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1565811 No.1565811 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone hear actually tried a scam like this without getting caught?
Hard to see how it wouldn't catch up with the person eventually.


Kid buys credit card off the deepweb, turns them into gift cards to drop ship shit from legitmate eStore.

Or something along those lines, he's vague with the exact how-to for obvious reasons.

I wouldn't want to do it myself, curious about the fact he hasn't been caught.

>> No.1565876
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1476215906437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For about a year and a half now I've been thinking about buying cards off of the deepweb. I put the idea on the back burner because I started trading. This article has re-sparked my interests. I truly believe that the only way to break through, is to break the law. If anyone here has any experience it would be cool if you shared. There used to be daily threads on /biz/ about shit like this, but nowadays everyone is to pussy or to buisy gambling on penny stocks to care or discuss.

>> No.1565886

I still think the best scams was the coupons that 4chins use to have all over here right before the holidays.
Worked like magic against some stressed out temp working a register with limited training.
4 cases of Mountain dew for $5.
some were even more insane and people got away with it.

>> No.1566015

Just keep yourself low and you will be fine

>> No.1566030

lol I remember using these back in 2011 in a walmart. my roommate and I bought a bag of chips and some pizza rolls and the cashier gave us like 29 cents when we didn't give her anything. we were too nervous to think about it, but I guess the coupons were for more money off than the price of the item and the lady actually gave us money....

/b/ actually saved me like $50 that year.

>> No.1567313

This seems quite safe actually and profitable

I don't see much of a downside provided you never actually physically touch the goods.

So is it just stolen cc -> giftcards -> sell someone something they want via dropshipping through giftcard?

Seems flawless honestly. Might try.

>> No.1567338

What are the downsides of this? It seems easier than investing in cryptos or pennystocks

>> No.1567380

>making $5000 a week
>has a goal of getting $1 mil before turning 18
>doesn't hit it
>because he's throwing fucking parties and wasting money on expensive cars
Fucking idiot

>> No.1567390


Getting ass fucked in jail for credit card fraud.

>> No.1567394

Do people even get caught that often

Seems like one of the safer crimes really

>> No.1567778

It would take 4 years to earn a million with 5k a week, I'm certain he didn't start this at 14

>> No.1567801


That guy should have never given that interview.

>> No.1567816

Doesn't matter, he's not going to hit a million if he spends all his money on hookers and blow.
Especially since those are kiwibux and you have to spend more to get the same quality of hooker.

>> No.1567881

Fuck now I wish I had the snowcrash file of all the info and the how to
I'm sure they've updated their systems anyways

>> No.1567890

why is he giving an interview? cc fraud is nothing new or special, thousands of people do it around the world.

Its the definition of a free lunch if you dont get caught

>> No.1567895

Yeah. There's hundreds of thousands of people doing this EVERY DAY.

Just a little kid and retarded normies who think this most basic and idiotproof of crimes is something amazing... lawl.

It's practically a step up from going into a store, grabbing something and jolting. Same level of complexity.

>> No.1567925

Article gives shit all detail.
How does he convert the numbers to gift cards without giving away his address?
How does he break the paper trail between the stolen credit cards, the gift cards, and what's purchased?

>> No.1567932

Dropshipping numbnuts.

He buys gc's with stolen cards. Then offers to sell bigticket items to people online at (I'm assuming) a fairly discounted price. Then he buys them with the giftcard but ships them directly to the customer. He gets paid, customer gets his shit. It's all gravy.

Make sense? There's several lines of disassociation from him.

In order to trace him you'd need to:
>Get in contact with the giftcard company
>Who get in contact with the giftcard seller(who may or not be legit or cooperative)
>Who then get in contact with the company of dropshipped item
>Also in contact with the customer

All of this is very hard obviously to investigate and turn up with anything.

>> No.1567941

So how does he actually get the gift cards?
Does he go into a store with a fake card and buy them?
Does he get them delivered to a fake address?
Or is there some loophole like you can buy "virtual" giftcards that aren't a physical object?

>> No.1567943

Probably online bro.

Giftcards are just a code. Plenty of sites sell them for BTC and creditcard. Tons.

And if not you can buy them direct from the store online

>> No.1567948

Basically what I'm saying is that the kiddo in the news story is making great money with little complexity and very little risk.

>> No.1567950

Yeah sounds like a good scam.
Would probably be pretty safe provided you always use Tor and don't get the FBI after you

>> No.1568206

I'm guessing this is pretty much how it works, you need to be able to accept the payment in some anonymous way though. Another difficult part is to actually get the gift cards, a lot of online stores have become harder to card over the years, Amazon does work with some social engineering though.

>> No.1568208

I've read that in Sweden alone credit card fraud is a $100 million market, and Sweden has barely 10 mil inhabitants.

>> No.1568211

You would need more than TOR imo, wouldn't want to get fucked by the authorities.

>> No.1568215

If I remember correctly the virtual gift cards as gifts using Amazon had hard limits before pre-approval struck.

It's chump change so he's taking a lot of risks for little reward and would probably have an easier time getting the vcc's into crypto.

>> No.1568223

Just curious, where would you even advertise your products? You couldn't just post it to Craigslist, meet up with some guy and get your money and then ship it to his home address, and you wouldn't want him to send the money to your bank account either. Anonymous bank accounts doesn't exist any longer.

