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15682783 No.15682783 [Reply] [Original]

>age 17-24: ~ 5000€
>age 25-34: ~ 23000€
>age 35-44: ~ 62000€
>age 45-55 ~ 112000€
>age 55-64 ~ 125000€

What went wrong?

>> No.15682788
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They failed to complete the mission!!

>> No.15682790

finally a cheap german girl

>> No.15682881
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I had 9000€ with 24
Apprentice finished last year as i was 25
Now with 26yo i have 42k€ with dividend cash flow of around 100€ per month and increasing.
Imma waiting for dem crash to buy all them cheap stocks.

-Insha allah

>> No.15682888

I would kill myself if i was a yuropoor

>> No.15682904

atleast we don't get shot as soon as we leave our home and we aren't financially ruined after a dentist visit

>> No.15682927
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Parents didnt give me one cent besides of debt i still manage to pay off today on my shoulders.

Fuck this country.
One reason why the median wealth is so low is the reason that germans avoid the stock market or investing in general at all cost.
They are having some soft of alergic reaction to stocks which directly connects to the internet bubble in the early 2010s and still relate it to the very present day.

Also germany more and more turns into a socialist/ecofascist country where they are scaring out car and other producing industries. Those companies are actually producing the countrys 33% tax revenue.
Most german producing companies are preparing to move abroad to the USA or Turkey or China.
Oh and i forgot the growing millennials are such uber green socialist voters that they arent capable of understanding that the greens are communists since they dont earn a dime and all want to become vloggers and shiheitt this countryy is doomed and will become a second jugoslavia withing 10 to 30 years.

When u live in germanistan save and invest merkelcoins as long as they are worth any shit and then move out of this shithole.

>> No.15682952

Leave already boomer /pol/ shit. We don't need you anyway. Germany is doing fine. If you cant make it here you wont make it anywhere.

>> No.15682959

fun fact Germany is one of the poorest countries in europe if you look at household wealth. the ECB came out with a study about it around the bundestagswahlen a couple of years back and they buried it until after the elections.

>> No.15683059
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>Germany is doing fine.

Found the merkel pussy licker.
Enjoying the cheesy merkel pussy?
Enjoying paying for ahmet and tyrone's hartz?

Germany will likely lose its meaning in the next decade.
The braindrain of well educated workers already started. Most faggots who study engineering are going abroad cuz they aint wanna pay half of their income for boomers pension and ahmets/tyrones.

>> No.15683068

That is bullshit, Germany is still Top10 ( which isnt good but also not one of the poorest )

>> No.15683080

>Germany is doing fine
Das stimmt.

>> No.15683092
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>you eurocucks are lucky we let you breathe

>> No.15683095
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germany has the second highest taxes in europe and less household wealth than greece, spain and portugal. but enough money to blow 100 billion a year on refugees and bail out southern euro shit countries whenever their banks go bust.

>> No.15683110

>The braindrain of well educated workers already started. Most faggots who study engineering are going abroad
Show proof in form of numbers with reliable source otherwise unbased gibberish.

In order to make you you're not supposed to wagecuck. You're supposed to become an entrepreneur yourself and the environment for that is better than ever. Even if you fail your not in the gutter like in most other countries. You have infinite chances in Germany.

>> No.15683112
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>> No.15683119

>above median

>> No.15683225

jungs ich hab kb nen neuen thread aufzumachen aber könnt ihr mir ne bank empfehlen? die juden von der sparkasse verlangen 8,40 kontoführungsgebühren. kb mein geld einer reinen online bank anzuvertrauen wie comdirect usw. bleibt mir da nur die commerzbank/volksbank und postbank?

>> No.15683244 [DELETED] 


>> No.15683267

Nimm comdirect. Das ist die Onlinebank der Commerzbank. Mach ich schon seit Jahren. Nie Probleme gehabt.

>> No.15683274
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Hab nen Konto bei Postbank.
Giro XL Plus oder so heißt der scheiß.
Brauchst im Monat nur 3000€ geldeingang.
Kannst gehalt und selber von ner anderen bank hin und her überweisen also ich mache das so und überweise von ing jeden monat den rest auf 3000€ minus meinem lohn sind immer so 300 bis 500 euro je nach zulagen

>> No.15683287

can confirm these stats. meanwhile refugees pay some criminals the same amount to come here. just end it.

>> No.15683345


This is true but you have to include the German benefits or social system in some way.

You don´t pay anything to visit the dentist, or any doctor or the hospital in most cases.
You have better unemployment securities and the standard of living is higher than for example in greece.

i mean, can you drink water from the pipe in greece?
no you can´t.
in germany you can.

have you ever been to a hispital in greece?
they look like theyre 50 years old.
which they are.

you have to put everything in a fair comparison

>> No.15683358

not to mention that your source is from 2013.

>> No.15683374
File: 167 KB, 1000x649, boomer stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortet hier noch jemand den DAX? :3

Hab heute wieder 0.02 BTC verdient. Deutschlandverrecke.


