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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15701678 No.15701678 [Reply] [Original]

You are building up additional streams of income aren't you anon? How many do you have? What are they? How much per stream?

inb4 crypto + neetbux

>> No.15702191


>> No.15702252

i have 30k in stocks
30 in my back

any advice lads?

>> No.15702683

Currently Have 3 sources - my wagecuckings, a side hustle, and dividends (being reinvested). generally i take the income I have left after bills etc and invest into my side hustle. I then invest half of my side hustles profits back into my side hustle and the other half into dividend aristocrats

I'm also working on 2 websites with the hopes of earning a some extra $ between google ads and affiliate links

>> No.15702743

what kinda side hustles are good, seeing how i have a few grand to spare?

>> No.15702791

It all depends on what you're interested in and what skills you have.

>> No.15702827

Honestly that's the way to do it. The compounding effect is excellent. Hopefully you're not holding any Roku though.

>> No.15702899


Do you have any hobbies or skills that could be profitable?

Otherwise, try and concentrate on niches. You don't have to be into the niche yourself, just need to be able to target a product or service (either something existing, or your own creation) at that particular niche.

>> No.15702954

>be me
>wagie job pays very little, but that's okay
>YouTube niche starting up this month (embarrassing to even admit, no one knows, but thought I would share)
>almost completely done with making my niche website
>will rejoin the stock market soon enough
Things got too haywire for me in the markets with the yield curve. Luckily I was out of Roku before Comcast dropped the news on their streaming service. Disney should be a great next pick for any anons looking to invest. Always spread your investments too.

>> No.15703069
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I think Buffett recommended this as well


>> No.15703078

Thanks fren. Cash flow & Compounding are what I'm going for. Not holding any Roku

>You don't have to be into the niche yourself
This is true but I recommend your side hustle be related to something you enjoy otherwise it may just feel like a 2nd job and make you miserable to the point where you don't want to do it.

>> No.15703227

>Job 4k a month after tax
>Business 0-3k a month
>Crypto -1k a month
>Write website reviews 1k a month

All my investments fail. All my rigorous daily workings prevail.

>> No.15703295

Well i invest in all kinds of projects, currently Howdoo is one of the ultimate gem im looking at

>> No.15703448

I can't even think of 7 streams of income, never mind have them. What have you; your job, your savings, your stocks/dividends, your rent... what else?

>> No.15703473

>Write website reviews 1k a month
Very interesting. Wouldn't have thought about that. No worries m8, I'm not going to do this, but it was interesting to see.
Keep up the good work anon.

>> No.15703568

bribes, extortion, tribute, laundering.

>> No.15703595

Never missing a chance to shill heh fag?


My main job is tattooing, i make good amount of money out of that, plus it's ultra flexible, even-though it has also some drawbacks. But i'm pretty passionate about it, and also somewhat good at it.

I flip cars on the side, but I just started this year and after I scored a good first hit it's going kinda slowish now, because i didn't pick the easiest cars to sell due to inexperience, but there's good money there if you have a decent circle of buyers.

I got a couple of thousands in crypto, got some hopes there, not not actual expectations, i'm too pussy to trade as i don't understand it very well.

Hoping to monetize a soon blog that I've been working on for the past year.

Writing a book, almost done with the final draft and these last chapters are very mentally draining to write, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I believe it will have decent success, i'm already working on a marketing plan.

>> No.15703601

Staking FTM and ETH on xFutures for a bright future. And private labeling on Amazon

>> No.15703646
File: 12 KB, 184x276, 70687784_2358775011104520_3777552353922646016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us about the book.

>> No.15703873

If wish i could, but I promised to myself that i wont talk about it until it's absolutely done. Even though I'd like to get some more attention right now, but every time i talk about the book something happens and i stop writing for certain amount of time. All I can say that It's a thriller that targets mostly a female audience.