>> No.1568229

Oh man, back before my autism set in, I went completely ham with these coupons. My favorite were the Xbox live microsoft points cards. I hit up every single CVS and Walgreens in a 25 mile radius trying to get them and I ended up walking away with 10-15 of them ranging in value from $25 all the way up to $60 (only a couple of these). Sold them on eBay.

>> No.1568371

Yeah, especially since TOR has already been infiltrated by the Fed for years.

>> No.1568453

Honestly considering this desu
Bro it's like multi billion worldwide.

But yeah it's fucked how common it is.

>> No.1568852


That's the missing chunk. The separation between vcc and drop shipping implies they can be traced so it's anybody's guess what kind of storefront he's using. If I were to guess I'd say he's doing that step over deep web as well.

>> No.1568869

I call bullshit, if you actually browsed tor, you would know it's bs.

Noone would buy a half-assed laundered gift card over tor, it just makes no sense.

You gonna blow yourself faster than using stolen stolen cc cvcs and nums, and as there are no names and shit, i guess the article is just a vyser of vice journalist pressured to deadline

>> No.1568879

The coupon guy got arrested and nobody remembers him :(

pour one out for old boy

>> No.1569802

You can do it if you don't mind the risk of getting jailed and having to pay back all the debt you've made. Good luck on that one.
I advice you to buy several shotguns with that 5k a month so there is a shure way to blast your head off when you get caught.

>> No.1569805

well. he can still come out clean if his business is booming. so he can get jail time, but still be rich in the end if he figures out a proper crypto currency to send his cash to.

>> No.1569981
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I'm in IT but admittedly not the most knowledgeable on staying completely hidden. I have stolen thousands of dollars from phishing and has never been caught, im sure if someone cared enough they could find me. I'm willing to bet that breaking into a WEP or TKIP wifi in a safe location and using that connection to buy cc's and launder them through gift cards could go unnoticed for a long time.

>> No.1569984
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See ya soon

>> No.1569989

where is this meme from?

>> No.1569990
File: 272 KB, 959x538, fbi.tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you!
Snitches get stitches.

>> No.1570009

> teenage with and Audi
> owns a business that makes 5 sales a month
> "gee I wonder where all that money comes from," says his local tax authority

This is just another story Vice made up you fucking gibbon.

>> No.1570037

Calling bullshit on this "interview" anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge on the subject could have wrote that.

In the past it has crossed my mind about buying a prepaid visa card and going a town over late at night with a scarf around my fave to withdraw the money.

>> No.1570058

do you have a disposable email address?

>> No.1570244

This is the only way of going untraced or actually make the cards you've stollen, otherwise there is a trail back.to you

>> No.1570255

>Implying the local tax authority catches on

You're so dumb dude. This isn't a made up story, there's entire forums of people doing this stuff making $10,000's a month.

This isn't made up

>> No.1570283
File: 72 KB, 700x457, train-robbery1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying cards and cashing them out at ATMs seems like the train robing of our era.

>> No.1570288

Seems pretty fucking sketchy though

>> No.1570312

Not really, just need to know how to make physical cards, least risk method of this thread

>> No.1570786

why not use the stolen cc to buy bitcoin and tumble that shit? wouldn't that be easier?

>> No.1570832


Not living in the US, just asking out of curiosity: Don't you need to enter a PIN at the ATM to withdraw cash?

>> No.1570845

Going there is sketchy

Dont they have cameras?

>> No.1570847

Getting your pin stolen is trivial.

Skimmers either have a small camera to catch you entering it or have a fake pinpad to capture it

>> No.1570871

Someone posted a method of getting Toys R Us gift cards by brute forcing the pin:

past3 b1n DOT c0m / UJgCQV7y

It's all trivial.

> Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>> No.1570879

Anyone claiming to actually sell cards avoid

Now if you bought info then made them into cards like myself then you're good to go a quick search will help you find the tools you need

i make about $5000 a month from this method while a sit at home and play games/be a neet.

It won't last forever but i'm enjoying while it lasts

i tell my normie friends i work from home making websites

>> No.1570880

>hasn't been caught.
And probably never will, as there is nothing to catch. As if the kid actually does it, keeps it quiet so as not to get caught, and then GOES TO FUCKING VICE to get the shit off his chest. He did probably get payed to do the interview though.

wouldn't be surprised if there was no interview in the first place, and the whole thing is just a made-up pile of shit to get more clicks.

And finally, use a fucking archive service, then suck an aids-infested hooker dick and die.

>> No.1570882

>Go to the effort of finding an exploit to get free shit
>Don't abuse it for profit
>Don't try to get a bug bounty
>Don't even try to get cred by posting it under your hacker name
What motivates this person?

>> No.1570884

What is it?

>> No.1570891

It's easy. You just buy dumps then use writer to write cards and emboss them right?

But aren't you sketched out going to stores or using them in atms?

>> No.1570893

Noone's doubting people aren't capable of doing this, and I doubt anyone would argue it's hard to get away with it, but Vice is very, very far from anything even resembling credible journalism. And the story smells of bullshit.

>> No.1570895

Pretty much

and i will sometimes travel 15-20 miles to different ATMs its not a big deal for withdrawing say 300 or more at a time

i have used them kinda near my house at the start but after one or two times i started to branch out.

