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File: 837 KB, 1898x2160, 2DE4EF75-4B2B-42A5-B747-36CAD83397F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15718988 No.15718988 [Reply] [Original]

I am transsexual. I was born with a penis but have a spiritual vagina. I hold chainlink. Get used to it.

>> No.15718995
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You go Xirim!

>> No.15719009

Based and bravepilled

>> No.15719022

the last shit take the man from women (gender)
ure not a woman

>> No.15719035
File: 633 KB, 676x469, 1569030184646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay and I like to perform oral sex on black males. I also hold Chainlink.

>> No.15719048



>> No.15719054

> chainlink is for gay
you should be in RLC

>> No.15719057

Doesn't matter you'll die of aids long before singularity. No faggots in lamboland

>> No.15719063

I’m a black man

>> No.15719120
File: 1.38 MB, 1334x750, 6BB5A18D-0DCF-4198-A5DE-8DF9A7702AD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a straight black male. It’s over, linktranny. Your days are numbered.
Every coin you shill has an echo, your own degeneracy will be your undoing.

>> No.15719273
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OP you are a brave, fierce and beautiful woman. You go girl! The world is yours!

>> No.15719291
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OP don't listen to the haters. You rock! Keep being you.

>> No.15719301


>> No.15719304

you go girl! I was borned a poo but im a white person inside.

>> No.15719578

Just sold 700k !

>> No.15719595

I was going to post this in some coomer thread that Janny deleted, but I guess this one will do:

The trick to not fapping to trannies is learning to hate them—which is easy. There’s a lot to hate.

The tranny marks a cowardly retreat from manly responsibility. It lives not for love or glory but only for its own egoistic pleasure. Trannies are dull people with no interests besides plebeian media consumption and sex. You wouldn’t want to date or be friends with one, but you become more like them as you waste time masturbating.

But what’s most hateful about them is their crypto-misogyny. Their performance of femininity is a sex-doll caricature. They see women as mere meat toilets, holes for men to pleasure themselves with, and they imitate this false image. But true women contain a seed of renewal, the potential for reproduction. This is something sacred and beautiful. The tranny blasphemes reproduction. Tranny-sex analogizes the womb to the rectum, giving birth to taking a shit. The symbolism of tranny sex is profoundly nihilistic.

At the end of he day, a tranny is just a hateful petty faggoty failed man. Imagine him putting on makeup and shaving his face. Don’t outsmart yourself, don’t give in to stupid mental illusions, just look at the truth right in front of your eyes and be disgusted.

>> No.15719901
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>> No.15719929

deep and OPBTFOpilled

>> No.15719948

I also cannot wait for the moon mission. We are going to make it my fellow faggots

>> No.15719969

How's ARK doing, faggot?

>> No.15720000

not well... not well... admittedly I almost killed myself after that debacle, since I was hoping to finally raise the money needed to pay a quack to finally cut my penis off and make me the insufferable faggot that I have always aspired to be. sadly it was not he case. i'm hoping to get it right this time with Link. please no bully gais

>> No.15720006


>> No.15720012
File: 578 KB, 600x600, 1473175985347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz about your situation senpai but nice quads

>> No.15720028


>> No.15720040


>> No.15720156
File: 324 KB, 1858x674, 54219876542398743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more tranny critique

>> No.15720273
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>> No.15720279
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>> No.15720288
File: 2.51 MB, 1408x788, trans2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15720299
File: 492 KB, 375x936, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