>> No.15683382

>bail out southern euro shit countries whenever their banks go bust.

true but Germany also has a big export surplus.
Germany profits from other EU countries to be liquid because they buy much more from Germany than the other way round.

>> No.15683410

Read about target2. Germany is the biggest buyer of german goods. We are buying back our own shit to stay in export surplus.

>> No.15683422

You should discontinue your Salvia trips into parallel realities.

>> No.15683424
File: 71 KB, 600x473, Target2%_20graph%_20-%_20%_20ecb%_20data(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-mommy. :3

>> No.15683428

Wie kann man so dumm sein sein Geld uberhaupt einer deutschen Bank anzuvertrauen, wenn man schon eine Bank nehmen muss.

>> No.15683430

boomers voted for policies that worked for them, too bad it was on the expense of their offspring

>> No.15683432
File: 24 KB, 500x379, Target2-Net-Balance-500x379[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don´t pay anything to visit the dentist, or any doctor or the hospital in most cases.
lol anon you pay the second highest taxes in europe for that "free" healthcare
>big export surplus
its all financed by TARGET2 credit, look into it and weep anon. germany might as well be giving away its export goods for free because the biggest target2 debtors are all bankrupt southern euro countries who will never repay their denbts. you really fell for all the establishment lies hook, line and sinker.

>> No.15683447

Deutschland ist an sich das ärmste Land in Europa, vor allem geistig sehr arm geworden weil fast alle schlauen Leute schon geflohen sind.

Währenddessen machen Ermittlungsbehörden und Justiz gemeinsame Sache mit kriminellen Organisationen und die Bevölkerung an sich ist absolut risikoscheu.

>> No.15683474

whre is the difference to pay with taxes or pay your doctor in cash?

i visited hospitals in italy, spain and greece.
the living standard is not comparible to Germany.

>> No.15683487

the difference is that with taxes you pay 70-80% of your income involuntary. if you pay your doctor in cash you pay for what you actually need. Im healthy and havent been to a doctor in six years, but I still need to pay six grand a year in private health insurance. meanwhile every negro from africa can come here and get his ebola treated and teeth fixed for free even though he never paid a cent into the system. germany is a country that punishes achievement adn rewards the lowest dregs of society with never ending gibs while retirees have to collect bottles because their pension isnt even enough to live on.

>> No.15683489

>What went wrong?
What was the original numbers though? x2? 3?

>> No.15683523

Dude, the real problem with this system is that you sometimes need things you consider basic and essential for yourself (psychologically or even physically), but run risk of not having it covered. While others will have things you consider unessential paid for them. And so you can pay thousands of thousands of bucks, then left unable to afford what you need, while others pay next to nothing and have everything paid for them. If you pay for others and are unable to pay what you need yourself... especially if you get unlucky and this piles up... that's what really sucks.

>> No.15683553

It's obvious that these countries are worse off than Germany in just about any aspect. Germany is especially good to live in if you're poor or have kids. But if you are highly educated without kids there seem to be a few better alternatives like Switzerland for example.

>> No.15683555

not even millionaires pay 70% taxes.

the most taxes you have to pay are 42% if you earn more than 54950€"

"Der Spitzensteuersatz ist für Einkommen ab 54.950 Euro mit 42 Prozent festgelegt worden."

>> No.15683572

its good if youre unhealthy and a welfare leech. if you make money and youre healthy youre just getting shafted for shit you dont need. also the entire economic model of germany is turning more and more into real wageslavery. the median income is 1.600 euro netto I have no idea how people even live off that kinda money, you end up saving nothing. real estate prices have gone up 33% since 2015, everything is getting crazy expensive. I make more than twice the median income and am a complete cheapskate yet I feel poor af, no idea how Im ever supposed to own a home. meanwhile some syrian family out there collects thousands in gibs every month and gets their house paid for, its sickening to see how this country is deteriorating.

>> No.15683584

anon anon anon
you are incredibly naive and bluepilled
you pay 50% income tax and mandatory SS
you pay 19% VAT on everything thats left after that.
So right off the bat 60% of your money is gone
then you pay gas tax, booze tax, capital gains tax, real estate tax, inheritance tax, champagne tax, etc etc etc. soon they will start a new CO2 tax because muh climate change. add it all up youre easily getting shafted for 70-80% of your money and most of the shit in germany is taxed multiple times.

>> No.15683591

and income tax goes up to 45% aka reichensteuer if you make more than a quarter mill a year.

>> No.15683614

>you pay 50% income tax and mandatory SS
not true at all
>you pay 19% VAT on everything thats left after that.
not true , there is also 7% for foodstuff and more.
>So right off the bat 60% of your money is gone
not true at all see above
>then you pay gas tax
which is used to repair the streets
>booze tax
rightfully so
> real estate tax
i agrree, this tax is questionable
> inheritance tax
rightfully so you get something for it
> soon they will start a new CO2 tax because muh climate change. add it all up youre easily getting shafted for 70-80%

not true at all

>> No.15683634

you act like you pay taxes and get nothing for it.
if you pay taxes on fuel the fucking road is repaired with that money.

and you can say you pay 50% taxes all day long. it isn´t true.

you pay a maximum amount of 42% of your income if you earn more than 54950 period.

