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File: 423 KB, 2560x1440, 00-story-greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15718220 No.15718220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who else here /invested in coal/ to spite this cunt

>> No.15718235

Are you saying she's wrong?

>> No.15718272

He's a paid shill. No actual anon gives a fuck about this.

>> No.15718288

Who's the semon demon

>> No.15718294

Except OP got triggered enough to make this thread.

>> No.15718305

I like a cleaner environment and a March towards housing being less dependant upon an electrical gris.

>> No.15718316

It's 100 degrees in September, so no. I'm not.

>> No.15718331

Imagine virtue signalling to follow the ideas of a self declared OCD depression anxiety eating disorder suffering 16 year old woman who cried in court.

>> No.15718336

OP is either a troll or, more likely, a paid oil shill. What's even her point? That boomers are assholes? Biz agrees with that 100%

>> No.15718364


>> No.15718365

Imagine forming your opinion on a global issue by being contrarian to some random teenage girl, instead of actually doing your own research

>> No.15718375

i invested into inefficient power plants burning plastic and pajeet poop

>> No.15718383

He's the same age as her.

>> No.15718392

>investing in dead industries and losing money to spite some random mongolian kid

>> No.15718491
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>> No.15718513

How dare you!

>> No.15718517

Coal grew 1% globally this year nobody gives two shits if retarded western countries kill themselves

>> No.15718533

gonna have to add some to the portfolio now

>> No.15718541

I did. The temperature on earth is decided by the density of the gasses in the atmposphere, not so much minor variations in the chemical composition thereof. That and the sun. The giant ball of fire in the sky and its solar activity is what decides our fate.
There I just solved it, all without hiking taxes and government overreach. I literally solved it and you have to do nothing. But people are beta cucks who love dictators and being told how to live their lives so by all means worship some mentally ill autismo.

>> No.15718548

Just farted right as I scrolled past this

>> No.15718573
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>> No.15718577
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>> No.15718582

Cry about it.
>fetal alcohol syndrome
>doesn’t lift
>blames boomers for problems that won’t ever affect her
>blames boomers and the rich as a way to cope with her own laziness, empty pockets and retardation
Yep I can see why the retard incel poorfags on this board like her.

>> No.15718584

>I literally solved it and you have to do nothing.
I wonder what makes your "solution" so appealing to lazy idiots. Its a mystery.

>> No.15718597

>muh environment
Start a world war and make sure onpy shitskin countries participate. That's the only way. A bunch of liberal white women crying on TV and mean mugging Trump isn't going to stop Pablo from burning down a forest so he has room for more cows to feed the ever growing spic, chink, and nig hordes.

>> No.15718655

I'm not lazy and I support cleaning oceans and reducing pollution to a minimum. However the ideology that demonizes the gas you literally exhale to stay alive and that plants use as literal food is so borderline retarded it deserves ridicule. Only people who self loathe believe it, which is why there's there's such a high comorbidity with not wanting children, malnourished veganism, etc. It's literally communism for people with 5 iq points more, because communism isn't a la mode anymore. But by all means believe it. Less competition for me, cucks.

>> No.15718819

Its hilarious how this little girl has triggered low iq trumpcels so badly. Pathetic virgins

>> No.15718849


How is it not lazy to make your climate change goal having the government expand and intervene even more rather than taking it upon yourself to lower your own carbon footprint, and then convincing everyone else to do so as well?

This could be "solved" overnight if half the country lowered their footprint by 50%. But it won't be because all of these libfags marching (and this trisomial Swedish girl) are not about to sacrifice much of their cushy Western lifestyle, they're going to march and post on instagram and whine to the government.

>> No.15718885

Because it's realistically impossible that 50% of the population will make drastic changes to their lifestyle. The only thing we can do is pass stricter regulations on how much corporations can pollute. They are the biggest source of climate change.

>> No.15718893

invested in NHC because biz told me so, lost money already.

