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File: 747 KB, 990x592, 0pgm2hfzdx401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15666768 No.15666768 [Reply] [Original]

For how much money would you exchange yourself to being 5'4"?

>> No.15666787
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, e9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have to. Already 5' 4''

>> No.15666796

I feel bad for you anon. I would honestly kill myself

>> No.15666812

10 mil and then i would train to be the 212 pro

>> No.15666825

I could live the rest of my life in peace inside my home at my PC, something that I already do anyways.

>> No.15666868

Same here. 5'4". You could say I got the short end of the stick on height, but I was gifted with other talents to compensate. If I look at it in a big picture way, I think my cards could've been dealt much worse. Height is a luxury, it's nice and it's hard to deny that height gives you material benefits in life, but other traits can give you so much more.

How much is height worth if you have also have to be a pakistani or born with genetic defects? Or being blind, low IQ or have chronic illnesses? Or have debilitating mental disorders? Or have a face so ugly that anyone looking at you triggers automatic repulsion? Then being 6'3" or whatever isn't worth much.

>> No.15666889

Manlet cope.

>> No.15666892

Calm down little guy go get me a juice box before I give you a noogie

>> No.15666908

I'm a pajeet but 6'2" and well built. I would never exchange myself for even being 5'7" and white. Towering over everyone else is alone worth it

>> No.15667162

5'8" here and let me tell you some thing you piece of fucking shit.

I'm handsome as fuck and have a babyface that allows me to pull easy teen pussy because of it. You should see some of the tight little bodies I've fucked. I have a 7.5in dick and not a single girl I have ever banged has failed to text/call me for a bootycall late at night. I embrace any challenge I get from someone who tries to stand in my face and intimidate me with their height, because it's pathetic. Low center of gravity, fast reflexes, and ridiculous core strength will allow me to either 1) quickly take you to the ground where I will stomp your fat face or 2) out last you with endurance because your shitty, overweight frame required to ground that extra height made you more tired. I make 85k a year as an mid-level engineering manager at Ford (I'm 23 btw, they will most likely promote me to upper management within the next 2-3 years). I fuck shit up in every single sport and would destroy any of you (minus basketball where skill/talent is substituted out for height). I've been compared to Messi in my soccer style. Quick dribbling and cutting in between every opponent in front of me. I scored 95 goals throughout my high school varsity soccer career. I made the varsity football team freshman year as starting runningback but soccer and football were the same season so I couldn't dominate both.

Sports I would destroy you at in order

Endurance running
Ping Pong

I know you. Ugly is a given. Probably curly hair. Tried to grow a beard but it was patchy and you were sad for awhile about that. Struggling to find a way to validate yourself you took to reminding everyone how you're "Over 6 feet tall!", as if that was some sort of cutoff for being a man. When in reality you're just as pathetic as every other self-hating wannabe piece of shit out there, yet you have somehow convinced yourself you've won the genetic lottery.

>> No.15667168

I guess? I was lucky enough to be born with an attractive face, so the downside to being short has been minimized. Never really had trouble with girls, as long as I date within my own height. And there's been plenty of girls in that pool.

If being short is the worst thing I have to deal with in life, I think I'll be chillin.

>> No.15667174

10m. 1 million for each inch taken off my height

>> No.15667212

Literally no amount of money could ever make up for it

>> No.15667226
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>> No.15667229

5ft11 white male with a chad jawline, dark brown eyes, and a full head of hair.

I would not submit to being a manlet for any sum. The world is literally my oyster as it is.

>> No.15667253

Probably like 2 million dollars honestly. I'm 6'0

>> No.15667281

I'd probably give all my crypto (worth 500k) to get to 5'4' from my current height 5'1'

>> No.15667299

Kek at pakistani categorized amongst defects. You guys really are racist. >>15666908
"Towering" over someone is just being confident. Being all alone, well built or otherwise still leaves you beneath people with true confidence and no insecurities aka normies. And if you're reading this post then I've got news for you.

