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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15635657 No.15635657 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized there is only 4 ways to make money

1. getting a job
2. getting a profitable degree
3. being famous for your talent, creativity or skills
4. starting a business

there is no other way. Crypto can't save you. If you believe it can, then that hope is literal opium.

>> No.15635673

5. buy LINK

>> No.15635675

Tell that to people who bought bitcoin in 2011. NEXT

>> No.15635709

i've larped many times that i had 100 btc. to many people.

>> No.15635715

5 collect taxes from "citizens"
6 print money
7 minerals
8 buy low sell high

jewst a few

>> No.15635741

>there is no other way. Crypto can't save you. If you believe it can, then that hope is literal opium
this just seems butt hurt.
you missed the giant crypto bubble get over it

>> No.15635791

You've larped. Others actually bought

>> No.15635794

how much have you made from eth or btc? What have you done with the money?

>> No.15635820

Not that many though
The number of people who bought btc at all between 2011-2013 was in maybe the low millions
And even fewer of those actually held all the way to a meaningful makingit stack, or didn't lose their coins along the way

>> No.15635847

you can always marry into wealth
the advent of automation is going to flip social dynamics, women will be the breadwinners if the majority of the jobs end up being service and pretend work media bullshit, you can be a trophy husband if you take care of yourself

>> No.15635868

>how much have you made from eth or btc? What have you done with the money?
totally triggered and butt hurt

I own a tiny bit of bitcoin via etf GBTC and some other crypto via hive.v which is a crypto miner
I missed the bubble for various reasons.

I've made money trading options and precious metals.

If you hate being a wagie why convince yourself that you can't make money in crypto... you can. you can make money buying dead people shit out of storage auctions...

>> No.15635893

Im not butthurt?????
If i made a million with BTC after taxes, i would buy a house and thats it. Maybe start a business.

do u browse this shithole 24/7??

>> No.15635934


clear your desk and gtfo. get ye hence, do no not darken the doorstep of this noble board ever again.

>> No.15635940
File: 10 KB, 224x224, 1566919796381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not butthurt?????
>If i made a million with BTC after taxes, i would buy a house and thats it. Maybe start a business.
>do u browse this shithole 24/7??

your so butthurt it might be terminal...

no logic in your responses, just wild easily falsifiable assertions...

its called butthurt and you've got a case of it real bad!

>> No.15635954

Its all about risk op.
There are many ways to make money. But indeed you listed the most profitable ones in comparison with risk.
You still can gamble on shitcoin and somehow end up as a collateral millionaire.
But this habit and mindset will make you be broke in no time. And also you have. Lose to no control about it.

Its purely stupidity to not be in control of your money nor your expenses.
Everyone arguing here are just butthurt individual thinkers. Gamblers. Protecting what they believe in.
It is how it is tho, either gamble or stick to hard work and control your income and have knowledge to minimize risk.

>> No.15635982

master troll. My trolling days are over. Have fun trolling.

>> No.15636003

Jesus you have a huge wrong ego.
Putting weather you are right or wrong aside you should work on yourself.

Otherwise you will maintain easy to manipulate and predict, if just a few words can get you this mad.
How can you control your money when you are irrational not capable of controlling yourself.

>> No.15636030

dumb thread
>hides thread

>> No.15636037

>master troll. My trolling days are over. Have fun trolling.
just wild easily falsifiable assertions...

are you even listening to anything anyone is saying.
this anon is trying to help you

>> No.15636149

yeah that anon pretty much is saying you are a faggot

>> No.15636236
File: 283 KB, 1000x518, tumblr_inline_o3lkmycps71skgvyz_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah that anon pretty much is saying you are a faggot
ok did you read what he said to you about risk?
>It is how it is tho, either gamble or stick to hard work and control your income and have knowledge to minimize risk.
he's helping you cope like he copes.
with being a lil wagie for life

If you can't take calculated risk...dont?

>> No.15636313

im not even a wagie for fucks sake but i've worked in factories before cuck...

>> No.15636363

>im not even a wagie for fucks sake but i've worked in factories before cuck...

let me make this clearer...
your initial assertion that

>there is no other way. Crypto can't save you. If you believe it can, then that hope is literal opium.

is false, trading/speculation in any market can be and is profitable for me...

>> No.15636399

ok bro. I hope you make millions after taxes and enjoy the NEET life in a big house browsing 4chan and fucking escorts and bunch of other things lol

>> No.15636457

>ok bro. I hope you make millions after taxes and enjoy the NEET life in a big house browsing 4chan and fucking escorts and bunch of other things lol

Thanks for your positive sentiments anon.

>> No.15637033

nocoiner cope
you're gonna miss another hedge

>> No.15637039

That ship literally sailed a long time ago

>> No.15637040

I'll tell you this OP, because I'm not a hater
have your money on gold/ BTC before this next crisis
don't say we didn't warn you

>> No.15637049

5. Beg

>> No.15637068

5. Be female

>> No.15637076

Op's not wrong, but this is kind of a new paradigm. You can be a venture capitalist without being an accredited investor for the first time. Also, node is kind of like a business