>> No.15683645

youre the typical german cuck who thinks its cool to be the richest country with second highest taxes in europe while at the same time being among the poorest countries in terms of household wealth. its all good because muh tap water and muh healthcare. you also have no clue what youre talking about, Co2 tax is already being discussed EU wide and it will happen, theyre already rolling out new taxes for flights even though we already have a umweltsteuer on airplane flights. and you really want to tell me about half your income isnt being taxed by social security and income tax? maybe if youre married with children and your wife has some low paying shitjob to offset the tax buredn, if youre single youre getting fucked big time.

>> No.15683656

>muh roads
the roads here are absoultely shit and closed off for months on end for reparations. theyre all clogged off because we have way too many people in this overcrowded country already. and not even to mention that local communes have to pay extra charges for roads in their own streets in case you didnt know so you get shafted AGAIN. absolutely cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15683658

what stocks you eyeing ?

>> No.15683659

>Germany is doing fine
Yeah, no. Fuck off, retard. Germany is on the best way to become a shitskin communist eco islamic shithole.
It's either civil war or exile.

>> No.15683665

i am the kind of german who can read and relate to facts.

you pay a maximum amount of 42% on your income.
the rest are social contributions which will give you a return.

and i already told you that you cant compare the households in europe just by numbers because you have to include other metrics.

why don´t you just leave and go to italy or greece if thats the heaven on earth?

>> No.15683674

>like you pay taxes and get nothing for it.
I even have to pay 20 euros a month for GEZ even though I dont even have a TV. youre getting fucked everywhere and what DO I get back? Im never sick, if I lose my job they pay my apartment and barely enough money to survive on. my rent will never pay a good amount of living theyre even saying that themselves. I wouldr ather keep my money and invest in myself than have the state take it all and piis 100 billion a year away on refugees , build bridges into nowhere. there is so much mismanagement and bullshit in this country, child poverty is skyrocketing, old retirees are barely scraping by, where is all the wealth going? its certainly not going to the people and the taxpayers who generate it.

>> No.15683682

>i-i-its not a tax because they call it a versicherung
lmao at the end of the day they take my money without my consent and do shit with it that I dont agree with. sozialversicherung and rentenkassen routinely get plundered for things they shouldnt be paying for. you are just hopelelessly naive and misinformed. but sure keep paying those taxes.

>> No.15683700

>he unironically believes this
you need to get out more

>> No.15683706

>I even have to pay 20 euros a month for GEZ even though I dont even have a TV
you have a pc so you have acess to the online archives and can watch livestreams.
> youre getting fucked everywhere and what DO I get back?
you get back more than in almost every other country in the world
> Im never sick
sure and you wont become when you age r-right?
> if I lose my job they pay my apartment and barely enough money to survive on
not true at all, in the first place there is arbeitslosengeld1 for 12 months.
>my rent will never pay a good amount of living theyre even saying that themselves.
everytime you cant argue facts you just name another topic or problem which is true indeed but not helpful dude.

> I wouldr ather keep my money and invest in myself than have the state take it all and piis 100 billion a year away on refugees
so why don´t you move to a country like somalia where you dont have to pay taxes?

>build bridges into nowhere. there is so much mismanagement and bullshit in this country, child poverty is skyrocketing, old retirees are barely scraping by, where is all the wealth going
as i said, this is another problem which needs to be discussed i wont deny that but it has nothing to do with the facts i mentioned.

you act like a child to be honest.

>taxes are 42%

>> No.15683718

You need start your own business in order to be wealthy you dense fuck. You will never in no country get rich by wagecucking for other people.

>> No.15683730

>taxes are 42%
taxes are much higher than 42% you retard. thats just income tax alone. literally second highest taxes in the EU and among the lowest household wealth and you think thats fine because you can drink tap water.
>h-h-how dare you bring up other stuff I cant refute
I could go on all day about how mismanaged this shit country and how much money is being pissed away while the middle class is milked to death. parliament just decided to double their salaries, EU-wide CO2 tax coming, energy costs skyrocketing because of their retarded green energy decisions, RE cost skyrocketing because they bring in millions of immigrants and give them free housing, the list just goes on and on...

>> No.15683742

>You need start your own business
>t. never ran a business in germany
its an overregulated shit country you have to be nuts to start a company here. fwiw Im self employed for seven years and about to emmigrate to the US. Germany is a beautiful country but to make money its absolutely terrible. most intelligent and ambitious people I know have already left years ago.

