them at 1.00. Sudden 7k.

>> No.15726530
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>Fuck women

>> No.15726539

I believe thats the general idea yes

>> No.15726544

Do you blame them? They own Biden and they want a return on their investment.

>> No.15726580

Yeah the vegan bubble is definitely going to pop soon. We're already at "new paradigm."

>> No.15726594
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DOMSCUMM is still the truth

DITMLCSMM-poster is long gone, predictably
(he may have re-branded as shitcaller or BDTL though)

>> No.15726600
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I think I might bring out my old coinbase account, once btc corrects to 3.5-4k I will buy in and ride to 9k and wait until the crash again.

It seems btc just does this, and I will try to bank on that in the future.

>> No.15726603

Is $DIS back or is this just a pullback and retest of 13150 for the next downs?

>> No.15726615

Absolutely based

>> No.15726636
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let me be real for a second
I'm hot and cold on Liz Warren
She's not a hot mommy like Tulsi or Marianne
She's got like 50% ideas I agree with and 50% ideas I really hate
Sort of like Trump, I'm about 50/50 with my boy the orange man as well.
Jill stein was like a hotter, older Liz Warren with even better ideas
Jill Stein could have been a decent POTUS in 2016 IMO

>> No.15726664


>> No.15726748
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Cresco Labs and Origin House making bullish moves. Origin House shareholders receive 0.82-ish Cresco shares per OH share when buyout clears next month or early November. Going with trailer stop strategy on these just in case the cats get spooked or the shorties get pushy. There will be no losing money for me on this trade. Win or break even.

>> No.15726766

Its just a sell off day. Not just DIS, everything's going down.

>> No.15726804

How could I have foreseen this red day?

Added 300$ to my portfolio this morning and its all gone

>> No.15726819

It was never real to begin with

>> No.15726839

I invested in ltc back in May. I'm pretty stoked to write off the losses and lower the tax on my BTc swing trading

>> No.15726850

Food and drugs are real though anon and I need them

>> No.15726857

LOL the rest of /biz/ is pink wojacks

>> No.15726883
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As soon as I sell my 515 shares of ACB it's going to go back to $6.


>> No.15726884

BA won’t let me in. Still green.

>> No.15726911

Why you gambling food money?

>> No.15726914

Dump tomorrow when the bull hits.

>> No.15726915

32% gainz from day trading spy puts. Held a bit longer but I shoulda held a tad bit more for that drop of -.66

>> No.15726929

buy food and druggs !!
buy food and drug stocks !
love is all around us
life is all around, it's everywhere

neurons, pathways, all singing in a beautiful concert

>> No.15726946

Methinks somebodies trying to crash LCI. Look at those unnatural dips. Every time it's been on an uptrend today BOOM large sell

>> No.15726951

thank you, your insights have opened my eyes

>> No.15727004
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much love
feel free to ask questions
and don't trust me too much; I'll tell you what I think, but I'm just another kid with a couple bucks and a couple opinions

the only thing that I do know for sure is about cute girls in Japanese comics
everything else is just a guess, an approximation

>> No.15727009
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She always struck me as the controlled opposition version of Bernie Sanders.

Like how Paul Ryan was a sad imitation of Ron Paul that Neocons tried to use to get actual right-wingers behind Romney.

>> No.15727032

>YangGang or Liz are the only people i'm voting for

>> No.15727041
File: 224 KB, 1120x640, 399819A6-1B59-4E49-9C84-234301AB80AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you seriously trying to scare me or act hard lol? You’re thinking too narrow my friend short term action in a clown market is unpredictable good for you though taking my tips on stocks(because you wouldn’t have found that without me) I’m glad you made profit by listening to me :) makes me glad to know I have fans!
Remember. ENPH to 40$ by EOY :p

>> No.15727042

Fuck Greeks I knew they were assholes

>> No.15727044

It’s reality

>> No.15727048

DIS will go up again. DIS is a buy with Frozen 2 and Star Wars coming out. I just wish it wasn't so up and down.

>> No.15727071
File: 153 KB, 600x600, badri-kothandaraman-web-site-v2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Badri Kothandaraman really take you to $40?
The answer is yes anon, he can.

>> No.15727092

It's just... Good business..

>> No.15727099
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ok first part:
I don't think Liz is controlled any more than normal politicians are controlled. I certainly she isn't "controlled" any more than Bernie is.

secondly I don't see Paul Ryan as a Ron Paul imitator at all, maybe they tried that back in ~2010 or so but it failed miserably. I can tell you that, because I was an old Ron Paul fan back in the day (2008 era). I think he is a fantastic guy and a great American still, and his manlet son. I disagree with his opinions about the federal reserve, I'm currently a good friend and supporter of our guy Jerome Powell.

fuck off forever

>> No.15727123

>star wars
>frozen 2
Fuck. Maybe I shouldn't have went long

>> No.15727136

ICER conference is going really well for AMRN. Will probably start to shoot back up today or tomorrow

>> No.15727143

Don’t forget little black mermaid!

>> No.15727150

Someone sue SBUX so my put earns those sweet gains

>> No.15727160

>Tell people to go long
>I short
>"I'm glad you made money listening to me"
the absolute state.. anyway you never use your trip, hiding like a maggot.

>> No.15727161
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It appears I've come into an opportunity to borrow cash against one of my credit cards at a 7.99% APR, meaning, of course, that I can basically use my credit card to buy stocks. Should I max out this credit line to buy ETSY? I heard it's likely to double over the coming months.

>> No.15727189

That’s peak leverage. How can people not see we are completely over-leveraged?

>> No.15727190


>> No.15727192

Plz don reemind mee

>> No.15727216

Say it doubles over a year: 100% - 8% = 92%. Seems like a good deal...

