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15677561 No.15677561 [Reply] [Original]

Is this it frens? Is it over?

>> No.15677571

damn exit scamming on a sunday, have they no shame

>> No.15677847

DAG is the most obvious PnD scam in crypto. If you are thinking about buying just know that they manipulate their books by market buying small amounts that moon their thin trade books. Then shill like crazy claiming its going parabolic.
Satsgang and some faggot named Denny have been running this PnD in plan sight. There are a few PnD crews and moonboys that own most of DAG and dump on the newbies buying based on twitter shills.
Ask them what happened to the $33M they raised in presale 18 months ago. They will ban you for asking and call it FUD, but refuse to explain what happened and why they had to raise another round when they ran out of money.
This is the worst project in crypto, its nothing but lies, misinformation, and manipulation. The community is nothing but moonboys and paid shills. There is about 4-5 bag holders using different accounts having fake conversations with each other in TG its so obvious. Denny Daggins has like 10 accounts in their TG and just posts lies and agrees with himself all day.

>> No.15677892

But they say big data DAG for all data. This coin will make great strides of wealth.

>> No.15678859

Good luck to those buying dag at mid cap 10-15 mil lmfao

>> No.15678948


>> No.15678984

all DAG based blockchains are scams, no consensus algos. If you fell for it, you deserve it

>> No.15679302

Team did coke and their dev is a stoner. They daytraded away all their money and are now exit scamming

>> No.15679310

You said it bro, I am sure SEC are interested in their fraud. Maybe thats why they are exit scamming now?

>> No.15679325

This dog shit is not even worth 10-15K. Everything they said in the pre-sale prospect was a life. Fucking hell how many lost all their money thanks to those fucking scammers.

>> No.15679333

So fucking true, if you invested in dag technology you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.15679374

Even 10K is 10K too much for this shitcoin!

>> No.15679385

>Ask them what happened to the $33M they raised in presale 18 months ago.
Pre-sale investors did the right thing to dump this shit and at least get some money out off it. Sad that some many fucking deluded ppl are still buying into their lies. This hello kitty thing is just bullshit and has NOTHING to do with crypto!

>> No.15679408

>Denny Daggins has like 10 accounts in their TG and just posts lies and agrees with himself all day.
They are also here on biz using their fucking fake accounts with multiple threads congratulating themselves, that they bought it so much fucking cheaper than the pre-sale investors, fucking swines.

>> No.15679481

Entire team abandoned project CHECK
Lost $25M of presale investor funds day trading CHECK
Consistently lie and misinform in their community chat CHECK
Brought in the known PnD crew Satsgang to their community to help "pump them up" CHECK
Manipulate their razor thin books with fake pumps coordinated with massive shill campaigns on twitter and biz CHECK

But most telling is that not a single tech investor in Silicon Valley believes in their vaporware scam. If they did they would flood them with cash and pay them billions.

This entire project has been a scam since day one. Even the most basic attempt at Due Diligence proves it.

>> No.15679497
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>another shitcoin bites the dust
color me surprised

>> No.15679578

I was one of the original anons shilling this here like a year and a half ago. I'm so sorry guys.

>> No.15679672

The presale investors Fudding this project have been right all along. The FUD was they lost all their money day trading investor funds. Ends up they were completely right because after 18 months and barely any spending from the team we saw them lie about having "plenty of cash" and then suddenly raising money from Shillrock. They wont say where the money went or how much they raised from Shillrock. This is basic DD and you cant even ask, obviously they dont want anyone knowing how fucked up things are.
The insider had this right and now the shillers just blow it off like its old news. Obvious PnD scam especially with shillrock and satsgang involved. I saw them manufacturing pumps right in their community TG like it was no big deal. These people need to be in jail.

>> No.15679710

Just remember last year while you were telling fudders everything is fine and the responsible team would never day trade investor funds, you were protecting them from having to answer to their community. This is why DAG is so toxic, they do not allow any constructive criticism or basic due diligence in their communities. You either watch them lie to you and continue to misinform others, or you GTFO for having negative energy. I hope the whole team ends up in prison and their community members live in a soup kitchen.

>> No.15679854

I didn't shill last year but I did a few months ago in a few threads. After seeing how they behave in their TG I dropped this shitcoin for good. Im a long term investor and this is just a pump and dump scam through and through. Small coordinated incremental buys followed by heavy shilling and then dumping. The CEO sees them do it and instead of banning these vampires he protects them and bans anyone who criticizes how they operate. This has to be illegal at worst and immorally greedy at best. Also those bag holders are delusional af

>> No.15679872

Were you one of those HOTDAG faggots who thought they were genius tier investors?

