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1568860 No.1568860 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do for a living?

>> No.1568864


>> No.1568882

Medicine, full time locum.

>> No.1568888

4chan is a land of extremes.

>> No.1568897

I mostly leech off of my parents and hope they don't kick me into the streets

When they do I have a years worth of living to figure what to do saved from my grandpas death

>> No.1568898
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do? for living?

>> No.1568899

I mostly live quite comfortably with enough money to do whatever I feel like doing at the time with no financial burden

I don't know what it's like to receive an easy inheritance though :(

>> No.1568902

Is English your second language?

>> No.1568917

investment analyst

>> No.1568922

Im a PRO Bagholder tending to my bags

>> No.1568934

Full time software developer, part time real estate investor

>> No.1569835

checked those double hate symbol's, gonna report this to the ADL. 4chan is too antisemitic.

>> No.1569847

ADL? And yeah, 88 should not be allowed on a Jewish board.

>> No.1569848

in nursing school right now

>> No.1569854

Jewish board?

4chan is owned by a Jap, and as we all know, Jews fear the samurai

>> No.1570462

Won the lottery so now I shitpost on 4chan all day.

God. I wish.

No instead I'm a freelance writer who write for other people, publishes some stuff (self published, and actually published), and who does some art and other small stuff on the side for additional money.

So far it aint too bad. Enough to live off of. And allows me to follow my dream of procrastinating till 10 minutes before something is due.

>> No.1570510

Residential real estate. Thinking of going to med school.

>> No.1570511

Insurance cuck by day, ecommerce owner/retailer all other times.

>> No.1570514
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do you e-tail insurance "books", perchance ,cause im in the market to buy some...?

>> No.1570518

As for my day job, I manage my own construction business but most of my time is spent in asset management.

>> No.1570542

nope not books. the physical book market is over saturated at this point.

>> No.1570553

Business admin, will be joining the police force next year and save up loads of money to invest.

>> No.1570556

mechanical engineering graduate with no experience looking for jobs/internships

>> No.1570606

I started a landscaping business

>> No.1570624

fascist pig

>> No.1570636

I manage a network of websites which generate income from ads and I trade crypto currencies

>> No.1570642

aerospace engineer

I didn't get a real offer (after a year of looking) until I started working on a Master's. Also, I got the job through connections at my alma mater. Good luck

>> No.1570645

Account Manager for a Locums company. I hate it.

>> No.1570650

busker & parttime porno actor

>> No.1570664

How's the pay? Considering med as a career.

>> No.1570668

I can tell you what the pay is like. I'm the Account Manager guy above. I literally sell Locums all day.

Depends on the field. What are you looking for?

>> No.1570672

Marketing for a record company and I hate it

>> No.1570678

is the pay good though?

>> No.1570689

the pay is decent I live in NY which is expensive though. I'd rather be doing marketing for a different type of company but im just using this to put on a resume and change companies.

>> No.1570693

Radiology/neurosurgery are my favorite specialties. How are those?

>> No.1570697

What do you do in Marketing? I'm a salesman. I've been one for 2 years. Technically an "Account Manager". I am so fucking sick of sales.

How did you get into marketing? What exactly is the pay?
I make 32.5k Base and we can get bonuses and commission. People who last a year usually end up with about 45-55k

>> No.1570710

If you think you have what it takes to get into neurosurgery, You will easily make $250-350 an hour. I give a wide range because obviously experience and skill etc. are a major plus.

Radiology you might be looking at 165-200 an hour. I'm giving hourly because that's how we charge our clients. Obviously we charge way more than what these numbers are.

Keep in mind these people are fucking exhausted. Medicine is no joke. It's difficult, tiring, it will fuck you up.

>> No.1570712

I'm a software developer for a online brokerage.I love what I would cause it's comfy work.

I wish I was in Sales though because of the money. One can dream.

>> No.1570717

As I mentioned before, I'm in sales, and it's not fun. It is incredibly stressful, and the pay really isn't that great. In sales the idea is that you get commission.
Yes, you need to be good to make good money. But you also need to be incredibly lucky.

>> No.1570723

International Business Strategy Consultant.

I develop strategies for foreign companies entering the US market. I work for a boutique consultancy but then do work on the side for ($250/hr with a 20 hour retainer) through referrals.

I focus on advanced manufacturing and energy projects, but can handle different sectors if required like fashion or food/bev.

Fair good amount of international travel. Fly out to find clients and fly back out to give the presentation, usually.

Interesting line of work overall.

>> No.1570726
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22 yo pic related

>> No.1570728

current ib major. Any chance I'll get a similar job or should I just dismiss it?