>> No.15727223

I think crypto is the way to go for you brother

>> No.15727241

Cite me your evidence ETSY is going to double in market cap

>> No.15727245

Because I'm poor?

>> No.15727271

Hell yeah!

>> No.15727337

Eat food first. Do some meal prep. Get a gym membership. Work on increasing your primary income. Add a couple bucks here and there and throw it in a stock you think is good. Use RH if you're poor cause no commission. Before you know it you'll be scalping 10-20 bucks here and there. Could make a net income of a hundred or so a month. Watch it build.

>> No.15727357

LCI is likely to double over the coming months from where it is now.

>> No.15727371

Good, wasnt much of a fan watching my profits shed away over the last few days.

>> No.15727378

Boring. Donating plasma and heading to the casino right now

>> No.15727382

One of the posters here said it was headed to $120, I think. He took out some personal loans in addition to maxing out the margin in his brokerage account.

>> No.15727399

Aww how cute he resorts to ad hominem to seem like a big smarty pants lol
I sense Gen X autism from you mah dude and you gotta learn to cool down otherwise you’ll pop a blood vessel :(
You wouldn’t have made money if you didn’t listen to me end of story :)

>> No.15727400

What part of that sounds like a good idea to you?

>> No.15727409

>selling blood and genes for $100 so they can sell it for $1000
>giving your money away to rigged games where the house always has the edge
Never gonna make it

>> No.15727422

>Get a gym membership

No need. You can do plenty with some water jugs, resistance bands, and a pair of running shoes.

>> No.15727424

Something something finds treasure in a field something something sell everything to buy the field

>> No.15727427

Maybe so, but I'd like to sit that one out for a little bit. I think if LCI is really going to $60 (or something like that), there should be plenty of time to get in on that and still see good profits with less uncertainty (in my mind).

>> No.15727441

all of your posts this thread are true. except the LCI thing

>> No.15727442

>less uncertainty
You're basically telling me you're going to buy high. Ok. You could've bought at $6 less than a month ago.

>> No.15727449

>no need
>resistance bands & running
Lol so what? Army physical training? Never gonna make it without lifting

>> No.15727454

Something something fool something something money

>> No.15727468

>without lifting

Those big water cooler jugs are heavy enough for my goals. If those get too easy I will buy a bar and some weights.

>> No.15727476

>Implying I didn't hold shares pyrchased in the $6 range

I closed my position a little after earnings. I didn't expect it to run to $15, but I still got reasonable returns. I just want to do something else right now. I'm okay with buying "high" later if I think it will still go higher.

>> No.15727499

LCI is very likely to hit $20 by January. Shorts have not finished covering. The company is doing very well. Their risk in court dealings is fairly low, and at the very least, much much lower than their competitors, CEO is doing absolutely phenomenal at his job. Might I remind you the stock was trading in the mid $20s when the company was losing contracts and faced the possibility of bankruptcy. Now the trend has reversed, complete 180, and you're telling me it's not worth at least what it was then?

>> No.15727501

We're surging!

>> No.15727510
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>> No.15727524

Something something 10 coins something something 4 coins something something WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONE COIN? YOU DIDNT MAKE ANY MONEY WITH MY COIN? NO MORE COIN FOR YOU. IM GIVING IT TO THE SERVANT THAT MADE ME 10

>> No.15727550

>shilled ALRN for 2 weeks

>Finally sold today at a loss to buy some GHSI

>It shoots up 10%

I'm getting paranoid

>> No.15727569

BYND going berzerk off the mickey d's news. Probably shoulda bought that when it entered the buy zone i marked on the chart. Yep probably shoulda done that.

>> No.15727572

>hodling stock for only 2 weeks before selling
What? Did you see a trend? or did you like the fundamentals? 2 weeks is too long for a swing. 2 weeks is too short for a fundy. Why would you do that?

>> No.15727579

Now that we’re in MCD and UNH together, it’s time I show some solidarity.

Let me take your next beating. In fact, let me take all your mistress’s beatings from now on.

>> No.15727600

Not to mention shorts are being sued as well for their twitter shit

>> No.15727602
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>Puts decreasing in value because stock is increasing
>Calls decreasing in value because stocks are decreasing
>Strangles stagnating
>Iron condors volatile

>> No.15727612

Hi /SMG/
I am the one that sold Tesla stock 2 years ago after that godawful 7% drop

Make fun of me

>> No.15727616

I'm impatient and lost hope I guess

>> No.15727637

>giant red candle on LPTX

>price went up

Is it the day?

>> No.15727646


>> No.15727655
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I got spooked and sold too early!
Is this “scalping”? I forgot I set this limit buy because I was optimistic about dudeweed.

Triggered when I was taking an exam, sold it as soon as I was out. Made a cool $2.

>> No.15727661
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MO may actually close green at this rate. This is fun.

>> No.15727696

What? Really? Havent heard anything about that.

>> No.15727718

>"jus hodl. Transfers welth from impatients to patients" - War and buffet

>> No.15727756
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I really want to buy more NTDOY!!!

But every time I do that, I end up basically calling a top, like when I DCA'ed up in MRK. It worked out well so far with LMT tho.

>> No.15727783

Do it
It just suffers from Switch Lite disappointing sales. It will rise up

>> No.15727819

I'm not sure.
I was getting help from a TA anon yesterday who said not to buy here, or something.

>> No.15727824
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How many LPTXbros still here?

>> No.15727833

Some of her ideas are good, m4a, others are shit, wealth tax.

>> No.15727835

I'm here Eirika!

>> No.15727837

How do I choose a stock that's right for me?

