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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15709249 No.15709249 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /adv/ Is it socially acceptable to tell a girl you think she is cute? This one class only started up a week ago. I chatted a girl up at my table before class started and randomly thought she was cute, normally I just say what's on my mind without thinking about it but I don't know if it's socially acceptable to tell her I think she's cute, I wouldn't want to make things awkward for the rest of the semester.

>> No.15709258

do you smell like curry?

>> No.15709261

It's never acceptable in class

>> No.15709270

Animefags have no chance

>> No.15709273

No, I'm a femboy. A lot of the time I want to compliment girl's hair when it's cute too, but I don't have the confidence to say it.

>> No.15709282

Holy shit, stop overthinking and ask her out already

>> No.15709288

>i'm a femboy
you never stood a chance. the moment she saw you her pussy dried up faster than you could say 'i suck cock'

>> No.15709287

Post feminine benis.

>> No.15709291

Nvm you are sick in your head. Kys

>> No.15709293

if you act gay
it should be fine

>> No.15709321

I don't think I act gay. (I'm not).

It's a smol pene (4.5 inches), it's girthy though.

>> No.15709336

>It's a smol pene (4.5 inches), it's girthy though.
Then post, we're waiting.

>> No.15709368

I usually do, but when I do it I go with something like “to be real/honest, you’re hella cute” follow it up with a let me get your number.

>> No.15709377

Of you have to ask then no you're way too creepy/awkward/cringey.
I do it regularly and they blush and smile but I'm literally Chad.

Do it anyway though who cares about a woman feeling.

>> No.15709401

Post your ugly kike face and I'll give you the answer.

>> No.15709423
File: 149 KB, 952x899, 1461474010056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-this is a blue board!

I wish I was a Chad like you anon.

Well, she's not cute, it was just in that moment she was cute.

>> No.15709444

but are you cute?
not many girls like 'femboys', and those that do like them in principle but what this actually means is that they like anime boys with medium length hair who are shy 9/10s

are you a 9/10 with a charming personality
if not, you're a creep and a sissy and they laugh at you

>> No.15709458

>Business & Finance

>> No.15709466
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, GleefulSoreHogget-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does medium length hair mean? My hair goes below my nips.

>> No.15709494

Post anyway the mods won't care or I'll sagebomb your thread.

>> No.15709501

the odds are you're a "SHE'S LITERALLY ME!" horror story creep, especially with hair that long

>> No.15709534

Don't rain on my parade anon. I can in my head think I'm cute or I can just be an ugly boy.

>> No.15709544

> I wish I was a Chad like you anon.
That's where you go wrong faggot. A based chad won't ever wait for the destiny to drag him around until good things just happen on themselves, because they won't. You won't be a chad until you replace this 'I wish I was' sentence with 'I will take action and become'. Gl on that

>> No.15709551
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Toshinou.Kyouko.full.886946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709566
File: 87 KB, 496x640, 82B3C7481A184175B2664B019F6013AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What business/ finance is this, and how do I profit from it?

>> No.15709578

i'm just answering your question

sell silicone penises that shoot out cornstarch and give them chinese knockoff logos like BRACKED

>> No.15709609
File: 739 KB, 500x526, 1482527650_tumblr_nc7hdaD72f1sr4wvno1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyouko-senpai, you're the best.

>> No.15709618

No. Most women think "cute" is an insult nowadays, especially outside Japan, they prefer the likes of 'hot' or 'sexy'.

>> No.15709645 [DELETED] 

I honestly have absolutely no clue. I don't even know how long it's been. I think I began coming here when I was 13 and now I'm 22.
I don't know if 4chan changed me or if I was drawn here by my predispositions to be like this.
Playing RuneScape religiously from 7 until 18 and using this website as my prime source of interaction with strangers (nowadays just interaction with others as such) for 9 years has obviously set me along some certain paths and given me some certain habits.
I don't think they're particularly bad.
I've become very efficient and cold, at the cost of not being able to take anything in the entirety of Being wholly seriously. Everything is subject to mockery, even (or perhaps especially) that mocking instinct itself. It goes infinitely down (if I look).

I do wish I could sincerely believe, with power of heart, what I've come to rationally convince myself of (a search for knowledge set in its course by this website).

I don't regret it one bit, though.

>> No.15709805 [DELETED] 

Idk how most people view it and maybe there are submissive guys who like it, but for me this gradual change is extremely unappealing:
>step 1: the seductress is the woman (the man doesn't bend her over or tie her up, regardless of it being aggressive or protective)
>step 2: lip-biting ("i will eat you" aggression)
>step 3: hip-thrusting (seen it in some dances, the woman humps)
>step 4: strap on dildo up your ass
I mean, maybe this has existed before and I simply never noticed it, but since there are concrete movements like "feminist porn" today... it started feeling as if some of this shit is being shoved down my throat. I don't even understand why a woman biting her lips or seducing me is supposed to be attractive. I really prefer cute waifus with pleasant and non-bitchy personality. Doesn't mean they have to be push-overs... but these are domination attempts. I really don't want to put up with that shit.

>> No.15709821

Idk how most people view it and maybe there are submissive guys who like it, but for me this gradual change is extremely unappealing:
>step 1: the seductress is the woman (the man doesn't bend her over or tie her up, regardless of it being aggressive or protective)
>step 2: lip-biting ("i will eat you" aggression)
>step 3: hip-thrusting (seen it in some dances, the woman humps)
>step 4: strap on dildo up your ass
I mean, maybe this has existed before and I simply never noticed it, but since there are concrete movements like "feminist porn" today... it started feeling as if some of this shit is being shoved down my throat. I don't even understand why a woman biting her lips or seducing me is supposed to be attractive. I really prefer cute waifus with pleasant and non-bitchy personality. Doesn't mean they have to be push-overs... but these are "muh female power" domination attempts. I really don't want to put up with that shit.