>> No.1570902

Here's my theory.
>Guy owns a security company.
>Wants to make business with Toys'ya'Us.
>Gets told to fuck off
>Finds an exploit, makes it public anonimously
>Gets hired to fix the shit.

>> No.1570906

What are the chances of getting ripped buying this shit off some guy on the internet?

Don't you ever feel sketched out? Is it really as simple as doing this 10 times a month for $300 each and making $3k?
I live in canada, should I do this shit? We use chips here though

>> No.1570907

I saw a few documentaries.
They talked about how serial killers would always start off around where they lived.

>> No.1570920

Well info is cheap enough

some don't work or will work but only for the next (insert time here)

so you have to rush at some points

i've bought from well known markets and always make sure traders have good feedback

then again they mostly sell other cheap info aswell

i first bought a porn account then papa johns manager discount codes as a tester (no im not joking)

Anyways i don't feel sketched out i just act like i'm taking out my own money out

From my understanding most bank machines read the strip and not the chip

at least where i live with have swip/chip or nfc

but stating the obvious here never use it in a shop you will get fucked instantly.

Really makes you think huh?

>> No.1570925

Honestly I've been on some of these forums and even registered on a few webshops but I always got scurred when it came down to it.

I was reading on a forum once and people were talking about how they made off with $7000+ instore carding. Is it really that dangerous?

Like what's gonna happen?

Also wouldny it make more sense buying shit online and ordering it to a drop?

>> No.1570946

Yes ordering to drop or taking from an ATM is the safest way

and in-store carding may be viable depending on what country you're in.

i've never done it myself i always prefer cash then buy it "legit"

At one time i even bought fake money and it worked in nearly every place

i would buy some gum then hand them a 20 so i would get back 19 in real cash

but its all going to shit now with the new type of notes

I even got busted in a subway and just acted surprised and thankfully they believed me

>> No.1570959

Is it really easy to do this man

You're making me kind of want to now... why is instore so dangerous though?

Any tips for atm? Wear mask? Lel

>> No.1570976

where did you get that??Where can I buy fkes??

>> No.1571002

May I ask what a drop is?

>> No.1571031

Yeah, I've been trying to figure out how he would go about getting an anonymous payment. I'm thinking he just sells the items on bitcoin markets, receives the bitcoins and then tumbles them to anonymize them. but then even still you have to exchange that into cash. Sounds like it'd leave a strong paper trail in my opinion. The thing is though I can't imagine a lot of countries have the resources to root out this type of crime.

>> No.1571361

>Kid buys credit card off the deepweb, turns them into gift cards to drop ship shit from legitmate eStore.

>falling for the meme

>> No.1571366

Cracking a pin via brute force would be the way, with computing power these days it wouldn't be a problem, all you need is a modified card reader or even better don't brute force just reverse engineer how the pin is stored and authenticated, but that's more involved.

>> No.1571382

>MFW the store bans an IP after multiple requests

>> No.1571401

I would think a drop is getting delivered to somewhere other than your home/work? Maybe a post office or one of them amazon safe box things that I seem to see popping up around my town?

>> No.1571404

fake notes? I've seen them on .onion sites, never bought any myself though because I'm a noob and don't like the idea of giving my address/details to someone selling sketchy shit on one of them sites.

>> No.1571464

how does he buy the gift cards though ?
doesnt it track it back to him when he buys them?
Cant the seller see what IP was used?

>> No.1571555

I imagine he uses a proxy or a random WiFi to authenticate the gift card and then sell them on eBay/Gumtree not sure how he's gone untraced with the money transfers though.

>> No.1571618

Every time you reconnect your phone to your cellular network you get a new IP.

>> No.1571858

If you go on different TOR forums they explain step by step how to make money doing this shit. Its retard easy and the only way to get caught is by acting like an idiot.

>> No.1571901

Seems fake

>> No.1571903

what forums? My links are mostly dead

>> No.1571909

Kek. You know tor was made by the Navy right?

>> No.1571931

This sounds too good to be true. Any suggestions on card readers/writers for this purpose?

Any links?

Fucking shill

>> No.1572495

What about fixed football matches/sports, anyone tried that?

>> No.1572593
File: 48 KB, 469x505, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do it in esports.
>Put together a team of like minded individuals.
>Get okay at the game.
>Pay some hacker to make undetected cheats
>Enter in tournaments and win enough games so that you can bet but not enough so that you are invited to a lan.

>> No.1572763

Yeah cause banks 100% don't disable the card after a couple of attempts.

>> No.1572811

That's my thoughts. It CANNOT be that simple.

>> No.1572821

They steal the pin with a lil camera or a fake pinpad you regards.

You know how you heard to cover when you enter your pin? that's not from the guy behind you.

>> No.1572828

I was going on about cracking the pin for credit cards, not stealing it.

>They steal the pin with a lil camera or a fake pinpad you regards.
>fake pinpad you regards.
>you regards.
Try harder, pleb.

>> No.1572833

You can't crack it you dinklebottom

People just steal it.

>> No.1572860

I know that part. And this is NOT the same as OP's and Vice's article are doing / trying.

I was talking about getting pins from the ones purchased online.

>> No.1572865

They provide pins dude... jesus christ

>> No.1572878

That's what I was talking about you moron, read the post I quoted.

>> No.1572890

Where would I go about getting fake Dutch notes?

