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File: 2.11 MB, 1161x855, QNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15686542 No.15686542 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not being 100% all in on QNT while chad Gilbert strides around SIBOS making every bigshot in finance and enterprise wet their pants in excitement of the possibilities and savings that OverLedger will bring them.

I suspect anyone not in QNT yet is going to neck themselves within 2 years time, still bagholding their shitcoins, whimpering "I-i should have l-listened to the Quant shills instead of the obvious fudders :'("

Well guess what, fucko.
This was your shot and you didn't take it.
Deal with the consequences.

>> No.15686559

Chainlink literally makes it useless, I am so sorry.

>> No.15686568

"-i should have l-listened to the Quant shills instead of the obvious fudders :'("
Lmao. This is exactly how it will all play out when one after another bends the knee to Quant and Overledger

>> No.15686585


Based and quantpilled. I'm a telegram OG and can confirm all of FUD is organised and planned by whales from there. I used to take part in it myself, the others still do.

Quant is going to cruise into the $1000's without breaking a sweat. 40x in the last year, to current price. 80x bottom to top.

>> No.15686601

Okay, tell me how then.
Oh, you can't?
You just repeat whatever drivel anyone else posts to look smart and/or funny on this vietnamese tricycle assembling board?

How about doing your own fucking research and buying something WAY more promising and certain to make it instead of sticking your head in the sand and meme yourself out of the chance of a lifetime just to recieve another 700k rammed up your ass. Faggot.

>> No.15686616

You are a brainlet who doesn't understand technology. No wonder your bags are in Chainlink. Remind us again who is relevant in 2019? I would assume Link would attend, jk they arent relevant anymore.


>> No.15686637

Okay so, chainlink is blockchainbagnostic and offers oracles, quant is just blockchain agnostic and the most it could do (in theory), is to offer chainlink's oracles, which is useless because chainlink can do it by itself.

>> No.15686640

All this ChainLink vs QNT talk is fucking retarded anyway.

QNT succeeds? LINK succeeds.
LINK succeeds? QNT succeeds.

It's not a fucking zero sum game, you retarded faggot. Anyone with half a brain and 20 minutes to spare reading a few articles can CLEARLY see that QNT is the better investment though.

Are you guys here to make money and fuck off to start living your life, or do you think you're still going to enjoy posting pink wojaks and shitcoin meme threads in a few years time?

>> No.15686653


You got that one right, bagholder.

The rest of your sentence is so fucking retarded that I don't even know how to retort.
You don't even know what Quant is/does, do you?

>> No.15686654

You really dont have any clue about technicals, do you? Kek look at this reply. Anyone with an iq over 110 would understand the complete difference of these projects and how Link will bend the knee

>> No.15686663

>qnt not invited two years in a row
>qnt doesn't have a seat at the family table like LINK
>qnt didnt win swift poc and develop gpi Link for swif
>qnt not partnered with swift
Have sex incel

>> No.15686667

im literally all in Quant, why the fuck are you attacking me for

>> No.15686669

There's more to blockchain than just oracles you brainlet

>> No.15686684

Because you were shitting on ChainLink, which is completely unnecessary.

That last part might not have been aimed directly at you, though. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.15686710


QNT barely fucking existed 2 years ago you brainlet.
>seat at the family table
The fuck does that even mean?
>qnt didnt win swift poc and develop gpi Link for swif
Yeah, how many LINKs are they using currently?
>qnt not partnered with swift
Yet. They are however partnered with SIA (network infrastructure for 570 banks) and AX Trading.

Anyone who isn't looking with their asshole can clearly see that Quant is making strides. And if you can read between the lines and go down the rabbit hole, you realize that QNT is literally going to be the backbone of the coming revolution of finance.

