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15636537 No.15636537 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15636558


>> No.15636566

Yikes! I'm not ready yet. Hold me.

>> No.15636569

What does this mean exactly and how long do I have?

>> No.15636845

it means take out 100k in student loan debt because 100k will be a weeks wage in the future

>> No.15636856
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>> No.15637009

>Zero hedge
>Article written by tyler durden

Into the trash it goes

>> No.15637020

>invested in a gold hedge fund literally 20 before rates got cut.

Maximum comfy.

>> No.15637091
File: 12 KB, 538x68, Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 17.57.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold is down today retard

>> No.15637142

So? When inflation hits, gold will skyrocket.

>> No.15637883
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>measuring gold in Good Goy Points

>> No.15637901

t. Doesn't know that most writers for ZH use the "Tyler durden" moniker.

>> No.15638056

Seems like deflation is knocking on the door.

>> No.15638196

Yeah, and spend it all on gold and silver, and gtfo the west.

>> No.15638438

Am I supposed to take them seriously?

>> No.15638498

You're suppose to have something to say when you speak.

>> No.15638520


Don’t spook the goy

>> No.15638526

Seems like most zerohedge writers didn't get that memo

>> No.15638534

It means BTC 100k EOY

>> No.15638542

Have you not noticed the markets dont care? SPY shorts getting rekt daily and soon to be even more rekt

>> No.15638543

You mean deflationary spiral/stagflation.

>> No.15638547

Reminder zerohedge has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.

>> No.15638562
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>> No.15638571

Seriously though /biz/, what am I supposed to do with my 401(k). Is there a way to move it to something safe and recession proof without the early penalty? And then what

>> No.15639262

If more dollars are needed in the system just start offering savings accounts paying 3% or more interest. Massive amounts of cash would then be deposited into banks by old people desperate for interest income.

>> No.15639372

It’s literally nothing.

>> No.15639438
File: 452 KB, 606x604, 99D449B7-1E14-48C6-87D9-BFD6EA7946BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can’t cash out without a penalty and now all your shit is going to be worthless
But hey atleast you didn’t have to pay tax on all those contributions kek

>> No.15639478
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WTF is up the with stock market shills? Every time this news gets posted the spy shill shows up and uses "hip" language to convey their thoughts. Jerome is that you?

>> No.15639486

You naive faggot. Zerohedge is made up of contributors with a lot of experience in large investment firms who all share the same pseudonym to avoid outing themselves. It is the highest IQ econ newsfeed in existence. Fucking KYS

>> No.15639827

reminder: 1 DOGE = 1 DOGE

>> No.15639843

QE always pumps the market. It's literally designed to steal from poorfags to pay off richfags. The market will do fine, the dollar, less so. But it'll still be the best currency out there

>> No.15640197

Are you a fucking roastie? What's your problem with Tyler durden? Did your read the article?
If a guy named hugh Janus posted the cute for cancer would you read it or mock his name? Grow up and stop posting.

>> No.15640206

Oh but citizen we have trillion dollers government debt. We can't have high interest rates. Ples trust us.

>> No.15640226

dude you are fucking naive i regularly make published contributions and barely managed to graduate high school

>> No.15640240

More like dilation.

>> No.15640418
File: 280 KB, 1010x908, boomerfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it'll still be the best currency out there
Time's running out, boomer

>> No.15640500
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Normies like to laugh that Trump "is not actually rich" cause hes "Billions in Debt" XDD debt is literally free money.

>> No.15640513

I wonder how much money TylerDurden lost throughout the 2019 Bull Run? He must be borderline suicidal by now.

>> No.15640529

I have been reading doomsday zerohedge articles forever and I'm still making money.

>> No.15640555
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That Hedge will get seized by the FED for a second time, not even Schedule III banks will escape. My Gold is in my bedroom wall like you have to break the wall to get to it
>made a massive hole in my wall because autism
>Stored Gold in it before fixing

>> No.15640625

What happens when your house burns down dum dum? Put it in a safe dude

>> No.15640679

then his gold is fine

>> No.15640680
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it will form a beautiful lump of gold which is fine since i don't have any coins, only bars. If u have coins get a safe.