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15638905 No.15638905 [Reply] [Original]

Did you guys get bullied in school?

>> No.15638914
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>> No.15638930
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>> No.15638953
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>> No.15638995


>> No.15639007
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Far, far, more scarier things in this life than bullying.

>> No.15639020
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>> No.15639031

do you regret it now? have you met the person you bullied?

>> No.15639061
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>> No.15639070
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>> No.15639073
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switched from public to catholic in 7th grade and got bullied and that's a good thing

>> No.15639081

I was bullied by this girl in elementary school. she would step on me and call me scum

>> No.15639082


>> No.15639137

I was bullied all my fucking life. Then in high school i became a semi Chad and bullied everyone else. I do regret it now, I wasnt nice to some. I guess i wanted revenge. Those first 15 years of my life being bullied put a deep trauma in my brain and its even hard as an adult to cope with the effects

>> No.15639147

No just ostracized

>> No.15639156

I was home-schooled

>> No.15639163

>Those first 15 years of my life being bullied put a deep trauma in my brain and its even hard as an adult to cope with the effects

The point of public school

>> No.15639239

Yup. Elementary through middle school.

Once had my class lose their recess so a mother could talk to the entire class about bullying. They all knew whose mom it was.

The kid who bullied me and I now made up. He's now the mayor of a small upscale city. I hope he's changed.

Lost a lot of anger after meeting his dad. Made me understand why he lashed out towards me. My bully was picked on by classmates at times. Between that and his dad, took his frustration out on me. On the upside, his mom felt terrible about it and was always hyper nice to me.

>> No.15639290
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Only one time, technically. There was one kid who "tried" to bully me in high school. I'm not sure though, he was a total reject that suddenly snapped on me one day. We were in class in a group and having a decent time, I guess he was upset the group liked me? Regardless, after class he said stuff like I'm a fake tough guy and shit. I legitimately laughed at his face because of how fucking absurd this was and left. A week later, we were sitting in class and he tried to do a rear choke on me from behind, he had no strength or lock in at all and said, "see I could've got you haha". I didn't react and no one even noticed it as we were in the back. After that I recall the last day I saw him. He said to his "friends" that he is transferring and he'll come to visit them, etc. They didn't give a single fuck and I never saw him again. In retrospect, maybe he was doing that prison logic thing to get respect you hit the biggest guy, but that's still odd as I was probably B tier in the popularity chart. What a strange guy. As for my own bullying, I told a manlet at the gym who wanted to start shit with me for a parking spot to back the fuck off and unironically barked at him to see his reaction. He never came back to the gym.

>> No.15639300

I befriended the bully and became his manager and helped him with his education and pointed him at chads I wanted him to smash and he did it and we ruled the school together it was based one time my gf broke up with me and some guy she started dating the next day rubbed in my face so I told my boy and he fucking powerbombed him like psycho sid

>> No.15639309

I was bullied when my health was going down and of course I compromised it. This time cause 1 depression and most likely is the reason why I have my 2nd. Damn those motherfuckers

>> No.15639340

Had my big brother sort him out a week into it.
Mostly this.

>> No.15639427

No. How much of a vagina do you have to be for that to even happen anyway?

>> No.15639448

I was so fucking weird they didn't even know how to bully me. I wore a bathrobe around school and ate bag lunches out of the trash. I think they were afraid I'd hobo shank them so they just picked on the regular nerds instead.

>> No.15639457

Every now and then, I just bullied other kids to make myself feel better. I feel bad about it now, but hopefully they would understand and if not fuck em. They were gay then and they're probably still gay.

>> No.15639469

anyone has football/baseball/basketball instincts?

like if you see someone throwing a ball of one of those sports you instinctively want to run and pick it up and play?

fuck school and that bullshit, it's annoying to have to deal with your instincts

>> No.15639523

I got bullied at home too

>> No.15640212

I was bullied. It was terrible. I became stronger because of such iniquities. I am now slaying poon and on the verge of living a terrific life. I have totally let go of the need to get even, have unconditional love & forgiveness for all, and do not give one single fuck about anything at all.

>> No.15640232

also this
sunrise, sunset

>> No.15640366

28 years old I was

>> No.15640434

No, because I bite, stab with pens and try to poke out eyes, while wildly kicking about.
Bullies actively avoided me, I was a crazy kid.
Got sent a few times to the guidance counselor though.

>> No.15640604

yes. until 8th grade when I took karate, built up my confidence, and kicked the shit out of one of them when they tried again. that was the end.

>> No.15640620

Someone made fun of me for my unibrow in 8th grade but that's it

>> No.15640728

Forgot to add that I was once the bully.