>> No.15727838

Nat gas just had a reaction plunge. Buy UGAZ for mega gains, Nat Gas goin back to 4 dollars in november, for a 80% increase and UGAZ is 3x leverage on that

>> No.15727854

Do you like losing money? Buy LCI.

Do you like making money? Buy SQQQ and smile as the market falls and everyone cries but you make mega gainz

>> No.15727914

said the increasingly nervous bear as he tries to time the market for the 100th time.
just buy SPY and forget about your money for the next 30 years

>> No.15727918

Plz do the reverse of this>>15727854
Unless you feel like betting against the economic powerhouse that is America, then hey go for it. Lose everything.

>> No.15727936

can you recommend me any good japanese comics containing cute girls?

>> No.15727945

What is the benefit of SPY over something like VTSAX?

>> No.15727952
File: 115 KB, 1541x747, qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening. I'm holding SQQQ from 30.52, 100% of my port.

>> No.15727984

Carrie Lam said if Hong Kong have autonomy then it wouldn't be 1 country 2 systems???

>> No.15727988

lol, nice tea leaves you got there

>> No.15727997

My port is up 300% since November of 2017

>> No.15728007

It was closer to 400% until I got fucked holding oil bear bags during the Saudi attacks recently

>> No.15728021

eventually you'll give it back, all "traders" do

>> No.15728029
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Start with a sector you know a little bit about. Learn some basic TA to sort out the good ones from the dumpster fires. Pick a couple of the very best in the lot. Buy in, set a stop loss, and cross your fingers.

If you don't know much about much, just trade the S&P and the Nasdaq 100.

>> No.15728040

yeah u should read these ones:


and then basically read all other manga ever
never watch anime, anime is for LOSERS manga is for chads

>> No.15728057

prolly. I go all in on leveraged stocks when I see an opening. Right now I'm all in on UGAZ at 16.45.

High risk high reward.

>> No.15728060

College kids normies talking about getting a switch, about only a few months til new pokomon

Haven't heard anyone talk about the new mariokart mobage though...

Cute voice are fun! I can't even imagine FlipFlap without that cute voice Papika uses to say "Cocona!"

>> No.15728092

God I hate this website

>> No.15728113

there are many (other) websites made for people like you

>> No.15728127

have you tried options? also high risk but if your directional plays are good you'll see better returns

>> No.15728151
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The less-normie dude next to me is playing MarioKart right now.

"I'm not spending that money" - regarding the gold pass

That's how I feel, but I wonder how many people will get hooked... Especially when they introduce multiplayer...

>> No.15728159

My broker doesn't allow them, it's my retirement fund, a Roth IRA. I could prolly find one if I wanted to. I might do it eventually.

>> No.15728216

Retirement funds are a scam unless you'll have enough to pull a significant income from it. You're better off accumulating rental properties and handing em off to a property manager in old age

>> No.15728221
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If I had big fucking balls I'd do a put on QQQ to 165 for 4 friday's from now.

>> No.15728261

We had a double top just now when nasdaq hit 8300. Notice the last double top was right before the massive plunge

>> No.15728266

you should have waited for the "leaked email" phase near the end of the quarter before unloading your bags

>> No.15728273

yep, also in october as well...
guess what next week is?

>> No.15728288

Should i be buying protection?

>> No.15728303

guys... i'm feeling a little depressed in lately and been fucking up in life

Please give me a stock that'll triple in a month.. i need some type of excitment

>> No.15728305

Just found this on my Schwab feed
>Interactive Brokers releasing commission-free, unlimited trading platform

>> No.15728307

Anniversary of last year’s drop?

>> No.15728312

that rsi bear div is fucking sick too btw and just adds to the double top reversal idea...

>> No.15728316

Good, volatility isn’t high enough

>> No.15728326

Haha I'm only down 7% today haha that's only single digits no big deal haha

>> No.15728361


Non-TA fags will never understand and be forever stuck holding bags.

Sad! Many such cases.

>> No.15728375

This fucks with my Square thesis

fuck it, where do I put my hedge. buy now?
maybe just SH or VIXY or DOG

We're waiting for direction as far as I can tell, but it's built on false trade optimism.

>> No.15728393

>Not 9%
Try harder dude.

>> No.15728422
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You are like little baby

>> No.15728423


DOG is alright I guess. Any bear etf really. I like the 3x ones personally. If you think FANG specifically will fall (AMZN will miss earnings and fall 5% btw Oct 24th they report), the FNGD is a spicy hold.

I just hold SQQQ (NASDAQ bear) or LABD (biotech bear. This one is SUPER volatile)

>> No.15728426

>down 3.5% today
Everything's red too. Even a couple options. What are you guys doing?

>> No.15728438

Holding LABD for a 5% profit lol

>> No.15728440

>what are you guys doing

Buying high and selling low

>> No.15728442

I forgot about FNGD, I was tempted because of tesla expoosure, but I'm spooked that Netflix might be in for a bottom.

I'm not confident enough to want to hold 3x overnight

>> No.15728470
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I sold MCD for my 2%
but yeah snagged UNH at the bottom thanks for alerting me of the BB strike

>> No.15728472

yeah netflix is prolly about bottomed out desu. And Apple has changed the way the define their guidance so that they will have enormous 'user increases'.

They changed from total number of users to number of app/device users, and simulaenously giving 1 year of apple tv to all new iphone users.

So everyone that activates their apple tv account will add to this 'app user' account, on TOP of the phone itself. They will be reporting massive numbers and blow earnings and guidance out of the water without a tangible increase of human users.

>> No.15728484

>slurp up on cheapies

>stock goes back to 2015 low


>> No.15728494

How long so I have to do this before banking schemes make logical sense ?

