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1571480 No.1571480 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, fuck you.
Don't give us that crap that you gen Xers and Baby Boomers worked any harder than we do.
In the 50s and 60s, a postman could afford to buy a nice home, feed his entire family and allow his wife not to work.
You both are the generations that had it the easiest in the history of mankind and stupid enough to piss it all away.
So don't come to us millennials - who most of us aren't even 30 - and throw the shit at us for being some how lazier than yourselves.

>> No.1571482
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You must have fell for the $70k/year college meme

>> No.1571486

>posted from my laptop/smartphone on daddies wifi

>> No.1571489

Postman pays very well. What do you do anon?

>> No.1571494

>tfw boomers could get a good job with a high school diploma that let them buy a house and save money on top of it
>now you need a college degree, 3 internships, and to "know someone" to get a job
>wages stagnated
>housing, food, medicine, and education continued skyrocketing

Feels bad man.

>> No.1571501

>>tfw boomers could get a good job with a high school diploma that let them buy a house and save money on top of it

Back in our day, the Houses cost a nickel and a stick of gum!

Do any of you ignorant millenials actually believe this shit without fact checking?

>> No.1571511


OP's still upset Bernie didn't win.

>> No.1571527

My grandfather worked as a mason later architect and was able to build a house and save a decent sum while having 6 children.

Was it easy? Fuck no. He built the home mostly by himself or by exchanging labour vs labour or materials.
Holidays in Italy? Bitch please not until 1979.
A car? After 1970 or so. Before that it was a 125ccm motorcycle or a bicycle.

Worked 55hours on standard weeks.

Cut the fancy shit out and a family might live really well on less than 30k a year.
And anybody with 2 cents worth of brain is able to get a job above 40k.

>> No.1571535

this. OP, how about instead of blaming everyone else for your "problems", you try and fix your issues in a logical way. You seem mad. U mad? I'm 28 and I'm calling you a narcissistic and arrogant blue pill shill

>> No.1571622

its offtopic a bit but whats the interest rates on student loans in the USA ?

>> No.1571637
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>>gen x
>> 50s wages

>> No.1571643

Preach bro, fuck these old cunts.

In New Jersey they just raised the gas tax, and to offset the raise they lowered taxes on retirement income. By 2020, if you make $100k and are over 62 you won't get taxed one penny. These old fucking pigs want to put the burden on their children while they vacation for the next 30 years of life. Selfish.

>> No.1571648

The reason why so many people look down on you is because the overwhelming majority of your generation and the ones coming after thing they "deserve" everything. You "deserve" free college. You "deserve" to have you feelings protected. You "deserve" to be the next clone of some millionaire who is the exception and outlier to the rules. You "deserve" six figures income. You "deserve" your own business. You "deserve" the perfect mate. You "deserve" the world on a platter with no work, no struggle, to pain, no worries and no failure. You all want to complain but none are willing to bust their ass and adapt to the new economy. No one is willing to find a real solution other than "gimme free stuff".

>> No.1571650

Some of my private loans are up to around 9%

>> No.1571654

>live well
What color is the sky on your world?

On Earth, in the rural northeastern US, housing alone will eat $10K per year. Being rural, there's no public transit so at least 1 car is required. Yes, yes, live in a city and rearrange the deck chairs. Then it would be nice not to freeze or starve in the dark. Internet or a phone as required for jobs and doing stuff after hours without taking time off work is a must too.

I know living with your parents buying anime with a part-time job $30K seems like a fountain of endless riches but it's not.

>> No.1571655

What the fuck are you talking about... quite the fantasy you've cooked up in your head.

>> No.1571666

Also forgot insurance. Even government employees are getting soaked by insurers now. Crap insurance for just one person these days is like $6K annually if you have a job that pay a buck over minimum wage. Forget insuring a family that might actually need to see a doctor now and then and bury you in deductibles and copays...

>> No.1571673

>a family might live really well on less than 30k a year

In which third world country do you live?

>> No.1571675

These days its hard to tell if it's the onset of senility or they're just being jerks.

>> No.1571692

You're completely right for this area of the US. In the country, the cost of living is so substantially lower though. My cousins have a home upstate NY. With a couple grand you can get a few acres and throw a doublewide down, buy some chickens and you're all set with your job at the county Wal Mart.

Now back in civilization it's a different story. You know how much fucking diapers and formula cost? There's a reason they lock that shit up behind the counter. get ready to pay $1,000/month for a 1 br. If you're frugal, $20-30/week per person for food. Insurance. Utilities are $100+/month. It adds up fast. A single person sharing a room in a house could live off $30k, but no family around here could do that.