No one checks any bills at all here, only burgerking has those machines but they don't use them.

>> No.1572962

Cover face, go at odd/late hour, park car out of camera view, be at different town than where you live . Don't see how that could go wrong.

>> No.1573424

On a modified cardreader no, it reads the pin off the card, not from the bank.

>> No.1573467

And the pin is not stored on the card, I can change my pin online anytime.
It would be a stupid design desicion to store the pin on the reader.
The transaction has to be sent to the bank to be verified, too many attempts and the card gets blocked.

>> No.1573478

This the guy has given numinous info about himself that could get him caught if authoritys care enough to track him down.

He mentioned that his dad was convicted for fraud which reduces the suspect pool very low in a country of 2 million. This how they caught sabu from lulzsec (mentioned he had a previous conviction over IRC)

He mentioned that he donated to charity and takes regular trips to the sunshine coast on top of running E-commerce stores. This narrows the suspect pool down even more.

>> No.1573491

kek, that's what i thought

>> No.1573703

Agreed. That's why VICE I have my doubts it's another one of those neat VICE fabricated stories!

>> No.1573763

I used to buy Starbucks cards off the deep web. $100 cards for $20-$30, but they cost me nothing. I mined brand new CPU-based altcoins on customer computers (I work in IT) and traded them to bitcoin when the rates were favorable. All total I bought $2400 worth of Starbucks cards, at no cost to me.

I wasted the opportunity, though. Instead of reselling them, (I was worried about getting busted) I spent it all myself in a period of about three months. I drank a LOT of coffee, and occasionally I'd tell the barista "I want to buy coffee for everyone in line behind me." It was fun but I didn't get to profit off it.

>> No.1573775

>$2400 worth of coffee in 3 months
>Buying coffee for a line of random strangers
Are you retarded?

>> No.1573795

I mean, my potential profit was maybe...$1800-$2000? Max? It's not like I missed out on much.

>> No.1573847


Hey, From Canada as well. I was on tore with the same idea as you and lost 450 worth of BTC in 3 months. So many rippers on there, It was unreal.

>> No.1573850

You mean you've been ripped... Off? How? Did they send you invalid info or something?

>> No.1573857

Most retarded yet fun story I read in a while. It must have been pretty cool, UNLIMITED COFFEE FOR EVERYONE!!!

Agreed, I guess the fun you had buzz off that coffee was worth it lol

>> No.1573859

Yeah interested in this too

>> No.1573986

>If you go on different TOR forums
such as...

>> No.1574187

Either VICE is faking the story, or the kid is giving fake details as a red herring (what I would do all the time, even in private conversations with trusted accomplices), or the kid is just the typical teenager with no foresight, doing something stupid because it's fun (is it really that implausible?).

I'm leaning toward the first option though.

>> No.1574199
File: 30 KB, 400x357, hacker-stock-photo-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think anyone with some brain and no morals could find ways to make money on the DW given a few days of research.

The hard part is being able to separate the genuine guys from the scammers and the undercover cops.

How would you even do that without spending thousands testing every seller to see if he's real?

>> No.1574224

gotta spend money to make money anon

>> No.1574234

Yeah, I guess...

It'd be better if we could cut that expense though.

Also, being able to recognize the real guys is still a valuable skill, since you'd need to avoid law enforcement too.

>> No.1574381


What did they mean by this?

Is this shit a meme

>> No.1574726

So are Chinese mmorpg gold sellers basically money laundering schemes?
I just thought why they were so popular, and I cannot think other reason than people buy digital gold to launder money.
Am I right?

>> No.1574741
File: 44 KB, 455x300, dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> baka

>> No.1575228

bump for interest

>> No.1575258

You can literally buy a PayPal with a linked cc for 10 usd in the deep web max that out sell the gift cards 25% off (for fast sales) and make bank.

>> No.1575260

Why do they sell it instead of using it themselves?

>> No.1575262

They crack hundreds at a time and don't want to risk getting caught.

>> No.1575263


Don't you need fresh socks/rdp to use them?

>> No.1575269

Depends what your doing I know people that straight withdraw cash or just drop ship items from Amazon to eBay and take a small loss just to have clean money in there account

>> No.1575274

I reckon if you log into a pp all of a sudden from an ip in some other country it's going to throw up a red flag.

Probably denied.

Also what's the point of this little shit?

Weren't the big botnet herders making MILLIONS? Seems retarded to be making $300 buying shit with some poor saps paypal when you could go after the big stuff.

>> No.1575277

Why don't you go after the big stuff then? Cause you'll most likely get caugh and when you buy the PayPal your provided the ip so you can spoof it so it doesn't trigger any thing in the system.

>> No.1575282

That's what I'm thinking

If you're going to do this stuff, why even do it like a pussy? That's for crackheads or teenagers.

>> No.1575285

I'd rather not have some swat guys at my house with ar15's and red dots on me. Doing this to pay rent and having some spare cash is good enough.

>> No.1575290

Don't you ever feel like a nigger tho

Ngl I've thought about this stuff but it seems kinda shitty to do desu.

>> No.1575302

i din du nuffin, thinking about getting a real job again only done this for 3 months.

>> No.1575306

>tfw this thread kind of enticing me now

I almost want to now. It seems so easy, too easy

>> No.1575307

For let's says 48 hours of work i can make what I'd make in a month of shitty 9-5 work. And for that 48 I'll go hard and complete eBay orders find buyers on my local craigslist and sell shit.