>> No.15683755

>taxes are much higher than 42% you retard. thats just income tax alone. literally second highest taxes in the EU and among the lowest household wealth and you think thats fine because you can drink tap water.
>i already explained that germany does not have one of the lowest household wealth you can repeat it as much as you want it doesnt make it right.

>I could go on all day about how mismanaged this shit country and how much money is being pissed away while the middle class is milked to death. parliament just decided to double their salaries, EU-wide CO2 tax coming, energy costs skyrocketing because of their retarded green energy decisions, RE cost skyrocketing because they bring in millions of immigrants and give them free housing, the list just goes on and on...

i never said we dont have problem and that there is mismanagement.
living in germany is still better than in 99% of the world and 90% of europe.
and you know that.

otherwise you would already have been gone.

btw. nothing keeps you from leaving.
go to somalia, pay 0% taxes and be happy.

or move to trumpistan and pay 30.000€ for a OP in a hospital.

>> No.15683756

you get a paycheck you pay income tax. you invest that moeny you pay capital gains tax. you buy a house you pay real estate tax. you die and then your children even have to pay inheritance tax. but its all good because muh healthcare muh standard of living.

>> No.15683759

Zoomer kraut here - apart from US what countries should I be watching out for to jump ship to i?

>> No.15683763

I’m belgian and 10x above the german median right now

>> No.15683770

>you invest that moeny you pay capital gains tax.
only if you earn above a certain amount.
you can earn 800€ per year without taxes.

you are making shit up and cant even come up with facts dude

>> No.15683788

>you can earn 800€ per year without taxes.
>you are making shit up
lol so now Im making shit up apparently all these taxes dont exist, the ECB study was wrong. I guess were all rich without noticing.

>> No.15683792


>> No.15683802

>go to somalia
yeah because its either an overregulated high tax hellhole or a zero tax third world hellhole. there is absolutely no way we could find a middle ground between both extremes. god forbid the state would spend less money on bullshit, put its own citizens first and lower taxes, no no that is just insanity

>> No.15683826

>unbased unfounded bs by some right wing magazine
lul, they don't even have numbers. They just talk about their feelings and someone they know and his uncle left germany because blablba Learn into objective numbers or stay under your rock, Ossi.

>> No.15683850
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Stop wasting your energy, I've tried to argue with ZDF watching brainwashed fags like him, its absolutely impossible.
He's going to try to stay positiv with his wagecuck job living in a small apartment and telling himself how much better he has than most other people. And laughing at americans, because he thinks there is no such thing as health insurance in the USA and everyone has just to die or go bankrupt if they get a cold.
Meanwhile an average burger who earns twice as much and lives in a house with 3x the amount of space wouldn't even let his dog live like the average german.

>> No.15683871

what stops you from being active in a political party and change things?

this is still a democracy and if people dont vote for lower tax politics there wont be lower taxes.

there are options but the majority of people dont vote for them.
deal with it or GTFO

>> No.15683872

>i-i-its all nazi propaganda

>> No.15683893

The majority of people depend on some kind of gibs and have no real interest in lower taxes because of this. Capable, industrious and self-reliant individuals that actually produce value are the minority and get exploited.

>> No.15683896

>there are options but the majority of people dont vote for them.
the majority of people are brainwashed retards just like you. thats exactly what Im saying. people will happily go along with all the bullshit until we end up back in weimar republic conditions again THEN they might think that something is wrong, not a minute earlier. just look at your own fucking arguments
>heh youre kinda right shit is fucked up
>but hey we still have it so good, we have clean tap water, no reason to get pissed off lets just keep going even though our standards of living are deteriorating, our purchasing power has been stagnant for decades
you think I really want to spend my time trying to educate the unwashed masses? to participate in a "democratic" system that is so corrupt its become a joke. look at brexit the people voted democratically and the leadership just doesnt care. look at the AFD they got 30% in eastern germany and they just call them "undemocratic" and cockblock them on every turn.

>> No.15683899

How often do you go to the doctor?

>> No.15683906

>Meanwhile an average burger who earns twice as much and lives in a house with 3x the amount of space
The house is out of cardboard. Building standards in the US are notoriously bad. It might look nice on the outside but if you dig deeper there is no substance, same with american cars, just look at tesla lol. Food in america is low quality too, it's dead industrial munch full of pesticides, GMOs and hormones.
Murricans have to pay for everything like clean water or they get stinking brown fracking juice out of their tabs. Everything that's included in a true 1st world country costs extra. Have even been to america? I have.

>> No.15683911
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How can you not understand how flawed democracy is?
If you don't promise people free stuff you won't get elected, especially here in Europe

>dude, people take 70-80% of your money by using violence, but why are you complaining? you can always try and change their mind

>> No.15683912

there is no way for a truly anti-establishment party to ever get a 50% majority in Germany and unless tehy do that they can never change anything. and with the way demographics are going people will only vote for more and more gibs anyway, this country is completely fucked and things will only get worse over the next decades. things could be fixed but there is no political will at the top, no one has any real interest to change things and the voters are too complacent and too retarded to realize even what the hell is going on.

