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15666065 No.15666065 [Reply] [Original]

What is this dynamic called?

>> No.15666088
File: 10 KB, 300x187, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the "be like Dolphins" pattern
> kill chads and rape bitches

>> No.15666097

Natural selection

>> No.15666099

Where did the other 2 women go?

>> No.15666101

Vaguely Jewish.

>> No.15666106

DNA paternity tests are pretty cheap nowadays

>> No.15666195


>> No.15666206
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perpetual inverse roastie swap

all women are whores.

>> No.15666209

The incel delusion

>> No.15666219

Imagine not realizing all sexually reproducing species are naturally hypergamous

>> No.15666224

The shifting blame pattern

>> No.15666262

This. Chads genes are passed on incels shit genes die.

Incels complain about the current state of things but fail to realize that the past structure of nuclear families in which every man pair bonded with a female was dysgenic.

Now that only chad genes are getting passed on people will evolve. Don’t be sad about it. If you want to have sex then maybe try working on yourself and becoming a chad. Don’t like it then know your place incel freak. Women don’t owe you sex or love.

>> No.15666279
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i hate how people keep promoting this meme. have fun with your stds

>> No.15666292

It would be nice if we would evolve into some kind of gigachad species. Unfortunately, chads simply aren't the only ones breeding. In fact, chads are more likely to use protection and eschew breeding altogether. Betas are the ones actually reliably breeding. These are the facts. I've studied this stuff in university.
>in before cope

>> No.15666305

They are still single because they are delusional enough to think they still deserve chad despite being old used up meat

>> No.15666319

100% this. Chad fucks all the women and betas take care of the women and their children this is the natural order of things and 100% is how our societies functioned for 100,000 years.

Under no circumstances would the betas not tolerate chad hoarding 90% of the women. They would continue their lives working to ensure chads offspring and his Harlem of women were well looked after.

They would Never I repeat never opt out leaving these women to fend for themselves or chad to provide for them. Making it so that every women would have to naturally pair bond with their equal in order to survive. No way in hell that would happen. Again back in the caveman days one man would breed all the women and women would be looked after by hundreds of beta providers. Today’s society is a return to this eugenic natural order.

>> No.15666325

"Chad" isn't too much about genes, sadly. Too many cases of chads raising betas.

>> No.15666332
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This post seems serious
This post seems ironic

>> No.15666336
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So do you claim that some people are naturally slaves to others?

>> No.15666347

Did you forget to switch IPs? Good post either way but its sad that people feel the need to samefag to prove their point.

>> No.15666352

90% of the people ITT are virgins.

>> No.15666359

The woman genes are very important, see Arnold Schwazernegger sons, legitimate one is a fat cuck and the bastard he had with his mexican maid is a chad.

>> No.15666379
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Subhuman genes are always dominant.

>> No.15666381
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I posted this thread in R9K and noone replied, I get more replies on boards like /g/ and /biz/ about random Incel subjects, I think all boards will slowly disolve into shit posts from r9k

>> No.15666402

>had a large KFC binge last night
>did an asynchronous video interview last night; I remember I used to feel humiliated when doing these
>went to sleep, woke up at 7.30 am after 4 hours
>browsed internet on phone in bed, skim / read David Cameron's memoir on my phone (I didn't pay for it)
>almost decided to buy M&Ms and Doritos right there at 9.30 am and start the day with a binge but went to sleep for 2 hours instead
>browsed internet, drank coffee
>went jogging
>went in to central London to walk around on a very hot and sunny day
>went for my usual walk and saw a distressing number of Chad and Stacey / Brad and Becky couples
>read 30 pages of a pop-history book at the library
>went walking again and on the bus
>walked through a park and saw even more couples, some kissing, and I felt even more subhuman
>now drinking coffee
>not sure what I'll eat tonight

The place where I usually buy my coffee has this new really tall GigaStacey employee who was smirking in this "look at this subhuman beta" way.

I am already procrastinating reading the 600+ page classic novel. I have only read the first 50 pages and not touched it since. I would've borrowed some history books today if I hadn't gone in to central London until after 2 pm. I didn't want to waste the daylight hours.

I saw BMWF and AMWF. I saw this guy walking with his 7.5/10 blonde gf while I was on the bus and it really hit home how irredeemable my youth was and how other people are happy and accepted by default. I feel humiliated just being in public.

I can't believe I've eaten so much at KFC in the past few years. The food is cooked badly in every store I've tried.

>> No.15667291

Winner takes all

>> No.15667319

>Now that only chad genes are getting passed on

They aren't. Short women create manlets.