>> No.15679915

I was shilling for them from the beginning. I was paid by them, but realized that enough is enough.

>> No.15679925

Soon they will say we ALL are fucking one person and just using VPN talking to ourselves, fucking scammers.

>> No.15679932

We warned them against these scammers over one year ago.

>> No.15679944

Even AFTER the PnD the price of dag is well below the pre-sale price, just another indicator how they scammed ppl and how ppl must stay away from this coin.

>> No.15679951

Sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell every dag you have, so you at least get something out of it. You can thank me later. Sell, sell, sell, sell.

>> No.15679962

Yeah, like we are Raphael or fucking something.

>> No.15679977

Fuck you fags. The DAG master race will prevail.

>> No.15680027

Being proud of being white is just FUCKING INSANE as being white is nothing you yourself have done. It's like being proud that the sky is blue. Not rational at all, but very insane. Everyone in America is an immigrant SO FUCK U!

>> No.15680072

LIAR show proof or STFU

>> No.15680135


>> No.15680159

122 sats still on Kucoin you F@CKING street shitting absolute retard. You were fudding at 27.sats as well loser.

>> No.15680196
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This is ILLEGAL you can go to PRISON for doxxing ppl like this.

>> No.15680237

I am a new investor but it appears this Raphael guy has completely justed himself.

>> No.15680282

I hope every DAG thread gets shut down. These scumbags deserve nothing but poverty.

>> No.15680310

Whoa, this is huge

>> No.15680329

We must DESTROY THEM, the way they lost all the money for pre-sale investors is borderline ILLEGAL!! And now all these fuckers come in and buy the stuff so fucking cheap, it was all PLANNED by the team. FUCK THEM!!

>> No.15680350


No no no....lets get the facts straight. YOU deserve bad karhma for misleading new investors with your lies and FUD. Serious question: Can you even look at yourself in the mirror?

>> No.15680395

Prove to me the team has more than 3 employees and lets get that FUD cleared right away. Then we can start with the lost $33M presale investor funds
Protip you can prove that more than 3 people work at this absolute scam

>> No.15680408
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190923_095827_076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD vs Facts.....here are the FACTS: pic attached

>> No.15680417

>DAG has no legs to stand on so they spend their time doxxing 14 year olds

>> No.15680533

You can see how much constipation is dumping today and consequently how epic right Raphael is with everything he is saying. He has a moral obligation to be on biz every day and warn ppl.

>> No.15680560

Still waiting. Cant prove you have more than 3 employees can you? Just post some Linkedin profiles that would be fine. Show me 3 employees faggot otherwise you run a scam.
Anyone, any DAG shills have proof more than 3 people work there? NOPE

>> No.15680644

Posts YouTube videos you can find with Amy project.
> Ignores mountain of FUD proving it's a PnD scam

>> No.15680687

They were obsessed with whoever was spreading the FUD. Look at the psychotic collage this maniac put together of biz posts making the assumption it was all the same person.
For those of you who don't know, that psycho is Denny Daggins who changed his TG name from Megaman. He has about 10 different personas in TG and thinks nobody knows it's him. The DAG TG is literally Denny posting memes and chatting back and forth with himself and a few desperate bag holders

>> No.15680857

200 times the team refused to answer community members asking for a one sentence response that they in fact did not lose all their investor funds day trading crypto. 20000 posts in biz and TG contemplating who leaked the info.
People buying DAG are the dumbest Investors in crypto

>> No.15681027

We have been demanding the constipation team to come here to biz and explain themselves, telling us about their snorting cocaine, daytrading all their money so they now will have to exit scam any minute, only three ppl employed, just one stoner dev etc, but they never came. CLEAR admission of guilt! BE SMART, just AVOID THIS SCAM!

>> No.15681145

They don't need to come here Mr. Dag Shill Pajeet streetshitter. They need to do it in their own community which they never will. Hi Denny good to chat with you here instead of TG. You are scum of the earth. I hope all you scumbags lose every shekel. Take your rockets and shove them up your ass fucking scammer

>> No.15681178


>> No.15681214
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 1561378575411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just 14 is just bullshit. He was a super wealthy and smart 17yo then and is now a MAN! They are so stpuid that they dont understand that if they say his 14 it makes them EVEN WORSE!!