>> No.1571711

Seriously... These people with their holier-than-thou attitudes of "I earned this myself!"

Shut the fuck up.

None of my friends in their 20s are close to as entitled as their parents. Mostly, we're just trying to get by after being saddled with a fuck ton of debt and shit jobs. When I got out of school I was paying close to $1,000/month in loans. I take full responsibility for what I've done, that dumbness is on me for being 17 and listening to my parents who pushed college so hard. So you take on this huge debt burden, and you graduate, and you get job offers that will barely pay you enough to get by. I know kids making $35k with a 4-year degree. So after 1/3 of your income goes to rent, another 1/3 goes to loan payments, yeah, I think we deserve to be a little pissed.

>> No.1571732

Well last time I checked it was grey.

I can only his him for reference, because I live in a european country.
And can't verify my own numbers I calculated for myself living in rural MI.
It's even possible to do that in Germany. And this is the hard mode.
19% VAT Income tax 14-45% 1600sqft House in my area is about 180k euros.

His calcaltions have some weaknesses, for example a mortage-free home.
But this can be achieved before turning 28. And not many women get their children earlier.

>> No.1571747

He's not even including mortgage/rent which is probably the largest expense for any family.

>> No.1571750

>anybody with 2 cents worth of brain is able to get a job above 40K
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
The economy is so bad right now that even someone with incredible skills and certifications may end up in a mcjob. Fuck you are dumb. It's not even up for debate.

>> No.1571803

>no mortgage
>no college loan

Lol. For sure life is good when you remove the two biggest bills (devouring at least 2/3 of your income) from your calculations!

>> No.1571818

I know that and I mentioned it in my post. As is said: One should strive to have a mortage-free home before settling down.
Chosing a home in a lower/medium tier middle class neighbourhood and this is possible.

None of my american friends had a problem with finding a job over that sum.
HVAC-Technician, Paralegal, Nurse, something with your power grid, civil engineer, Plumber, etc
Heck one of them has just a college degree and earns more as a shift supervisor at a candy factory.

They economy was shit in 2008/09/10.
Even worse in the US than over here. I could see it while traveling.
At the moment it is fair.

Stop complaining and step out of your comfort zone. If the economy is doing slow in your area, move.

>> No.1571821

Have to correct myself. He has a highschool degree. Mixed up the school names in the US

>> No.1571893
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Pretty short sighted desu, maybe try looking at some data

What you see on tv and from Hollywood isnt real

If you ask me, the nations best immigrants would be better off staying in their ownland

I see so many foriegn guys struggling to fit in let alone become successful after they fall for the "land of opportunity" meme

King of like the old caesar quote better to rule the barbarians than serve in rome

>> No.1571914

>lower/medium tier middle class neighbourhood

i.e. living in a brown, unsafe, islamic shithole that will deprive your children from any future (Western Europe here). No thanks.

>> No.1571967

You might be right. My fiance is from the Midwest. We lived a good amount of time between the states.
My own experience:
USA: faster Movement on the social "ladder" in both directions. Easy to get good jobs/lifestyle but the downfall can be quick.
Germany: Getting a job takes a little more time. Literally no upward or downward movement.
You lost your job? No problem. You get about 60% of your last salary for one year until you find a job. ( It's not that easy but you get the idea)
You get more than 53k Euros a month. What a shame you earn that much. We better take 42% of that.
Well the "land of opportunity"-meme is what it is: a meme.
The grass is not greener on each side of the fence.
There is a german caricature from the 19th century. A small town mayor is talking to some young guys who want to emigrate :" Boys there will be no free food falling right into your mouth in America." One replies:" But if, we can eat it alone."

lower middle class neighbourhoods in the US are in my experience neither unsafe nor islamic.
It just means your neighbours are more likely truckers, firefighters, teachers etc.
And if your not dealing with hood rats, blacks are as friendly/unfriendly as whites.

>> No.1571968

retiring at 28 is easy

>come from a well off family
>be smart, sociable workaholic
>form power couple with another smart sociable workaholic
>live on beans and ramen while you sell your soul to sock away 150k/yr
>write a blog and live off the ad money

>> No.1571998

>If the economy is doing slow in your area, move.
Amen. Many people are too scared to leave the town they grew up in. There was not much here for me so I'm now moving 2 hours away. Gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.1572005

Not to mention hitting it big in the stock market. One thing Mr Money Mustache usually leaves out of his posts...