Usery is a sin btw

>> No.15728500

Just trying to get a good grasp on trade options and experimenting to see how things fluctuate and such. Frustrating though that I've pretty much guessed wrong on every single option I've bought.

>> No.15728515

Is ACB at the bottom or is there gonna be another bottom after I buy it (again)

>> No.15728548

it wont triple in a month but you want to look into quad. moon potential very soon

>> No.15728559
File: 222 KB, 1269x760, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart says we're at a bottom, but weed stocks be cray crazy

>> No.15728560

lets fucking go. dont forget about us eurofags, anons. we love your stock market

>> No.15728564

just sold out of a palladium mine, have $1700 to dump into a new trade, what are you guys looking at.

>> No.15728568
File: 180 KB, 519x533, jajaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That mathematical abstract is put into classifications such as asset and stock value ex. Am I on the right track here? I feel like im missing something.
So the underlying can range from interest, assets, stocks, and the numerical value of any of those.

>> No.15728597

perhaps a quick "lycos" or "altavista" or "askjeeves" or "google" search can help you find the answer?

>> No.15728605

The idea behind a bank is that members of the community need a safe place to store their money. Banks are pretty good at securing it. But what do you do with all that money? Banks need a profit that's also safe. So what do they do? Well, members of the community want to do things. They want to buy cars, or houses, or start a business but they dont have the cash to do it right now, and trying to save up all that money could take years or decades even. So, the bank gathers up all the community's money and lends it out to John doe for his house and Jimmy John for his sandwich business. Over time they pay off the financing with interest, John from his job and Jimmy from his new successful enterprise. The bank collects the interest to pay its employees and keep shop, and sends some of that interest to your account, for the privilege of utilizing your saved cash. And now your town has a Jimmy John's sandwich shop and all the John Doe's can own a house. You wouldnt want to be in a town where everyone is homeless would you? Or a town with no sandwiches?

>> No.15728616
File: 415 KB, 619x381, 6E3CEC1B-1E09-408F-B5F5-1270D2808130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating meat on a Friday is a mortal sin.
But you might be able to eat the bugs.

You have that little faith in the clown?
You’ll hold fdp for years, but not borger?

>> No.15728623

Hahha lmao.....buy low sell high time lmao hahahahah......FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.15728662

xd ?
who cares
have you been buying ""currencies"" again instead of stocks???

>> No.15728683

B feary wen greedy greeds goblins go get greenies. B greedy when feary ferocious faggots FUD fair facts for Fpress F.

>> No.15728745

But which value can be simplified into a mathematical abstract?

>> No.15728755
File: 113 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190926-155352_Robinhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based value and dividend stocks

>> No.15728762

will do anon

>> No.15728789 [DELETED] 

Rate my memefolio

>> No.15728803

Wish I'd never sold Apple.

Are you folks just permabears or is this a precarious place?

>> No.15728809
File: 166 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190926-154900_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my memefolio

>> No.15728811
File: 197 KB, 1044x1298, 1564415673398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the comfiest dividend stock to buy right now? Is it even smart to buy now on the edge of recession?

>> No.15728822

37 dollars wow

>> No.15728843
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up .02%, nothing nothing nothing
My covvied callies are looking good tho, interesting that we ended up lower on the VIX. We're gonna take another one up then a big one down sometime soon, Bunny Theory tm demands it.

>> No.15728846



>> No.15728859

Fuck you Jew. The interest is never covered by the amount of money in the total system.

>> No.15728862

Down $2k in 2 days. The only thing green today was GME. Plz sen hepl.

>> No.15728876

Yes it is. The interest pays people and those people spend money.

>> No.15728889

Exxon. Oil is low and Exxon pays a fat div

>> No.15728893

Time to vote for yang and his freedom dividend

>> No.15728901


The most I've ever had in my RH was 220$

I made 40 bucks in March and bought some weed with it

>> No.15728902

Imagine being bribed with your own money. Lol

>> No.15728908
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x3256, pulp reading list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o no it'll be okay :(
(it mite not be tho I have no idea wtf this market is doing)

>> No.15728910

Only if he pays taxes...

>> No.15728912
File: 366 KB, 140x160, 1564499461998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 8%. Things were looking good until everything went horribly wrong. I won't bail on my puts just yet though. If the bull market rises up again though, I'm outtie.

>> No.15728915

Same here man. Fuuuck
LCI and memes are killing me. Almost lost all my gains if i lose another $500...
SAVE ME LCI. Just need this nigger over $15 by january and I’ll be the happiest boy in the world...

>> No.15728918

hold em. We bear mode for sure

>> No.15728925

I'm still up like 50% for the year. This could be the opportunity to make lots of monies. Itll bounce back.

>> No.15728933

>MU beats earnings, down 6%
Did they cut guidance?

>> No.15728937

Down 3% today, almost all of it from EROS. Dammit.

>> No.15728942

Everything is shit, man. I've been fucking up life for a while now, and now I have so many stock losses.

...are you that one guy whose been all-in SQQQ for a while now?

>> No.15728944


>> No.15728951

Just hodl. LCI is golden. I've got a few hundred shares. Still up 50% on it but was up near 100% at the beginning of this week. Bought $14 calls expiring October. Should be back there. It wants up just got some bogs to shake off

>> No.15728960
File: 294 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190926-161009_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck stocks. I just made that $1000 up last fucking week too

>> No.15728963
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, what the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey are you feeling down because LCI is going to 10?
Im down 17%
Yes thats the idea of our private credit system. The problem with this is when that credit system no longer adheres to its previous qualifications of loans on the basis that the government will bail it put, thats when you get the 08 housing crisis.

