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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 384x216, hillshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1567876 No.1567876 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money off the HillShill voters?

>> No.1567889

Be an average person and make a ton of money when your life just gets better because the government isn't complete shti

>> No.1567894


>> No.1567908

Sell trump toilet paper like me. Im doing 1k in sales per week and im doing my engineering degree. Pretty based passive lad.

>> No.1567931

Are you kidding?
She's going to crash the economy.
I mean shit, during the debate she said something nonsensical along the lines of "I'm going to improve the job prospects for people with disabilities by making sure businesses pay them higher salaries".
She seems to think decreasing the profits of businesses will make more businesses and more jobs

>> No.1568000

That won't crash the economy you fucking retard, the most it will do is decrease the elasticity of wages a bit further and cause slight increases in unemployment in certain sectors.

Trumps proposed 45% tariff on China and 35% tariff on Mexico would cause an economic crash however, most likely in the form of a supply shock. (Stagflation anyone)

>> No.1568194

>Career politician makes our life better
You don't belong to /biz/

>> No.1568205

This. That proposal will suck for disabled people in the same way minimum wage sucks for black youths, but tarriffs are fucking disastrous.

It's her other shit that sucks hard.

>> No.1568210
File: 268 KB, 941x903, 1446887372254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a bitcoin and I'll let you use my copyrighted slogan: "Delicious Trump Tears" and put it on XXL t-shirts for the landwhale feminists.

By the way, if I see anyone using this slogan I will use this 4chan post as evidence that I created it. yjododyjrxpfosv

>> No.1568236

Just sell a bunch of "I'm With Her" garbage or John Oliver-esque """humor""' items/clothing.

>> No.1568272

Hillary head paper weights with her buck teeth acting as a functional bottle opener

>> No.1568290

What are bluffs in negotiations?

>> No.1568333

Simple. Elegent. Seamless.

>> No.1568714

What trade negotiations? And why? And China isn't going to comply to our "demands" at all.

>> No.1568748

Buy Lockheed and raytheon shares if she wins

>> No.1568801


This. Get the fuck out.

>> No.1568812

Realistically to answer your question OP, this.

Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics; the major players in the military industrial zone.

I'm not sure if there are any publicly traded private prison companies, but if there are that'd be another good bet.

And of course, financials. Hillary's going to win, and you can be god damn sure the banks will benefit.

>> No.1568825
File: 118 KB, 1075x731, infowars.com-selling-pills-living-defense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy infowars pills and re-sell them for morons

>> No.1568996


It must be hard being this retarded
I live in the one of the highest taxed countries on earth, and you believe Hillary will bring wealth to the US?

jesus fucking christ

>What will you do when companys start to outsource the workforce due to cheaper labor?

>What will you do when investors start to pile even more money into tax havens instead of reinvesting in the country?

>What will you do when your local business goes bankrupt thanks to more regulations?

>What will you do if (god forbid) she manages to get free healthcare for everyone (whilst also bringing in more people into the country by the millions)

>Why do you think wealthy Canadians go to the US for healthcare?

As a Swede, I actually fucking hope you cunts will feel the reality of socialism. Sweden was a fine socialist state 40-60 years ago, look at us now. And yet across the pond people wish the same curse to be cast on the US like it was cast here many years ago.

Good luck trying to start a business, good luck hiring people to your business without fucking having to pay retarded amounts, good luck explaining to your family why you can't buy x item because of having 30% of your income go to the state, good luck getting an appointment this year at the "free healthcare clinic" , good luck explaining to your wife why you lost your job at x sector because of the heavy regulations keeping the business from expanding

Socialism is fine in a controlled state, but with everything that comes with socialism/leftism (immigration, mental illness increase, hypocrisy, reality denying, worthless art degrees etc) will make it fucking fall hard. Look at any socialist state and tell me that they are doing OK, that's right, there aren't any.

Trump is no God either but atleast he is not retarded when it comes to this

>> No.1569045

All those issues only affect poor people, and it's going to happen in the US so there's no point fighting it. All that matters is money.

More importantly, what's the age of consent in Sweden?

>> No.1569047

Donate all your proceeds to Trumps campaign and then send out flyers telling all your customers where their funds went. Then harvest the asspain to ascend beyond this mortal plain

>> No.1569060


It affects everyone outside of the 1%

not just the poorest


>> No.1569247

Interesting Info; how do you draw these conclusions? a simple anon wanting to learn. Is there any way to find out what companies sponsor her campaign donations?

>> No.1569308

>Wiki leaks + Public Statements

>Buying stocks in war related industries
She said cyber attacks should be treated with military action and her term as Secretary of State was one of arms deals and war in the middle east/africa

Not sure about the prisons

Her leaked emails pretty much stated that if wall st rubs her back she'll rub theirs. And if you're really unsure just look at which bank the secretary of the treasury is from and buy.