>> No.1572019

Yurop is less deep than America. There is no space. Hence, "lower-middle class residence" and "islamic hood" are superimposed at the same place, and quickly become the same thing.

In Yurop, moving two hours away often means you're in another country. You become an immigrant.

>> No.1572029

Yep & yep. His life is not sth which could be used as a model.
But there are a lot of other people with average-joe jobs and lives wo manage to become financially independent. Not at 28. Not at 35. But a decade earlier is not that hard.

>> No.1572044

Only that's bullshit. You can't move out without a decent job prospect and most places only hire locally. Why is the IQ on /biz/ so low?

>> No.1572045

When old rotten trees die, they give way to young saplings.
Germany is not collapsing because of some barbarians from the middle east, it's collapsing on itself. And thats the way it shall be.

>> No.1572054

Germany is not collapsing though.

>> No.1572072

Well I'm just moving from a NYC suburb of New Jersey to a Philly suburb. USA allows for such amazing mobility. This year, I had a bunch of friends move all the way out to Colorado. That's about 1,800 miles. No passport or anything, just picked up and left.

>> No.1572075

Well it's not going out with a bang but more like a whisper.
Like falling down a cliff but slow enough to enjoy the view.

>> No.1572087

Not any more in the US. Pittsburgh USPS mail carrier pays $14/hr no health insurance.

>> No.1572090

You don't need passports or anything either to move within the EU, it's more a problem of language and customs. Also the wages are depressingly low (given the high costs of living and high taxes) almost everywhere, no matter what you do.

I mean, if I had freedom to relocate and degree recognition in USA, I would have moved there 10 years ago, along with millions of other graduates who are sick of earning $25k pre-tax with two master's degrees (and spending $10k of it to live in a 11 m2 studio).

>> No.1572100

Yeah it's really crazy how vast the US is and how everyone, for the most part, speaks the same language.

>> No.1572284

Spend thousands to move somewhere without a job? Because you try interviewing and it's "locals only" over and over. That's rough enough if you're not already sinking (because where you live is sinking).

>> No.1572296

Alot of finance suggestions are like telling poor people to buy more money.

They set these rules up where somebody with a very tight or even negative budget is supposed to make expensive changes without incurring debt and then don't see why people are stymied by these oh so simple solutions...

>> No.1572310

It's very doable. How do you think immigrants from South America come all the way up here and find work? If you can't do it as an American citizen then you're pretty pathetic honestly.

Who says you need thousands? You don't even have to move. Drive your car or take the bus to a city, knock on every fucking door until you find yourself some work. It's not that hard if you don't mind doing shit work.

>> No.1572320
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Why the fuck do you think boomers pushed an entire generation into going to school? Literally every single boomer my entire life told me that I HAD to go to college. Then I got there and found it it was High School 2.0 seriously fuck boomers.

It was all a trap bros they wanted us saddled with debt working jobs underneath them with no chance of advancing. This was their fucking plan all along to get an entire generation to

>work hard and get ahead i call burger flipping an opportunity

so they can be fucking snow birds and drive 3 wheel motorcycles around. Fuck them all. Boomers are the most entitled piece of shit generation ever conceived. Why do you think they all want to die before 80? Because the plan never goes beyond that. Beyond 80 they are stuck in a home on government support because very few boomers will have enough money for their GOLDEN YeARS and I can guarantee you their kids won't be taking care of them. Fucking degenerate sodomite asshole fucks fucking cucked by viagra zoloft percocet piece of shit ex hippy wannabe faggot shit eating dog fuckers fuck the entire generation nuke them off the map AGE WAR NOW REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.1572330
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This guy is telling the truth though. I'm a 3rd year Steamfitter apprentice. Cleared 96k last year, and looking to hit 6 figures before this one is over.

Stop looking for the cushy jobs, buckle down, and put some fucking effort in. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and meet people.

>> No.1572472

what's the market like for new apprentices

>> No.1572544

but dont you make more after your probation?

>> No.1572560
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Great so far here in Canada. Not so much in the Alberta oil sands, but the rest of the country has a lot of work. Hydro dams being built all over the nation, potash mines in Saskatchewan, Nuclear in Ontario/Quebec, liquid gas plants in Nova Scotia, off shore oil rigs around Newfoundland.

Plenty of work, just don't be afraid of having to pack your suitcase and following the work where it goes.

It can be hectic, but fuck man the money is too good this day in age to not chase the work.

