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15710942 No.15710942 [Reply] [Original]

How is a dead ass average guy supposed to find a girlfriend nowadays?
>be me, 25, student
>go on Tinder, get some 'okay' matches. Nearly nobody responds or stopps texting when I propose a meetup
>Uninstall Tinder to not destroy my self confidence completly
>Go out, start approaching girls
>Many rejections, but get some numbers
>Same shit happens again. Girls don't respond, stop texting when I propose a meetup

Frens, what is going on?
In Business you just put in the work and see the results sooner or later. In Dating it seems like you can try as hard as you want, but you can't win if you're not some 7+ Chad
I actually think about getting plastic surgery af this point. The Incel life sucks

>> No.15710950

You must not be as average as you think you are

>> No.15710966
File: 45 KB, 500x662, how-men-rate-women-on-okcupid-com-20-19-18-16-35697906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Average" means women think you're ugly

>> No.15710970


Have you considered buying an Orangutan?

>> No.15710978

Average = sub standard
Sorry anon, but they were just being polite to make you go away.

>> No.15710982

Well, I wouldn't call myself ugly neither.
I get matches on Tinder. And /soc/ rates me from 5 to 7 and people in real Life say also that I am average looking

>> No.15710984



>> No.15710993

But how do I solve that?
I see more and more men not finding a girlfriend. It for sure was not always that bad

>> No.15711013

Aside from micro-game which I'm not gonna teach you. For starters you probably test too frequently and use emojis. Macro game solution is just keep working at it and it gets easier as you get older. Become immune to rejection and start caring less. Once you have something women actually give a shit about (wisdom, experience, wealth) it will get easier and that's a promise.

>> No.15711025

>In Business you just put in the work and see the results sooner or later. In Dating it seems like you can try as hard as you want, but you can't win if you're not some 7+ Chad
Are you actually trying to improve or are you just doing the same thing over and over and wondering why it didnt work?
Read about the psychology of women and how to improve as a man. Thinking about why they are rejecting youand how you can improve your odds instead of crying like a r9k bitch.

>> No.15711051

>Are you actually trying to improve or are you just doing the same thing over and over and wondering why it didnt work?
For sure I try to improve. I even read into this PickUp stuff, etc.
But what you gonna do about it? Attraction is no choice I guess.
>Read about the psychology of women and how to improve as a man
Yeah, they want the best man they can get, which is their nature. And Online Game is all about looks, so how do you think, that I should improve there? Not possible.

>> No.15711062

>Macro game solution is just keep working at it and it gets easier as you get older.
I'm turning 26 soon. I don't think that it will get easier, propaply only harder

>> No.15711100

bullshit the ladys love 30 year old men that have their shit together
I get cute 18 year old chicks all the time and I have a dad bod they love to call me papi

>> No.15711116

No you are falling for the meme that men age like milk as women do. A 35yo man is the equivalent of 20yo woman in sexual market value.

>> No.15711125
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if you aren't attractive there's no point in trying
focus on other things
you can serve the world and yourself in other ways than just having sex

>> No.15711141

Cope. You're not Di Caprio

>> No.15711168

it's either how you look, dress, act.

maybe your text game is just bad as well or you seem like a boring person. just "being" is not enough, do something.

also, get out of incel mentality

search for girls around 2-4 years younger than you, anything else is a waste of time. try to make sure you're bigger than them. even if they are bigger than you and give you a chance it will often lead to nothing. I've heard countless girls mocking guys about their height and how they can't take them serious.

80% of girls on tinder matches are gonna waste your time. you need to find out quick which ones are worth investing your time in. usually its the ones that will write back often/frequently and sometimes even write you first. I would still advice you to use tinder over IRL it's just way more efficient. and if you can, pay 1 month for tinder gold, anything else is a meme and other dating apps maybe besides badoo won't get you laid.

it goes like this after matching. chat a bit and ask her out and try to get her real number. if she is willing to give you an actual chance she will give you the number by that time and meetup, anything else is a BS excuse like "I want to talk more before giving my number to a stranger". if she still refuses say something like, I'm gonna delete tinder soon or that you just like to chat on whatsapp. its more personal and you won't be one of their 100 matches on tinder, also most girls dont check tinder often at all, so they will reply faster.

ffw meetup IRL for a coffee/drink or meal, it gives you the option to stay around longer if you like her or just bail after the coffee. second date should go similar with the difference that you should end up at her place by then or at least by the third date. keep chatting between dates but don't overdo it. dont let more than 1 week go past between your date, because she WILL date other guys and there is a high change you get cucked on that weekend you didn't meet her.

