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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1572601 No.1572601 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy a 21-30 year old woman for $80
>Free her in exchange for her working a simple $7/hour job for ~30 hours per week
>Ask 1/3rd of her pay in compensation
>Make your money back in a single week
>Call their fees "rent" and have them sign a lengthy lease agreement to ensure even if they decide to be ungrateful and leave now that they are free, you will at least make some profit on them
>Rinse and repeat to surround yourself with a harem of young women that are all eternally grateful you arent a creep locking them in a dungeon and raping them every night, all while raking in the cash.

Why are we not jumping on this /biz/? I see absolutely no way this could go wrong.

>> No.1572637

Probably because slavery is still illegal by UN standards, and any country where it's not would have unsustainable profit margins.

>> No.1572650

Which is why you buy them and free them so that they are no longer slaves you retard.

>> No.1572671

You're still effectively buying a human though. It's not the owning of the slave where the law is violated, it's the process of transferring humans for cash.

>> No.1572691

I guarantee the bleeding hearts will come to your defense for freeing slaves.

But okay, so another layer needs to be added. Instead of buying the girls we buy their clothes and they voluntarily come with us. There, no more human trafficking.

>> No.1572721

I don't think it's internationally illegal to buy slaves with the intention of freeing them, assuming that the purchase is made in a country where slavery is legal and you are therefore not financially supporting black market human trafficking.
It's definitely not immoral.

>> No.1572733

Except you're literally funding terrorism and justifying them in kidnapping and selling people.

>> No.1572736


>> No.1572742

>not casting them in a concrete cube with only their ass protruding enough for urine to escape and their face exposed to breathe and eat

>> No.1572748

It's still a net positive moral act, don't you think? The local market is strong enough that you aren't really encouraging anything. And no one is going to prosecute you for freeing slaves.

The real problem is logistics. How do you buy slaves from ISIS as an American? You can't do it in person. You'd need a trustworthy Muslim proxy who was willing to take on an enormous amount of personal risk.

>> No.1572769

Let the government handle terrorism anon. In the meantime what is so wrong with freeing the people they have already enslaved? Especially if one can make a little $$ from it too?

>> No.1572779

You're a sick human being, you know that?

You'll fit in well here, when can you start?

>> No.1572781

Why are 1-9 year olds so expensive? It's not like they can do any proper work.

>> No.1572785

Prices seem pretty low. You could probably buy every slave they have for less than a million

>> No.1572786

They would suffocate to death. You;re a horribly dumb criminal.

>> No.1572787

Didn't George Soros do this during the Holocaust or something?

>> No.1572788

Don't forget OPs plan is to own them after the fact

>> No.1572793

No. You buying slaves will make them go get more slaves to replace the ones you bought retard.

>> No.1572799

How can you be this thick.
Imagine everyone started doing this, do you think the market would stay the same?
The answer is no, it would boom.
And no it is not moral, the more you buy, the more they will attempt to capture in order to sell, doesn't matter if you buy 1 or 1000.
Because you're supporting the slavery market.
For fucks sake this is /biz/, how do you not understanding the fundamentals of business?

>> No.1572800

Thats what Im saying man. It would be like owning your very own sweatshop force, and the best thing is that for them it would be a life beyond imaginable luxury so absoutely zero moral issues.

Well, these arent exactly slaves intended to do work anon. Those would be in the men's catalog. These are the women and children, aka sex slaves.

I thought Soros sold out the locations of Jews to the nazis, not bought Jews. Maybe I am wrong though?

I would "own" them no more than your landlord/bank already owns you my naive friend. Like I said, I will grant them freedom in exchange for their agreement to sign a lengthy apartment lease. Absolutely no different than you agreeing to freedom in exchange for paying taxes to the government.

And keep in mind these are women they have probably been raped and beaten their whole life up until this point. I offer them a life they could have only dreamed of.

>> No.1572805


For fucks sake this is /biz/, how do YOU not understand the fundamentals of business?

