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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15641160 No.15641160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15641169

all things considered its doing pretty good. ide say that lightning network hack was pretty embarrassing though

>> No.15641176

they don't care ETH fanboys are almost as bad as LINK

>> No.15641177
File: 58 KB, 600x338, vitalik-buterin-eth-inventor-cat-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money skelly is next
FBI is closing in on these ICO fraudsters

>> No.15641181

show us on the doll where he touched you anon

>> No.15641186


>> No.15641193

The ICO's SEChammer can not come soon enough, but Vitalik won't be charged.

>> No.15641197
File: 16 KB, 300x200, 110306-ArmoredTankTWOPhoto-hmed-0115p.grid-6x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ETH token distributors will be charged and prosecuted for funding and distributing child porn
the FBI has information on all you fags

>> No.15641202
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 1567970704008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“We've confirmed instances of the CVE being exploited in the wild. If you’re not on the following versions of either of these implementations (these versions are fully patched), then you need to upgrade now to avoid the risk of funds loss,” explained the developers.

>> No.15641207

kek at the price my photo!
ETH $1,152.43 holy fuck what a scam

>> No.15641217
File: 835 KB, 1440x564, 1568046411486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how yall want decentralization and hands off my bitcoin government but now cry wolf to the SEC.
>muh ico scams
have sex incel

>> No.15641219
File: 88 KB, 608x776, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 second layer app encouraging users to upgrade version
>multiple apps being btfo by the developers themselves
holy jesus christ what a fucking scam

>> No.15641223

decentralization =/= moneygrab

>> No.15641229

do you have a life posting the same damn twitter image all day. seriously are you getting paid or something

>> No.15641233

can't address the point so deflect and attack the anon who posted it
kys unironically you fucking scumbag

>> No.15641242
File: 44 KB, 600x450, 1559371878216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only working smart contract platform with consensus
ok i guess i got scammed anon thanks for warning me. wow you should warn everyone on here ethereum doesnt even work. this whole thing is a lie

>> No.15641251

no bro im asking you a question like a normal human being. you got problems and should seek medical help. youre not a dev and dont know shit about developing on a platform so why keep commenting and opening your trap like a dumb ass

>> No.15641259

>ethereum doesnt even work
Never said that. I was referring to the hundreds of ICO's that should be purged of the Ethereum landscape. It will ultimately appreciate our ETH bags. ;)

>> No.15641264

I hold ETH bro bro. I can just call them like I see them. It's Bitcoin season now anyway, ether will be back to ATH a year from now

>> No.15641265

you are such a brainlet you can't see why removing backwards compatibility is a bad thing?
it's another check on the list of ridiculous behavior that's acceptable in the ETH community

>> No.15641269

can you name one dapp that got "BTFO" by this suggestion? Any that were effected by EIP1884? i didnt think so.

>> No.15641290

the scams are fucked up. and its not fair. the whole game is rigged. but when the stock market opened a ton of stock was fake, scams, and straight pump and dumps. the birth of the stock market was almost identical to the ico boom. we saw the same shit happen in dotcom boom. expectations out beat reality, but that doesnt discredit the methods and mechanics of the game. the rules just need to be better established.

>> No.15641293
File: 152 KB, 630x1428, thh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the epitome of fag leftest group think that defects with "get medical help" because they can't make an educated observation or point outside the pre-approved opinions of the "thought leaders"
seriously man you're a fucking brainlet
the fucking developers are debating this EIP and it had become an acceptable consequence in changing the code

Are you going to pretend that no dapps are going to be affected or try to argue I'm wrong because I don't have a specific one in mind?
top developers have acknowledged this problem and you're a fucking nobody

>> No.15641332

you dont know me. you dont know what i stand for. stop creating a straw man.

im asking you to show proof for your statement, and you cant. youre literally repeating some tweet storms.

do you honestly expect the opcode gas consumption to go unchanged for all time? Maybe we shouldnt ship improvements because were scared . literally every platform ive ever developed implements breaking changes for code. fortune 100 companies are exposed to this constantly. sounds like retarded as FUD to me

>> No.15641340

well you don't understand a decentralized consensus then
go trust centralized fortune 100 companies chains

>> No.15641354

but I am being a dick and I apologize
I think 4chan is a fun platform to act off the wall
my point stands though on the principals of each chain

>> No.15641399

Fair and agreed . Nothing personal

>> No.15641401

i really wish vitalik would stop fucking taking gay ass pictures.
its so fucking cringe and he looks retarded.
not like someone in charge of a crypto with a mcap in the billions

>> No.15641503
File: 57 KB, 594x439, BA25C862-9957-466F-BF18-A45A5D4CD690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a counter argument faggot?

>> No.15641667

>iterally every platform ive ever developed implements breaking changes for code.
you JUST. DON'T. GET IT. faggot. you cannot implement breaking changes for code for a live financial platform that could cost people billions. THERE IS NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR DOING THIS SHIT. this is not a fucking email client or an stupid point and click shooter. This clusterfuck dev process is wholly inappropriate for the type of system they are working on and you DO NOT GET IT. These problems should have been anticipated but noooo, in the rush to cashgrab the platform was launched without adequate forethought and planning, and here we are and here we have been with a total fucking shitshow of incompetence. Software platforms with 22 billion dollars of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY on the line is what we are talking about. this is not a fucking email client you stupid fucking dumbass. If your shit dev processes painted you into a corner and getting out of that clusterfuck requires breaking shit that may cost people tens of thousdands of dollars to millions because YOU FUCKED UP, you have no right NO RIGHT to go "improving the code" at the expense of other people's wallets. Other people who used the platform as it was designed. Jesus fuck ETH is a fucking shining example of incomptence and jackass retardation.

>> No.15642534


>> No.15642700

this. shitcoiners on suicide watch

>> No.15642740

The heritage of a marketing bubble.
Everybody knew that the eth business model was shit from the start, can't wait for the mass migration and abandoning of meth

>> No.15643443

mess is the correct word

>> No.15644548

ETH is going down in history as an example of what not to do

>> No.15644932

Dude shut the fuck up. Writing in caps doesn’t make you more serious. You have literally no idea what this EIP does, nor do you have any concern for the platform, even before these changes. You’re spreading fear because that’s all your tiny brain can muster. You hear breaking change and think arm chair quarterback engineering. Have you ever ship code in your life? Which platform are you referring to that hasn’t made these mistakes? If it’s bitcoin see above they literally just a massive exploit that costs millions and not backwards compatible.

>> No.15644956

Here come the clowns
>what not to do
What a seriously dumb ass comment. They’ve managed to launch the most impactful piece of software since bitcoin and that’s your comment? Holy shit

>> No.15644960