>> No.15711173
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Women are not people, they are subhuman. Ignore them.

>> No.15711188

I can tell from your post that you’re boring as shit. Live an interesting life and show it off on your dating profile.

>> No.15711246


That gif makes he so sad for humanity. Women literally have not evolved AT ALL from caveman times. Probably sat around doing the EXACT same sit eating reeds by the river in loincloths, watching the men take down a mastodon.

Women are seriously so fucking trash dude, this must be a simulation because they are the fucking ultimate NPCs.

>> No.15711257

NPCs are going to NPC, when was the last time you paid to go watch a game in person?

>> No.15711263

OP, I'm an ugly, broke Manley who smells like shit and my only good physical feature is a 7 inch cock. I'm married to a woman way out of my league. It's all about confidence.

Here's what you do assuming you're a +50% incel
Stop talking to roasties. Instead talk to middle age women, 30-40. They're easier to talk to, more experienced, easier to fuck and less brain-dead than Stacy who just wants to show her bunghole on insta.

I did this when I was 15 so I could learn how to talk to women. None of them fucked me though because I was a child and I looked 10 instead of 15. Either way it works. Don't go in thinking this is your next wife, just chat with them.

Assuming you're <25% incel:
Go talk to nerdy girls. Go to a library, sit across from a cute ashun, write on a sheet of paper, " I don't want to be loud but I think you're cute, what's your name", then give her the paper, if she's disgusted move on, more often than not this works. I did this at uni to pick up during lectures.

The last piece of advice, incel status can go away quickly, you just need a good root, it's good for your sanity.

>> No.15711318
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I find it best to just let my matches message me first for the most part; they aren't going to be the most attractive, but they are ususally cute enough, and I don't run into the problem of being ghosted or rejected. Your problem in particular makes me think you are asking to meet up too early, but if you wait too long you run the risk of getting ghosted. It takes an intuition I suppose.

>> No.15711336

Thanks anon, but that is basically already how I do it/ would do it.
Talking about Tinder and efficency: It is overall more a waste if time than anything else for me.
Out of 30 matches or so, eventually one girl is willing to meet up in the end, which results in one date per month if I'm lucky.

No you can't. I travelled 13 countries, all alone. Including some less touristic places like Russia. I also lived abroad for 8 months in Australia and worked there.
I wouldn't call that boring.

>It's all about confidence.
Well, I think you could have said that 5 years ago. Back then girls even hit on me at the bar and I didn't look different at all. But to me it seems that Feminism and social media resulted in women not needing a man and only wanting the biggest Chad out there. All about looks. Character doesn't matter anymore.

>Stop talking to roasties. Instead talk to middle age women, 30-40
Well, most of them are married I suppose. And who of them would be willing to fuck such a young guy like me?

>> No.15711345
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This anon dropping straight knowledge

What's funny is unless you're actively trying, failing, and self correcting then these facts won't do you much good. It takes practice for tinder to start being successful. When I first started I was miserable at it. Giving less of a fuck, improving my game (both texting and talking) and running a first date right made a huge difference. went from barely being able to get a date to fucking on the first date (degenerate I know but that's showbiz baby)

Also make sure your pics aren't boring as fuck and try your best to actually look good in them. Lighting, setting, implications go a long way

>> No.15711382

try to be confident with 4.5 inch penis retard

>> No.15711419

do you know how I do it? I go up to the girl behind her and SNIFFFF her neck. She asks wtf am I doing??!
Respond with saying that you were trying to smell her scent so you can detect her from 200 meters away

>> No.15711439


>> No.15711446

This. People think this shit was just invented by men but this is unironically how women think. Either women have no clue what average means(possible) or they literally see men as either chads or incels and basically nothing in between them.

>> No.15711477


>> No.15711486
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4.5 inches is enough, just be aggressive, be good with your tongue, feet and hands, or go for anal. Smaller guys have the advantage for anal compared to big dick guys.

The ones that are out at night aren't, who gibs a shit anyways.

Aim to talk to 100 whamun a month, odds are at least 1% will fuck you. That's like 3 womun per day, morning commute, lunch, on the way home.

>> No.15711503


Don’t think I’ve ever paid myself lol.