>> No.1575309

Telling you it's way to easy, you have 28 days of the month off.

>> No.1575313

What do you advise I do then

What's most worth it?

>> No.1575317

If you just want to make enough money to cut costs and have some extra money just drop ship items. Buy a few verified company paypals (so expenses don't look fishy) and buy from Amazon and ship to people that buy from your eBay store. Do MacBooks iPhones other expensive tech shit, sold two iPhone 7's that was like 2 grand.

>> No.1575364

>tfw need to pay 15k next month
>tfw broke, getting nervous and don't know what to do
>see this thread
it's either kneepads and sucking dick or...help, I don't want to fall for this!

>> No.1575390

If you can actually get an estore to sell shit the fraud is almost completely irrelevant

>> No.1575408

How would I explain the source of my money if the authorities/tax office were to question me?
Just trying to cover all the bases.
Thanks anons.

>> No.1575411

Move tax residency to a Caribbean jurisdiction

>> No.1575441

So I could just transfer all the money from an offshore bank account to my /aus/ bank account without raising any eyes?
New to this, thanks for the help!

>> No.1575580

How can I make sure I don't get jewed by the seller?

Never used alphabay or anything desu

>> No.1575737


>> No.1575798


scams scams scams
They're all scams. You won't ever see your physical cards "bought" off any of the "sellers" on websites from for example Hidden Wiki. They're all moderately elaborate scam sites with fake forums behind them. Look pretty or ugly, professional or not, usually offering 1-3 days express shipment 3-5 international, "feedback" system, "contact" sometimes autoshop, sometimes just email, usually at sigaint. The Green Machine forum, Wallstreet Forum, Paypal Cent, Premium Cards, Queen of Cards, Black&White. My personal favourite - "DreamWeavers" - lol.

Pretty much every single site on Hidden Wiki finance section + many others are a scam. So beware. Can look pretty convincing. If something seems to good to be true, it usually is. One of the sites even claims to use few third party escrow - clearnet sites. But do a little lurking and you'll find out these sites are scams too. Pay Btc to escrow, never see them again.

Doesn't matter if you order physical cards, paypal accounts, or simply card data. You'll never see it.

As for Alphabay and other markets out there- don't know yet. But from what I read / suspect is that card data is sold and re sold, so most of what you'll buy will be probably dead (burned) and unusable anyway.

Btw, from tens of thousands of offers on Alphabay, you won't find a since one for physical cloned card, curious, isn't it. Especially how "easily" obtainable they seem on darkweb.

>> No.1575803

* a single one

>> No.1575833

one more thing Alphabay is usually ddos'd into oblivion by competition, so you have to be patient. Smaller sites are usually less besieged.

>> No.1575840

Huh, you seem to be right.
I couldn't find any cloned cards or gift cards on AlphaBay.
On a side note, they really need to clean the fraud section up, it's filled with garbage spammy listings so even if someone did want to sell cloned cards it'd be near impossible to find them.

>> No.1575870

Heh, it's called "fraud" for a reason :-)
Not many people seem to see or appreciate the irony though.

At first.

But seriously, I don't think anyone gives a damn.

>> No.1575895

There's plenty of legit clearnet forums for this shit...

>> No.1575901

What I think is, making serious money either or clearnet, or darkweb, is never easy. Either way you'll have to learn some skills, just a different set, and get the things you want your way.

If there were easy and simple ways to make a lot (not any - a lot) of money every poor stupid sob could use - there would be no poor stupid sobs.

only loaded ones.

Ok, enough preaching.

>> No.1575907



>> No.1575928


Darkweb is a meme dude. There's so many forums with this shit with extensive vetting

>> No.1575935

If you're new and inexperienced, you shouldn't learn this stuff from anonymous people on the Internet.
Even when using the top guys in the industry it's still a big risk. Halfassing it using info found on 4chan is just stacking risks on top of each other.

t. guy who does exactly this and wants to scare away the potential competition.
Just kidding, it makes sense, but I wouldn't rule it out as impossible. Just difficult for the average joe.
Making a couple thousand dollard a month doing low-tier shit isn't that uncommon.
It's the 6+ figure that's very hard and/or risky, but like you said, once you learn the necessary skills and get to know the "scene", it becomes way easier.

>> No.1576716


>> No.1577041

What can I buy that doesn't use address verification?

>> No.1578290

>Now if you bought info then made them into cards like myself then you're good to go a quick search will help you find the tools you need

>> No.1579258


>> No.1580355


>> No.1580374

THIS IS CALLED CARDING. its old as fuck from the 80s

ITS DONE IN RETAIL STORES NOW DAYS they used to do internet orders with it.






FACT, i helped stop a ring doing this shit years ago which encompassed most of the north east.

they busted 4 people in a van, later led to like 40 people total. but just that one van with 20k in cards printed in a storage bin, and a stamping machine and blank cards, probably some nigger gang.

go for it. try it. i hope you end up in prison.

this shit effects everyone. it pisses me off and i hope you realize that this topic doesn't belong here


>> No.1580437

Isn't the method in the OP different in terms of likelihood of getting caught?
I mean, how would they catch him if every single step is done digitally behind Tor?
They would need a huge multi-million dollar operation to even start looking for him, and they're not gonna do that unless he's a big fish like DPR or that hosting provider with all those CP sites.