>> No.15668289

Buy high sell low

>> No.15668331


So my thing about this... Paying for a Kid sucks. How does Chad afford the child support?

>> No.15668362

fuck off londonfrog nobody fucking cares. go to /r9k/, your containment board. or are you not allowed to post there because your posts aren't original and you say the same shit every day?

>> No.15668419

Chad just runs away. Stacy never asks for child support because she loves Chad and hoped to get impregnated by him again soon.

>> No.15668433

"The /biz/"

>> No.15668446 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2400x3200, 1 qpaXwxh41MHd08Aqn0AhaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this dynamic called?
That's the "Rory pattern."

>> No.15668492

Where do the other two girls go?

>> No.15668504

alpha fucks beta bucks
what do i win

>> No.15669449

Women want the best genes for their offspring.

Now that the sexual market is completely decentralized, women pursue the top 20% of men with no societal constraints.

Beta bois (90% of this thread) cope and (Darwinist)nature marches on.

>> No.15670711

>wandering around town
holy shit are you a de facto NPC?

>> No.15670724
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>> No.15670957
File: 72 KB, 733x464, you, and your friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow even though only chads pass on their genes, we still don't have a 100% chad society
>working on yourself changes your genes
found you and your friends.

>> No.15671230

>Statistics 101? I'm not surprised you failed.

Chad today (2019) does not equal Chad tomorrow (2050).

There can never be a 100% chad society.

Humans are not equal in ability or outcome but humans can still be provided equal opportunity.

>Over your head, probably. Life of the untermensch...

>> No.15671253
File: 79 KB, 482x427, 1527069934508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it stop anon

>> No.15671311

That's because /r9k/ has been a tranny colony for years at this point, robots migrated to maining other boards.

>> No.15671371
File: 510 KB, 1242x1075, B9221A2C-6E28-4527-8859-2FBB43200D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just goes on and on anon
It never stops

Live with it

>> No.15671387

>chad is the ubermensch

what a shitty meme, chad used to be brad, i don't know any chad in real life, just pure brads who are poor as fuck btw

>> No.15672217

Book rec for you anon: Hunger by Knut Hamsun. Did what you're doing but in the 1890s and, well, starving instead of gorging.

It's a classic you won't procrastinate--you won't set it down. And it's only like 200 pages. Easily available online since it was published in the 19th century

>> No.15672777
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>chad is genetic
>work to become chad

>> No.15672858


>> No.15672915

I agree with the general point if by chad you mean rich.

>> No.15673300
File: 265 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20190920_202342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha fucks beta bucks

>> No.15673364

consider suicide

>> No.15673377

>got my dick sucked last night
>got it sucked today by another chick
>see threads like this
you fuckers are making me feel like a chad

>> No.15673396

i bought at 35 cents do you think ill live long enough to break even?

>> No.15673441

People who want to spend all their time, energy and money on women are cucks anyways, doesn't matter if they are Chads or Betas.

Women would NEVER do the same for you, and even if they do they won't do it for long.

>> No.15673488

Mankind's way ahead of any other creature on the food chain. So, monogamy isn't and never was dysgenic. We wouldn't be here if that were true.

This is just thot enabling talk. Women need to repress their urge to smash with Chad just as average Joe represses his urge to kill whomever makes him angry and rape whomever gives him a boner. That's all that needs to be said on the matter.

>> No.15673522

>The place where I usually buy my coffee has this new really tall GigaStacey

HOT. Other than that nobody cares about your autismal fag diaries. You should go hang around Soho until a middle aged gay shows interest in your buttocks and takes you back to his place to pound you like the faggot you are.

>> No.15673535

>he doesn’t know about the countless women holding down total bum dudes who don’t even have jobs

You’re very inexperienced in life.
>t. had girls take care of me while I was a total NEET

>> No.15673603
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 149232283742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know about the grey wolf, the monogamous animal the white man has lived, competed and evolved with for 100k+ years

>> No.15673662

It was different in paleolithic times. There was no monogamous husband. There was group marriage. You were married at birth, to multiple women, and women were married at birth to multiple men.
Heredity was through the women. Uncles had the father role. As a man you were responsible not from your biological child, but to the child of your sister.
There there was no real concept of biological father equals paternity, thus there was no concept of cuckolding.
Cuckolding appeared with civilization, when heredity and inheritance went from female lineage to male lineage.
With patriarchy and male inheritance comes cuckolding. Under matriarchy, cuckolding is not possible, since nobody cares who the biological father is (the man who takes care of children was the uncle).