That’s not to say I wouldn’t go to a specific team I like occasionally but that would only be a one time thing as a trip, it’s basically impossible to argue watching the thing live is better than doing it at home from the comfort of your couch.

I’ve been given baseball tickets for free and gave them away, people acted like I was nuts. I went to ONE baseball game and decided that was enough for me.

Yeah let’s sit in this uncomfortable cramped seat in the sun for three hours while almost nothing happens. America’s passtime.

>> No.15711509

>4.5 inches is enough
this is a lie disproven at this point many many times

>> No.15711528

If you're the type of person who can't easily find a girlfriend, then finding a girlfriend isn't going to help you. Work on yourself. Mainly improve your ability to acquire money. That's blunt I know. But that's what you need to do if you want easier pussy

>> No.15711538


It’s the most sound advice, and the quickest path to pussy for the average young lad.
Bitches come as the icing on the money cake.

>> No.15711540

Those are literal teenage girls, idk what else anyone would expect to see in that webm.
You're supposed to drink, otherwise there is no point.

>> No.15711571

>>>/r9k/ faggot

>> No.15711575

All women are whores, Anon. Even chads get cheated on, not that it particularly matters for them because they can just find another hoe. Still, jumping from woman to woman does not make a strong nation.

>> No.15711820
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>jumping through ten thousand hoops to get the priviledge of having a w*man around you for any length of time

Jesus fucking christ. I'm glad I dropped out of this game before I even began playing

>> No.15711870

I know. It's frustrating beyond believe.

>> No.15712011
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>Macro game solution

>> No.15712083
File: 186 KB, 483x638, F332227A-28ED-472F-9E24-2F453F40F39E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have an above average modern wife. Let me lay out a BEST case scenario for you.

Loyal, doesn’t cheat, has a good job, 90th+ percentile in intelligence, able to have a conversation, actually enjoy talking, redpilled about 80% of the way.

Doesn’t cook, doesn’t really clean outside of “projects” she’s into, we hit mid 30 after a decade and change of “don’t want kids” and now it’s just all about baby shit.

It’s basically like having a kid I have to take care of, all of her scheduling is done by me “she doesn’t like to call people,” everything we eat is on me, laundry, general state of the house is on me, outside of the house/yard is on me, caring for all of our pets even those that used to be hers, me.

That is the BEST case scenario of a modern relationship in the west. She doesn’t chase random dick, understands the three branches of government, plays vidya and watches actually good shows with me, she’s attractive enough to get me hard in seconds, doesn’t make me go on retarded fucking “dates” except occasionally she’ll get estrogened up and need to go somewhere.

However I’m literally responsible for every thing in our lives, It’s legit like having a daughter you fuck.

That is your BEST case scenario, and it’s still EXTREMELY rare. You will get some common cock carousel whore 99% of the time.

Once they get the sex dolls walking and making sandwiches women in the west are DONE.

>> No.15712127

Average is pathetic. Physically and metaphysically. Maybe not 200 years ago, but it certainly is now. Look at the average man and tell me, would you be sexually attracted to him?

>> No.15712129

Dude your clearly searching in the wrong places, tinder and disco sluts are not gf material, especially if your more on the ugly side, because spoiler alert your looks is the only thing these girls are interested in

Go out do some group activies or sports where you can meet "normal" girls, yes they exists, or unironically look in your wider social circle

>> No.15712140

By not depending on a platform for hookups based on looks.

>trying to find a girlfriend on Tinder

>> No.15712191

Welcome to the life of millions of average males. Take a seat, you will stay forever

>> No.15712212

Bottom right is best

>> No.15712254

Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree at all. But doesn't the fact that they're so inferior only make not being able to fuck them more pathetic?

>> No.15712262

why do they all have blonde hair

>> No.15712321

It doesn't really get better even if you're slightly more attractive. Am about a 7-8 and have the exact story as you. Although in my case I can say that slight autism didn't really help.

>> No.15712342
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Looks matter a lot if you have no game, and most guys have no game. But right now there are numerous guys out there who look just like you or worse that are fucking hot 8/10s and above, because they are fucking smooth. Go out enough and you will see it quite often, regular looking dudes who are just smooth as fuck.
You should obviously lift, along with meditation which stops you getting lost in negative thoughts and helps you focus and give less of a fuck.
Along with this the main principles you should work on when talking to women are
Clarity of intent, freedom from outcome
Self-amusement, congruence
Entitlement, social awareness.
For real I'm about a 7 and I'm finally feeling like I'm getting good results when I go out, getting with cute girls regularly. Keep fucking hammering it, talking to girls can improve just like any other skill it's just the learning curve is steep since most of us start out as retard incels.