>> No.15686715

Quant offers interproperibaly which is a huge fucking meme and it's closed source which is even bigger meme. The whole idea of quant is just to try fud chainlink and make all the buyers bagholders by p&d it regularly and it's supply is owned by a little whale group which does it

>> No.15686739

glorified sidechain
not yet 100% functional link between legacy data and blockchain

>> No.15686742

This, Quant is the real pump n dump

>> No.15686749

So basically Link didn't deliver after two years, and now it's quants turn. Also, qnt doesn't have a raging autist wearing the same clothes for years leading but a slick networker.
Also purely by marketcap it has way more room to grow.
Can the link meme plus 20 spam threads 24/7 stop now?

>> No.15686753

>qnt not invited two years in a row
Because Quant has been in development since 2015 and launched Q4 2018
>qnt doesn't have a seat at the family table like LINK
That's exactly what Quant has, that is why they are at SIBOS. Link isn't even invited in 2019, which means they dont have a seat anymore at the family table
>qnt didnt win swift poc and develop gpi Link for swif
a literal who competition in 2017 which amount to nothing. GPI LINK and Chainlink has nothing to do with eachother. Just because SWIFT named something LINK doesn't inherently mean it is "chainlink", There are no credible factual facts about that development. Literally no sources on it except for 2 years of hopium on /biz/
>qnt not partnered with swift
Chainlink isn't partnered with Swift, as stated above there are no credible sources on a Swift and Chainlink partnership which is relevant in 2019 anymore. Except for Chainlink's own fucking website "claiming" it. When in reality Swift did a test node one time. Refute this with credible sources.

Just deal with it, Link will bend the knee like the rest of them ;)

>> No.15686757


>interoperability is a meme

Right. Which is why basically ALL credible sources say that interoperability and standards are the most important things for blockchain adoption, right?

>closed source
I don't see Microsoft doing too bad, do you?

>The whole idea of quant is just to try fud chainlink and make all the buyers bagholders by p&d it regularly and it's supply is owned by a little whale group which does it

Factually incorrect. Quant and ChainLink aren't competitors - if you had any fucking clue you would know this by now. They are brothers forged in the fires of the Accord project.

>Supply is owned by a little whale group
The supply has one of the best fucking spreads of any project out there. Go check it for yourself on etherscan you cuck. Also - how do you like those 700k dumps? Are they fair to you?

I hope you DYOR on Quant just to know what you're missing out on, and then neck yourself.

>> No.15686774

Show me where it pumped and dumped, faggot.

>glorified sidechain
What the fuck are you even on about? Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.15686787
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>but a slick networker.
kek imagine thinking this is a good thing
justin sun is also a "slick networker"

absolute state of quantjeets. can't cope with the fact that quant PAID to be at sibos

>> No.15686801

lol at all these alt-coin faggots thinking cryptocurrency coins on a market is actual cryptocurrency. You guys are trash.

>> No.15686806


Yeah, and Tron is at 1,1b mcap.
That's the equivalent of 100$+ per QNT, and that's somehow bad?

And no, Quant did NOT pay to be at SIBOS. They are co-marketing with fucking Oracle.

If SIBOS was a pay-to-go event, don't you think Tron would be there? You need to be recognized by SWIFT in order to attend.

Get a fucking brain.

>> No.15686807

its no sidechain

>> No.15686814


Lmao at this namefagging faggot who knows nothing about the subject but still enters the thread to spread his ignorance instead of doing some reading.

You're a fucking disgusting amoebabrained cuck and I hope you off yourself.

>> No.15686819

I know you are stinky linky and you just try to get people to buy that memecoin and then p&d once again with your friends. I'm not stupid.

>> No.15686828

It's a Utility Token which will have insane value in the future Brainlet. Link however, is a security token. Nobody said we are talking about "cryptocurrencies", which are gonna be stablecoins if we ever see adoption. Gladly, Quant's makes blockchain adoption for real this time.

>> No.15686840
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>being a scam is good as long as it's worth a lot
bernie madoff also had a profitable business when you look at it like that

projects like tron are going to 0 in a few years. you need to get a brain, quantjeet.

>> No.15686843

"over chain" if you like. Same idea. Doesn't tackle the insular problem of dlt.

