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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 1195x794, sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15701188 No.15701188 [Reply] [Original]

Economically speaking, what are your thoughts on Spain?

>> No.15701200

literally who tier country and economy

>> No.15701224

Seems like a good place to live once you have money, I like Spain. Unfortunately, I dont see their economy doing anything special in the near future. Buena Suerte

>> No.15701251

I live in Spain, Barcelona but I've lived on madrid and also Basque Country, AMA.

>> No.15701274

economy being held up by bong boomers

>> No.15701282

Lazy population with nigger dna
Being overrun by sudacas and gypsies from Romania
Extremely left leaning populace

>> No.15701329

Left lazy hipster junkie youth. Zero economy

>> No.15701361

Batshit, only monopolies prosper

>> No.15701383

Spaniard here... economically speaking it's a shithole... people are some of the nicest of europe (biased as i am spaniard), food is one of the best (love mediterranean food in general) and weather is great.

>> No.15701399

>literally who tier
Are you a brit? If not LMAO

>> No.15701467

that's not true... you obviously only were in barcelona or some basque region which is the commie region (part of sevilla too but that's because of gypsies)

>> No.15701498

They really had a good thing going for them with the gold pillages

>> No.15701513
File: 271 KB, 452x446, 2015-12-09_1907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should bring back Falangism if they want to survive

>> No.15701614

Hi Jordi

>> No.15701622

Where is not then?

>> No.15701694

this. mencanta espana. las islas son bonitas como tenerife y gran canaria. muchas chicas calientes

>> No.15702051

It's a scam

>> No.15702087
File: 355 KB, 1706x1706, Memoria_Historica-Guerra_civil_espanola-Valle_de_los_Caidos-Francisco_Franco-Cultura_123498125_4656591_1706x1706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everywhere else?
like seriously, you're simply a retarded braindead. we're only of the only countries in the world that are allowed to deny the holocaust. we have a nice place for franco, our greatest leader, ...

>> No.15702230

Wich is going to get removed soon and most zoomers are degenerate effeminate retards,whiggers(but with moor/gipsy aspirations)or simply the sons of migrants we are getting wallet raped by our government to pay for the migrants that replace and fuck us over,in barcelona 80%of all criminals are foreigners,that's not counting the migrants born here and the gipsies so it probably is like 95% of all crime st this point yet we fucking shower them with money and give them houses and any job available and even give bonuses to companies to hire migrants while our youth is unemployed.
We are fucked beyond redemption.
We should be like Norway as we have tourism as our oil yet we chose to be venezuela

>> No.15702266

They're labor laws are beyond retarded. It's a huge reason why their economy is such shit.

>> No.15702287

Lazy, dumb Mediterraneans. Whenever I think of spain I think of dry, littered grasslands and dumb hippie youth

>> No.15702289

you mean franco? won't happen... they're trying since 20 years... in november we have to vote again (once again...) and psoe will be gone.
and yes, you're fucked in barcelona with commies... but you should've known already.


>> No.15702338

Fuck off /pol/tards.

>> No.15702357
File: 123 KB, 801x527, spanish apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702451
File: 405 KB, 1021x1600, 6k8qwRv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera... the nu-commies and their jewish overlords need to get stomped out for good this time.

Voting is for pussies, cut that shit out, bombs and bullets change the world... not the fucking cuckbox (ballot box). Everyone is so fucking afraid of going to jail nowadays.

>> No.15702453

based and jamon pilled

>> No.15702482

my words... we should've gone with tanks and destroy commie catalonia instead of being such muuh democrats... fucking rajoy puppet

>> No.15702529

Where is "Saber y Ganar"?

>> No.15702570

Spain is infected with socialism, sadly it has metastasized and there's no hope for it anymore, it will have to reach a deep, deep bottom before it can have real growth.

>> No.15702576

The Spanish military is a joke. And look at Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan (USSR and USA). Asymmetric warfare, guerrilla tactics and t**rism fucking works against even the most powerful conventional military.