>> No.15712354


Just turn your autism into processing power to run Normie.exe around women.

Or have a mental breakdown around 12 like I did and just write yourself a new non-sperg personality like flashing the BIOS on your motherboard.

Been pretty effective for me so far.

>> No.15712385

Oh god, he doesn’t know. Shall we tell him?

>> No.15712399

My ex was basically like that, once drunk she even called me "daddy" and said I reminded her of her father (who was never home as her parents were divorced).

I had to basically lead on everything because otherwise nothing would be done.
It was cute at first but it got old pretty fast, having to deal with daily whims, impulsiveness and childish meltdowns.
Especially as I'm not really the bossy type (or I'm really only used to boss myself) and grew in a relatively trad family where everyone had to pull his own weight.

My brother had the same experience too, her gf wanted to adopt a dog (my brother was not that excited but said ok), she was into it 2 weeks and after that he had to take care of the dog all the time.
Now the bitch left for another guy and he still has the dog (that said the doggo is smart and never really gave a flying fuck about her while he is crazy of my brother).

>> No.15712400

oh nonono...

>> No.15712430

Get a personality and get moderately fit.

>> No.15712441

Did you try taking and shower and then being yourself? Dude you gotta take your showers.

>> No.15712457

>And /soc/ rates me from 5 to 7
never going to make it
not because of the ratings, but because you posted on /soc/

>> No.15712471
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It's just looks, unless they are ready to settle down and let you pay their bills. I have first hand experience of the difference. Was fat most of my life. Successful, confident, owned my own business in finance, salesman of 20k+ projects all the time. Met women, dated them, took them to nice places, etc. Always the backburner guy, always friend zoned. They almost never outright rejected me, just didn't return my calls or treated me flirtatiously in person but then ignored me later. I didn't understand; I followed all the standard advice, I'm an absolute fucking catch. Anyway, I was worried about my health and lost 100 pounds, from 300 to 200. Whoa, chad-lite face hiding underneath all these years. Now girls hit on me. Have sex within an hour of meeting. Girls flirt with me while I'm sitting in a bar next to another girl. It's fucking bullshit. I now find the whole scenario so disgusting I don't even bother. I have one FWB that I see every couple weeks and that's it. They're really trash man, it sucks. We've been lied to our whole lives so that we can be slaves of women who probably aren't even attracted to us. I guess I should be thankful that they've become so "liberated" that the truth is plain to see.

>> No.15712481

It is not more or less pathetic than 200 years ago imho
Society changed a lot, we had a lot of technical advancements and women don't need a man anymore. "Enforced monogamy" is also gone.
Fucking 20 different dudes is "okay"

Well, I went out a lot. I did make out with some girls in Clubs and stuff. So I'm no complete retard incel in this regard.
But those were women, nobody should be proud off.
Other than that, good advice. I just somehow stopped, because it didn't seem to me that things improve at all.
>Go out do some group activies or sports where you can meet "normal" girls, yes they exists, or unironically look in your wider social circle
Isn't it there the same? No looks = no girlfriend
Why should those girls be better? Just because they know me better already than some Tinder slut?

Never thought about getting a shower before. Thanks. This could change things a lot I guess

>> No.15712507


>be me, 23, student
>go on Tinder, get some 'okay' matches. Nearly nobody responds or stopps texting when I propose a meetup
>Uninstall Tinder to not destroy my self confidence completly
>Go out, start approaching girls
>Many rejections, but get some numbers
>Same shit happens again. Girls don't respond, stop texting when I propose a meetup

Same Fren, same...

>> No.15712508

The way people stop responding or texting now is bullshit, I'm not sure when it became normal to be a coward that can't tell someone "no thanks" and leaving them wondering if you just got hit by a bus or maybe lost your phone

>> No.15712522


Animals will instinctively “love” those that care for them, it’s a basic level of emotion but there’s no games at least, unlike with women.

I’m smart enough to know what I have with my wife is so far above average it’s not worth looking elsewhere or fucking around. It’s like getting dealt a 19 in blackjack, the odds are NOT in my favor.