>> No.1570736

No amount of money is worth being
>just a trucker

>> No.1570919 [DELETED] 
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Don't need no career, dad started a successful health care company here I Denmark and is now one of the richest in Denmark. Here is one of my cars from last weekend

>> No.1570927

I work in a shipping and receiving center after graduating with a chemistry degree. I hate my life.

>> No.1570985

How have you not killed yourself yet?

>> (OP)
I'm in mobile software development. It's an alright field, but I'm considering going back for my masters.

>> No.1571018

How do I into investment analyst?
Where are you working right now?

>> No.1571035

Make enough with passive investments that I trade full time.
It is a bitch though, still learning.

>> No.1571055

Used to be in the oil industry, now I'm starting a job tomorrow selling cars. Not really looking forward to it.

Have a degree in accounting, worked in an office for three years, couldn't stand it.

>> No.1571058


Funny, nice one.

>> No.1571094

Out of boredom or because?

>> No.1571131

Analyst for a Marketing/Ad Agency (Fortune 50 clients).

Marketing Analytics is probably the lowest paying of the business analytics positions out there, but is the least stressful IMO. Plus, it was the best I could do with a humanities major.

>> No.1571175

Good luck! Things get better once you get your first real work experience.

- mining engineer, graduated 2 years ago

>> No.1571178


A bit of both. I could survive another two to two-and-a-half years just on savings, but there's only so much HBOGo you can watch before it gets boring. I had some contract labor work I've done for the past year, but it wasn't bringing in much.

>> No.1571200

my job is to categorize purchased items by searching their upc number

>> No.1571281

Prospective lawyer here. Thinking about criminal, entertainment, or corporate law.

Any tips? I can realistically get into a pretty high tier school, maybe T14 if I work my ass off for the LSAT.

>> No.1571294

Mobile app developer (full time)
Uber driver (part time)

>> No.1571297

Also is law going to make me want to end my life?

>> No.1571301


figure out what investment philosophy agrees with you, and find the right firms for you. every firm has an investment philosophy, and you should understand what it is and how it is different.

the best way to find the investment firm where you might fit in is to find the stocks you like, and then look at who owns them. ignore vanguard, blackrock, and fidelity on the ownership list, since they own everything.

i'm in the middle of switching jobs right now. i'm going to a specialist manager with about $10 billion under management.

>> No.1571324


>> No.1571352


not a lawyer, but both my parents work / have worked in law

>dad has been a barrister for almost 20 years

hes making several hundred grand a year

he's interested in it (talks about legal stuff a lot) but doesn't seem to like doing it

because its very stressful,
you have to actively search for legal work / hope for recommendations from past clients and friends

so be prepared to spend a lot of time networking

>mum was a solicitor for 15 years

stopped because she realised wasn't passionate about it (a decade and a half later lol)

she chose a shitty area of law to work in - community law which didn't pay too well (family is rich enough to support her)
and she had to work with a lot of shady/shitty people which she didn't enjoy

>> No.1571368

not that I don't envy a job where you get paid hundreds of thousands to drive a truck

but aren't you worried automated cars will replace you in the next few years?

automated cars:

>don't require sleep / food / toilet stops - faster delivery of stock

>are happy to work for free - millions of dollars saved

>less likely to crash - money saved

>> No.1571461

Hey thanks, that's really helpful.

Just out curiosity, what is your approximate salary range?

>> No.1571502

Software drone here making 80k, I also rent out a room for 5.5k. Running for a political office with a 5k stipend.

I considered getting into tabletops/novels but the markets are hella saturated. It's hard to turn passions into finances.

>> No.1571982

Gucci. What about salary taking into account malpractice insurance/ taxes?

>> No.1572810

What's wrong with real estate?

>> No.1572818

Hate it
Fell for the meme

>> No.1572819


i'm mid-career (30s) - i have $200k guaranteed, bonus ranges from 25% to 100% of salary.

>> No.1572827

I work as a writer making $40k with a small company. I do some marketing work/ad design too but I'm pretty shit at that. I also sometimes do website management, which is really fucking boring. Mostly I try to stick to internal communications.

>> No.1572887

>automated cars:
>>don't require sleep / food / toilet stops - faster delivery of stock
>>are happy to work for free - millions of dollars saved
>>less likely to crash - money saved

>move at 6 mph
>don't work in the fog
>can't run without a human at the wheel
>totally shit all over the place

>> No.1572979
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You have to be a literal mental retard to want to go into medicine because you want to make money. You're wasting decades of your life in loss income and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a 6 figure salary where you work 60+ hours a week minimum for a career where your clients can and will sue you for millions of dollars if you fuck anything up.