>> No.15667304

1 billion and even then I’d probably regret it... it’s nice being 6ft idk if any amount of money is worth being a small man

>> No.15667312

Im 6'0 and sometimes I feel Im not tall enough

I dont know what I would do if I was 5'4

>> No.15667333
File: 23 KB, 133x250, DFE5DE91-4DCA-4CC8-995B-16F1F80ED5A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5’ 9

>> No.15667396

im 5'5''

its not that bad in california everyone is a short mexican here.

and i have 25k link.

i pretty much only pull single moms and chubbys at the bar, but at least i pull.

>> No.15667420

5'2 .. done ok with females... it wasnt til my 30s I started getting the height matters bullshit. I mostly focus on investments and hobbies so it hasnt bothered me to much so far. feel bad for my short bros that it does bother and get to tho . as the money goes up the females care less and less about height... that's an illusion but money helps.

>> No.15667453

>poorfags trying to justify why their like is ok

>> No.15667454

5'5 ... 26, good personality, 100k in crypto pulled some 7/10 college sloot on a major big ten campus last week... you can do it brahs

>> No.15667458

Fuck you, murricans. Start using a real length unit.

170 centimetres here. I've grown accustomed to it, but I can't deny I often feel short.

>> No.15667460

The whole point of making money for me is I can retreat innawoods and never have to interact with anyone ever again. So whatever that number is. Probably 2-3 milly tax-free.

Also short people live longer, so there's that.

>> No.15667492

5'5" pajeet here.

These threads make me sad because

1) poor short fat bald and ugly guys can get girls easier then most tall guys because as short guys we have bigger or more arrogant personalities to compensate and are more driven. We get this from our fathers. Tall guys usually have beta cuck dad's and it rubs off on their socially anxious kids.

2) ops pic looks like it's a bunch of old people. They're all secretly looking for someone to die with or a means to distract them from their perceived miserable existence. Women their age are either fishing for dick at the club or denying their age by hooking up with younger guys, the women I know in their 30s and 40s have their schedules booked tight and hate clubbing

3) i feel the need to state these facts to boost the morale for any other manlets reading this thinking that they have to be 6 feet to get laid. I used to believe these threads until I just manwhored myself

Then again Im cute, funny and have good stamina in bed so I've never had to deal with those issues. This'll sound weird but walk around like something smells bad. Girls just like it when dudes have that look.

>> No.15667508

I hope Pakistan takes a big shit on your country.

>> No.15667537

180 cm (5'9" or 6' I don't know how it works your retarded system).

I'm way above average where I live and higher that 90% of the other guys but I wish I was 5-6 cm more.

If I was 5'4" I already killed myself.

>> No.15667541

Ok. If you are less than 190cm, you should really consider suicide.

>> No.15667549
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>> No.15667566 [DELETED] 

Do indian men know most women travel to pakistan to get fucked by pakistani men? they have larger dicks and indian men just can't pleasure their women

Just look at what are the masculinity symbols in India, fucking Abdul Kalam hahahaha a fucking pedo decrepit fag

>> No.15667599

Cope harder

>> No.15667602

$10 mil, but worth noting I'm in med school, have 10 btc and am 6'4"

If i went to a mediocreee college and got a mediocre office job and had no btc I think $2 mil would be enough

If I was a complete barely functioning brainlet, $250k

>> No.15667606

that must be nice, I don't have any other talents to make up for it.

>> No.15667610

confidence > height.

5'6 manlet here, have sex'd more than you incels lol. I will say though its getting harder with womens hypergamy and the current climate , you need an additional edge to get you in... buy link

>> No.15667615

this, there's absolutely no reason at all to live at that height. at least self-sterilize, humanity does not need your genes

>> No.15667621
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Now this is true manlet cope

>> No.15667623

don't worry, neither does he. nothing can make up for his height

>> No.15667625
File: 242 KB, 2400x500, 1483250028892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that chart was clearly made by a seething lanklet

>> No.15667641

Naa when I was in highschool I believed it. At 23 I really couldnt care about my height. I just remembered how depressed and sad I became reading these threads thinking I was hopeless when in reality it was just my fear of talking to girls.

I just write out these essay posts to stop any other manlets from feeling how I felt

>> No.15667681


I’m 5’5 and I barely get any girls (not a virgin though) but I cope knowing I can just become a sugar daddy and bang hot sluts. Tbh I would rather be poor and good looking/tall than rich and short but it’s not the worst life. True suffering is when you are both poor AND short.