I’m going part time soon and becoming a stay at home dad, so fuck it. This is where society is pushing us so I’m going to embrace it.

Time to do the “hardest job in the world” for a while aka half hour of cleanup, half hour making dinner, play vidya all day and trade crypto while the kids asleep or in some fucking baby prison/jumping restraint til they’re four.

I need a vacation so I’m down,

>> No.15712542

It was easier before smartphones brought every normie and their moms online. You used to be able to find interesting people online, a girl using a dating website on a computer was probably into other nerdy stuff and smart enough to hold a good conversation. Not anymore

>> No.15712550
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Highly suggest you look up rsdtyler dude. Gets a lot of hate on 4chan because he goes against the grain of "looks are everything" but you should watch a few of his videos, was a game changer for me
That and lift weights, getting big will make you way more confident and entitled, even if ugly and manlet

>> No.15712553

Yes. Average is bullshit. It's either "I wanna fuck you" or "I dont want to fuck you".

>> No.15712556

I call BS I had the most relationships during college years

>> No.15712579

What really pisses me off is women acting like whores and then today seeing many of them opting for this "privileges and degeneracy for mee, but not for thee" mindset. Like them hating on (sex) robots guys could cuddle with, cute and virginal 2d waifus, etc. If society is liberal, then it should go all the way. Including completely legalizing weed (if tobacco is legal), deepfake porn (including teenagers), sex robots, etc. But this half-assed shit which somehow entitles degenerate and anti-social roasties, with them being degenerate AF, then trying to scold others for not wanting their used up and anti-social selfs after they have some "b-but we are social creatures" epiphany... absolutely cancerous.

>> No.15712612

Is there any good material you recommend for learning? PUA stuff seems oversaturated with bullshit.

>> No.15712613

>tfw have an arranged marriage with a vietnamese qt
>the sex is amazing, she treats me like a king, and wants to have a ton of children

Life is good bros, don't have to deal with western pig shit games.

>> No.15712617

>wife has career making 200k plus
>cooks and cleans
>supports my dreams
>hobby is knitting
>in good shape and cares about her health
>stays off social media
>loyal and doesn't cheat
>does all laundry and housework
>cooks amazing healthy meals

Ken you got fucked over lad. Should of married a 2st Gen euro immigrant.

>> No.15712661

is she slavic or not, the only question that matters here

>> No.15712740

Did that guy hop on roids? Wtf he looks amazing in the after

>> No.15712771
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Jackpot fren

>> No.15712773

Societies always had a gynocentric bias (at least in the west) but ever since they got voting rights it went into turbo mode.

That said at at large they aren't getting away with it, I see more and more washed up single mothers or proto catladies as I work in a job with a lot of women, all of them millenials.

There is this weird tradthot trend too when you now see women who partied hard and were all strong emancipated wymyn suddenly becoming conservative at 28, those are the smartest though. Most of them keep on the same path.

>> No.15712776


What a fucking LARP unless you are a 11/10 gigachad, and you post here so that’s not the case.

My post was reality, nice novella though, just make sure you shelve it under “fiction.”

>> No.15712811


Yeah the biggest joke is on them, they hit a wall at a certain point and realize they’re completely undesirable to every pool of men outside of literal gigalos.

Lots of 40+ single bitter women in the west who are going to die alone, robbed by some Nigerian.

>> No.15712878

Rsdtyler, at least from 2012-2016 videos. He has a big focus on "inner game" basically sorting out inside your head that you're enough. If you can get out of your head and have a genuinely fun time talking to people, you're like 70% there. The times I've done best with girls in clubs or parties is when I completely stopped thinking about trying to "get them" and just said shit I thought was funny. Focus on making everyone feel good, increasing the fun for everyone and reduce the 'taking" mentality which makes you act weird when you talk to a girl you're into.
I've read some "redpillish" books but they're mostly trash, just focus on going out
Nah I doubt it, most of that is downlighting and wider focal lens. He looks amazing though, but a lot of that is leanness. Look up his tripcode on the fit archives, dude was funny as fuck

>> No.15712915

It's by design, how else they gonna drag you into the upcoming war.

>> No.15712930

This is correct, I am a 37 year old that has made very good money online since 15 years ago and constantly get ig thots with chad bfs to suck, fuck and even rim my hairy butthole

Girls on tinder are disgusting btw, all this tinder talk is quite cringey

Get higher grade (but still dirty) thots off ig and leave those dirty pudgey 4-6/10 tinder slores alone, or just masturbate

>> No.15712945

Deluded redpillfag detected

>> No.15712964

How do you get them off instagram?
Just have a profile with a lot of followers and some pics?