>> No.15686849

To be real with you, I used to be.
Until I did my own research on Quant and realized it's going to moon way harder, much sooner and for way longer than LINK ever will.

Just check the tokenomics, accomplishments, supply and how fucking under the radar it still is, and you will realize this too.

Not to mention the absolutely insane autists that lurk in their TG channels. Assblaster has NOTHING on these people. Dudes work at banks, in fintech etc and dig up the craziest fucking breadcrumbs to share.

It's like LINK lore on crack, except you're actually going to make it this time.

>> No.15686867

I got 270 quant. is that enough to make it?

>> No.15686873

Is Quant and Tron the same company?
I only compared the two because you did, you dumb cunt. QNT is not a scam, and might just be the best investment of this decade.
I'm fucking seething trying to get this through /biz/s thick fucking skulls, and still only a few join the TG channels and DYOR. This board is truly beyond salvation.

>> No.15686887

Used to be in QNT aswell but just sold my bags for UOS
I think ultra has more potential and room for growth as it's still undervalued and their beta releasing very soon

>> No.15686899

Stop shilling your shitcoin in my thread you faggot. Especially when you do it in such a shitty way.

>> No.15686938

"absolute state of quantjeets. can't cope with the fact that quant PAID to be at sibos" SIBOS floorplan is probably the most expensive floor plan to have a booth in right now. Which Oracle probably paid for. Yes, in real life companies has to pay to acquire floor space on a conference like this. Oracle brings Quant for free, since they know for themselves this is a gamechanging Fintech solution. Also. To even be considered to attend these conferences everyone has to undergo a reviewing by the SWIFT COMMITTEE organizing the event. Because they want relevant tech and agendas there.

>> No.15686943
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don't get me wrong, quant can definitely pump. crypto still isn't a mature market.

but the fact that you're bashing link shows you don't know nearly as much as you claim you do. link is a far more important project than quant, and link will do far better in the medium to long term.

>> No.15686955

Imagine comparing justin sun to shillbert. Shillbert wines and dines with top politicians and corporate managers. Literally.

>> No.15686972

Same here. Literally spoonfeeding the autists on /biz/ with information which will gain them financial freedom if they only did their own research and understand it. We want some of you to actually make it. T. Oldfag

>> No.15687003

Cool story bro, you just got one thing wrong, quant just is absolutely useless without the chainlink.

>> No.15687018


Stop being a fucking retard and read what I'm writing. QNT will outperform LINK price wise by a massive margin, and you would see that too if you put in the least amount of work possible to research QNT.

>> No.15687034

Read this >>15686601
and then go fuck yourself.

>> No.15687059


>> No.15687074

Just bought a bag.

>> No.15687096
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>QNT will outperform LINK price wise by a massive margin
It literally won't though. The only argument for this is the smaller supply but this doesn't matter going forward. Assuming Link succeeds, it will be top 3. It is THE project to finally push blockchain into real world adoption, not quant. For fuck's sake, even quant is using link. Everyone will be using link. Going forward, the market cap of crypto will balloon massively. 3 and 4 digit link is not just a meme.

Quant may outperform link in the short term, but I don't really care about that. It might even do well in the next big bullrun, simply due to speculation. But it simply cannot compete with link on a longer timescale. You really need to stop shilling this crap.

>> No.15687117
File: 38 KB, 334x506, 1568008494146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I believe you are a oldfag if you don't even know how to greentext.

>> No.15687148


It literally will, and not just because of the low supply. Because of the endless use cases, the coming hype, staking etc.
There are too many bullish factors for QNT to fit in a post, and you're just posting bullshit.

>For fuck's sake, even quant is using link.

This is false. Show proof or get fucked.

>It is THE project to finally push blockchain into real world adoption

You're literally talking about Quant here, not LINK. DYOR and stop talking about shit you haven't even been arsed know the tiniest bit about.