And short these since she already took a public position against them but she likes to have a private position too so I would wait since wars run on oil.

>> No.1569315

make some stupid tshirt with some stupid slogan about how trump smells and hillary is good!!

boom instant profit because hillary supporters are, actually, that dumb.

>> No.1569337

Sorry, that's what I meant. "Poor people" = anyone making less than 6 figures/net worth under a million or so.

Also, dope. Am I allowed into Sweden as a white man or do you guys only let Muslims from the 3rd world in?

Well >>1569308 summed it up pretty well.

You can just google "Hillary Clinton campaign donors" to see a list of the individuals/companies/organizations that have donated to her campaign. It's a near guarantee that the largest donors will be given special privileges.

The thing about prisons is that the prison industrial complex is a massive political force in the United States. Hillary is already blatantly pro-1% and pro-corporate so you can be sure private prisons will be getting their cake too. Drug reform won't happen on her watch, and that's the single biggest cause for jailing people in the US.

>> No.1569344

>Am I allowed into Sweden as a white man
Not if you're white men or asian women apparently

>> No.1569346

>asian woman
Wha? Was there a news story?

>> No.1569357



>TLDR: Swedish men would rather marry conservative thai women than deal crazy feminist. Feminist then get the government to stop it under the guise of 'abusive power relations' and trafficking

>> No.1569362

Do you think this will ever end? I feel like in our lifetimes we're going to be in some war over this and the crybabies are going to have to crawl back into the hole they came from. It's getting worse and there has to be a breaking point.

>> No.1569392

>Joseph Daniel Unwin - Sex and Culture
>John Calhoun - Mouse Utopia
>Strauss–Howe generational theory

According to the authors above we're pretty much fucked until everything comes crashing down and we restart the cycle.

>> No.1569405

Agree, just speculating on what that crash is going to look like.

>> No.1569947

no actually poor people are very well off in Sweden.
its the upper-middle class who suffer the most, followed by the middle class

>> No.1570466
File: 40 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no actually poor people are very well off in Sweden.


Fucking how? Are they well off when they can't go to the hospital for their fucking treatment because the labour unions has pushed down the supply of physicians? Are they well off when they can't find a home because overly protective environmental regulation coupled with nice socialist economic regulations basically says that every new apartment has to cost a fortune to build, but cannot be rented for a high fee? Are they well off when they can't get a job because the swedish version of the minimum wages (written in the collective agreements) are so high that it is completely unprofitable to hire someone without experience? Are they well off because they are allowed to go to university, even though 99% of everyone who actually does go to university comes from a middle class or upper class background?

Oh, and welfare? Let me tell you about the fucking welfare. It's great, absolutely great, until the bureaucratic authorities fuck it up and suddenly your income is gone and the welfare agencies can't even explain why. I know a mohamed who, legally speaking, is eligible to welfare, but for whatever reason the state refuses to pay it to him. He has been unable to get information on why (look, he barely speaks swedish and the public agencies are run almost entirely of senile ladies who get annoyed when someone calls) and the whole thing is a mess. He told me something about how he has sent them paperwork but they deny ever receiving it. Now he literally has to lend money to buy food and pay his rent.

Sure, socialism is great. Whoopdidoe.

>> No.1570478

why? I've already harvested the asspain of trumpcucks.

>> No.1570490


You talk more shit then my ass shits.

Are you even aware of that Sweden isn't socialist?

Just because Sweden has social benefits that is payed from a highly taxed income doesn't make them commies. Everyone pay taxes. Even your mom.

>> No.1570505

Look at Hillarys list of donors

If you think she'll win, buy those stocks

If you think she'll lose, short them

>> No.1570666

Socialism also effects the 1%, to the point the rich increasingly flee my country (France) for tax havens where you don't get mugged by amazing diversity... before getting robbed by the taxman.

Apart from that, everything you wrote about socialism is true. And never forget:

>Socialism is a one-way ticket.

>> No.1570673

The United States has been pretty fucking Socialist for a long time. You guys are not socialist. You are just cucks.

>> No.1570682
File: 38 KB, 611x404, 9b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The United States has been pretty fucking Socialist for a long time.

>> No.1571051


What will I do when they start outsourcing? Nothing at all, there's this thing called a comparative advantage.

What will I do when they pile more money into tax havens? Idk, maybe tax the tax havens lmao, kinda like we do now

My local business won't go bankrupt due to regulations lmfao, name one that could cause that to happen

Not a problem lol. Especially when those supposed millions of people won't be receiving healthcare.

Because they have a shitty doctor system, not because of a single payer system
I like how you managed to refute nothing I said and just started attacking what Hillary has proposed as if I somehow support her. God you trumpfags are all retarded.

>> No.1571954

>mental illness increase

>> No.1573359


All-in on $DUST

Then when hyper inflation starts, take it all out and invest in $nugt.