>> No.15683927

You are free to get houses with better quality, same with food
>Murricans have to pay for everything like clean water or they get stinking brown fracking juice out of their tabs
That is the case in Detroit, right? Or was it Chicago? It was one shithole city, but that doesnt apply the whole country
>Everything that's included in a true 1st world country costs extra. Have even been to america? I have.
Like what? Health insurance? I have to pay more than 200€ for my public insurance (Austria)
Yeah it would cost more in america, but I'd also get much, much better service. If you want to see a specialist here you have to wait one month or pay for it privately.
What else?

>> No.15683941

>look at brexit the people voted democratically and the leadership just doesnt care

the people did not vote for a unregulated brexit.
the people havent been informed about the way of leaving.

you are bringing up bullshit without any facts.

>> No.15683947

>dude, people take 70-80% of your money by using violence, but why are you complaining? you can always try and change their mind

again, nobody takes 70% of your money.

this is fake news and i already posted proof if it.

>> No.15683954

Na Sören, biste mett?

>> No.15683963

>the people haven't been informed
So during other elections voters are informed?
If you'd ask 1000 people who voted during the last national elections, how many do you think could explain how central banking works and the effects it has on the economy and people?

>> No.15683981
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Seething. In American we're richer because we don't tax the ever loving fuck out of citizens and businesses. You can make a billion dollars per year here and the most in federal tax you pay will be like 33%.

It's also MUCH better have insurance provided through your job or simply pay for private insurance. "Free" healthcare only benefits those who can't afford good care or are unemployed. In the US I have a tax-advantaged medical savings account which I can then invest the proceeds from and use for my health-expenses and co-pays. I'd also rather pay the 300 bucks a month for quality insurance and coverage than pay 1000 per month so that Mohammed and Ngubus can get free care at my expense.

If you're young and healthy you can also just completely opt out of paying for insurance and keep the money which you can't do in a commie country like Germany.

>> No.15683982

that is the reason there are no direct democracies.

it is one thing to vote:
"do you want the olympic games in town XYZ"

"do you want to leave the EU"
( and afterwards we inform you about the terms )

man you all talk but cant even get simple facts right you are 100% perfect americans.

>> No.15683992

I pay more than 70%
48% income tax
20% VAT on goods
10% VAT on food
360€ a year GIS (austrian tv license)
100€ a year dog tax
3000€ a year social insurance
27,5% tax on capital gains
1000€ a year motor vehicle taxes
50% VAT on gas
>real estate tax
>3.5% tax if you buy real estate

If you calculate all those things together you get well over 70% and it doesn't even include the money I lose through inflation because of the ECBs retarded monetary policies, which is a tax too

>> No.15683995
File: 28 KB, 399x339, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health insurance is communism

cant make this shit up
poverty and problems in the us are even bigger than in germany - which was a point in the discussion before from the clown LMAO

>> No.15683997

then why u still there hans?

>> No.15684012

and you dont calculate in the benefits which you get - which you otherwise would have paid by yourself.

nice way of pointing out that youre either 80IQ or a troll.

but let me guess?
you didn´t visited public school which is paid by taxes?
you didn´t ever needed the police?
you never visited a dentist?
you never visited a doctor?
you never become old and need support?
you never used public institutions?

you are making a fool out of yourself

>> No.15684015

We don't care about poor people here. We literally just tell them to stop being poor until they make it.

This is why we have money and you don't.

>> No.15684016

Because I've got a job in a niche industry that made it possible for me to earn really well. But I'm the exception. If it wasn't for that I'd try to gtfo to the USA asap.

>> No.15684026

>and you dont calculate in the benefits which you get - which you otherwise would have paid by yourself.

That's not what we were arguing about. You claimed the total tax rate isn't above 70%. I've proven you otherwise.
And I'd happily pay for all the public services privately instead given the choice.
The services would be 10x better and still only cost me a tiny fraction of what my total tax burden is right now.

>> No.15684028

>you didn´t visited public school which is paid by taxes?
>you didn´t ever needed the police?
>you never visited a dentist?
>you never visited a doctor?
>you never become old and need support?
>you never used public institutions?

Literally not a single one of those is an immediate need. You might go 10 years with out doing any of that shit. Saving 30% on taxes would allow you to create much more wealth for yourself. Thinking about survival needs like that instead of wealth management just tells us you are a poorfag yourself.

>> No.15684033

>This is why we have money and you don't.

statistics proof that poverty for old people and kids is a major problem in the us but muh we rich

>> No.15684048

>You claimed the total tax rate isn't above 70%. I've proven you otherwise.

first of all i always spoke with regards to germany.
and even in austria taxes arent 70% you know that you bullshitt additioning is beyond stupidity

>> No.15684051

Why are you even on biz? You are clearly economically illiterate
If brainwashed drones like you are heavily invested into crypto I should really start worrying

>> No.15684053

Well I'm not of those people so it doesn't matter to me. I keep most of my money to save and invest. You give most of yours to niggers.