>> No.15728967

I'm gonna sell 500 shares of LCI

>> No.15728975


>> No.15728976

I was all in sqqq from 30.62 which was like a week ago. Sold today at 32.70 and bought UGAZ at 16.45. Good trade so far.

Watch UGAZ jump 5% on the open

Screencap this post

>> No.15728982


>> No.15728986

he wants to abolish food stamps and other retarded shit like that

>> No.15728999
File: 20 KB, 208x300, bad candela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf every single one of my boys getting fucked up on the same day? What's been going on while I've been neglecting the thread?

>> No.15729010

oh we're still in bear mode. I just think UGAZ is gonna go up faster. SQQQ 9/10 hold right now.

>> No.15729012

No, I've been getting fucked ever since I started coming here.

I noticed that your digits repeat.

>> No.15729019

999 with the 9 of swords :O

>> No.15729026

Down 1.67 for the day. the worst time to get into these markets was this week. Weeks prior were great, like even with bad news, traders were like "lol, who gives a shit?"

>> No.15729027

Let's say there's 3 parties, Jimmy, John, and the bank. Each party has $100. The bank has $100 and loans it out evenly to Jimmy and John. In a year they owe 50 + 10% interest. Jimmy and John have circulated their cash but can't seem to find the extra cash to cover their interest and break even. They pay their loans back and now they have $95 and the bank has $110. Ad nauseum and now Jimmy and John are bankrupt while the bank's books say they have more money than the system.

>> No.15729039

Baggie is that you? Plz, take these bags from me they weigh me down and hurt

>> No.15729062



>> No.15729073

Be warned though, all it takes is Blormpf to tweet 'hurr durr new deal with china almost done lol'

And you get smoked for 5% in an instant.

>> No.15729075

I mean, this is the first time I've been this fucked in a single day.

>> No.15729080

>implying one form of wealth redistribution is better than another

You'll regret it.

2008 was a whole mess of things, the bailout was a bad move and a bad premise I agree, but banks werent betting on it. A lot of panicking going on trying to get shit off their books that they were all overleveraged on.

>> No.15729104
File: 456 KB, 2122x2976, xcccx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down half a percentile
Im so dead
shes coming up the stairs

>> No.15729115

Its a joke nigger i know ding ding ding anon.

Take my bags and jump into a really deep pool

>> No.15729118

Up .3% aftermarket now something is happening

>> No.15729128

LCI is a solid stock in the long run.. this "offering" is actually a reall REALLy good thing for LCI at this point but bears are trying to make it sound like a bad thing

LCI to $60

>> No.15729156

1) you assume a closed system
2) even in your closed system, your math is off. Theres not 3 parties theres 4. Jimmy owns a sandwich shop for profit. Mr wuncler, the banker, the 4th party, takes his 10% interest profits, $10, and spends it on Jimmy's sandwiches. Jimmy only spent $5 to make the sandwich. Now he has $10.

Gotta improve your understanding of finance. You can apply your faulty argument to all profits. If I spend $5 to make a sandwich and sell it for $10, I just created $5 surplus right? Made money out of thin air according to you.

>> No.15729161
File: 2.00 MB, 843x2121, PerfectCult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed my chance... I'll never get sick cult gains now unless I'm very very patient... NTDOY, gotta get them mario gainnssss

Some entitlement programs are better than others, and some tax methodologies are better than others, depending on the goals you have. If you want to call that wealth redistribution because it invokes the ghost of Marx, that's fine.

A lot of what Yang says makes sense though.

True, that's why I only made a small hedge of 20 shares. I don't expect much from October trade talks. I know that things are very uncertain though. The vix should really probably be higher than ~16.

I should probably cut my losses, but then I'll never get back my losses! Fucking stoxxx!!

>> No.15729184
File: 439 KB, 1200x792, 4L_EfBEwrED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those 8.50 calls I sold yesterday were so high at one point today, selling up there and riding them down would have been awesome. I might just keep selling covered calls. The dark magic of options fuckery is a lot more fun when it works on your behalf.

>> No.15729190

>I don't expect much from October trade talks

They're gonna go bad and markets will tank. China knows that Trump will be DESPERATE for a victory, to stave off impeachment and the like, and they will leverage this into making the deal heavily favor them and Trump won't take the bait. Trump walks away, as he probably should, but no deal is made. DOW down 1000 pts

>> No.15729212
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1551558607335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey are you feeling down because LCI is going to 10?
na.. i think i'm just spread too thin.. so many people need me for minor shit when i have a bunch of shit on my plate.. then i got these girls that don't seem to want to let go off me... i've fucked plenty of girls since my ex gf.. but none of them will ever compare.. my ex gf wants me back.. texting me late at night reminding me that i can come over when ever i want and that shes always there for me and blah blah blah.... its like girls are the last thing on my mind but they seem to keep bothering me.... Then last night after i've been having a really bad week or two of just little things adding up.. I lose a pool tournament.. first game the guy makes the 8 on the break and the next game I lost for a stupid reason so i was eliminated right away when i'm usually in the last 3.... it's like life is fucking shitting on me lately.. and yeah.. the fucking LCI thing.. it's like they say.. when it rains it pours.. and right now it's fucking pouring and i'm not one to be down and depressed.. it's really shitty feeling right now.. I decided to take a bunch of xannax last night and today and hopefully relax.. unwind.. and then reassess my whole fucking life and start good for monday..

Sorry for the blog post.. but fuck.. shits coming down on me like a ton of fucking bricks and need SOMETHING positive... :/

>> No.15729218

He honestly doesn't seem that desperate. He could just gin up a nonsense issue and turn it into a win.

