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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 289 KB, 1200x600, 874A94AD-8A14-4216-9E29-CDCD96F8E9F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15657764 No.15657764 [Reply] [Original]

Read the whitepapers, the goal is to start on a dollar peg and slowly add enough assets that the dollar peg can be removed and have a currency (RSV), that's backed by a basket of decentralized assets. rather than the current situation where if the dollar fails most stablecoins fail. except maybe tether since they're doing whatever the fuck they want anyway

they are also going to be working on governance which will give RSR holders more of a say in what gets done but there aren't that many details yet since they're still focusing on making RSV and the protocol work before they focus on fine tuning the adoption of more assets. they will start with a centralized peg to dollar assets and slowly move into a more diverse portfolio and im sure they will be taking input as to the assets they choose but they're also using advisors that know more than some neet on 4chan.

>> No.15657783

I can’t wait to easily arbitrage to a stable coin.

>> No.15657785

why dont u pajeets just have these conversations in your steam group where you all come from while playing overwatch all day

>> No.15657827
File: 1002 KB, 1593x2173, 7654323456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comfies fucking hold in my life, literally

>> No.15657851

>trusting a fat Russian philosophy major with no programming skills over PayPal founders and Coinbase Ventures
The actual fucking state
Linked on suicide watch right now.

>> No.15657864

>trusting kikes and faggots with links to the anti-crypto deep state
The actual fucking state of Reservecucks.

>> No.15658085
File: 76 KB, 720x611, 1567867451229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bags are going to make me a multimillionaire by next year

>> No.15658108

Thiel is libertarian u retard

>> No.15658151
File: 965 KB, 1241x1200, yrstgfnbrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sipping on my coffee, and looking down on plebs

>> No.15658164

Sir gay.

>> No.15658192

Real pic! But that’s a solid analogy for the reserve team vs the link camp which I don’t think even has any developers now

>> No.15658239

The more threads on biz about certain coins the bigger the dump.

>> No.15658251

Wow what is your hedge fund called. Faggot and Retard LLC?

>> No.15658274

LOL stay poor and have sex

>> No.15658429

Sorry for being a brainlet but where do you guys store your rsr?

>> No.15658434
File: 58 KB, 680x680, D3vdFAjUcAAwjJk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got em

>> No.15658448


>> No.15658463

Trust Wallet, Coinbase wallet, metamask, MEW, you can send it to any ethereum address.

Getting sick and tired of the teams radio silence. I want to be rich already.

>> No.15658567

>backed by a basket of assets
Who chooses what those assets are, and who holds them? There's literally no way Reserve can choose and hold all those assets and still claim to be decentralized. They essentially want to become the central bank of crypto.

>> No.15658603

By using a voting system and tokens to rep assets they can definitely do yhis