>> No.15681266

epic pump and dump by whoever. a full vaporware project

>> No.15681316

Raphael knew that all along, that's why he sold, even with a large loss, that's what smart money does and ppl that understands thec. Avoid DAG just a scam with vaporware.

>> No.15681327

Soon ppl will come in and say we all are Raphael with a VPN and personality disorders, that ALL those fucking dag shills have!! They can't see and understand that WE ARE A MOVEMENT!! ALL OF US!!!!

>> No.15681508

DAG = PnD scam

>> No.15681560

Here is some serious questions for DAG shills:
1. How many employees work at Constellation Labs?
2. How did the team spend $33M in 18 months with such a small team?
3. Why does the team allow Satsgang and Denny to manipulate the token price publicly?

>> No.15681979

Your a liar! You wait till DAGboi gets here.

>> No.15682007

Is that you DAGboi? I missed you. How have you been?

>> No.15682019

idk. but someone seiously having feels about this coin

>> No.15682132

Might buy some just for a node

>> No.15682163

>Denny Daggins
what the fuck he's in a vidt telegram channel, never thought i'd see anyone from there mentioned here

>> No.15682189

Super autistic fanboys out there...

>> No.15682752

Denny Daggins is a PnD scammer working with Satsgangs Lucky. They manipulate prices and use their twitter following to pump and dump on everyone. Its like a mobile pyramid scheme.
He used to be Megaman, now hes Denny Daggins. hes also the autist DAG shill that thinks everyone is on a VPN. He doxxed that kid for fudding DAG, hes a total psychopath.
Here is some of his lunatic collages he put together. He made about 20 of these showing posts of anons here on biz and claiming it was all the same guy. His proof is these crazy collages connecting a bunch of random things and claiming they are all a conspiracy.
This is DAGs lead shill and the main cheerleader for the project, fully endorsed by the team. Thats how sad this project has become.

>> No.15682761

Walto, JamesDean and Ranjesh, it's pamping again. Abort FUD mission, I repeat, abort FUD mission. Let's just plan the mainnet FUD

>> No.15682769

This is Denny Daggins collage. This is what autism looks like.

>> No.15682780

Just ready our investigative journalist Ranjesh's FUD video, and we'll be fine. Abort for now, it's pamping to 120 sats.

>> No.15682902

You mean you market bought some thin books. Nobody works there anymore bro, sorry your PnD isnt working out. This isnt 2017 you cant just post memes and 1000X anymore. Back to McDonards denny

>> No.15683088

Walto made an error, he dumped hotbit but forgot to dump on kucoin and idex so he can take the screenshot. Guess JamesDean ran out of funds, so this is an SOS to stop the FUD mission. Plan B - mainnet FUD

>> No.15683144

Cant answer the FUD, better make fun of it. The literal state of DAG is sad.

>> No.15683188

we ain't playin' here. kucoin and idex didn't dump to 80sat as planned, just hotbit, either Walto or Ranjesh pocketed the funds. fuckin' pieces of shit

>> No.15683342

Who is dagboi? Is he also from presale and SUPER pissed off on the dag team, especially now when all the assholes are buying it cheap and it was clear it was PLANNED from the dag team scammers??

>> No.15683355

>Super autistic fanboys out there...
You said it bro, ALL of them are using vpn so ppl will believe there is a ton of ppl supporting dag, when in reality it is only two sad ppl faking it, with intense psychological problems after losing it all in crypto winter. Guess these dag shills are not so smart as they think they are.

>> No.15683383

4. Why does DAG team not come here on biz and answer our questions.
5. Why does ppl getting banned on their telegram with unjust accusations that we are using vpn and multiple accounts?
6. Just looking at the team it is clear they are using crack cocaine, what do they have to say to that?

>> No.15683386

DAG = Dogshit of A Golfball

>> No.15683445

Walto, stop pamping hotbit you piece of shit

>> No.15683513

Unironically this, unless your DAG is asynchronous byzantine fault tolerant it's literally a non starter.

>> No.15683618

@Ranjesh, add this FUD buzzword to your next youtube video 'asynchronous byzantine fault tolerant'

>> No.15683624

Tehmoonwalker made a fuckton off of this - he started promoting it when it was about 25 sats.

>> No.15684236
File: 79 KB, 750x750, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnd were back 130 sats. Hello Kitty former COO working with DAG got me bullish.

Looking forward to the next FUD thread when we have a correction or market sell!

>> No.15684263

I should buy more, it got 3x last time som1 fudded so much