Was volunteering at a camp for kids with disabilities almost 20 years back (I was maybe 14 or 15) and in a break, I was shit talking gay people to another guy and he was as well. Kid next to us got up after five minutes, told us it hurt him since he was gay and ran out crying.

I felt really bad immediately afterwards and realized my words can hurt. I was bullied for years, but for those five minutes, I was was the bully.

Hopefully the kid is in a better, kinder place. :/

>> No.15640739
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I was the guy that would get targeted not really sure why. Back in elementary, middle, high school, college, and workplaces. I was quite an oblivious, happy, and "sheltered" child (parents didn't shelter me I was just "sheltered"). Even some of the people in primary and secondary school who I thought were friends treated me like a laughing stock. People I didn't even know would target me for being happy. Workplaces usually degrade me in one way or another:

>Male coworker says some stuff
>I react like normal
>Cute female coworker acts surprised that I didnt yell at him or hit him
I take it he said something offensive but I didn't really get that from whatever it was that he said.

>"Don't shoot me Anon"
After he had some sort of shooter type lesson.

3. Boring group "huddles" and my turn to lead the end
>get told what to say
>say it
>they all laugh
>they changed it after telling me but I somehow didn't notice
>ugly supervisor who seemed to like me reaches across
>slightly touches my chest and slides it a bit downward "Oh you, stop it :)"

4. Weird warehouse where homo vibes occured a lot
>guy who shows you stuff but grabs you by the wrist or does something else humilitating or attempts to hug you (wouldn't be weird if i was on good terms with him and didn't get those homo vibes from him)

5. People I got along with and I was new too.
>don't bring a gun to work anon
>after they talked about guns and I jumped in the convo
>some of them owns guns and I dont even have one

Unironically when I do stand up for myself I get treated as the agitator in different situations.

>> No.15640854

Wasn’t bullied and didn’t bully much. Only certified betas get bullied


>> No.15640960

is autism hard?

>> No.15640984
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all the time

>> No.15641066

Not sure what to say in terms of fixing it. I imagine that you actually little bit different and unfortunately in groups, people acting differences. Tends to be a lightning rod in every group and usually the person who is just a little different.

>> No.15641070
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>> No.15641256

I don't have autism.

However I have been told by coworkers before alluding something being different about me. First one wasn't offensive as I got along with the guy.

>> No.15641285

No, because I wasn't some nerd like you guys.

>> No.15641349 [DELETED] 

Also I'm ugly'ish and somehow seem to stick out in a crowd. Kicker is I've attracted a few cute girls throughout the years albeit never had a gf due to being scared to asking a girl out and losing some of my youthful looks i had then (still a baby faced looking guy). Almost a decade since I left high school, and somehow some girl I hadnt talked to since maybe middle school recognizes me and chats with me. Or the one about 6 years after high school where a girl recognized me even though we only possibly talked in 6th grade if at all. Or when i was in college about 3-4 years after high school. Girl just stared me down. I recognized her cause she's a girl I had a crush on, we only had 1 class together and we didnt even sit next to each other. Talked maybe like 2 times in the entire year. Not entirely sure why I keep sticking out like this even when I keep to myself and avoid looking at them after recognizing them but they clearly look at me as i notice it out of my peripheral.

Not really sure why I draw this attention whether friendly or distant.

>> No.15641366
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>> No.15641369

I got. Now I’m further than all the loosers in life and I also fucked more woman. Feels good. Ignore it and do your own thing

>> No.15641377

Any explanation on how I've been recognized even 10 years after high school by people who I rarely if ever talked to, ironically only females have approached me. I suspect it's because i look almost the same just a bit older but a babyface even for my age.

>> No.15641387

I was the bully

>> No.15641389

Relentlessly because I'm a total loser. Like, I agree with everybody, my shits fucked and I talk like a fag. I've spent my entire life trying to get better and I'm only worse. I wish I was didn't exist but I do. Trust me, I'm more upset about being a live than you are about me being alive. We both want the same thing, me to be dead. At least we have that in common lol

>> No.15641424

one time I tied up this autist kid and threw him down a big hill in PE. he was such a fucking weirdoi hope it sorted him out

>> No.15641762

>group of dangerous retard kids who bring knives into school and shit
>friend is telling story about how one got hit in the face by a ball earlier in day
>there’s two with the same name in the retard group
>i ask if it was the fat one by gesturing it with my arms, puffing out my cheeks and wobbling around
>one of the retards catches me doing this and starts on me
>i squirm out of it like a little bitch
>2 years of being targeted by the fat fucks friends
>afraid to go to school everyday
>brought it all on myself

>> No.15641781

Not really I was big so I just kicked who's ever ass was fucking with me

>> No.15641786

This I also bullied my teachers

>> No.15641878

"Fucking tons of degenerate hoes makes me a winner." I can tell why you were bullied, Anon. But it's not too late to repent and start a family.