>> No.15718896

>little girl

She's 16

>> No.15718902


Corporations only produce what people want. Why are you being so undemocratic and authoritarian all of the sudden, because it's your pet initiative? It isn't a guarantee that "government action" does jack shit in the face of a world full of polluters and a planet that has been warming anyway, humans or not.

You're a useful idiot for statists

>> No.15718904

apparently this is not little to pedopean

>> No.15718912

why she is so stupid?
why women are stupid?

>> No.15718913

just buy bitcoin bro, doesn't MSM say iz pollute planet

>> No.15718931


They're impressionable and sheltered, the perfect foil for people with ulterior motives

They work their emotions and pathos up into a tizzy over meme issues, achieving other goals in the meantime

>> No.15718942
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bought shares in ARLP, coal mining company with dividends

>> No.15718946

>demonizes the gas you literally exhale to stay alive
What a fucking shameless faggot you are.
You're sort of all over the place there bro. You should let other people argue for you.

>> No.15718948

They produce what people want..at the cheapest cost they can legally get away with. They would dump their shit in your drinking water if it was legal and increased shareholder profits. It's not authoritarian to acknowledge that regulations are necessary.

>> No.15719103

>density of gases
We've been burning carbon for 100 years now. The density is higher.

>> No.15719133

Why didn't she sue #1 environmental destroyer Communist China ?

>> No.15719825

>oil shill
Leftists are stuck on this old meme. Oil companies extract lots of natural gas which is needed to run powerplants that turn on and off quickly. "Renewables" don't work without something like those gas plant to balance supply needs. Oil companies are incentivzed to push the renewable energy meme because it puts coal plants out of business and gives them a critical role in the power grid. Having lots of renewables deployed also means less reason for nuclear to be allowed develop and if nuclear was allowed to flourish it would destroy all other energy sources including oil+gas.

Fucking environmentalists are stupid unwitting proxy warriors. Fighting oil companies (average people) for the benefit of oil companies (communist Jews).

>> No.15719853

Go fuck yourself, worthless genetically inferior piece of shit. Communists aren't real people.

But not by a statistically significant margin, loser.

>> No.15719876

why care for global warming? my people have no future and i dont have kids

>> No.15719890


normies are going against greta because of autism, that's what made me change sides, im on greta side now, fuck normies for making fun of autism you fuckers, day of reckoning soon

>> No.15719932

She has a disease so that's why she looks younger than most 16 year olds

Most look exactly the same as 18-20 year olds

>> No.15719972

Nice try.

Correct answer. "Problems" like climate change are so easy to solve without Jews in the way.

>> No.15720256

It's not global warming, it's climate change.
Global warming is no longer what it's called because earth is in a cooling phase so they changed the name of it to climate change so they could scare retards every time it rains.

>> No.15720305

>hates dictators
>supports man who actively compliments and supports dictators

>> No.15720356

There are lots of things more important than climate change right now. Also shes just a paid shill so fuck her, she isnt any diferent than the pajeets shilling Link on this board

>> No.15720390

Are we ever getting feet pics or should I just neck myself now?

>> No.15720396

>"old meme"
>he doesn't believe in shills
>on biz
>in 2019
Shill better or you won't get your vodka ration this week

>> No.15720431

Greta Thunberg

>> No.15720456

>muh oil companies
>goyim must pay for renewables
Does it hurt to find out you've been shilling for oil companies FOR FREE this entire time?

>> No.15721043
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Fuck this stupid Illuminati cunt.

>> No.15721086
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>> No.15721246


Well, according to science it is the most important thing. You guys just want 100 million climate refugees going to Europe so that you can get paid due to the cheaper workforce.

>> No.15721263

Eat shit and fuck off pol

>> No.15721268
File: 587 KB, 669x968, Climate_predictions_0-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate alarmism is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity


>> No.15721277
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>aCcoRdiNg tO sCieNce

>> No.15721300

I studied environmental science, it is according to science. Not believing in human-created climate changes is anti-science. It is like not believing in gravity, the % of scientists who believe gravity exists is about the same for both.