>> No.15684057

>In American we're richer because we don't tax the ever loving fuck out of citizens and businesses
FFS, part of the issue is Burgers actually believe this!

In Europe Corporation tax is lower than burgerland in:
Sweden is only .4% higher!

once you include the inflated insurance burger costs...its about the same

>> No.15684059


''benefits'' you can't really opt out. Really democratic, huh?

If tHeRe wErE nO TaXeS wHo WoUlD BuiLD ze roads?

>> No.15684061

>first of all i always spoke with regards to germany.
Pretty much all of the things I've listed also exist in Germany.
I didn't even include the 36-50% VAT on cars we have here in Austria, since its only 20% in Germany

>and even in austria taxes arent 70% you know that you bullshitt additioning is beyond stupidity
I'm sorry, but what?

>> No.15684065

enjoy getting shot by one of those people then. You pay extra on security, on gated communities, security people, police etc. and if you get shot enjoy that 50k hospital bill

>> No.15684075

>enjoy getting shot by one of those people then
gun crime outside of shitholes like Detoilet, Chicago and Baltimore isn't much higher than in Europe

>You pay extra on security, on gated communities, security people, police
>security, gated communites, security people
I love how you pretty much list the same thing 3 times, to make it sound like more
And the police in the USA are included in taxes, you dont have to pay for them privately

>> No.15684082

Or I can just can just buy a gun for like $400

>> No.15684102

>that 50k hospital bill
yuo do realize that every half decent employer gives their employees subsidized health care plans in the US right? Im so sick of this argument my colleagues in the US actually pay LESS for their health care plans than I pay in Germany.
>oh no no no you cant just add up taxes
yeah because according to this dipshit the only tax in Germany is income tax. Germany has a higher tax burden than Austria btw so do the math you economically illiterate retard.

>> No.15684108

>once you include the inflated insurance burger costs...its about the same

Our insurance is significantly cheaper than yours. You eurocucks also don't realize that medical debt means literally nothing here. If you have 50k in medical debt there isn't a damn thing anyone will do about it. You won't have to get anything repossessed or liquidated because of medical debt. The worst thing that happens when you don't pay it is that hurts credit score, but that probably wasn't good anyway if you're in that situation.

>> No.15684115

>my colleagues in the US actually pay LESS for their health care plans than I pay in Germany.
how does this help them If they get mag dumped by raging niggers or trigger happy ex marine police?

>> No.15684125

Freedom ain't free

>> No.15684129

Holy fuck you are are so stupid
Americans, please pay attention, this is what 95% of europeas actually think of the USA, mostly thanks to brainwashing from the mainstream media

>> No.15684133
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living standard in germany is however much higher than in UK, USA or France for example... nationalized pensions also twist median wealth numbers. In general german median wealth is low as is american too, americans and germans used to be lower than portugal and greece few years back when euro/usd was higher.

>> No.15684144


Bei welcher Bank bist du?

>> No.15684148
File: 1.96 MB, 480x266, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of debt is ok
Just american things. Your rotten shit hut that you call a country will collapse sooner or later on the weight of debt you financially illiterate mutts have accumulated over the last decades. That's a fact. All it needs is China pulling a few times here and there and your mutt hut is gone with raging civil war afterwards. No thanks.

>> No.15684157

Low % tax countries of course, unless you want to go to Mexico or Nicaragua then don't

>> No.15684161

>Our insurance is significantly cheaper than yours.
What planet do you live on! You've never left your state have you?
Health care - insane bills due to malpractice insurance i.e Burger sue culture
Auto - significantly higher as you have cover to the other parties medical cost!
> If you have 50k in medical debt there isn't a damn thing anyone will do about it.
How old are you? They will lien the house! I've seen it done, the lien will be on the house till the insurance pays! They can come after your wages.

Of course you could cruse by on the min...get sued

>> No.15684170

That's called reality. I don't care what you believe. Don't come crying, you've been warned.

>> No.15684171

Nothing happens when you have unsecured debt. They'll try to garnish your wages, but the most they can do is get your tax returns. Unless you plan on buying a house or starting a business, that debt isn't gonna matter.

>> No.15684200
File: 283 KB, 1125x1161, 1541585936357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rest are social contributions which will give you a return.
A return of niggers and fuck all with extra fuck you because nobody who hasn't got private insurance will get shit in 20-30 years.

>> No.15684206

>They will lien the house! I've seen it done, the lien will be on the house till the insurance pays! They can come after your wages.

They won't lmao. The only people that happens to are the people dumb enough to try to pay it off. And as I said wage garnishment for debt typically comes in the form of taking tax returns.

>Auto-significantly higher as you have cover to the other parties medical cost!