I guarantee your phone was made in a Chinese warehouse where the workers are payed shit and exposed to hazards all day long. Don't try to act morally superior here.

Like I said, leave tking down these organizations to the governments in the world. While they exist, make the best of them. And hell, if I cause the market to boom then I just increase pressure on the world to stop it. Its a moral win/win in my book.

You would not criticize the police forces working on stopping CP rings for having to sit there and watch the CP to try and find clues, would you?

>> No.1572806

How would you get them out of ISIS-controlled territory? Plus, I'm sure they would only sell you a limited number (these slaves are meant to work in a single household not a huge factory).

>> No.1572812

I don't think ISIS cares too much for the why's, just the money. As the other anon brought up you would need a Muslim surrogate as a middleman most likely. I am sure there ISIS sympathizers in other Muslim countries that would have no problem making some cash out of it themselves.

Most likely that money would end up going to purchasing firearms or something but I'll leave that to Russia and the USA to deal with and figure out.

I don't feel too bad about it considering every drop of gas I put in my tank funds the Saudis which funds ISIS already anyway.

>> No.1572816

What's wrong here:
Buying a phone where workers who make it are getting shit pay and shit working conditions - keep in mind that nearly everything we buy is made by them, how the fuck do you expect me to function properly when I can't buy kitchenware, electronics (not saying for games, but things like fridge, desktop), food, soap and a ton of other shit first worlders depend on.
Or buying slaves and freeing them, in effect causing the market to grow and causing more slaves to be captured/raped/killed.
Gee I wonder.

>> No.1572825

>I can't live without my luxuries
>Im FORCED to rely on what is essentially slave labor for all of my first world possessions, morals be damned when I HAVE TO HAVE something

>Buying a slave and setting them free? You do realise you can't buy all slaves right anon? That means you are a bad person
>If you keep supporting a slave market, you will just keep growing it.
>But thats completely different than when I do it because I never have to directly interact with or thinkg about the 14 year old Chinese boy that earns $0.20 a day to build my precious smartphone


>> No.1572832

For those prices I'd buy a thousand.

>> No.1572839

That's a bargain holy shit

>> No.1572841
File: 268 KB, 750x750, 1476539187706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you've got a beautiful fucking mind.

>Dirt cheap labor
>loyal pussy for the rest of your life
>hailed as a saint
>All while actually being a hero and making a difference in someone's life

10 out of fucking 10 business endeavor. When are you making a GoFundMe? More importantly, where do I sign up?.

>> No.1572843

>Why are 1-9 year olds so expensive?

Because for Muslims that's the prime age to fuck them, by 10 years old the price drops $41 because that pussy is old and dried up

>> No.1572844

Yeah, I spend more on sunglasses earlier today than those slaves cost.

>> No.1572864

Good thing they only cost $80. Mistakes lead to progress.

>> No.1572881

Well do you have an alternative or should I revert to living in a mud home with NO chinese-produced possesions at all (pretty much nothing).
And no I will not move away, my family and friends are here.
Keep in mind that where i live there's pretty much no way to get a job without a phone, shower or home.
The point I'm trying to make is you shouldn't go out of your way to support the slavery market, they have it bad enough as is.

>Buying a slave and setting them free? >You do realise you can't buy all slaves right anon? That means you are a bad person
Nice magic trick, I didn't know you could pull things people didn't say out of your ass.

>> No.1572889

Doctors transfer humans for cash all day. You think we were born for free?

>> No.1572893

Glad some people see the genius in it. Its like I could go invest in some shitty stocks and hope they gain enough for me to sell for a bit of profit, or just buy a couple dozen of these people and know I will profit. Every 1 you buy has an approximate annual return of $3,000 (provided you are only taking 1/3rd of their profit as "rent"). Which means if you were to buy 20 of them, you would be making $60k a year doing absolutely nothing, while being regarded a hero for it.

All for a measly ~$5000 investment after having to include paying the guy buying them for you and transporting them away from the middle east.