>> No.1572564

"Having any degree is literally better than having no degree." t. My Dad

>> No.1572569

Gen X here.
I don't think millennials are lazy at all.

the biggest difference I see is entitlement and opportunity. If you don't want to wash dishes at the local diner you don't have to, your parents won't kick you out. If you lose your comfy barista job you can always move back in with the 'rents. Boomers didn't usually give us that option.

So you guys can look at all those menial jobs out there and say, "I didn't go to college for 4 years just to dig ditches." The rest of us didn't usually have that option. We went ahead and dug the fucking ditches and washed the fucking dishes until a job in our field opened up.

that's not a better work ethic or something. It was just the options we had. If mom and dad would've let us live with them until we were 55 and landed our dream job we sure as hell would've done that. Which is the main reason we let you stay with us. Even if it weakens you and costs you millions over your lifetime.

>> No.1572570

Low quality bait.

One, pretending that driving to a city makes you local, two, ye old knock on doors with a firm handshake meme, and three, conflating African raft people with lower middle class Americans with roots in this country.

>> No.1572582

Boomers have an entitlement mentality too. Bring up social security or medicare or any other spending that benefits them and watch how fast "I paid thousands in taxes all these years so I deserve..." comes out. But don't ever tell them "I paid thousands to get an education so I deserve..."

That's what's so insufferable, that everybody _but_ them is clearly so spoiled, lazy, entitled, etc. I do alright but I'm tired of pulling the cart for anybody who can't just shut up and appreciate that I'm pulling the cart.

>> No.1572596

Besides the boomers that have been pushing liberalism on everyone for the past 30 years because they just can't shut the fuck up about Woodstock, it's funny how fast a "conservative" Boomer will support a socialist policy when it's on someone else's dime.

>> No.1572610

except SSI was literally funded from their dollars, and a degree has never guaranteed a better job.

SSI isn't an entitlement, we are all paying for it. It's a forced savings account, maybe a tontine. Not a gift.

I assume most millennials are smart enough to see the difference and you're just trolling, but whatever.

>> No.1572676

Don't worry, they'll all die out sooner or later and the rest be labled as bumfuck unsuitable to be around.

>> No.1572845

>ye old knock on doors with a firm handshake meme

Are you just lazy? I've got jobs by doing this. Walk into a restaurant and ask to see the manager. Tell them you'll work any job, any hours. Trawl Craigslist for moving jobs. Walk into an office and ask if they're hiring. This has worked for me more times than it hasn't.

Have you ever had a job or do you just give up before you start?

>> No.1572850
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didnt buy AFI for 11 cents this morning

just fucking kill me

>> No.1572857

are you lost?

>> No.1572870

> be factory worker in semi-cushy, well-paying job
> 90% of collegues are +45
> all of them have injuries and damages and are worn out from harsh working conditions
> in my time alone, 8 years, job has gotten 50% easier because of advancing tech and investments

Don't give the boomers too much shit, you guys don't know how things used to be, how many hours they used to work, how dangerous the jobs used to be before regulations and laws, what kinds of risks they were subjected to.

>> No.1572880


There was a guy here with 880 000 shares of AFI posting here yesterday, saying it was going to be the best day of his life today.

He just made 61K in one day, lucky guy.

>> No.1572974
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you make more than that with experience, dont rag on mailmen or i'll fuckin fight you right here, right now.

>> No.1573481

And yet they'll gladly agree to cut it for GenX and millenials because muh deficit, even though we'll have paid far more for it than they ever did.

>> No.1573485

Even lower quality bait. But what more can be expected from somebody going door to door for a restaurant job. No degree, no skill, no relevance.

>> No.1574548

wow. Butthurt that you got a degree in something thats not in demand anymore? Let me guess, you have at least 50k in debt and a 4 year degree in computer science/nursing/whatever else was promoted hard 10 years ago. Now you cant get anywhere because all the jobs pay like 40k and you can only afford an apartment, food, and a shitty car.

Meanwhile people going to trade schools for 6 months make over twice what you make and they are doing the "hot uncomfortable manual labor". HVAC, welding, sheet meta, mechanics. You can train monkeys to do this job but no one wants to do it because its "hard" or "not the field they truly enjoy"

Stop crying because life didnt work out the way you wanted and now you dont want to put in any hard work to fix it.

>> No.1574557

That doesn't make sense at all the same wage mission wide it's government after all

>> No.1574735


> coming from the generation
> that congratulated johnny

Your own damn fault. See what you've created?

>> No.1574756

and that's why we don't vote republican, kids.