Stop trying to shill your heavy 4$ LINK bags and do some reading so that you can actually contribute to this QNT thread you faggot.

>> No.15687153

This. Linkers dont understand the tech, only the memes. Time and time again this has been proven. Kinda ironic that Linkers now call Quant the "Memecoin", considering everything Link is about is the "memes". Actually hilarious to see. Ask a Linker any technical question and he ad hominen meme away.
SEETHING. Just deal with it son, Link is gonna bend the knee like the rest of them and Quant will be the global HUB for blockchains and protocols to connect into

>> No.15687168

>I don't know how to greentext xDddd
>you are not oldfag xDdddddd!!!!111 XDDDDDD!!!!!! MEMES FOR LIFE XD LINK GO GO SINGULARITY :PP

>> No.15687190

Quant has the tokenomics and the vision to 100x unironically

>> No.15687212

Think bigger.
QNT is going to flip Ripple before the end of 2020. Screencap this.

>> No.15687222
File: 292 KB, 334x506, 1558278908842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely link marines, bonjour

>> No.15687226

This thread is so bullish for Quant that im gonna coom. Just the fact that they are at Sibos says something

>> No.15687243

>t. Cope

>> No.15687263


I was actually the one who started the "You're a maniac!" meme back in March, 2018.
Remember this?

"You are a MANIAC!

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

I haven't seen this addition before"

Yeah, I memed that shit into existence. I used to be an OG Linkie too, but went all in QNT instead. I wish you would do the same and repent. There's still time and hope for you.

Good luck out there.

>> No.15687302
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I even may know where you're from based on your writing (fudding) style.

>> No.15687308
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OK but how do I buy this on a none-meme exchange that doesn't make me feel like shitting my pants giving my information to? I don't even like IDEX very much.

>> No.15687314

You don't.
You either buy it on IDEX now under 10$, or you buy it on Coinbase later at 100$. It's up to you.

>> No.15687325

But is it worth to buy at these prices if i only have like $500 ?

>> No.15687333
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Oh, do you now

>> No.15687355


I'm lowballing the price estimates in here because I don't want people to think it's "too good to be true" and just claim this thread all bullshit. But it is good, and it is true.

>> No.15687409

Yes. 50 QNT will net you AT LEAST 50k in the future.

Look at the supply.
Look at the patnerships.
Look at the progress.
Look at Quant price performance so far.
Look at its current market cap.

150 billion MC in a couple of years is not unreasonable.

>> No.15687559

It's absolutely amazing that linkies can't go ONE QUANT THREAD without sperging out and shitposting
Jesus christ you faggots have more than a dozen active threads on here at any one time, stay in them

>> No.15687636

150B is basically FUD.
That's what XRP (a shitcoin with no adoption) achieved in the last bull run.

QNT with its adoption paired with a bigger bubble could reach absolutely insane numbers.

>> No.15687647

aaaand this. ++

>> No.15687686

This project is going to melt faces. People who didn't buy in now will be the ones who are necking themselves in a year for not buying.

>> No.15687706
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This thread didn't age well at all :)

>> No.15687730

Not as bad linkchain posts desu

>> No.15687760

Doesn't bother me, I'm in for the long run buddy. Now go fuck your dad you little cuck.

>> No.15687770


Time to DCA and shut the fuck up, anon.

>> No.15687792

Right you fucking shill, I'm going to buy a bag but only have $250.

Do you think this going to tank after Sibos for a better buy in price? XRP always does post SWELL.

>> No.15687817

Broke ass.
Go all in or regret.
Join the TG channels too to get stronger hands. Thank me later.

>> No.15687958

I'm only broke coz I've been accumulating, desu before your shill thread I was thinking about QNT. Wasn't sure if I'd missed the boat, even if it does a NEO, $8 to $150 wouldn't be bad.

>> No.15687985

All quant tg's are cancer anon

>> No.15688007

Accumulating what exactly?
Horseshit compared to QNT.

>> No.15688416

XRP and BTC, fuck off being a QNT maxi.