>> No.1573013

I'm currently heavily into investing, managing a few small portfolios, and am also part of a small group that manages $160k in assets. (undergrad)
Do you think things like this will help me get into a career as an investment analyst?

Thank you for all the helpful information man.

>> No.1573031

Go into entertainment. Managers and agents pay are i banker tier. Plus actors are legitimately retarded, so you can 'manage' some extra cash for them

>> No.1573040

This. Uncle is an entertainment lawyer at Foxwoods. It's insane

>> No.1573070

Customs analyst

>> No.1573082

What specifically do you hate?
I'm currently pursuing a degree in accounting.

>> No.1573105


it's usually good experience - my advice for those is to: 1) totally avoid large cap companies, 2) stick to a blend of mid/small/micro caps.

the small/mid cap have financial reports that are a lot easier to make sense of than large cap. most asset managers won't invest in microcap for liquidity purposes, so it's not worth pitching it to a potential employer, but it's fun since you can actually identify truly mispriced stuff there.

so much of the focus on the student investment funds is on pitching a stock, but the short time horizon - it's usually just the school year - means you don't get much practice on how to incorporate new/adverse information into your thinking/thesis, and when you need to change your view and sell it. the worst PMs i've ever met are the ones that have some mental weakness that causes them to resist admitting mistakes.

the reports that students have to write on stocks are usually way too long (and are not even-handed enough). i think there's usually 3 or 4 good reasons to own a company, and maybe 1 or 2 good reasons to not own it. good analysts can quickly identify that stuff (if you have to spend too much time digging for the reasons to own it, then you probably shouldn't own it) and develop the evidence to support each reason.

>> No.1573123

QA automation engineer. Just less than 3 years.

God, I want to get out of QA.

>> No.1573130

This is great stuff anon, I appreciate that you're being so generous with your responses.

This question is a bit personal, but how do you feel about your experience as a whole so far? Do you find this work fulfilling?

>> No.1573135

Man learn how to develop software. If you're doing QA you've already got your foot in the door with IT.

>> No.1573139

I got a job interview for car salesman.
I know cars but I know shit about the car buying process. Am I fucked?

>> No.1573142

I tried, but I'm struggling with even basic callbacks. I'm stuck trying to get out of QA when I'm exhausted from QA. It's like it's just sucking all the intelligence out of me.

Fuck, I don't know.

>> No.1573145

As an underpaid software dev, this fact is pretty much the only thing that lets me sleep at night while knowing that truckers and other low skill workers are making more money than me. Manual laborers working the oil fields in North Dakota were also making a fortune before the collapse in oil prices.

>> No.1573147

Just keep learning my friend. Some things (like callbacks) are somewhat abstract concepts but with learning and practice, you'll be looking back at today and laughing. I've been doing it over a decade now.

How old are you btw?

>> No.1573148

This is confusing. Does being a developer make you feel guilty?

>> No.1573151

28. I wasn't a CS grad and did a two-year MA. I'm half-tempted to just stay in QA knowing I'll be considered old and busted as a web dev by 40 regardless of skillset.

I don't know, man. I'm also bummed out a recent Amazon interview went very strangely.

>> No.1573152


Nah, they'll teach you.

>> No.1573157

What state are you in? Also, I don't have a degree, that doesn't mean shit in this field. I also wouldn't try to work for Amazon. A lot of these pure-technical companies can be very snobbish. Try to find an industry that isn't pure IT but really needs IT, like insurance.

>> No.1573159

Thank you anon. I am just nervous because it's a luxury brand dealership and they're established and pay well. I won't get cucked by traffic or the toll from commuting. I'll finally make it

>> No.1573162

Makes me feel like I picked the wrong career. Spent a fortune and 4 years of my life on a degree that earns me less than a truck driver. Having more long term job security than truck drivers brings me some solace.

>> No.1573163

I'm in the Midwest.

Trouble is I'm almost pure web dev, and I want to move to Seattle for family reasons. Seattle is taking over the whole goddamn Downtown area and I'd hoped to get in while they were expanding (read: before standards hiked again). No such luck.

I adore working on front-end sites, but I'm getting really tired of these four-hour-long ordeals. Twice in 2 years is enough for me.

>> No.1573167

How many years of experience do you have? What are you making now?

>> No.1573168

* Amazon is taking over the whole downtown; something like 30 buildings are owned or operated by them. It's nuts.