Are you saying that living in a mudhut with pretty much nothing at all is a bad thing? That being forced to move away from family and friends and your whole life would be too much?

Thanks for agreeing with me why I should rescue these poor souls from the life you just described :^)

>> No.1572897
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>Freeing slaves is immoral because it creates demand for slaves

>> No.1572905

Think of the Nobel prize money you'll earn after u become the oskar Schindler of syria

>> No.1572911

Not transfer in a literal sense, he means transfer of ownership.
>Thanks for agreeing with me why I should rescue these poor souls from the life you just described :^)

>Cmon guise, lets buy all teh slaves in teh hole world so we can b heroes!
Sorry to interrupt your "grand plan" but this will not solve the problem.
This will only cause terrorist to enslave more locals.
The proper way to go about this problem is to get rid of the terrorists, not fund their operations.

>> No.1572912
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Consider that every time Harriet Tubman freed a slave, the supply was reduced but the demand stayed the same.

>implying ISIS needs a reason to enslave more locals
They are specifically targeting certain minority groups as a form of genocide. Anyone they don't enslave ends up getting shot. Some Westerner secretly buying a couple dozen isn't going to make a difference.

>> No.1572915

I come to biz for cringe and im never disappointed. Troll on you retarded maverick

>> No.1572917

>understanding the fundamentals of business
Is this your first time here?

>> No.1572922


>Consider that every time Harriet Tubman freed a slave, the supply was reduced but the demand stayed the same.
1.2 billion people in africa
Wew, good luck pulling that off.
Moreover, good luck finding them a safe place to live.

>implying ISIS needs a reason to enslave more locals
Yeah my mistake, i meant slave traders/people who enslave people.

Actually made me laugh, thanks anon.

>> No.1572923

You seem to be implying an infinite supply. Consider that they will literally run out of people to kidnap at some point.

>> No.1572924

See >>1572922

>> No.1572937

>Yeah my mistake, i meant slave traders/people who enslave people.
But we're talking specifically about freeing the ethnic and religious minorities that have been enslaved by ISIS.

>1.2 billion people in africa
What does this have to do with the market pressure exerted on the American slave market by Harriet Tubman?

>> No.1572971

>>Yeah my mistake, i meant slave traders/people who enslave people.
>But we're talking specifically about freeing the ethnic and religious minorities that have been enslaved by ISIS.
Why not target all slaves? Not worth the effort?
>>1.2 billion people in africa
>What does this have to do with the market pressure exerted on the American slave market by Harriet Tubman?
Again pulling words I didn't say out of your ass.
Just a figure showing how many potential slaves there are if you give slave traders the opportunity.

>> No.1572999

Because you can't fucking capture new slaves in America and importing new slaves was outlawed in 1808.

They don't have those kind of laws in sandnigger land.

>> No.1573003

Start a gofundme.

I wanna see this

>> No.1573038

But it still would've increased the price of slaves, thus incentivizing the separation of families.

>> No.1573048

How2pay her living expenses? I don't know where an adult can live in any sort of comfort on $140/week.

Maybe I'm missing something?

>> No.1573063

Yes, the problem is you're a spoiled rich fuck.

>> No.1573078
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All of these moralfags, holy fucking shit. Would you rather spend your whole life eating dog shit in a mud hut while Ahmed and crew beat and gang rape you, or would you rather do light intensity general labor in a first world country while you enjoy good food, clothing, shelter, and most importantly your freedom? ISIS is going to keep enslaving bitches anyway. Honestly theres no downside for anyone involved.

>> No.1573089

I see two issues with the plan:
1) You'd be beheaded the second you step foot in the country
2) If you manage to not get behead, every western government has been tracking your movement

>> No.1573101

>Use a proxy to buy the women
>You are literally saving them from a lige of suffering and sex slavery
>Implying Western governments give a fuck

They'd give him a fucking nobel prize not a criminal charge.

>> No.1573354

Speak of IS. What happened to all the /biz/ talk of their Islamic gold coins? Did they ever get minted, and if so, did any of them come to the western world?