>> No.1580503

hey dumb ass they only care if hes making more than a million.

>> No.1580505

desu, it seems you are most likely to get scammed this way, see>>1575798

>> No.1580518

Essentially yes, it is just a more niggardly way of doing it. The CC info still comes online, or by using a modified Square bit to steal the CC information if you have possession of the card (i.e., a cashier -- there is a video of a woman suuuuper pissed yelling at a Starbucks barista she caught doing it). Darknet info is just a higher, larger scale. It's pretty immoral. But people say it's not, because the bank or whatever will cover fraud. It's definitely shitty to do. Theoretically if you are careful enough though yes, you should be able to do it without leaking info. But you are a human so probably not, you will eventually fail unless you quit. It's a "sell now or hold for more profit" situation.

>> No.1580548

Yeah, It's clearly a significant risk, but getting scammed is not 100% guaranteed 100% of the time.
As it's been said before in the thread, it's a matter of testing the waters making small orders to see which one is real, and then getting serious with that.
Much like advertisers can spend tens of thousands in test campaigns before starting to make money once they find one that works.

Of course it's a shitty thing to do. Stealing is not suddenly ok just because the victim can afford the loss. Anyone who thinks people doing this aren't pieces of shit is just lying to himself.
That said, it's still an interesting thing to discuss IMO.

>Theoretically if you are careful enough though yes, you should be able to do it without leaking info. But you are a human so probably not, you will eventually fail unless you quit. It's a "sell now or hold for more profit" situation.
What if you get creative with all the new ways people make money online, by doing a unique sort of "mix" of things without telling anybody?
This way it will be extra hard for the police to follow the trail, right?
Also if I'm good with technology, use the appropriate security measures on Tor (tight settings on noscript, requestpolicy, and about:config) and the OS itself (Linux system on an encrypted drive, running a VM with Tails for example), and follow them rigorously, use public wifi, etc. it would be extremely hard to make a mistake big enough to get me in trouble, especially since I would be just one of thousands of scumbags doing this kind of stuff online.
If I was an important target and had the police on me waiting for me to make the smallest mistake that they can exploit to find me, then yes.
A single guy making less than 10k a month... Very unlikely.

But I'm just talking out my ass here, so correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.1580575

read the part about opsec.

if authorities wanted to find you, they just need to follow your tracks as far as you've been on the internet, you just need to have made a small mistake in the past, even your post could be linked.

you just never know when you are going to make a mistake, and thinking you are safe is the best way to leak some info.

I have no doubt there are many people doing it but is it worth it? how much could you make without raising any flags? probably not a lot.

a single guy making less than 10k a month is probably going to raise some flags...
how are you going to explain your income? just remember the IRS caught al capone

>> No.1580594

>if authorities wanted to find you, they just need to follow your tracks as far as you've been on the internet, you just need to have made a small mistake in the past, even your post could be linked.
Yeah, kinda like DPR was found through a clearnet post on some forum about the website he was setting up, that was found because it was connected to SR.
And after millions of dollars and years of work, they managed to find this clue and it was still hard to get him.

If I hide all my traces from day 1, assuming I'm not making retarded mistakes, all they'd have would be an anonymous presence of some Dark Web guy who's impossible to connect to his IRL counterpart.

>you just never know when you are going to make a mistake, and thinking you are safe is the best way to leak some info.
I'm never assuming I'm safe. That's the whole point.
The reason why I'd feel safe, it's because I'd never feel safe. If that makes sense.

>I have no doubt there are many people doing it but is it worth it? how much could you make without raising any flags? probably not a lot.
>a single guy making less than 10k a month is probably going to raise some flags...
>how are you going to explain your income? just remember the IRS caught al capone
Well, for starters I'm not American, but even if I was, I would fly low and keep my illegal earnings off the system and use them for everything I can pay for with cash, while I pay for the important stuff with my income from my legitimate day job.
Just like every other small criminal.

There's also the possibility of money laundering if you really want to make those earnings kosher.

>read the part about opsec.
Those are all very basic common sense rules for anyone who's even a bit interested in online security, let alone someone who's actually risking prison doing it (which should obviously at least research everything thoroughly before starting).
I'll read the rest of the page, as it seems interesting, thank you.

>> No.1580884

>this shit effects everyone. it pisses me off and i hope you realize that this topic doesn't belong here

>Of course it's a shitty thing to do.

I agree that it is kinda a shitty thing to do but I'm all in favour of it since it should motivate people to use better technology like bitcoin (and for the same reason I won't get upset about blockchain analysis since Monero exists). I wouldn't bother doing it myself though. I'm sure there's a good reason cc info goes for less than $10 per card.

>> No.1580889

>I agree that it is kinda a shitty thing to do but I'm all in favour of it since it should motivate people to use better technology like bitcoin
I don't think it would convince your average joe to use Bitcoin and similars in place of conventional systems like the CC, considering how relatively difficult it is, the fact that it's equally as easy (if not easier) to steal bitcoins than it is to steal CCs, and the fact that if you get your money stolen from your CC it's a headache at worst, while if you get your Bitcoins stolen, then you're basically SOL because you're never seeing them again.