I don't get in an accident every fucking day you idiot. Cars are also significantly cheaper here and the cost of fuel is literally less than a quarter of what you cucks. It is much cheaper to have a car here.

You're literally spouting memes as arguments.

>> No.15684224

You were right, man. Your people are brainwashed. I'm going to bed

Enjoy your taxes lmao.

>> No.15684227

that's the american way to do it. Your whole economy is based on debt debt debt which will never be paid. That's why you make a lot but you will pay up eventually when the whole shit house collapses and wild niggers rape your house and put a gun in ur mutt hole.

>> No.15684242

>Your whole economy is based on debt debt debt which will never be paid.

>> No.15684254

probably mutt companies operating in europe

>> No.15684272

Okay, you're just a troll

>> No.15684280


found the NEET who's in the absolute bottom of the social hierachy leeching on the system. I can spot you degenerates from a mile away.

Absolute disgusting, irrational mongoloids trying to argue for straight up theft from the state because he will NEVER even pay a single cent into the system being the NEET loser he is. Absolutely disgusting.

PS: The other anon is goddamn right about stating a >70% tax:

>Die Abzüge durch die Sozialversicherungsbeiträge bewegen sich für einen Durchschnittsverdiener etwa zwischen 20 und 21 Prozent des Bruttoverdienst.

-20% of your cross income straight away;

> Die Höhe der zu zahlenden Einkommensteuer ist von der Höhe der erzielten Einkünfte abhängig. Ab einem Jahreseinkommen von 9.000 Euro liegt der Eingangssteuersatz bei 14 Prozent. Der Spitzensteuersatz ist für Einkommen ab 54.950 Euro mit 42 Prozent festgelegt worden. Für Einkommen ab 260.533 Euro gilt seit 2007 die sogenannte Reichensteuer (Steuersatz: 45 Prozent).

Wenn du nicht geistig zurückgeblieben bist, fällst du spätestens mit ~30 in den Höchststeuersatz; -42%

Gross income without income tax = gross - 20%;
net = Gross income without income tax - 42% = 0,464 -> -53,8% of your gross gross gone.

Add the sales tax on top and you're looking at 53,8%+19%= 72,8%.

Or add your 7% for food and books and it will leave you with 60.8%, even though I highly doubt it will apply to you as you've most likely never read a single book in your life based on your borderline handicapped post content you delivered so far.

BUT MUH FREE DENTIST. You're a fucking clown, even there you have to pay if you don't want to receive a goddamn Amalgam filling that's outlawed in nordic countries for health reasons already. I swear you bluepilled phaggots are on the spectrum, but not on the functional one.

>> No.15684285

>They won't lmao.
Fuckin Zoomers denying reality! Listen kid, I've personally seen it, on my personal house! Its a simple process at the recorders office!
>I don't get in an accident every fucking day you idiot.
no shit retard, but when ppl do have an accident, the medical costs can go through the roof! in first world we just insure the car no need for medical costs! Think tard face
>Cars are also significantly cheaper here and the cost of fuel is literally less than a quarter of what you cucks. It is much cheaper to have a car here.
You've never left your state have you! Also you're changing the subject
>You're literally spouting memes as arguments.
FFS kid you've got a lot to learn, fucking arrogant mutts

>> No.15684298

>Listen kid, I've personally seen it, on my personal house! Its a simple process at the recorders office!

Yes because the laws are the same in every country right? Also as I said before, if you have outstanding medical debt you probably don't have for them to take ao they'll just leave you alone. You can also just take equity out of your home to pay it off if you're a normal person.

>> No.15684300

and before you cry me a river with "muh progressive tax brackets, you actually pay 3.58168% less" you can fuck right off

>> No.15684321

>Yes because the laws are the same in every country right?
I'm talking about Burgerland, when I lived there! Real world experience! You know people move around the world, right?
t. turned down citizenship to your third world nation!
tt. been to more states than you!

>> No.15684351
File: 29 KB, 770x410, What-happened-to-the-old-man-on-pawn-stars-Is-he-dead-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually both usa and germany dont have that much debt compared to many other countries. secondly as germany do they sell negative yielding bonds -> reduces debt. germany's debt is actually decreasing by this little trick

>> No.15684409

this isnt about me anon.

the median net income in germany is like 1700€ per month.
>Wenn du nicht geistig zurückgeblieben bist, fällst du spätestens mit ~30 in den Höchststeuersatz; -42%

alright cool , merkste selbst einstein.

>Add the sales tax on top and you're looking at 53,8%+19%= 72,8%

bullshit and not true at al.
not to mention that you have to add up the benefits in your calculation.

>I swear you bluepilled phaggots are on the spectrum, but not on the functional one.

cool then just leave lmao.
GTFO mate and be happy in 0% tax state somalia.
insha allah

>> No.15684423

>the median net income in germany is like 1700€ per month.
thats what a braindead nigger working for UPS makes, literal wageslavery. this anon is completely right >>15684280 if youre 30+ and not a complete brainlet you will be in spitzensteuersatz. you probably really are a bottom feeding NEET who loves taxes because muh gibs. fwiw I paid tens of thousands of euros into this shitty system and never received a cent in benefits for anything.

