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15713766 No.15713766 [Reply] [Original]

Why do liberal city hipsters have such rich, leisurely lifestyles while poor NEETs struggle financially?

>> No.15713781

Because the hipsters still work

>> No.15713787

I don't know but every time I see a bugman I want to bury my thumbs deep in his eye sockets in minecraft.

>> No.15713794

Most rich people live in a bubble.
Not all, but most.
Try not to be that way if and when you make it.

>> No.15713805

They finance it with credit cards you retard

Also every hipster I’ve ever met is poor

>> No.15713818


They are born into money therefore they think that everything falls from the sky and the world is one giant fairy tale.

>> No.15713901
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>he thinks the cities aren't stuffed to the brim with poor people

>> No.15714378

They had rich leisurely parents who gave them fat trust funds to live rich leisurely lives. They work low paying creative jobs like artist or architect or some startup they found with some family help.

>> No.15714430

Don't lump leisurely trust fund kids with struggling startups. I've been working at them for most of my life and that's not what trust fund kids do. They 'invest' in real estate and bonds and completely ignore innovation efforts.
Startups are a constant fight for survival with massive personal risk and very few rewards (fewer each day as the oligarchs children do nothing with themselves and sit on wealth).

>> No.15714446

Because they all work high paying jobs at media or fashion companies that require taste and social skills

>> No.15714454
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>why do people without jobs struggle financially?

>> No.15714462

why hipsters are not persecuted and banished from community, this is the big question

>> No.15714470

kek based

>> No.15714474

They don’t, most don’t have savings and would be unable to cut back on expenditures if they were laid off. Half of their pay goes to rent. The other half goes to avocado toast, blue bottle coffee, equinox gym memberships, and expensive nights drinking in the city

>> No.15714483

We're reaching levels of lecithin no one even thought possible. You'd think he'd be able to sniff out trouble

>> No.15714488
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NEETs are the products of single mothers.

Hipsters had Chad/Stacy Boomer parents that made the right choices in life.

>> No.15714493

hipsters are jews in disguise

>> No.15714500

>why do liberal city hipsters share a 300 square ft commune loft with 12 other gender studies majors and work 80 hours a week at Starbucks while financing tickets to lesbian slam poetry every saturday and steady diet of vegan farm to table tacos and craft beer with credit cards?

>> No.15714548

They're spoiled by their parents and are allowed to live in a bubble of constant denial about how the world really works.

>> No.15714588

>why do hipsters pretend to have rich, leisure lifestyles on instagram and twitter?

>> No.15714741

Everyone who is too rich for their personality goes into a nigger-lover mode. They can afford to love niggers and give compassion to people who don't really deserve it.

>> No.15714782

Parental money