>> No.15667693


Lmao at bragging about making a 5 fig salary.

>> No.15667731

I concur. The worst I've ever felt about my height was when I was reading Misc for a period. For those who don't know, it's a very popular fitness related board, where (mostly) insecure American teenage guys talk about the world and life in general. They are hyper obsessed with body stats, height in particular. The perspectives and sentiment on height there there doesn't reflect reality at all, it is a mere projection of their own insecurities.

Once I stopped visiting there, you realize that in the real world, height is not that important a factor. You might not become President or be good at basketball, but besides that, it has very little impact on your life.

>> No.15667761


For all my short burger bros I have one piece of advice: GET OUT OF AMERICA and the west in general. American women have a mentally ill obsession with height. Women from other cultures not so much (it matters but not to the same extent that it does to American women).

>> No.15667770
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When will they ever learn?

>> No.15667772

Are u me brah? I started miscing in 2008... in hs the daily height threads got to my head and almost kmsed.

>> No.15667774

When will you learn?

>> No.15667789

i think you mean americans in general are just mentally ill

>> No.15667791

>I’m 5’5 and I barely get any girls

I can tell you as someone being 5'4" and still have no problems getting girls is that it is not the height that is stopping you. I mean tall girls are difficult, obviously. Short ones not much of an issue. And remember, you don't have to seduce all girls in the world. Just a couple or a handful. Ideally just ONE girl that you can marry and build a life with. And there's literally millions of girls that are short that you can pursue.

There are things way more important, like your attitude and overall attractiveness (how you dress, how you carry yourself, charisma, etc)

>> No.15667811
File: 264 KB, 672x1022, beware-eternal-manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man taller than 6'0 has EVER heard any of their women moan "Deeper!"

>> No.15667827

Haha I’m 6 ft, make 450k a year and I feel a tad inferior but still pull some crazy good push and yet here you are at 5’8 making 85k acting very confident. You should hang around some successful people before it’s too late and you realize how mediocre your life is.

>> No.15667850

My sister is 6 4 and I'm 5 6 wtf is this bullshit it's not fair it's not fair

>> No.15667882

Damn I feel bad for you son.

>> No.15667899

Do you have a special ladder to shin up when you give her a birthday kiss? Or do you get your dad to lift you up or something?

>> No.15667904

Do you want to know the worst part? Do you honestly?

>> No.15667912

looks like fresh pasta to me

>> No.15667917

that's kinda hot actually

>> No.15667925

Her knees behind your ears? Yes, yes I do

>> No.15667936
File: 24 KB, 300x345, thumb_download-135kib-700x710-wojak-crying-sony-png-image-with-53344791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 3 years my junior. She's my younger sister.

>> No.15667945
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Oh jesus, you poor, poor sod

>> No.15668072

You are a manlet
Sorry Anon

>> No.15668082

>age 30
>5' 7"
>$150k/year salary
>close to quarter milly net worth

I never had much of a problem getting dates/sex even before I started making money. It's probably partially because I'm Black though. I never thought of my height as a potential disadvantage until I discovered 4chan last year.

>> No.15668126

Except personality and behavior is just a function of attractiveness.

>> No.15668325

>Under 6 feet
>shit brown eyes
>unsimetrical blockhead
>low iq

>> No.15668378

what is wrong with you kids?
are you westerners that retarded?

im 30, and a 39 broad at work is all over me, jokes like "ill have you kiss my feet". shes a little taller but i guess that doesnt matter when youre FUCKING 39 and used does it?

there is a fucking crysis collapse coming, banks are making negative rates now, soon stacyes wont have money to even go out. how can you fucking care about fucking height?

im 30, i go to work only 2 days a week.
the 6.0 chads go to work 5 days a week.
you think i give a fuck that much?

tall girls are fucking hot and i fucking love tall girls, but what the fuck is wrong you people?

fucking live your damn life.

>> No.15668447


What? Is this normal in America?