>> No.15684939


>alright cool , merkste selbst einstein.

Imagine believing a random graph on the internet that would be debunked solely by using your goddamn brain. I don't even have to look up statistics to figure out they most likely included part time employees, laborer from the east and anything else that could even remotely be considered a "worker". Which is obviously fucking BS, gtfo with your 10h work week you degenerate.


I LITERALLY wrote out a whole paragraph worth of calculations with numbers taken directly from government sites:

>bullshit and not true at al.

are you this handicapped? Holy shit.

>cool then just leave lmao.

or you green voting Ahmed suckers could start to inform yourselves and stop putting in the final nail in the coffin of a country generations before us have built up just for you NEET retards to suck it dry. But at this point it's most likely too late anyway.

>> No.15684988

>a country generations before us have built up just for you NEET retards to suck it dry
you would have to be a really pathetic loser to get on government gibs btw I dont know a single self respecting man that ever took money from the government. I know a guy whos an unironic burn-it-all-to-the-ground anarchist and never worked a proper job. even hes too proud to take welfare money.

>> No.15685016

You are dumb and a loser. Statist scum begone

>> No.15685448

This. Dax is doing well.

>> No.15685542

>if you pay taxes on fuel the fucking road is repaired with that money.

Are you trolling? Read the most basic fucking definition of tax before you post drivel like that.

>> No.15685657

USA (Nevada or something like Montana), Uruguay, parts of Mexico, Portugal coastal areas, Spain coastal areas, Norway, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, Poland are basically the most viable destinations for (future) Kraut refugees.

>> No.15685677

Activobank, weil ich mich nach Portugal abgesetzt habe. Aber praktisch fast jede EU Bank außerhalv von DE ist schonmal besser als jede DE Bank.

>> No.15685797

>beautiful country
It's not 1920 anymore, Germany nowadays is half made of Turkish people and niggers.

>> No.15685807

Mutt hand wrote this

>> No.15686012

i will leave this cuck country after i got my degree
>bullshit and not true at all
bist du wirklich so dumm oder willst du es einfach nicht einsehen du linksgrün versiffter hurensohn?

>> No.15686052

t. Seething Germoid

>> No.15686744

Has extremely high taxes

>> No.15686926

I want to learn it desu but im not the smartest
What does it take do achieve winnings

>> No.15687031

lol, you can spot NEETs because you are one yourself, right? No one who actually pays taxes makes errors like that. Hitting the 42% bracket you're actually paying 27.5% total. Calculating it like that means you are certainly not in that bracket, retard.

>> No.15687242

How the fuck am I supposed to make it in this country without an IT degree?It seems pajeets are flooding in with their tech skills and anyone who is't in that area just eats shit. I wold prefer not having to work for anyone but instead freelance and make money on my own. Any advice?

>> No.15687289

>can you drink water from the pipe in greece?
not sure about whole greece but on greta everyone drinks tap water and its fine

>> No.15687322

Ich fahre mit den segelboot in den urlaub um co2 zu spaaren

>> No.15687359

i worked in IT through an apprenticeship and never, ever encountered a pajeet, if anything they are mostly in the universities in the CS master programs

>> No.15687405
File: 111 KB, 1024x963, 1561858114475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread makes me really wonder when the west will stop all this bullshit. There are so many people sleepwalking through life thanks to comfortable government lies. A school in Baltimore got in trouble this year for graduating literally illiterate niggers after spending $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 a YEAR on each delinquent retard. It's all careening wildly out of control, separated from reality. 30 years ago college in the US was super affordable and super valuable. Now it's ultra expensive and half the degrees are literally worthless. What changed? The government decided it wanted to make college "accessible" by subsidising it. What a pathetic joke. Any Germans that think your government won't betray you when it's politically convenient for them, take a good look at America, we when from a white pro America country to a brown conflict zone in about 50 years.

>> No.15687539


>Show proof in form of numbers with reliable source otherwise unbased gibberish.

My frend, I will give you a deep blackpill to swallow:
Did you know that in the Soviet Union the party never released officials numbers or heavily diluted numbers that tracked the economies performance in a meaningful way in order to keep the people in the dark about their dysmal economic situation?

Germany is applying a similar dilution of official numbers. Who is leaving and who is entering Germany? You only get raw numbers. You never see whether its highly-paid engineers or managers that are leaving, you just see "x" people left, "y" people came.


There is never a true comparison of *who* left and *who* came. If youre lucky, you get an official confirmation of sort "50% of the people arrived had a university degree*", with the (*) indicating in small notes that this number is based on self-reported numbers.

Germany is an economic disaster in the making, and I for one can't wait to buy up your real estate for pennies when the civil war breaks out.

>> No.15687729

aren't EU places equally fucked