>> No.15721315

you have to go back

>> No.15721328

>Who else here /invested in coal/ to spite this cunt

I am going to take up a position in fossil fuels yes but not out of disgust at mental child but because I suspect that a lot of the ecobull is so as the backers of it can buy cheap and limited resources at discount before those commodities soar over the next 20 years
yes, I never look to unqualified teenagers for scientific or geo-political and economic advise and neither should you, particularly teenagers with foetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.15721338
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I'm convinced that climate change bullshit is a scam to make people more complacent with getting raped with more and more taxes by their government. Notice how there's never any solutions proposed to "climate change" except new taxes on every day shit. Meanwhile China doesn't give a fuck and won't be convinced to jump on the bandwagon, and Africa is set to grow by 2 billion people this century and they're not going to be using clean renewable energies, if climate change is real we are all fucked, and this dumb cunt is too high and mighty on the smell of her own farts to realize it.

>> No.15721340
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lmao nice talking point. Science is not decided by consensus or opinion polls you retard. Science is a process that requires falsifiability. None of the fake climate computer models are falsifiable. In fact all their models have been proved to be WRONG or grossly (((manipulated))).

The climate on Earth has always been changing since the dawn of time, in fact we are currently coming out of a mini ice age. Has nothing do with human activity.

>> No.15721342

>I like a cleaner environment
wee go to china and stop them dumping plastic in the sea the but get the fuck away from the first world countries

>> No.15721354

>I'm convinced that climate change bullshit is a scam to make people more complacent with getting raped with more and more taxes by their government.

Its where the Marxists who shilled for the ussr went after it collapsed

>> No.15721359
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It is exactly that. It's a hoax to further the (((globalist agenda))) of total political control of Earth. One world government can only be achieved by the scare of total environmental disaster.

>> No.15721386

>The climate on Earth has always been changing since the dawn of time, in fact we are currently coming out of a mini ice age. Has nothing do with human activity.
Milankovitch Cycles
The science IS QUITE CLEAR
For those of us who actually have science degrees and are not fronts for pseudo Marxist authoritarian movements who wish to eliminate private property and impose absolute state authority over every aspect of peoples lives

>> No.15721402
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All the usual suspects shilling for Climate Change are the same marxist faggots who shill for every other leftist cause. Just pay attention.

>> No.15721432

>thinking the earth has to remain the same temperature forever like some god designed it for humans.

>> No.15721434
File: 117 KB, 640x884, EFRjZMYXoAARCcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest lies of the climate hoax movement is that CO2 is a pollutant.

CO2 is a harmless natural gas. Its is literally PLANT FOOD

>> No.15721458
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In fact, more athmospheric CO2 results in a greening of the earth, more sustainable for life.

If you want to make a climate hoax retards head spin, ask them what the optimal amount of atmospheric CO2 is to sustain life. How many PPM? And why?

>> No.15721481
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Remember, repeat a lie a thousand times times and it eventually becomes truth.


They never tell you wtf CO2 even is. It is HARMLESS.

>> No.15721498

Fuvk China for child labor, but fuck the American corporations for charging Americans top dollar for shit they produced in China for next to nothing. Companies like Nike and everyone listed on this site:


American companies are needed by China to stay alive economically. If we stopped moving to China to produce goods, then China would suffer greatly. That is why Trump is tried to bring companies back by cutting the corporate tax.

Nobody gives a fuck about some teen girl that is brainwashed by false information.
How about we all agree to produce different goods and services and we trade a chair for a bag of apples? The problem is we allowed small businesses to get greedy and build ideas up. Lots of ideas were stolen by regular people and cashed in on and some by the government. Someone comes along and makes Bitcoin, what do you think is going to happen? The central banks and governments will take it own. People that still think Bitcoin is a way out of this financial fiasco needs to realize it's not anonymous digital money anymore. It's a public ledger and the wallets are traceable, especially if you buy Bitcoin with a credit card.

>> No.15721499
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This is the real agenda on display.

Climate alarmists get the rope.