>> No.15668518

6ft 1 here. It’s so awesome I rarely think about it.
Short men do though. You see it in their eyes. You hear it in their voice. When 6ft plus men are together it’s so peaceful, we relax and talk about the little ones sometimes shaking our heads. We have nothing to prove to each other. The "little man syndrome" is obvious to us- how they try and pull us down. The pain of looking up at us chews them up inside and expresses itself in a range of predictable ways.
A lifetime of little men talking loudly and shamelessly boastfully about shallow material things has made me start to appreciate something I never used to think about.

>> No.15668529

How does it feel knowing that every female contact you had was not because they liked you, but only for your money?

>> No.15668530


based strokeposter

>> No.15668538
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i would have broken world records at 5'10" as I had the ultimate will power, but then I got PTSD over being 5'5". Basically, god was jealous of me so he made it literally impossible to be king of all humans (maybe not in terms of intellect, but in strength? Of course).

Even if I can margin trade and get lucky on obtaining 40k (just to become 5'9"), Ill never be a king again. My will power is already dead. devil-god won.

With that said, I would pick 5'4" at 500k only because leg lengthening surgeries are a thing but ALSO spine surgery lengthening would have to exist.

>> No.15668549

i had RETARDS in mental hospitals tell me wanting to kill myself over being 5'5" was a "teen" issue. Lmao the absolute state of normies. Fucking retards. I also btfod the guy with suicide stats related to height and he brushed it aside. Hes like "I dont believe you" and since he had his computer in fron of him, I said "google it then. Google 'swedish military members suicide stats' as one example". He didnt do it. Dumbass psychiatrist.

>> No.15668554

Imagine if he was her companies CEO or boss. Now it's not funny eh?

>> No.15668563

stop coping. Being short is a joke no matter how much money you have. The only saving grace is that with money, you could get limb lengthening surgeries.

>> No.15668575
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based manlet

>> No.15668665

192 cm here, don't wanna convert to your burger numbers.
Is it true that short men hate tall ones? I've always thought that it's a joke, but recently noticed that all my friends are tall too, and the only not tall guy who I thought was my friend was spreading rumours about me behind my back and told ppl about my secrets for bo reason at all.

>> No.15668678

5"9 here. Sometimes I feel really short, other times I feel average or on the odd occasion tall when surrounded by manlets. Posture also makes a difference. I see naturally taller guys shorten themselves with bad posture while manlets can take advantage of it should they choose.

>> No.15668703

Are we seriously hating on each other based on our heights now? What kind of a fucked up idea is that? Throughout history height was never the determining criterion to a mans success, short men still conquered the world, think about napoleon, Genkis Khan those two alone f***** more women than you ever will in your entire life.

Nowadays the wealthiest men are not tall at all. What's the point of being a 6ft tall and drowning in debt?

Now matter how short you are, there's always a woman who's shorter than you, but if you're a broke loser no woman would want to touch you even if your head reached the moon.

Enough with those stupid threads, and let's keep /biz about business.

>> No.15668724

If shes only an inch or two taller it's ok, I actually see couples like that fairly often. It's barely noticeable. But when a guy is more than a couple inches shorter, most girls will start to notice it and eliminate you from the dating pool. Also, yes I also like tall girls. It's usually the short ones who are really cunty, like little yappy chiuauas. Taller girls are usually more confident IMO.

>> No.15668730

Really good outlook fren. I'm 5'10", solid 7.5/10 blonde hair/blue eyed aryan looking dude and I'm very content with how I look.
But my father had severe mental health issues and killed himself when I was two. These mental health issues started to manifest in me a few years ago after I graduated college and it's been a horrible burden on my life, rendering me completely dysfunctional at times.

I would honestly trade some of my height or even take an amputated arm over what I've had to deal with, seeing as how medication mostly just makes me feel worse overall. Good mental health is underrated.

>> No.15668731

Napoleon wasn’t actually short.

>> No.15668735

most girls that are approaching 6' have a weird uncomfortableness about it because they feel like behemoths. Sort of like the reverse of how manlets feel.

>> No.15668756
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 2174070F-19BB-43AA-BDA6-FCEFB8129E14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry mate, didn’t realise you were talking down there. Can you say that again?