He hasn't fucked with EU auto tariffs yet, maybe he makes a move like he's been posturing for, and then "negotiates a deal", and boom he's a hero whose rescuing the american auto industry.

Remember Mexico Tariffs on Mueller day?

>> No.15729237
File: 303 KB, 500x600, wojak_aaaaa_hat_micron_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 0.21% ($54).

Who here getting /MICRON'd/ ah? Please let guidance be good.

>> No.15729292

Im going all in on CPRX, and you should too!

>> No.15729311

None of what yang says makes sense. It's only going to make things worse. $12000 to every adult citizen is trillions in taxes per year. Coming from who?

You assume the poor will stop being poor with $1000 a month and you assume the $1000 will retain its value. Neither of these are true. Jamal and Juan are gonna spend their thousand on whatever they spend it on now. Nike's and beer. For a short time, the new money will be stimulating, mostly on consumer purchases and services. People take that vacation, or buy those nicer foods, go out to eat more often. All that money goes back to the producers of society, and very quickly. As the money goes back to the poor, they continue to increase demand for such frivolities, but supply remains mostly the same. Prices go up in the interim.

At the same time, $12k per year being the new baseline, the value of your money begins to decrease, for lots of reasons, but if for no other than the fact the wealthy do not want to associate with plebs. Suddenly first class plane tickets rise exponentially to keep plebs out, and because the rich will pay, and the businesses will pay due to increased profits from selling Nikes to Jamal. Apply this across the board. Theres your first dilemma.

Could list more if you like, but the bottom line is that the poor are gonna stay poor. The rich are gonna stay rich. The middle class, not having enough capital or businesses to profit off the poor, suffer the most. Their $50k per year salary loses a nice chunk of previous buying power. As revenues increase, maybe some will see raises from their employers. But I doubt it will be widespread. Then this becomes the new norm. You've successfully gut punched the middle class. Congratulations.

>> No.15729348

>A lot of what Yang says makes sense though.
Yang wants to spend trillions on climate change bullshit and tell people to not eat meat.

He can get fucked

>> No.15729373


What a relief. Good thing we're voting in Bernie.

>> No.15729411

Youre assuming the interest is spent back into the system. The bank is a for profit business as well. What about the fact that the bank will loan out $200 instead of $100 ala fractional reserve banking? Made money out of thin air.

>> No.15729455
File: 72 KB, 960x786, HonksterInTheHouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah. Eat the bugs.

I don't understand why wanting to slow climate change is such a radical idea. Seems like folks who identify with the right have to agree with the right on ALL THINGS, that there can't be any validity to climate change because in some twisted way that'd mean you have to give up your guns and start allowing transgenders to use your restrooms. You don't have to go full retard in either direction.

We're lucky in the US though. India is already starting to cook, Africa and the small island countries are fucked.

I've never heard Yang say anything about not eating meat. But you should probably eat less food, try a 24-hour fast. Clears the mind.

I disagree with a lot of the assumptions you're making, but there are inflationary dangers. One of the things I like about it though, is that it removes the disincentive for work that exists for the folks stuck on welfare. They have to choose between Freedom Dividend and other benefits. And unlike welfare, they still get the FD if they get a job.
I also like that it doesn't penalize the working man like current entitlements, since we don't get the free money from the government that the welfare leeches get.

I do think it'd be stimulative in a trickle-up way, because the wealthy just save and invest their money, while the poor can spend it on an extra yoohoo box in Jr.'s lunch.

>> No.15729469

>moving goalposts
Nobody said anything about fractional reserve. We're talking about banks and interest, which is no different from a stock rising in price and creating value, or making a sandwich from paid ingredients and your own labor and producing value, or striking oil.

>> No.15729481

>Time to vote for yang and his freedom dividend
It's a win/win bros. Either it works as Yang says it will and we'll make money or it'll cause crazy stupid inflation like what would really happen and all of our side bets like foreign stocks and bitcorns blow up and we make money. Yang is the /biz/raeli candidate.

>> No.15729499
File: 1.76 MB, 1008x1518, 1565795294236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day. Got the bump i was looking for on US dude weed with the OH/CL combo. Secured 50% profit at 5.5% when profit taking started. Trailing stop held by a squeaker 5 cent margin on low of sour hour dip. Expecting a little more pumping tomorrow but at worst i will make 2% on the portion riding on stop loss as long as there is no bad news gap down tomorrow morning.

MO refuses to enter bearish continuation for the time being. Bears keep trying but it keeps floating up on them like trying to hold basketball under water. As far as boomer index holdings are concerned, i snuggled up my stop a little tighter as charts look iffy.

>> No.15729520

But at what cost brother? Sure we'll be rich, but our nation dies. Very jewy

>> No.15729529


m4a isn't her idea and she's backtracking on it anyway


>> No.15729535

Well... we wouldn't have tweets that tank the market, trade wars, or crazy warren BS. Or "gotta crush vaping cuz my wife's son."

But... it's another "let's just hand China whatever we want" thing.

It's short term gain for long term pain, the opposite of an investment.

>> No.15729546

>Yang is the /biz/raeli candidate.
$1kYang1k$ is a doofus.

>> No.15729547

The wealthy do save and invest, as well as spend. Dont forget that all activities are required. Saving allows banks to issue loans. Investing allows companies to grow. Companies growing means more business. Which means more products and services for everyone.

>> No.15729548

Holy shit!
Good news for my Merck!
Wish I would've bought more UNH today!!

>> No.15729586

You do not understand fractional reserve banking...

>> No.15729607

>calling candidates by their first name

>> No.15729626

Whom'st else holding

>> No.15729635

>We like Ike
Got a yolo 20 shares after the bell

>> No.15729640

Disney is going to give me a fucking stroke holy shit why is it acting so weird

>> No.15729649

>pool tournament loss
A good judge of character is how quickly you can get back up after falling down.