>> No.1573174

Yeah location sucks. I live in CT and there are some pretty good companies that have large IT departments that are looking. Guess that wouldn't work out for you. I'm not familiar enough with the market in Seattle to give any meaningful advice. All I can say is look for some smaller(not too small, but not Amazon big either) businesses in that area. There is no way they don't exist. Find a recruiter. Let them help you clean up your resume and do your dirty work for you(finding relevant positions, setting up interviews, etc). They work on the expense of the company, not you, so you really have nothing to lose.

>> No.1573176

Actually, get multiple area recruiters. Like I said, they are hired head hunters for many businesses. A lot of companies only deal with one. You'll get a good idea of the whole market if you involve many of them.

>> No.1573181

That's not a bad strategy, but as an out-of-state person I might not get the time of day.

Thank you. I'll consider it, but for now all I want to do is get through the holidays. I'll pick this up against around February.

>> No.1573188

Being out of state doesn't matter for recruiters. For the ones that are competing with other recruiters for the same position, all that matters to them is that they place somebody. Once you're placed they get a percentage from the company that is proportionate to your salary.

I think the biggest challenge you'll run into is if the company requires an in-person interview. On on occasion I had been turned down in the past for something that could have easily been established on a phone screening. You'll need to demand that. That way they're not wasting their time and most importantly your's.

Good luck bud. Enjoy the holidays.

>> No.1573189

6 years, 80k. It's not so bad now, but back when I was making 50k, I was reading about oil field workers making 200k and it made me want to quit and move to ND. Was regularly working 60hr weeks too.

>> No.1573193

That's not bad for 6 years. I've been at it "full time" for about 11-12 years. Right now I'm doing $105k base, at least 10% bonus and other financial benefits(5% 401k matching and some pension).

Look at it this way. Oil field workers and truckers are making way more than us, but fuuuccckk is it worth it? You have no life.

You're making $80k sitting on your ass, doing some thinking and pushing buttons. Is money really that much more worth it to you? I'd always be happier getting more time out of my day than making more from a paycheck(to a point). I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

>> No.1573209

Was working with soul crushing accounting systems. Some physical labor and fresh air didn't seem so bad at the time.

Working on logistics software now, so I don't feel as bad about it, especially knowing that I'm pretty much automating those jobs.

There's some serious opportunity costs associated with getting a degree though. If I could make 200k a year working for 4 years, I'd be pretty close to an early retirement already.

>> No.1573229

Cool. I actually worked for a company doing RSO(routing/scheduling/optimization) when I started my career, even developed my own optimizer. Good stuff. I got out of the industry because RSO is a really tough sell, especially in the market I was in(smaller businesses who don't know much formal business and know how much it could help them). Also commercial mapping data for making time/distance matrices are extremely cost prohibitive from a barrier to entry standpoint. I left that market about 6 years ago.

Go look up openings at Telogis(if they have any), they're rocking that world right now, just bought out by Verizon.

>> No.1573246


i worked for 2 years in consulting prior to investment management. i hated billable hours, and i was terrible at the client interaction/sales shit.

investment management is less stressful for me because i'm not stuck attempting to do something that i suck at. but i think you have to be extremely competitive in some way to do it for a long time - and i REALLY get off on winning.

there are other places - pensions, foundations - that have investment offices that invest to directly support a mission. i know some investment people who want their job to be more directly tied to a mission like that - sending pension checks to teachers, or saving otters. that's not my thing.

the major downside to the work:
-skillset that is developed is frankly not very transferable outside the industry
-it is super stressful when your performance is shit. if you are losing clients money, then you should be losing a lot of sleep. this makes you old pretty quick - i developed some health problems in 2007/2008 that have stuck with me.

>> No.1573280

IT help desk monkey. I hate it.

>> No.1573295

My first job was a paper route, then when I was almost legal, a dishwasher for a local pizza place. Then a factory worker while working at Staples. Now making >$100k doing software development. It won't happen overnight, but you can do whatever the fuck you want. Just go for it. What are you doing to improve your situation?

>> No.1573303

Thanks anon. Have a good night.

>> No.1573308

Actually, I know you've already told me a bunch of important stuff, but as one last question, could you possibly share some general tips for someone young trying to get into this industry? Anything at all. Then I'll leave you alone hahaha

>> No.1573313

Classic turtle wins over the hare case. Be steady, be sure. So people have lost money being diligent. Nothing wrong with this.

>> No.1573314

So few people*

>> No.1573346

i don't knw if you'll reply, but how much do you make freelance writing and what do you write?

>> No.1573350

What country?