>> No.15668794

>Throughout history height was never the determining criterion to a mans success
1. http://match.mediaroom.com/2018-02-01-Singles-in-America-Match-Releases-Largest-Study-on-U-S-Single-Population-for-Eighth-Year

2. http://imgur.com/a/LoqedTG

3. http://www.humanforsale.com/height.asp

4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/2016/03/17/short-men-less-attractive-to-women-according-to-duke-university-study/amp/

5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.popsugar.com/career/Shorter-Men-Need-Earn-More-Compete-Taller-Men-When-Dating-10497397/amp

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15994722/

7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newscientist.com/article/dn13196-men-born-short-are-more-prone-to-violent-suicide/amp/

also, look at CEO average heights

>> No.15668799

You have that backwards. Attractiveness (for men) is a function of attitude, aptitude (social) and appearance. There's a lot of things you can do to improve all these areas, even if you are genetically unfortunate. Dress well, sharp haircut, fit body, etc is all within your control. Facial structure not so much. Also, if your appearance lacks, you must compensate in the two other areas.

>> No.15668822

you're really dumb dude. Think about it. You are ignoring the obstacles degenerates have to overcome. By your logic, someone with an extra chromosome can get laid with every pornstar just by putting on a fancy fedora and having confidence. You are delusional and sugar coat reality.

>> No.15668906
File: 432 KB, 1690x797, joesthetics-misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are missing the point. The impact simply being fit can have is immense. Pic is just one example that shows you what lifting weights (increasing test) and lowering your body fat can do to your face alone.

There's plenty of fat guys, slobs, degenerates, druggies and short guys who can get a girlfriend? Why can't you? What's your excuse?

>> No.15668917
File: 630 KB, 708x401, werknprogress-reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example.

>> No.15668923
File: 135 KB, 692x503, july14b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.

>> No.15668947

Youre an idiot that ignores statistics. YOU are missing the fucking point, brainlet. Success is predetermined by genetics. Exceptions dont make the rule.

also, youre talking about training to ME?? Ha! I used to be the most obsessed human of all time before being short gave me PTSD and destroyed my brain. What you dont get is shit genetics dont belong in the gene pool. Trash like me should be killed (but peacefully).

>> No.15668948
File: 65 KB, 720x669, vipergq misc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One more.

Your success with women is almost entirely in your own control.

>> No.15668953

Go swing by one of the girl chans. A lot of them are into short guys

>> No.15668959

>almost entirely in your control

1. get btfod
2. short males have no business reproducing in the first place

>> No.15668963

You not getting a girlfriend has nothing to do with statistics.

You don't need to seduce all women on planet earth. You just need to land ONE that you are compatible with. A lot of women will settle for literal shit. If you can't manage that, when even retards in wheelchairs can get girlfriends then you are beyond help.

>> No.15668967

I hate ignorant people like you who have 0 grasp on how statistics/reality work. You base things on anecdotes which is such a brainlet move. Again, EXCEPTIONS dont make the rule and degenerates shouldnt be reproducing and spreading their shit genes

>> No.15668972

you cant read. Degenerates ARENT supposed to reproduce in the first place. Shit genes shouldn't be spread

>> No.15668979

2 million dollars.

I’m more mature and have had my run ins with post-social media women. They simply aren’t worth it.

Now if I had 2 million I would be able to purchase investment properties and dividend stocks. I am a minimalist so I could live comfortably off the passive income.

>> No.15668999

I have a friend that is 6ft5in and girls literally fawn over him. EVERY girl in college sends him nudes. He can fuck any one he wants. Has a nice face, personality and is tall as fuck. He is not a lanklet. He's also not that tall for my country average. Fuck you fucking burger average is 5ft9 and I'm just that tall but where I live it's way higher.

>> No.15669009

lmao manlet cope

>> No.15669028
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>EVERY girl in college sends him nudes

>> No.15669036
File: 2.66 MB, 400x300, 0543183b2dbef0db3e89418ce36c7b96-950018598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life is literally an anecdote, not a statistic.

Get off Biz and find a therapist to sort out your nihilistic attitude. That is what prevents you from getting laid, not your genetics.

Then don't.

Pic related. Even THAT guy can get a cute girlfriend.

>> No.15669042

Ok not every but a lot of them. I've seen it.

>> No.15669046

You couldn't pay me to lose 11 inches.