The xannax in my opinion was a bad move. Taking any mind altering substances for a momentary relief of reality breeds a deep weakness into ones self.

So even when I have absolutely shit weeks, like 2 weeks ago I heard that my druggie older brother had stolen from my two younger brothers so instead of being stressed and finding a “release” I followed the hard and correct path, I beat the fuck out of my druggy older brother, I didn’t feel good about it I wish it never had to get to that point but some things need to be done.

Women like to use you for time. Even if she fucks you what other things do you gain from being with her? Is she going to be a good mother? Does she workout and keep healthy? Is she a genuinely good person with values and morals? If not stop waisting your time.

Watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t9QOQNcpuiA

>> No.15729653

>first name
Based retardposter

>> No.15729670

There's some steps that happen in between but essentially the banks loan out more money than what they have in reserve. My argument is that there's not enough money to cover interest in the financial system.

>> No.15729691

What's a good strategy for a <100 portfolio ?
I just bought in this week, with 50 bucks, plan on adding 20-50 on a weekly basis

pls no bully I'm embarrassingly poor

>> No.15729712

Do ya wanna try to be a trader or long hold investor?

>> No.15729729

Whatever, Mom.

>> No.15729735
File: 139 KB, 914x609, C621C587-DEEE-464D-BD7C-E414348F698F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is news? This wasn’t known?

Shit, I may have picked the exact wrong time to start my sqqq position.

>> No.15729742

I kinda assumed long and divvy positions have too low of margins for my small portfolio

I guess you could say I took a day trade position, but I dont like being in it

>> No.15729769

lol no this was known. Maybe not the EXACT DATE but we knew early oct.

>> No.15729779

Except there is. Even more so when you factor in bankruptcy protections where the bank can't even collect the full amount of loans.

>> No.15729787

That video actually has a perfect perspective on many male/female "friendship" relationships

>> No.15729804
File: 95 KB, 769x703, Toxic Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, they want you gassy and poisoned.

>> No.15729809

>yeah yeah. Eat the bugs.
I will eat humans before I bugs, I tell you what

>> No.15729813

the pool tournament thing was just like an icing on the cake.. like first fucking game the guy makes the 8 on the break.... like wtf.. that is rare.. it was like a sign that i need to take a step back from life for a little and re organize things..

>he xannax in my opinion was a bad move. Taking any mind altering substances for a momentary relief of reality breeds a deep weakness into ones self
I used to take a lot of xannax when i was a teenager.. like a lot.. about 10mg a day.. it fucked up my brain for good.. i don't always take xannax but i do once in awhile because i go a very long time just going full speed.. like sleeping only 3-4 hours a night for like a month straight to the point where i get sick from exhaustion.. so i take the xannax once in awhile to help slow me down and relax my brain because it just wont shut up and keeps me on edge when I know I shouldn't be..

the girl thing is that i'll hook up with girls here and there and then i try to explain to them that its just a hook up.. but they become madly attached.. like i've had girls stalk me.. i've had them show up to places they know i go to just to tell me off or something... my whole life has been like that.. i've always had girls just basically seduce and rape me.. then i cant seem to get rid of them... i still have girls from middle school that hit me up once in awhile to fuck or to talk... it may not seem like a big deal but it's really tiresome.. once had a girl throwing a bunch of shit at me while leaving her house after i told her i cant be with her... later that night she tried to kill herself and i had to call the police on her and she was 5150d... this was 7 years ago.. and she STILL constantly trys...

Its not these problems are big.. theres more of them.. its the fact that theres like 100 problems hitting me from all angles.. work.. business.. stocks.. homelife.... like fucking everything all at once....

IDK man.. i'm not one to get depressed.. but shits eating me rn

>> No.15729835

>kinda assumed long and divvy positions have too low of margins for my small portfolio
K that line of thinking is a trap. You want to make consistent gains regardless of portfolio size. It's more about selecting the level of risk you want and how much time you have available to monitor your stuff during market hours. If you don't mind blowing up your account, yolo it up on options or speculative stuff like weed. If you want to defend your cash and grow it over several years, average in to SPY every month or two and hold.

>> No.15729851


I'm a very depressed functioning addict since circa 2014, ama senpai

>> No.15729862

>like first fucking game the guy makes the 8 on the break....
Play snooker? Seems to have less random chance involved.

>> No.15729874

Really? I’m curious about whale but not human. Also real good way of spreading disease.

I don’t get the big deal, as long as it’s not like a big plate of grubs. Let’s experiment with it, make some crackers with 5% powdered locust. Increase the protein and fiber, take out the soyb.

We eat so much processed shit anyways, and there’s definitely some bugs that get in there.

>> No.15729878


I work Monday to Friday, 7-3:30, not ideal. I'm just really hungry for gains and I cant suppress the urge. 100$ to me is like 1000$ to most of you guys I'm sure

>> No.15729888

>the Atlantic
Ah yes, my favorite scientific journal, The Atlantic.

>> No.15729908

straight 8.. sometimes 9..

It was a lucky and it was bullshit.. There were only 14 players but.. all of them there know i'm one of the best and they all couldn't believe it but happy at the same time because they all felt i got robbed.. but hey.. thats the game.. all i could think of was that my life is in one of those moments where everything is against me

I don't normally get depressed.. like at all... i used to be heavy into drugs slamming heroin and coke.. and taking pills.. like A LOT.... but i try not to take drugs unless i absolutely feel like it's going to help my current situation..