>> No.1573351

pleaasee tell me more about your writing profession

it seems to me that that's all i'm really good at

>> No.1573383

>interested in it but doesn't seem to like doing it
this is exactly what i am afraid of. i love the stuff, but oy vey the enjoyment:demanding ratio seems so skewed it physically hurts

thanks, i'll consider this. i may not be a litigator though.

Appreciate the input, just may go entertainment afterall. I'll decide my first year of law school

>> No.1573395

Looks like I'm the odd man out here. I'm a concept artist working for a large tech company. It's a pretty decent gig right out of school but It's starting to get repetitive after a year. Looking into making the jump to freelance illustration next year.

>> No.1573412

I am 23, my parents pay for my living

>> No.1573417


>> No.1573422

hi im new to this board i do part time wageslaving but its too expensive to move out so i bought 10000 dollars worth of guns and ammo instead

>> No.1573449

Im an electrician in the mining industry
I make 100k after tax and work 6-4 mon-thurs

>> No.1573459

very ugly 18 year old boy

parents gave me a million dollars because i'm ugly and it has affected my quality of life

i invested half in some property and put the rest in savings account

>> No.1573461

>making life decisions based on what people tell you to do
You deserve all the shit coming your way, dumbass.

>> No.1573504


Electronic/Computer Engineer

>> No.1573536

How much money do male porn stars make?

>> No.1573538

>falling for the automation meme
He's fine for at least another 10-20 years. Probably longer.

>> No.1573548

that was a seriously powerful infographic.

>> No.1573615

Business analyst here

Want to get into consulting but not sure where to jump in.

I have two years in a successful startup under my belt (read: very hardcore, high pressure experience) and a masters in business (but not MBA)

I've heard in McKinsey Business Analysts are just entry level grads, and any LinkedIn profiles I've seen confirm that. But most Consultants seem to have MBA.

Is this the case in other firms? I'm not sure which position fits my background I feel lik and BA could almost be too entry level, but I'd be looked over for consultant.

Any advice?

>> No.1573627

Business Analyst here, but i'm unempoloyed at the moment. I feel like I need to start again in a junior role before working my way up.

Personally want to just work in another country and try a new life. Advice would be appreciated.

>> No.1573639


>> No.1573652


that is pretty darn good.

some IB are actually humanity major so you could laso try that out if you wante to.

>> No.1573658

I'm in a finance graduate role at a fairly large credit union. It's not terrible, but the work hasn't been very stimulating so far.

I studied finance and economics.

>> No.1573668

I'm getting my MBA
but I hate it, I hate business, and I am fairly certain I will never have a job that pays me more than $12 an hour that doesn't make me want to kill myself

p. sure I'm gonna kill myself anyway so it'll all work out

>> No.1573685


putting money in an account so it can slowly rotten away.


>> No.1573699


I think MBA sound teriibly boring to study but the jobs they get sounds interesting.

Did you enjoy you study or did you also hate that?

>> No.1573710

nah I have no idea what to do, I only did it because I didn't get into any schools I wanted to, swimming in debt. If I hadn't done it I would've entered repayment from my undergrad and every job I had made me feel like death

Scored super high on the GMAT and got an undergraduate with honors so MBA was an easy fit.

Hate what I study, the jobs sound terrible, and there's no way to know cause LOL GOTTA FIND OUT IN YOUR INTERNSHIP/AFTER YOU GRADUATE

but the bullet train is always an ez way out

>> No.1573727


I guess you have nothing to lose.

be a portfolio mananger until you have saved some money and make your exit and independent or entrepreneur .

I kinda wish I was in your situation because my interest is math and money and they don't really go well together.
It would have been better to get an econ or MBA but I don't think I could gather enough willpower to go through these boring social science courses

>> No.1573740

I can't get a job because everyone detects how much I fucking hate it

>just get a job and save money

I'm 28 now and I've never had a real job for more than 6 months

Sent out 56 resumes before I resorted to this. Had a bunch of interviews, no hires.

>implying I could be a portfolio manager

>> No.1574476
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I'm a Nuke Officer in the Navy, still deciding on what to get masters in. Thinking of some sort of government paid for military degree and supplement PhD with maybe more EE?

>> No.1574506

Currently in the process of getting my MBA and will go to Berlin for a second masters in innovation.

>> No.1574509

wage cuck.

kill me.

>> No.1575036


start locally. there's investment firms in literally ever part of the country. the SEC has a list of them.

everyone who has more than $100m under management is registered with the SEC.

just start talking to the junior people at places around you. it's a pain in the ass to recruit people and most firms will only hire locally for junior positions.