>> No.15669065

Therapist are retards. Talking =/= magic. Ive been confiend twice to mental hospitals over this. Only a retard can think ALL problems can be solved by "talking it out". Also, I find your lack of understanding how statistics works to be both hilarious and pathetic. So what in the FUCK do you think is their purpose anyways, brainlet?

2. Illiterate. AGAIN. Degenerates have NO business spreading their shit genes around. Learn to think and learn to read

>> No.15669088
File: 3.50 MB, 400x300, 57bf5232aa3ce5a72b65ad9dc7794db0-717318309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Degenerates have NO business spreading their shit genes around.

Great, then don't. And stop whining about it cause YOU made a choice to be an incel.

>> No.15669142

nobody wants a chan girl

>> No.15669203

idiot... I bet you have shit genetics too and are just coping.

>> No.15669335

Same anon exact same my hair is blonde though.

>> No.15669982

1 b

>> No.15670089


kek keep coping, you can't get laid because you are autistic af, imagine thinking you are incel because you are 5'11 instead of 6'1 lmaooo

>> No.15670101

Hmmmm I wouldn't actually mind it, though I'd be losing 1 foot of height

I'm tall and I've given up on women, so what they think doesn't really bother me

>> No.15670305

im 5'5". Also, for me personally, its more about pride than women. Training to obtain the ultimate body was my life and now my dream is dead

>> No.15670708

I can't breathe

>> No.15670812

I'm 5'11 and got laid quite a bit in my life, but I had to put in a lot of effort. Would have been a lot easier at 6'1.

I can only imagine how fucking hard more it is at 5'5

>> No.15670882

women aside, just being short makes you feel like a little boy. Even faggot god would kill itself if he were in my shoes. Faggot makes you endure shit not even it can endure. What a sadistic motherfucker. Now I need 40k JUST to be 5'9". I legit got PTSD from this. Nigger god.

>> No.15671043

Wtf is a girl chan

>> No.15671083
File: 314 KB, 662x960, ghey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pakistan has the ighest rate of incest related mutations and illnesses you total fucking helmet

>> No.15671478 [DELETED] 

Use the 40k on proper therapy instead. CBT preferably. You will get a lot more benefit.

>> No.15671508
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, Cognitive_behavorial_therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the 40k on proper therapy instead. CBT preferably. You will get a lot more benefit.

>> No.15671516


We are all a bag of fucking flesh and blood, your ideal of the human body is just some straight shit from gay pornos, the sad thing is that gays get too muscular just to impress other dudes and you completely fell for it you utter faggot

>> No.15672269

lold. Talking =/= magic.
>your ideal of the human body is just some straight shit from gay pornos
Spoken like a true burger. No, I wanted perfection, not some pathetic excuse of a "fit" bidy i.e porn actors. Those fuckers cant even do what I used to do at age 16. My training was legendary. I would have broken world records if not for this.

Seriously, you sound fat

>> No.15672296

like seriously..
>oh you watched your family get decapitated then burned alive?
>have you tried talking? That fixes everything!
just how naive can you be?
Homeless? Just try talking! Physically tortured? Just try talking!

Why do normies think therapy = magic? Its a load of bull

>> No.15672301

>oh you watched your family get decapitated then burned alive?
that doesnt make sense but you get the idea

>> No.15672323


you don't even have to be tall to broke world records lmao everything is measured compared to your weight in records, if your training was "legendary" you would be still training and not giving a shit desu, after some years of training you don't give a shit because progress is so slow it becomes routine

>> No.15672352

Leg-lengthening surgery only costs like 50k so I'd probably accept becoming a manlet for like 150k

>> No.15672356

>you don't even have to be tall to broke world records lmao
how are people this fucking dumb? Obviously I could have continued training. Thing is since im a midget, the end result would still be a shit body so I gave up on life. Not rocket science.
>everything is measured compared to your weight in records, if your training was "legendary" you would be still training and not giving a shit
you say this because you're ignorant of masculinity
>after some years of training you don't give a shit because progress is so slow it becomes routine
I trained 2-3hrs a day for 4.5 years from age 12-16.5. Ill show you my routine next post. Its not rocket science. Theres no point in trining if the end result is the body of little boy. How the fuck is this so hard for you to understand?