>> No.15702636

that's because EU... look at any military from the EU, fucking joke everywhere

>> No.15702799

Who companies like Inditex, Santander, Repsol, Naturgy, ACS, Telefonica/O2.

Who research center like CSIC (top 3 Europe), Carlos III, Astrophisic Canary Islands

Who culture like Cervantes, Velazquez, Gaudí, Quevedo, Federico García Lorca

Get out of your cavern and get some culture

>> No.15702885
File: 47 KB, 970x597, florentino-perez-the-best-2018_15_970x597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we have the biggest playboy out there

Su Señoria Don Florentino Perez

>> No.15703319
File: 46 KB, 991x558, david-broncano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have a well known porn actor

Jordi el Niño Polla

>> No.15703375

lol, wer?

>> No.15703376

why do you put a picture of a commie? jordi is based

>> No.15703417

There is no Spain without Pain


>> No.15703424

from sole world power to nothing in a few centuries, same for britain
when is usa's turn?

>> No.15703665


This also pensiones are fucked in 3 years

>> No.15703700


>> No.15703851
File: 22 KB, 649x411, balanzacomercial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, we have an increasingly negative import/export balance (pic related, in millions of €) that's probably not going to get better because of the declining car and energy markets. Stock market and real estate peaked in 2008, despite 10 years of unrestrained money printing from the ECB. Immigrants are actually leaving the country, it peaked in 2010 at 5.750million and nowadays they're 4.6million.

I don't know for sure, but it certainly does seem to me that we're going to be quite in a bit of trouble when all the boomers retire en masse and we have a 25% population over 65yo. There's literally nothing they can produce and not a single strong developing industry to outweight the (effectively) UBI for that 25% of the population.

Sure, Zara might be owned by a spaniard, but it's just like any other corporation outsourcing manufacturing to asian shitholes so who cares, that money doesn't trickle down into the economy. Santander is another zombie european bank which is not going to survive the negative interest rates forced from the ECB and is just another (((bank))) so if they made money it wouldn't trickle down to the economy either.

Only bright side: I read that fleshlights are actually made in Spain, so if we go absolute clownworld I guess there are potentially 2 billion neets awaiting to be a client, kek. But we all know chinks will sort it out and produce a similar product and sell it for 1/10th of the price long before.

>> No.15703915

First world taxes and regulations, soon-to-be second world services and infrastructure.
Dying manufacturing industry just as the rest of the West. Dead agriculture due to EU regulations.
Our most touted industry is tourism just as many banana republics, but we're a monarchy.
Many other industries are walled off to competitors and reserved to cronies. Our country is famous for the insane amount of red tape.
Also the paradise of squatter's rights. I wouldn't buy real estate in Spain.

Honestly, I cannot wait to get out of here. There isn't much opportunity for the young.

>> No.15704093
File: 35 KB, 823x586, spaniard apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bailing out of the country with the best weather and food, with free healthcare and a permanent visa to any other country of the eurozone

why tho? don't be a faggot and build your own opportunity. Buy the cubic ERC-20 token which I'll avoid naming so the thread doesn't get filtered, mine shitcoins with your mom's laptop and learn to swing them... You can live under mom's roof for another 5 years, make the boomers pay for what they borrowed from our future.

>> No.15704515

>You can live under mom's roof for another 5 years,
I respect myself too much to do that.

>> No.15704606

Basques seem the most based, sucks they dont have better trains.

Is barcelona really as inundated with tourists as the media claims?

What are some good places for decently wealthy expats to live?

>> No.15704645


>> No.15704665
File: 24 KB, 400x400, how an actual slayer looks like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for a gym in barcelona, either sants or passeig de gracia. The Metropolitan ones look amazing, however, they are too far. Is it safe to walk 4km daily considering car pollution?

Also the place is filled with male models, it's over if you don't look like this.

>> No.15704677

Málaga (where I am), Valencia also has many expats but i like it less.
Madrid is full of expats but no beach.

>> No.15704688

>Dead agriculture due to EU regulations.
I am curious about this. Where could I get more information?

>> No.15704695

Every place in the EU is fucked slow death to nothing

>> No.15705458

Fucking based