>> No.15688550


Do you honestly believe XRP and BTC will outperform QNT?
If so, why?

QNT is already doing what XRP has TRIED to do. Why should XRP be valuated higher?

>> No.15688734

Short term I believe QNT has a chance to outperform both due to MCap and the fact it's on obscure non normie friendly exchanges.

I own BTC coz every fucker knows about it and when this shit goes mainstream it will pump like mad, personally I don't like it but you'd be mad not to hold some.

As much as XRP is hated, long term it has the potential to rocket $10+, to be fair to Ripple they are pushing it hard and buying their way into Moneygram was a genius move. I don't care what people think about XRP, I want to make money.

I'll buy a bag of quant, think total supply is 15 million so with my $250 I'll have 2 QNT per million. If it stays sub $10 I'll buy a bigger bag payday, desu I'm gutted I didn't spot it when it was sub $1.

>> No.15688750

What was your average buy in price? It won't put me off if you say something like $0.5.

>> No.15688759

Why would Ripple reach 10 dollars?
Can't you see how insane it is to hold XRP instead of QNT? Short, mid and long term.

>> No.15688823

I'm talking years long term, once more corridors open and XRP is used more.

I need to research QNT more, I'll dip my toe in now research then possibly buy more payday.

I will do my own research but have you got a decent article or video you've come across?

>> No.15688837

blockchain brad interview

>> No.15688871

Watch both BCB interviews. That's a good start.

>> No.15688880

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Are you all in QNT? If not what are your biggest bags?

>> No.15688890

Same to you, are you all in or diversified?

>> No.15688906

Yes, I'm all in QNT

>> No.15688915

All in. You will be too after doing your own research.

>> No.15688944

i am all in, nothing else cuts it.

>> No.15688949

I won't sell my bags but I may buy a bigger QNT one...

>> No.15689012

I must say the 1.80$ to 15$ run was impressive for a coin thats ´been around´.

Not touching that shit with a pole from distance now.

Btc is on wobbly legs, lets see what quant does when bear winter will arrive.

>> No.15689077

What it did last time - mooned.

>> No.15689190

biz used its collective autism to evaluate chainlink and came to the conclusion that it could be a life-changing investment. any time i go into a quant thread it's a bunch of faggots arguing and namecalling and "DYOR REEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.15689211

all chainlink does is make offchain data trusted. quant actually connects every DLT.
blockchain is like internet without TCP. quant will allow mass adoption.

>> No.15689222

no. minumum 500

>> No.15689242


>> No.15689254

Only because /biz/ is just too autistic and won't let go of LINK. Considering how deep the QNT rabbit hole goes I'm still surprised we dont have our own assblaster yet.

>> No.15689519
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Proofs or fuck off.

>> No.15689574

fuck. if 270 can get me 200k within 5 years I'll be a more than happy man

>> No.15689584
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All in.

>> No.15689593


>> No.15689609

what do you think the peak price will be around next bullrun?

>> No.15689612



>> No.15689629

$1001 EOY

>> No.15689707

nice. I'm gonna cash out 100 for 100k, then the other half I will HODL

>> No.15689713

Price predictions by end of Sibos? Need a quick swing

>> No.15689718

Here is list of other interoperability coins that have been shilled on biz over the past 2 years: ARK, ICX, AION, WAN, and of course Dragonchain. You QNT shills are probably the same guys that dumped all those other shitcoins all over biz newfags and rekt everyone. Keep up the good work kek.

>> No.15689771


>> No.15689780

QNT has already peaked. If you didn't sell above $10 you're fucking retarded. Oh that's right you cant even sell without crashing the price because there is no real volume only chink wash trading on Hotbit. That's why QNT shills get so aggressive and emotional whenever anyone confronts them. You know you're trapped in a low volume shitcoin and the only way you can get out is if you convince a bunch of gullible biztards to buy your bags.

>> No.15689806

Hm. Reasonable timeline for $45?