>> No.15721518

I'm all for questioning everything but this is fucking dumb. If you want to see what CO2 does to a planet, look at Venus.
> The early Earth during the Hadean eon is believed by most scientists to have had a Venus-like atmosphere, with roughly 100 bar of CO2 and a surface temperature of 230 °C, and possibly even sulfuric acid clouds, until about 4.0 billion years ago

>> No.15721571

that guy is a bot shill, he just spams his folder and replies to himself

>> No.15721598

imagine actual caring about this at all

the market will move us to renewable energy and less waste. It'll happen gradually over decades. Just like everything fucking else.

>> No.15721700

Can someone please explain why the Jews are pushing this lady even though a green new deal would completely demolish corporate profits? I’m seriously confused why the kikes are pushing socialism and they have all the money.

>> No.15721716

they aren't. stop taking schizo conspiracies from /pol/ as reality

>> No.15721721

>foetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.15721728

Conspiracy theory doesn’t have the same negative connotation as it used to because most of the conspiracies theories actually turn out to be true. Next.

>> No.15721743

I'm gonna make shitty investments to own the libs, That'll show 'em.

>> No.15721748

you said it yourself dumbass. jewish corporations are the ones that have the most to lose from green regulations, they are the ones pushing for climate denial. Just look how easy it is to fear monger you retards, just say environmentalism = literally communism and all the dumb sheep will be immediately scared of it

>> No.15721832

Not an argument.

>> No.15721835

Have fun staying poor ya dipshit

>> No.15721849

Hmmm most Jews are liberals so no you are wrong. All of the rich Jews are liberals haven’t seen one rich jew donor except adelson that is a republican. And he’s a republican for their support for Israel so there’s that.

>> No.15721869

and thats why 0 democrats voted for the green deal.. they get paid by the same jews the republicans are

>> No.15721873

Aight mayn she b my bitch soon when we fina b kangz n shet. She say no she dead aight? Any whitey woman fina b our ho. Who dey think dey is? N who dey think I is? Exactly.

>> No.15721903

so whats wrong with making the world are more cleaner and better place?

>> No.15721937

based underrated thought

>> No.15722137

If the market wasn't rigged we'd be 99% nuclear by now. The green movement has always been a front group for oil companies. Renewable energy is dogshit. Inefficient, expensive, polluting, resource intensive, and will never be able to keep up with demand growth.

>> No.15722157

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but this is somewhat oversimplified. Oil for example, is more than just “gas in my car” - damn near everything is or relies upon a petroleum based product.

This country will be in open revolt if magically one day all drilling just stopped (as Warren is promising). People will lose their fucking minds paying $19 for a gallon of milk.

> much electricity

Powered by nat gas. Shit that is so worthless we just flare (burn) it off while drilling unconventional/horizontal wells.

>> No.15722479

>If you want to see what CO2 does to a planet, look at Venus.

How dumb are you?

>> No.15722490
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Because socialism/communism is jewish supremacy translated into a political doctrine.


Goyim are cattle. Jews are the politburo elites. It is the most desirable system for them, and they work day and night to make it happen.

Judaism is communism.

>> No.15722500

This is such a retarded conspiracy theory. Europe and North America have some of the strictest emissions regulations on the planet. I guess those multinational corporations are either not as powerful as you seem to think they are or those green regulations mean nothing to them

>> No.15722549
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All communist movements have Jews either leading them, or have massive over representation by Jews with a non-jew figurehead. Once I figured that out, so many things made sense.

If you read the Talmud, you find out about the Jewish mindset. They are the chosen people (of their God - Satan), everyone else are insects to them. They seek to control and dominate the world, and the end-goal of their political efforts is total enslavement of humanity under a world communist order. Or global communism. Globalism.

Karl Marx is recognized as the founder classic communist thought. He was, of course, Jewish from a long line of Rabbis. Trotsky and Lenin were also Jews.

Connect the dots. That's why all the kikes in the media etc push this cultural marxist garbage, while advocating for socialism.