It's easy to get caught up in things that don't really matter and sometimes you gotta take drugs to realize that.. let it blow over.. then tackle the more important thing.. and when i do this drug suppression tactic i feel i usually come out stronger after a couple days

>> No.15729909

Eh, think in terms of percentages rather than dollar amounts. If i had to do my learnong process sll over again, i would have the majority of my portfolio sitting in the s&p. Instead i made a lot, lost it all, bounced back, lost it all etc three or four times before i had any concept if risk management and statistical probability, not to mention choosing a strategy that realistically suits my available time.

>> No.15729913

>Wish I would've bought more UNH today!!
last time unh had this price action was in 86, 95, 06.

>> No.15729919

Digits checked. Indeed the most scientific.

>> No.15729952

>drug suppression
>You've answered your own questions anon
>You suppress your emotions

>> No.15729954
File: 477 KB, 1280x720, 9ABF7CD2-8368-494B-ABB0-EBD4A3656FA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know what you’re implying.

Is it related to Credit Suisse reintroducing credit default swaps?

>> No.15729969



>> No.15729974

I was able to quit hard drugs, albeit I still do a line of coke every once in a while; mostly just dude weed and silly amounts of alchohol. My depression is existential, purely by my own design, but I cant shake it, I cant reconcile with this world. I can't beat it, so I must join it.

>> No.15730009

Allow me to link what one anon linked yesterday that I found very insightful. You may find this nihilistic. I found it redeeming.


>> No.15730011

i only do it like once ever 1 or 2 months.. i take a lot of xannax smoke a lot of weed and relax in my room for 1-2 days.. it's like a mini vacation and that gives me a chance to stop.. slow down.. and write out everything i have on my plate and then to organize it and then take care of it all...

Its more to unwind me.. i work and grind away day and night until i literally get sick.. like i get extreme cold symptoms and exhaustion from basically going to hard without resting my brain or body...... it's just something i've learned to do over the years... going on vacations don't help with me like most people becuase i'm way too active on vaction because i want to explore everything...

There is an interview with bill gates and he said that every year he has to take 2 weeks of doing absolutley nothing.. like nothing at all just to like reset himself... i see my self doing the same thing but only for like 2 days.. i'm sure i'm not doing as much as that mo fo...

>> No.15730019

Again I would cut the xannax cold turky. Just because a bad habit is a long lasting one does not change the fact that it is a bad habit. Same reason I quit chew, alcohol, and weed. I wasn’t using them for relaxation but reality separation.

>the girl thing is that i'll hook up with girls here and there and then i try to explain to them that its just a hook up.. but they become madly attached.. like i've had girls stalk me.. i've had them show up to places they know i go to just to tell me off or something... my whole life has been like that.. i've always had girls just basically seduce and rape me.. then i cant seem to get rid of them... i still have girls from middle school that hit me up once in awhile to fuck or to talk... it may not seem like a big deal but it's really tiresome.. once had a girl throwing a bunch of shit at me while leaving her house after i told her i cant be with her... later that night she tried to kill herself and i had to call the police on her and she was 5150d... this was 7 years ago.. and she STILL constantly trys...
Break off contact, be firm. They contact you because they know you wont commit to the separation. If they follow you to work get a 1 year restraining order on them. Be active in changing your life.
You only get this one.
You only have so many days, hours and minutes.
If you do not make these changes you have to accept your problems. Because it is the life you have chosen.

>> No.15730023

It's better to pay for prostitutes than dealing with having grils you dont really find attractive chasing you constantly.

>> No.15730026

I usually push through.. but sometimes it's all too overwhelming.. and i know what it's like to be dependent on drugs.. so i wouldn't let it happen again...

>> No.15730048

I only do the xannax thing for like 2 solid days out of 1 or 2 months..

the girls know i fuck other girls... they're just really hard to shake even when i tell them i'm done... they'll hit me back up in like a month or so just to fuck... i admit.. me not passing it doesn't help my cause.. but when you get 5-10 a week hounding you.. it gets exhaustion... i actually was telling one of my fuck buddies about it last night.. she's the only one that gives me space and understands...... idk man.. girls are just desperate and annoying

>> No.15730056

No prostitution does not fill the void. Its just a temporary relief. Also I found that it is not financially advantageous to hire a hooker.

>> No.15730061

yeah.. i thought about this... i might even buy a house 3 bed 2 bath.. and rent out the 2 rooms to girls that will be my fuck buddies..

>> No.15730087

You’re a mentally fickle hedonist. Again accept your current state and stop bitching.

>> No.15730117

being schizoid and good looking.. the perfect combo to make them fall madly in love

>> No.15730134

meh.. i think it's just the annual man period...

>> No.15730153
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1566586268028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok LCIguy i still love you

>> No.15730172 [DELETED] 

Here you go, friend


>> No.15730407
File: 76 KB, 800x450, fully-operational-battle-att-striped-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bad day today but oh lookout we're just getting started. Brexit is just around the bend. Those E.U fucks won't give the U.K any more handouts. They're sick of the whole fucking mess so why delay it anymore they'll say. It'll be a simple thing to them; Stay or Go, either way they'll be glad the shit show is over with.

U.K has more to lose when the shit just hits the fan but fuck it it's there own damn fault they're in the shat to begin with. The T-baby empire is strong as ever, soon shall be the time to strike during the Mega Dip 2.0 Event.

>> No.15730483

I know that feel
>buy puts, stock goes up
>buy calls, stock goes down
>buy put and buy call, stock bounces between

Its like, do I need to inverse my option choices!?

>> No.15730537
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 1567269021475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anybody having an eye on Alphabet (A) shares?
Gonna put a savings plan on it 150€ per month.
I just want to diversify into that specific area with quantumcomputers and i find the numbers behind Google very interesting