>> No.15704072
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>Side hustle
>Topical websites
>Topical YouTube channel
>Stock dividends
>Bond ladders
>Peer to peer lending websites
>Fundrise for distributed real estate investing
>Residential rental buildings
>Mortgage note investing
>Flipping used goods
>Writing trashy ebooks for Amazon
>Airbnb spare rooms
>Direct investment in property development
>Start and sell a business with royalties

>> No.15704206

Main job
Hobbies, art/animation not sure if they're seperate

>> No.15704325

What do mean with website reviews? Can you elaborate?

>> No.15704831

Website reviews. HOw did you get that?

>> No.15704871

>cut yards
>paper route
>lemonade stand
>deal pokemon cards
>take lunch money from the nerds at school
almost there op

>> No.15704877

401K dividends ~$250 per year
Roth dividends ~ $50 per year
KCS dividends (kuckcoin) ~$0.03 per day
EDGE node income ~$15 per month

>> No.15704878

Can I turn 75k into a reliable divvy stream?

>> No.15705594

yes it will take some time and you need to use a DRIP

>> No.15705670

drug dealing anon
if you feel like a faggot you could break into golf coarses at night and swim naked in the ponds for golf balls. wash them up and resell them.
you could make $1000 per coarse. You'll literally pull 50 gallon totes of those balls out of the mucky ponds.
just watch for getors and leaches.

>> No.15705699

hole up cap'n I live right next to a golf course, don't mind getting slimy and wet in nasty ponds, not worried about gators (UF grad, GO GATORS!), and desperate enough to do this.

Any techniques? How to sell the balls? I'll be sure to post pics if I deliver.

>> No.15705785
File: 909 KB, 1404x880, sddfsdfffds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People make legitimately good money doing it.
I've known a few people who did it.
I don't do it myself I make decent income from my wage cuck job since I'm an engineer. if I were to start my own business it'd probably be a machine shop.

But you can just sell the balls on Ebay. $10 per dozen. or you can do as my grandpa did and just have a sign out front...but honestly that's kind of cringey. I think ebay is your best bet. As for cleaning them, you can use granulate dish soap like they use for washers. in an old washer if you find one on craigslist. I remember helping sort and dry them when I was a kid.

You can try doing it legitimately, but most golf coarses just don't want the liability of someone swimming around in their ponds. so you are almost better off doing it under the table at night. sides being out on a golf coarse outside of a city at night gives you the most kino view of the stars at night.

>> No.15705807

Also I was obviously joking about doing it naked, you'll want to get a wet suit and goggles.

>> No.15705842

Maybe this will give you some insight.

>> No.15705844


And a good oncologist.

>> No.15705902

Is doing it naked an option tho?

>> No.15705917

I guess

>> No.15705941

Sign out front it is. I wonder if the country club will be suspicious.

>> No.15705953

I have full fucking scuba gear my dude. Including an aircompressor with 30ft hoses...but that might be too loud.

If I really wanted to use that thing, I would start cleaning boat hulls. But fuck that especially.

>> No.15705989

I hope you don't need an oxygen tank for a 12 inch deep pond.

>> No.15706167

No, it was a touch of hyperbole to emphasize my enthusiasm and preparedness.

Doesn't matter, I'm too old to trespass anymore. I do wonder about pitching the idea to the club tho.

>> No.15706255

I live in a town with a lot of golf courses, and when I worked for goodwill we had trouble selling bags of 12 for like 3 bucks.

>> No.15706336

Florida? There's an alligator in every body of water and not mention it's basically apart of the South culturally so you're chances of get shot will go significantly up.

>> No.15706361

most of them use a line with a compressor or something that sits out of the pond.
Helps when you want to scour for a couple hours straight rather than holding your breath.


>> No.15706390

that rhymed perdy good, maybe pursue rap career senpai

>> No.15706396

Depends on what part of Florida. Coasts are full of faggot yankees, but in rural or Florida you are sure as shit correct...buddy of mine got some bird shot in his ass when we were picking shroomies once.

The gators are everywhere, correct. But for the most part they are straight chilling. I have stepped over dozens of gators on small stretch of path around Paynes Prairie.