>> No.15672360

Well long story short, god is a bitch.
At age 12, I would do 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 seconds without stopping. At age 16.5, I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set, almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

As for the weights in the machines that I used, I couldn't tell you. I put pins randomly. I tried to put it in the heaviest I could handle, but never looked at the amount. The fitness room in my highschool also had pins for bench presses. I had my own bench press too with not much weights (maybe about 200lb. Nothing really).

I was planning on doubling my routine and doubling of that and doubling THAT, but it hit me I wasn't going to grow anymore and it completely destroyed me to oblivion at age 16.5. Now I'm 24.

I trained EVERY part I could. I did yoga too. Etc. Training was literally what defined me. So why did I stop? Because my final height was 5'5". That messed up everything. Schooling, jobs, mental health, etc.
Now I need 40k to get surgeries to make me 5'9" (5'10" was my dream height).
I have been suicidal for about 7.5ish years over my height.

This + wagecucking makes me want to end it.

I was doing like 1k in the low 40 min mark in sets. Once I did 3 consecutive sets of 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 sec with 45lb. 4 min and 20 seconds total for 300 pushups (10 second break in between sets). Again, as a 16 yr old. Imagine if I had never stopped?
I've spent more time being suicidal (7.5ish years) than training (4.5 years). I already lost in life. Even with my surgeries, this faggot god already won. I am broken. I would have broken world records in a fair world. I realized the hard way we live in a world that rewards you by luck and luck alone.

>> No.15672362

5' 4" but I became a tranny a few years ago so it all worked out in my favor.

>> No.15672366

you are so ignorant on how emasculating being a short male is. Either you're a dumbass ignorant female or an absolute beta male.

>> No.15672510

the manlet rage is strong ITT
can we actually answer the topic?
for me it'd be $40MM. my "making it" number is closer to $4MM, but seeing as one can always make money but not grow height, there should be a premium letting you unlock the next tier of experiences

>> No.15672530

>How does it feel knowing that every female contact you had was not because they liked you, but only for your money?

It's better than being broke and getting no pussy lmao

>> No.15672563

Since when people are not ashamed publicly mocking others?

>> No.15672583

the absolute state of manlets

>> No.15672625
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well kiddo, masculinity isn't measured by how big your muscles are, there is a reason why the military laughs at the second leutenants that come straight out of PE school doing fucking routines over routines to make them "fitter" but shit their pants in a real firefight, most bodybuilders and strenght lifters gas fast and shit their pants when they realize lack of stamina makes them cowards and kills their will

anyway masculinity aint shit because some day someone can just lie about you and write a big letter about how sissy you are and then it's fucking gone, just accumulate wealth be it in form of money, friends, relationships, soul, knowledge and dont give a fuck about the rest

>> No.15672719

Man and i felt short with 170 imagine beeing less than that. 170 is the minimum height to receive any respect in europe

>> No.15672725
File: 329 KB, 411x709, 34qqwddY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u could transform into this girl, would you? and what would you do

>> No.15672728

5'8 is the cutoff to not literally killing yourself
anything below is smaller than small women in heels, and you might aswell necc since you have no worth

>> No.15672732

shut up midget or i’ll make you dress up as a leprechaun and fire you out of a cannon.

t. 6”2’

>> No.15672734

>well kiddo,
>masculinity isn't measured by how big your muscles are,
Thats arbitrary. It is measured by brute physical power and a perfect for in MY eyes which is al that matters. I couldn't give one singe shit how others define it. I live by my OWN standards
>there is a reason why the military laughs at the second leutenants that come straight out of PE school doing fucking routines over routines to make them "fitter" but shit their pants in a real firefight, most bodybuilders and strenght lifters gas fast and shit their pants when they realize lack of stamina makes them cowards and kills their will

youre retarded. Did you not see my training? My stamina was also godly.