>> No.15689825


>> No.15689841


>> No.15689844

All in babyyyyy
Blockchain needs standards and QNT will be the interoperability standard.

>> No.15689855

>comparing your completely unrelated shitcoin to XRP peak market cap
The calling card of an Indian. There is absolutely no similarity between what QNT does and what XRP does. The HOT pajeets used to love to shilling made up correlations to XRP as well before they all killed themselves. Go shit on a street.

>> No.15689870

I have no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.15689877

Why compare those projects to QNT when you absolutely nothing about it? "kek".

>QNT has already peaked.

People said this at 4,5$ too. They're rekt now.
No-one gives two shits about Hotbit. And considering it is basically only traded on IDEX and Bittrex, I'd say it's doing pretty fucking well. Top 50 in CMC without any Tier 1 exchanges? Fucking bullish.

Now stop shitting up the thread and DYOR.

>> No.15689891

>closed source centralized proprietary software
>the standard
Pick one

>> No.15689915

I'm Finnish.
And yes it does - you can transfer value via Overledger which takes 8 minutes to install and accepts all blockchains/networks, or you could try to convince every bank in the world to use Ripple.

Guess which one gets adopted and survives?

On top of BTFO:ing Ripple completely in every concievable way, it has more use cases, staking news to be disclosed and WAY lower supply and market cap.

If you buy XRP instead of QNT you are a certified fucking brainlet.

>> No.15689919

Thanks for making my point. There is $100k in daily volume on idex. This pnd shitcoin could be dumped to $1 in a single sell order. It's a house of cards. This is Raiblocks 2.0.

>> No.15689923

If you can’t see the difference between those shitcoins and quant you should neck yourself newfag

>> No.15689935

That did moon to like $6b Mcap first tho desu

Quant is very risky with its illiquidity, could go either way

>> No.15689941


Basically top volume on IDEX for the past year, how the fuck can you complain about the volume when it's not even traded on any tier 1 exchanges? Sure, wait until a million $ volume with price at 100$ before you buy in.

>> No.15689970

>what is being early
>NO! Let’s wait til it’s on binance and regurlarly doing 8 figures in volume before I buy! It’ll probably be over $50+ by then but at least there’s not the small risk of being dumped on right goys?

>> No.15689973

I would never buy XRP. My point is that saying your coin could easily reach the peak market cap of XRP is the most street shitter style of shilling there is.

>> No.15689982

Can you answer this from an unbiased perspective? Why do you think binance or any other tier 1 exchange hasn’t listed Qnt yet?

>> No.15690016

ICO buyer here and have met the team several times.

I hold a metric shit tonne of Quant so of course I'm biased, but let me just assure you anyway that even the most bullish quantards have /no fucking idea/ how massive this is going to be.

Quant will melt faces.

>> No.15690049

Price predictions based anon

>> No.15690086
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>> No.15690088

I think Binance is out of the cards, since they asked to see the OverLedger code, which is patented revolutionary tech which won't be allowed to be copied by chink scammers.

Every sign is pointing towards Coinbase or even listing on a more traditional exchange like SIX.
Gilbert has the connections to make it happen.

I believe Coinbase will come first though - CoinMetro just listed QNT and they use the same bank as Coinbase for their company.

This basically means that QNT is regulatory compliant and easily listed on Coinbase.
Guess what happened before LINK got listed on Coinbase?
It got listened on CoinMetro.

>> No.15690114

He’s selling something that quant isn’t. Anon I..

>> No.15690133

Thanks, appreciate the honesty.

>> No.15690167
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That's not proof, lemme see the transaction on IDEX.

>> No.15690459

Is my effort in this thread not proof enough for you?

>> No.15690545

>Price predictions based anon

Exact prices depend too much on the overall market. I am a long-term crypto bull, though, so when there's another bubble I'm anticipating QNT well over $10,000 per token.

There's no reason it won't outperform XRP.

>> No.15691003


>Not understanding what selective disclosure is