>> No.15713144

Kek yeah she's slav of course.. Cute tho.

No its true man. I am p Chad but I still got lucky. Don't worry. I've had my knocks and pain in life. Some might say its nice that I've gotten this peace now.

>> No.15713439

>I've had my knocks and pain in life
What knocks and pain can a Chad have in life? There literally aren't any, unless you were just staying at home and complaining that you don't get laid

>> No.15713528

Sir what is your girth?

>> No.15713741

Sick immediate family dying around me most my life. And not in the typical family get sick and die way. Idk shit was sad bruh. Don't want to get into it. But I could use a home run in this department.

>> No.15713790

Anyways.. If you are a good man which it seems you are. You can find a decent women if you are careful and selective. Even being average looking. Might just have to wait alittle longer. I found mine at 28. You might have to wait till 30. Put your hooks out. Don't give up. Learn to pass and parse out girls that don't got quickly. Give ugly and fat girls a chance. They might get in shape for you and it will be good for your personality to do it.

>> No.15713838
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You can't. Now gtfo and let the rest of us live out your dreams

>> No.15713859

disagree with giving fat girls a chance.
its a red flag and shows their lack of self control. you want someone take care of your kids who is not able to take care of herself?

>> No.15713924

My wife was fat now shes model size. I inspired her to get in shape. She hates fat people. We talk about fat people all the time. It disgusts her. And she got small for me. But I didn't get with her until she was small. Before that we were friends and I dated other girls and talked to her about it. She was fat because she had a handful of bad years with things but she recovered strong.

She eats like a bird now. Yeah she was fat once.. But she proven how important her health is over the past few years. Slight risk that she could get fat but probably not.. She knows I wouldn't put up with it unless it was some rare disorder completely out of her control.

>> No.15713945

>In Business you just put in the work and see the results
And thats why youre a failure

>> No.15713954

>Look up his tripcode on the fit archives, dude was funny as fuck
Adie isn't active anymore? end of an era

>> No.15713969

imagine thinking women like these dyel metrosexual manlets

>> No.15714001

Learn to be funny or something anon.
At the very least you're going to have to care less because I can tell you that this post alone is very unattractive.
Yeah it's a fate many of us are stuck in and it does suck but...whining gets you nowhere. And you haven't reaaaaally asked a question so you are whining. Also this isn't even the correct place to whine. This is a board about business.
Do you see how annoying you're being now?
If you really want I'll help you fix your tinder for a small fee if you email me at charleschadchadley@gmail.com.
But seriously dude it's probably not about how you look.

>> No.15714010

Looks hardly matter pussy

It’s more about vibe

Study Rsd nation videos

“Pimp” by Rsd julien

Study this shit and implement it. Girls are a walk in the park compared to starting a business

>> No.15714016
File: 12 KB, 205x246, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer cope

>> No.15714031

As always, there are exceptions and I wish you being right that your wife changed for the better and got rid of such weakness.
However, I believe going for fat girls is bad advice if you're looking for decent gf/wife material in general, because in most cases physical shape gives valuable hints about their mental state.

>> No.15714034

Didn't read the thread and someone probably already said it but, uh, church
Tinder is for their validation and they're always going to think they're above a "dead ass average" guy. Church & church events are where girls are looking for someone to date, and just want to make sure you're morally upright and have your shit together

>> No.15714049

>be me
>mid 20's
>never had a gf
>tried dating apps
>a few matches
>a few of those are attractive but none I would seriously consider marrying
>very, very few respond and usually dematch soon after, whether or not we even chatted on the app
>tried asking out girls in public
>got scared
>tried making eye contact
>very few where that happened and evem then failed to attempt talking

>> No.15714064

A common thread between you types that complain about these things is that you complain. At least that's my opinion from the outside looking in.
Men are supposed to be stoic. Men are supposed to believe in themselves.
You reek of giving up and quitting. It's all you talk about even. "What's the point" is a question that should never enter your mind and if it does you DEFINITELY shouldn't voice it.
You have to be strong for women to like you. You have to be strong for men to like you.
I'm not saying you can't ask us what to do but you have to stop framing it in such a fucking annoying whiney way. It's really irritating even to read.