I don't think blockchain technology will replace what we currently have, at least for a very long time.
It's good to have in addition to it, for its advantages and whatnot, but as a replacement, not so much.

>> No.1580890

>but I'm all in favour of it since it should motivate people to use better technology like bitcoin

Yeah lol

Cus bitcoin exchanges don't get hacked all the time and if an attacker steals your bitcoin there's literally no liability or insurance to cover it...

The modern banking system isn't perfect but at the very least when your credit card gets stolen you get your money back in a week, and if your bank account gets fraudulent transfers it also gets fixed quickly thanks to Regulation E.

>I'm sure there's a good reason cc info goes for less than $10 per card.

A fair portion of cards are invalid when they're sold like that, and also because the shit isn't a rare commodity.

Stolen cards are a dime a dozen, they're worth practically nothing. Of all the cards hacked only a small percentage gets sold and they get them in bulk. If someone is selling one million cards for $10 each on average that's a good deal for him.

>> No.1580911

I mean it will encourage shops and sellers to adopt bitcoin and hopefully offer a discount vs credit cards if they accept them at all since bitcoin should save them on charge backs and general fraud. And if it's not the seller eating the loss it's banks which is also fine by me.

For consumers of course cards are safer and easier for them atm. But I don't expect consumers to be the driver of change. With as many cards to be exploited as you're saying it sounds like there's a lot of room for more people to do this and therefore a lot more strain on the current financial system. I think blockchain currencies are inevitable.

>> No.1580913

fuck this asshole, I hope he gets caught (which he will) and spends a looooong time in prison

>> No.1580914

>and spends a looooong time in prison

People rarely spend more than 2-3 years for this kind of thing.

And that's in minimum security.

>> No.1580916

The problem is that you keep talking about credit card fraud as a key problem of the platform, while in reality nobody gives a shit because their money is going to come back within days if it gets stolen.
With Bitcoin it's lost forever (and it's also easier to steal. the problem is not that widespread only because cryptos aren't widespread. The day it will be used as much as credit cards are, fraud, scams, robberies and whatnot will be so much more widespread than CC fraud will ever be), and this alone would mean that people will prefer using conventional systems over cryptos for a very long time.
Unless it was forced on the people as the only alternative, most people will always prefer the current systems.

>> No.1580924

Right, the cc holder will get their money back but the iPad seller has lost their iPad forever. Yes there will be and is fraud with crypto but I believe there will be solutions, better solutions than what is possible with no marl money now. 2 of 2 multisig is a free and simple way of handling transactions more safely. Respected professional escrow providers will probably emerge, acting a bit like paypal does today.

>> No.1580935

>Right, the cc holder will get their money back but the iPad seller has lost their iPad forever.
Sucks for the seller, but I don't think people care enough about that to want to leave the CC system.

>Yes there will be and is fraud with crypto but I believe there will be solutions, better solutions than what is possible with no marl money now. 2 of 2 multisig is a free and simple way of handling transactions more safely. Respected professional escrow providers will probably emerge, acting a bit like paypal does today.
We'll see then if your prediction comes true, and how much better these solutions will be compared to CCs and whatnot, but up until they're on par (and probably long after), we'll be stuck with the systems we currently have.

>> No.1580937

Already made your first mistake posting here. If someone from your location starts making extra money and IRS wants it's cut. Well you're fucked. You just posted on the Internet. It's on 4chins servers. Okay, maybe you luck out and they delete it after a while. Well, your isp still has the post request you typed and sent from your computer. And that's loaded gun. You're DOA before you even started.

>> No.1580940

>he thinks some random guy is important enough or the police is competent enough to do this

>> No.1580943

I know and I don't care (if I did, I could've used proxies and whatnot), because first of all, I'm not American and the might and powerful IRS won't care about me, and second, I don't even want to do this. I'm just discussing it because I find it interesting.
I don't think there'll be an international investigation for some random post on 4chan, and even then, how would they connect my presence on the Dark Web to this 4chan thread where I'm not saying anything specific to any DW business?
How would they know which one of the thousands (maybe even millions) of criminals on the DW made these posts?

>If someone from your location starts making extra money and IRS wants it's cut
You're assuming I wouldn't just keep everything off the books and use the illegal money for cash purchases while using my legitimate dayjob to pay for traceable expenses, like anyone who does this kind of thing would do.
If I'm not buying flashy cars or things like that, how are they going to find out about this money?

>> No.1580944

Dude they'll use their telepathy to track you down and arrest you and imprison without trial.

Even without jurisdiction

>> No.1580946


>> No.1580949

Honestly he has a bit of a point

If we work on the technology, and get it mass-accepted then it can be very valuable .

As it stands no cryptocurrency is anywhere close but time will tell. 20 years ago people didn't know what email was

>> No.1580950

I understand that it will be more popular over time, but I don't think the current fraud problem will be the reason, since it will be present (probably on a greater extent) in cryptos as well.

The entire point of the discussion is that he said carding and CC fraud is a bad thing but it will be good for crypto's popularity, and I argumented on why I disagree.

>> No.1582098


>> No.1582349
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 1477012483271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats probably hella fake

>> No.1582686

how do you anonymously buy bitcoins tho?

>> No.1582769

when the feds trace the funds to amazon and next to the address where the goods go, they will find that your ebay account is involved. Are ebay earnings anonymous? how do you extract funds from your ebay account anonymously?