>anyway masculinity aint shit
confirmed fatass betacuck

>because some day someone can just lie about you and write a big letter about how sissy you are and then it's fucking gone,
How is it "gone"? what in the fuck are you even blabbing about?
>just accumulate wealth be it in form of money, friends, relationships, soul, knowledge and dont give a fuck about the rest

>> No.15672737

She is ugly af but girls got it easy so tough to say. I dont know if i would want to lose my superior male brain and body

>> No.15672738

>dark brown eyes
pick one mutt

>> No.15672739
File: 625 KB, 256x512, 1465980466905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet coping detected

>> No.15672742

5'9" is the real cutoff. 5'10" is already golden. Anything less than this is suicide worthy

too bad this retard country doesnt help degenerates die peacefully with assisted suicides l

>> No.15672746

>Women in heels
Since when do prostitutes care about height?

>> No.15672753

I would say you are the real degenerate trying to compensate something else with your height. Do you have a small peepee? I can tell you are mentally weak at the very least

>> No.15672788

i’m 6ft 2 and i think 5 ft 7 is my limit of shrinkage - i’d do it for 20k

>> No.15672791

>I would say you are the real degenerate
never said otherwise, extra chromosome retard
>trying to compensate something else with your height.
im 5'5". What in the fuck are you taking about?
>Do you have a small peepee?
You have to be at least 18 to post here
>I can tell you are mentally weak at the very least
coming from a retard that knows literally nothing about me, your opinions are worthless

>> No.15672873

Poor guy.

>> No.15672935

kek manlet

>> No.15673009

kek faggot

>> No.15673018

Hahahaha 5 5

>> No.15673038

weird protip for you manlets from an alphachad:
latin women generally have no problems with Napoleonic dudes, and while they make horrible spouses, they're pretty much the primo demographic for hooking up with and will give you the ride of your life. So don't be discouraged, hit the gym to get your testosterone flowing (because they have more than you, guaranteed) and go bang an 8/10. No excuses, Frodo.

>> No.15673041
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>>and i own link

Jesus christ, this reeks man of cope

>> No.15673090

>shit brown eyes
Fucking stupid mutt go back to pol

Brown eyes are far better than colored eyes. No chad has colored eyes.
The phrase is literally "tall, dark and handsome". Dark is referring to brown eyes and dark hair.

Italians are considered the most attractive males almost universally. They all have brown eyes.

>> No.15673123

manlets lanklets.. lmao
You are autistic, ugly and not selfcaring/loving faggots that's why you don't get pussy. And anybody here saying short people or fat people or dumb people shouldn't get kids deserves to get their balls cut off. Who the fuck you think you are? This is nazi ideology and will be punished severely. Fucking shitheads

>> No.15673153

Nice fantasy, but male jobs are far more vulnerable. Most women, excluding janitors/cashiers/etc (which are relatively safe jobs themselves) do government work, like teaching, HR management, etc. For every woman laid off in a recession, there are three wagie male engineers, researchers, contractors, etc laid off.

>> No.15673301

People will sya cope but unironically this is the only tier list in terms of rolling:
This is non negotiable. There are people born whose skin just falls off from birth to death (life expectancy is like 15 years) of pure agony. So health is obvs number 1.
>geography (rich pajeet > poor German)
>personality (aka charisma)

>> No.15673305

£4 million

>> No.15673314

manlets were a mistake

>> No.15673343

This I’m from Texas so it’s not that bad when you’re surrounded by Latinas

>> No.15673409
File: 40 KB, 600x532, 1558774803870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short end of the stick
>big picture
Holy kek those Freudian slips

>> No.15673417

imagine unironically typing this long post out and still claiming you don't care about being short

>> No.15673429
File: 57 KB, 700x437, jadensmithcloseup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This'll sound weird but walk around like something smells bad. Girls just like it when dudes have that look.
based manlet advice

>> No.15673432

cool cope. you're a shitskin forever, ranjeet,

>> No.15673450

yes in addition to being a pajeet manlet, also walk around looking pissed off. based advice.

>> No.15673461
File: 149 KB, 634x758, article-0-14C4D45A000005DC-957_634x758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a pajeet but 6'2" and well built. I would never exchange myself for even being 5'7" and white. Towering over everyone else is alone worth it

>> No.15673470

Pakistani people are probably the best looking country in the subcontinent.

>> No.15673500

My goodness zac efron is good looking. Mogs the shit out of that pajeet.

>> No.15673520

You post this in every thread kek get a life

>> No.15673530

didn't read; not shrinking