>> No.15641916

Lmao same. Started shaving it since I'm half Italian so it looks really strong lol.

>> No.15641928

No I wasn't bullied, I occupied that space in between the cool chads, and the loser weirdo nerds.

>> No.15641932

is your name 'moon-beam' or something equally as retarded

>> No.15642005

Not really and I sorta wish I had, woulda knocked me down a necessary peg earlier.

>> No.15642012


>> No.15642015

Anyone else raised by a single mum that would always embarrass you to family and friends by talking about how you always stay in your room?

>> No.15642017

I'm too autistic to know if I'm being bullied.

>> No.15642034

No, I was the one who bullied others.
I'm really sorry, I did that to impress my peers.

>> No.15642059

Yeah because my parents made me have long hair. Kids would call me all kinds of names that alluded to the fact that I looked like a girl. Now that I think of it, maybe those experiences explain why nowadays I cut my hair short by myself with hair clippers, never shave off my beard fully and never wear flashy colorful clothes

>> No.15642072

I was and I am glad I was. It made me learn that people are by nature bad and you cant trust no one. It thought me that I dont need friends and that I could get stuff done by myself.

>> No.15642077

The same happened to me, to this day I ask my mom what she had on her mind and she just doesnt understand.

>> No.15642088
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Yes. I ended up punching the bully though.

>> No.15642103
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>> No.15642143
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yes, but i am happier now.

>> No.15642179

Who is bullying you?

>> No.15642198

Half my year bullied me. Not so bad, but I missed or on making friends with some good guys because I refused to associate with the other people that hung with the bullies but were never involved. Lagged or at one point and kicked the main one in the nuts with both my feet (after I was on the ground and he was standing over me) and ended up with a fractured eye socket. Was at school camp but it didn't feel so bad for the few remaining days. Found out after we got back. They never fucked with me again after, in hindsight maybe because I basically said nothing after the beating even though it was rather severe? Didn't report it either.

>> No.15642263

Yes and no. I did get thrown to the floor by a bunch of blacks once who were spending their lunch time tackling people and jumping on them.

It never happened to me before and I was quite tall so I was never picked on

My bag ripped so I was on the verge of crying (lol) I went back to the classroom with tears in my eyes and my teacher asked if I was okay. I sat there and said "fucking niggers" to which my teacher whispered "I understand, but you can't say things like that" BASED

Some group used to sit behind me in class and a girl used to flick my head and a guy used to bully my friend.

One day I flipped and spat in her face and another time I punched the guy in his face repeatedly. There were repercussions (she waited after school with her friends and hit me with a rock) but the bullying stopped after that.

I wasnt an angel myself and I used to throw the weak nerds to the floor and kick them

>> No.15642290

Somehow. Was always the youngest and weakest in class so i was often a target.
Thank god puberty hit and now i am a tall motherfucker

>> No.15642733


I was the succesful one. I was handsome, I had charisma and I had the best grades in the whole school.

Retard tried to pick me up because they were envy of me, but they didnt last long because as I said, I'm not a retard.

>> No.15642751

If you ever tell this story again, please refrain from saying black people did it and the little racist ancedote about the interaction you and your teacher had.

People use this kind of stuff to justify racism, not knowing that the worst most violent people are whites.

>> No.15642787


>> No.15642850

>go on a school trip with couple of overnight stays in 6th grade
>sharing room with 5 allegedly “friends”
>one night one “friend” decides to beat me up while no one of other “friends” step in - cry myself into sleep infront of them
>next morning wake up want to drink water out of bottle
>take several mouthfuls of water
>they tell me they pissed in the bottle before

Can someone top that?

>> No.15642934

Spontaneous combustion is a thing, and bullies burn really well.

>> No.15643209

Fuck off to reddit where you have your safe space, nigger

>> No.15643554

I was homeschooled and still got bullied at church. Made me a atheist. I still have a list of people I'm going to financially ruin when I make it. Also pretty sure my old youth pastor (one of the people that bullied me) is gay. Going to hire a private investigator and ruin his marriage when I make it. Even though it happened 12 years ago it still hurts

>> No.15643619
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I got bullied hard in middle school and like Freshman year of high school, then people sort of just left me alone and didn't give me much shit from then on, I wasn't popular at all and had few friends but people started respecting me enough to stop fucking with me hard

I'm 31 now and have almost no friends or social life and dying slowly inside

>> No.15643627

based autistic demi-chad

>> No.15643644

Ye I regularly had people chant "anon is crazy and homosexual" when I walked by them

>> No.15643671

Based and redpilled