>> No.1583684


>> No.1584179

I dont trust DN weed let alone CCs

>> No.1584744

Ah, is that why the page only loads 8 times out of 10?
Makes sense. Also all the captcha shit they make you fill out

>> No.1584897
File: 34 KB, 279x400, 663fbbe7445d13f6c5816117249d12927b7411db95b3b6b0d888b0c1c836cc1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all jokes... There's so much money to be made legally online.

>> No.1584915

Is this 2011 ? I can't believe people still think you can go long term on carding. Believe it or not everyone is gonna get busted in the end, all big "private" and supposedly "vip" websites were being run by FBI agents, and they've stepped up the security

enjoy spending the next 15years in a federal penitentiary because you carded 20k$ worth of xboxes and video cards

>> No.1586370
File: 126 KB, 950x632, photodune-4814031-hacker-and-money-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, we got it. Carding is 99% going to get you scammed or jailed.
So what are the ways the cool h4x0r guys make money on the DW right now?
Also how viable/realistic are they?

>> No.1587348

Did you get the pennies from your blogs for the month anon?

>> No.1587783

Lol just buy ripple fags

>> No.1588729

What about buying ransomware?
I remember reading that some people bought some ransomware software and support, and without being able to code, they were able to deploy it and make hundreds of thousands a month.

>> No.1589260

Sign me up for the cheats.

>> No.1590083


>> No.1590625

>Has anyone hear

Can't believe nobody poined that out.

>> No.1591068

>nobody poined that

can't bliev u done tis

>> No.1592163


>> No.1592835


>> No.1592849

Noob here. Wouldn't it be easier to just buy some shitcoins with the card and transfer them from one wallet to another, then sell them? Instead of the whole gift card thing, I mean. I'm not into shitcoins, so I don't know if I'm missing something here.

>> No.1592854

it's stealing

god will punish you

>> No.1593309

yeah that would be easier, but the problem is buying crypto with cards in general. a lot of exchanges won't accept them and most that do want some form of ID, the strictest want a webcam verification.

if you could find one that just takes the card then hypothetically you could buy bitcoins, move them around exchanges, trade for different coins, especially monero, move them around some more and then cash out with localbitcoins.

>> No.1593434

There needs to be an anonymous exchange site

>> No.1593465

Afaik no one ever got caught using TOR given that:

1) You are using Tails or something else that isolates the OS
2) You have javascript off (and obviously all plugins off which automatically are off in Tor Browser)
3) Tails was updated

Literally no one ever got caught.

Of course, as soon as you give any details about yourself you are at risk. I think this idea sounds too good to be true. First of all, it's impossible and a gamble to know if the guy selling you the stolen CCs aren't the FEDs. Starting from there, the whole idea is just a big gamble and you might as well gamble your Bitcoin in Poloniex trying to get rich with some pump and dump.

Then you would also have problems trying to explain the IRS or whatever equivalent you have in your country, where did you got all that money from, specially if you buy a car or a house.

>> No.1593467

You're right, but is also worth mentioning that Tor is only safe when using .onion websites.
If you use it to browse the clearnet you might end up connecting to compromised entry and exit nodes, and your identity would be at risk.

>> No.1593711

>Dutch notes?
Dutch notes are Euros. Euros can be bought on any darkweb market.

>> No.1594380

How ae they?
I imagine they won't fool any detection machinery, but are they usually good enough to "feel right" in the hand?
What about the hand of a police officer?

>> No.1595244


>> No.1595651

Read up on true cases of scammers who got caught. You'll eventually start to see one of two patterns emerge: either they got greedy and brazen with it, or else they were absolute retards who did everything in their power to draw attention to themselves.

>> No.1595666

>I still think the best scams was the coupons that 4chins use to have

You've clearly never heard of the real couponing scam then. Basically it's this: you run ads in magazines, websites and shit that stay at home mommies and NEETs might read promising big $$$ for mailing in envelopes stuffed with manufacturer coupons--you never pay the retarded fucks a dime. You've most likely seen these sorts of work at home ads before, and now you are about to learn what it's all about.

In the meantime you setup a fake retail business that exists only on paper, and then you redeem all those coupons that dipshits send you for free, as if you had collected them through legitimate sales at your non-existent store.

Manufacturers are not stupid. They know this shit goes on, and when people get too ballsy with it, those companies will prosecute the fuck out of such scammers. People who keep it on a smaller scale get away with it mostly, because the money being lost to fraudulent redemption, is peanuts compared to the revenue that these companies make through legitimate sales. Manufacturer's coupons still drive a significant amount of sales for certain products (cigarettes are a big one), thus they have no real incentive to fix what was a very broken system from day one.

But again, start trying to cash in millions of dollars worth through Anon's Shitty Little Fly-by-night Fake Store In Bumblefuck, Arkansas Inc., and you're headed to a federal penitentiary.

>> No.1596967


>> No.1597453

A good friend of mine used to be involved in ATM scams. This anon is right. They'd never sell their findings for $20-$50 a pop "to avoid the heat", when they're able to get $800 on average per card by paying "mules" to walk around and withdraw from ATMs.

>> No.1598540

What if these cards are just mined by some sperg script kiddie who doesn't have a network of people who would help him with this stuff?
The only alternative would be selling them online, no?

>> No.1599840
